Caribbean Man
2013-11-26 07:35:16 UTC
Your organization thinks - quite blindly I might add - that it can measure spirituality based on the number of hours preached, and has created a special, privileged caste of preachers based on how many hours they preach, affording them special meetings, a special publication and a privileged status within the congregation. This violates the principles Jesus brought out in the account of the widow's mite. (Mark 12:42-44) Jesus showed that it was the quality of the sacrifice that counts - not the quantity. How many publishers are there in your congregations who report a relatively small total of quality hours every month that they have made at great sacrifice, and who are overlooked, not given any special status, not given any special meeting with the C.O., not given any special publication? How do you think Jesus feels about that?
Preaching should be motivated by the heart out of love for Jehovah and neighbor. But your system of focusing on hours and measuring spirituality based on hours, means that many now preach partially or wholly based on a measure of pressure to please men - to please their judgments of how many hours is reasonable to give every month based on a group average, or how many hours they've stipulated to be completed for one to be in the special, pioneer caste of preachers. It seems many pioneers, as a result, talk more about making hours rather than making disciples. What an indictment on your man-made pharisaic system or quantifying works!
If your organization were to stop counting the preaching time of individuals, how many will still preach as much as they do? I have no doubt that many would preach less or even stop preaching altogether because your organization, by its fixation on time reporting, has actually institutionalized a wrong, man-pleasing motive for preaching with the result that many now preach to hand in a report - to keep up appearances before men. (compare Matthew 6:1-4) The reality is that many - perhaps most - of you preach to please an organization of men rather than being genuinely impelled by holy spirit. There is that pressure to have to hand in a report of hours every month.
How can God's spirit directed organization be so blind to just how spiritually unhealthy its policy of time reporting is when there are very clear scriptural principles exposing the folly of it all? Aren't you in a man-directed organization?