The Jehovah's Witnesses believe the ultimate destiny of all Mankind is left to one of three options.
Either Annihilation, for the majority of Mankind; Paradise Earth, for the majority of the Jehovah's Witnesses or for a select few Heaven to rule with Jesus.
Realizing that the biblical teaching on Hell was not a pleasant alternative, Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, rejected its reality.
He replaced it with the concept that hell is synonymous with the grave and that the biblical term of second death means extinction.
The redefining of these doctrinal positions was followed by Russell's successor, Joseph Rutherford, and is so today by all faithful Jehovah's Witnesses.
In one of the most well known books ever to be produced by the Watchtower, Let God Be True, the Jehovah's Witness organization explains the following about hell:
"It is so plain that the Bible hell is the tomb, the grave, that even an honest little child can understand it, but not the religious theologians" (pp. 72-73).
Thus, what then happens to the wicked after they awaken from their long soul sleeping slumber in hell?
Again, based on a misin¬terpretation of Scripture, the Jehovah Witness will explain that the vast majority of those in hell are to be thrown into the second death.
Since in Jehovah's Witness theology, hell is the grave, what is the second death?
The Watchtower magazine explains, "It means the death from which there is no resurrection. They will be burned up root and branch, as completely gone forever as the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah" (1 July 1967, p. 409).
Later that same year, the Watchtower magazine again wrote about the second death.
"It is a death from which there is no resurrection. The second death is absolutely distinct from Adamic death, for the Dragon, the Original Serpent, Satan the Devil, never died in Adamic death but he is hurled into the `second death,' the symbolic lake of fire, and so too, are the `wild beast' and the `false prophet.'
"So the `lake of fire' symbolizes everlasting destruction of a person or thing" (15 September 1967, p. 571).
Hence, the ultimate destiny for a portion of Mankind, after they awaken from a period of soul sleep, is to be judged unworthy of further life, be thrown into the "lake of fire" or "second death", thus being destroyed forever.
They will become extinct. They will cease to exist.
One of Jehovah's Witnesses more distinctive doctrines is their limiting the heavenly hope to 144,000 individuals.
They explain to their members, "One other noteworthy point that God has foreordained about this new creation is its exact number.
"When completed, it is to be 144,000 members strong under the Head Jesus Christ; and on the heavenly Mount Zion, where he has been laid as the tested and sure foundation, they will stand up in power with him" (New Heavens and A New Earth, p. 169).
This group of 144,000 are also called the remnant, little flock or anointed class.
Aside from being the only ones who are allowed into heaven, they also are the only ones who escape the doctrine of soul sleep.
The book From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained explains, "After Jesus died and was resurrected men and women could be set aside to become the `little flock' of 144,000 persons who make up the heavenly, spiritual nation of God, and who are to rule with Christ in the new heavens.
"Their resurrection is also a `resurrection of life' because they `did good things' on earth. However, the resurrection of the 144,000 members of the spiritual nation is a resurrection to spirit life in the heavens.
"Has this spiritual resurrection taken place? Yes, back in chapter 26 we learned that it took place when Christ came to Jehovah's temple in 1918" (p. 231).
Hence, while everyone else is sleeping in hell (e.g. the grave), the 144,000 have been resurrected since 1918 when Jesus, according to Watchtower theology, moved into Jehovah's temple.
It must be remembered that not all of the 144,000 or little flock lived and died prior to 1918. For this reason the same book provides further insight into this doctrine.
"Those of this spiritual nation who died before the spiritual resurrection began in 1918 slept in death until that year. But the others who were still alive on earth have continued to live out their regular lives.
"And now when the earthly life of one of such persons ends he is resurrected at once to spirit life. He is changed in a moment from being a human creature to being a spirit creature in heaven with Jesus Christ.
"But only 144,000 persons will be a part of the new heavens with Jesus Christ" (Ibid, p. 232).
Obviously, prior to 1918 even the 144,000 experienced soul sleep when they died. Now, however, they are allowed to escape this slumber and are immediately taken into the heavenly realms.
Since, as the Watchtower has repeatedly stated, only 144,000 are allowed into heaven's glory, what about the millions of other Jehovah's Witnesses?
Paradise Earth
Though the Watchtower membership would not exceed 144,000 for over ten years, the leadership no doubt realized they were going to have theological difficulties in the not too distant future if something was not changed.
Being true to the cultic practice of poor biblical interpretation, rather than changing their theology to agree with scripture, the Jehovah's Witnesses twisted the scripture to fit their heretical theology.
It was at the "1935 convention in Washington, D.C." that the leaders of the Watchtower publicly proclaimed to the Jonadab class they were to inherit an earthly paradise as their eternal reward (Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose, p. 140).
During this convention, "Scriptural evidence was produced to prove conclusively that the great multitude of Revelation 7:9 was identical with the Jonadab class or the sheep class of Matthew 25:31-46" (Ibid).
While this theological bomb-shell proved to be "a real test to some of those who claimed to be of the anointed remnant," even causing "some (to) fall by the wayside," most faithful Witnesses accepted this doctrinal readjustment with open arms (Ibid).
The Jehovah's Witnesses explained that while "the campaign `Millions Now Living Will Never Die' from 1918 to 1921 was a step in the direction of reaching this class destined one day to populate the earth," the "gathering of them was not stressed" (Ibid).
With this new doctrinal shift, things were about to under go a radical modification.
"But now, from 1935 forward, a change began to take place. Not only must the spiritual food provided for God's people be directed to these spirit-begotten ones but it must also now supply nourishment fit to strengthen those whose Scriptural hopes were entirely earthly.
"No longer were the remnant going into the field looking for just the scattered sheep of Jehovah's anointed ones. Now these ministers must begin to look for the `other sheep'" (Ibid).
Now was the time, according to the Jehovah's Witness newly acquired theology, to seek members who would have no heavenly hope. Rather, they would be the ones who were not "spiritually-begotten" and would thus live forever on Paradise Earth.
It must be understood that of those in the Jehovah's Witnesses two class salvation system, only the 144,000 are to partake of the born again experience.
This point is made clear by the Watchtower magazine when it states, "There is a difference, though, as Jesus indicated to Nicodemus even before he spoke of everlasting life. He said: `Unless anyone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.' (John 3:3-5)
"So a spiritual rebirth is experienced by those baptized Christians whom God calls to be joint heirs with Jesus in his Kingdom.
"The `other sheep' do not need any such rebirth, for their goal is life everlasting in the restored earthly Paradise as subjects of the Kingdom" (15 February 1986, p. 14).
Thus, the other sheep, the great crowd, those who do not expect to go to heaven do not need, according to Watchtower theology, to be born again! They have no heavenly hope, so their relationship does not depend upon the Savior's gift of the new birth.
How then are they to be counted worthy of receiving life everlasting on a Paradise earth? Through their own works.
In a Watchtower magazine article titled, You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth But How?, the subheading "four requirements" provides some very insightful information.
"A third requirement is that we be associated with God's channel, his organization. Similarly, Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will.
"To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it" (15 February 1983, p. 12).
As might be expected, that "one organization" is not any Christian church, but rather the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Hence, to be worthy of life everlasting in Paradise earth, one must be a member of that organization.
However, even membership is not sufficient. There is another requirement.
"The fourth requirement is connected with loyalty. God requires that prospective subjects of his Kingdom support his government by loyally advocating his Kingdom rule to others.
"Will you meet this requirement by telling others about God's Kingdom?" (Ibid, pp. 12-13).
To state this in simple terms, the potential resident of Paradise earth, must go door-to-door spreading the Watchtower message.
Thus, the next time a Jehovah's Witness knocks at the front door, remember, the question: If you were to die right now, and stand before God, and He asked, `Why should I let you into heaven?' may not be the most appropriate question to ask.
That particular Jehovah's Witness may not believe that they will stand immediately before God upon death, and even after they stand before God at the judgement, they will probably not expect to go to heaven!