2016-09-20 05:06:33 UTC
Atheists have bomb blast on Churches and Mosques and Temples for hating all religions but none of the news headliNES are about Atheists.
Now some Christians will say that news media hide and cover up crimes committed by Atheists you are complete idiot don't make claims if you have nothing source or proof to back it up?
Meanwhile Chistians have thousands years of history of Crusades lasted over 300 years fighting with muslims killing Jews on in Jerusalem at that time and Muslims and even their fellow Orthodox Christians or Catholics.
The witch hunts and Pagans were killed in ancient like Celtic tribes Nordic forced to convert or killeed same with Mayans, Incas and other tribes in Ameria's continent?
The British Civil war in medieval times were relgious wars when Catholic and Protestant were killing eachother.
The Ireland and North Ireland war or civil war was also Protestant and Catholic killing eachother.
Christians have killed eachother Muslims, Pagans. Started slavery in U.S
and calls Atheists militant bunch of extremely pathological lying hypocrites?
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