Can you name some bad people that were christian?
2012-01-17 21:21:11 UTC
I'm trying to prove a point that not every christian is a good person. Names, what they did, I know the Salem witch trials, spanish inquisition, and the crusades.

But are there specific people that are christians that have done bad things?

I know Hitler, and the nazi's were christians.

Twelve answers:
2012-01-17 22:02:52 UTC
Actually,They are too numerous to mention! David Koresh,Jim Jones,Timothy McVeigh,Anders Breivik, Christian Druglords,PLUS those Christian men and women who Killed their families,who Raped, Murdered,and committed many Sinful Acts.
2012-01-20 12:17:23 UTC
You have to define what Christian is, and since there is obviously numerous definitions, you must make a differentiation. By your logic, every single European around the time of WW2 were Christians. Which would make the term itself rather irrelevant because it would be merely a cultural label as opposed to an actual religious one.

In my view people like Hitler neither identified themselves as Christians in the religious sense, namely acknowledging that they believe Jesus is son of God, source of salvation, and believe in living under Biblical tenets, nor did they act like it even if they verbally stated so.

There's calling yourself a Christian, being called a Christian, and acting like one. Far as I'm concerned, such people are only called Christian without any definition of the term, nor an explanation why, and then people just take it from there without further thinking. I mean how do you KNOW that Hitler was a "Christian" and that all Nazis were? There were Jews in the Nazi regime, in fact, and even members of the Nazi leadership knew about it but did nothing.

There were at times that Hitler described himself, vaguely, as having some association with Christianity, but other times he despised it.

Again, your point is meaningless without a definition of what Christian means, and that Good means. To make it stronger, include characteristics that prove contrary (after all, a characteristic of good cannot exist without a characteristic of bad).
2012-01-18 12:22:05 UTC
well Im a christian and I dont have to prove anything.

Everyone who is open minded should know and realize that a religion or a label does not make a person exactly what they say they are. Of course not all christians are good just because they say so, but their are good and bad of everything, no matter if they are non-christian or christians.

Just because a person is not christian does not mean they are bad.

I dont believe all atheists are bad, or other people that have other beliefs are bad.

Their are pastors whom say they are christians and they are bad, their are people whom say they are christians and they are bad. Christianity does not make a person, a person makes themselves whom they want to be. So whomever told you that ALL christians are bad its ignorant and whom ever told you that ALL christians are good its stupid. So dont believe what people say and dont label people by things, rather look into their heart and thats what they are.
2012-01-17 21:33:07 UTC
"I know Hitler, and the nazi's were christians." Wrong, they were occultists. It's proven by their symbology and power and control. The Vatican supported them and the Rothschilds and Prescott Bush financed them.

Crusades and Spanish inquisition were both linked to the Vatican and Knights Templar. The Vatican is the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth. The Knights Templar were occultic; they worshiped Baphomet and other idols, they got drunk and had orgies. They weren't Christ like at all. Today they are known as Freemasons. They are still occultic and Luciferian at the root.

I don't know anything about the Salem Witch Trials.

Did you know about the atheist dictators such as Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini, Castro and others? They don't make atheism look very good... Your argument is null and ignorant. Please research. Hope you find the truth of Christ.

Christ is my representative of Christianity. Problem?

Why do I get thumbs down for the truth!
2012-01-20 19:25:54 UTC
Winston Churchill starved to death 6 million Indians in Bengal famine. starbed another 8 millio germans during ww1 and killed 72 million in ww2.

I think a curse should rest on me — because I love this war. I know it's smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment — and yet — I can't help it — I enjoy every second of it. A letter to a friend (1916).

"I have always said that if Great Britain were defeated in war I hoped we should find a Hitler to lead us back to our rightful position among the nations."
2012-01-17 21:23:25 UTC
Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, King Henry VIII, Queen Mary
2015-10-29 18:32:23 UTC
George Bush
2012-01-17 21:49:05 UTC
Gilles de Rais, probably the greatest child-rapist and murderer in history. Also known as the French marshall who did the actual leading of the troops of Joanne of Arc.
2012-01-17 21:37:53 UTC
I can name some bad people who claim to be Christian.
Sheltie Lover
2012-01-17 21:27:57 UTC

How did you come to the conclusion that "Hitler and the Nazis were Christian"?

Do you not realize that Christianity is ACTIONS not just a name?

Any who do not follow Jesus footsteps ARE NOT, AND NEVER HAVE BEEN, CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!

2012-01-17 21:23:40 UTC
Priests in general?
2012-01-17 21:23:17 UTC
Hitler and the Nazi's weren't Christian, Hitler didn't believe in any kind of religion!!

Please do some more research!!

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