Of course it is Jesus!
Who else could it be?
Look at this logically. There are problems with the carbon test data, but the explanations for the carbon test being off are easier to accept than the explanations of how it could be anyone other than Jesus.
The people who say it's not Jesus have several big holes in their arguments.
1) They can't say how it was made. It's not scorched. It's not painted. It's not woven into the fabric.
2) If it was a fake, there would be more than one of these. Anyone who went to the trouble to fake one of these things (and it would have been a HUGE amount of trouble) wouldn't have just done one. They would have done one, sold it to the local lord...then moved on to another country and sold it again. You wouldn't have THE Shroud of Turin, you'd have shrouds in France, Italy, England, Norway, Germany, Poland, Hungary, all over.
3) If it was a rare but natural phenomenon there would be more of these. They wouldn't all look like Jesus, but there would be enough similar cases that we could explain it. More so, it if was a rare but natural phenomenon, then what are the odds that it would happen to a guy who had been killed in EXACTLY the same way as Jesus?
4) There are to many details unexplained if it is fake. Like why does it show up better in photographic negative than in natural light? Why does the pollen data match?
No, the only logical answer is that it IS Jesus and either the carbon test data was thrown off by the fire it was in, or perhaps by the resurection process itself. That's a bit of a leap of logic, but it is a much smaller leap than the atheists are asking you to take, so Occam's Razor applies.
EDIT: There are a lot of lies in the answers you have above. A lot of people say "It's fake" but don't know or say how. One girl said that it only came to light when it was for sale, which is not true. he Shroud arrived in Turin in 1578 from Chambéry, then the capital of the Duchy of Savoy, and it has been kept in Turin Cathedral ever since.
Reliable historical documents record the Shroud's movements, without interruption, from the mid-fourteenth century. It is known that in 1350s the Shroud was in Lirey, France, and perhaps previously it was in the East, initially in Edessa and later in Constantinople, before being brought to Europe during the Crusades.
The link to the science story says "Their study prompted the then archbishop of Turin, where the Shroud is stored, to admit that the garment was a hoax." Which is simply untrue. This is the official website of the Dioces of Turin...does it look like they say it is a hoax? http://sindone.torino.chiesacattolica.it/en/scient/hp_scien.htm
Also the ferric oxide they talk about made stains, much like the blood stains on the Shroud, "blood-like marks" but they don't explain the photograpich image, much less the photo negative image.