what is islam? i am attracted at hindu religion so what should i do? i want detail about islam can any one?
2008-07-03 06:08:07 UTC
please help me
25 answers:
2008-07-03 06:45:38 UTC
Islam ....Nothing to say man...I am never saying islam is a bad religion....But if u are thinking to become a muslim them think again ...Arnt u satisfied with ur own religion....U are going to join such a community which is defame of terrorism and aggressiveness.... I have read about islam and discussed about its teachings .... It never says about being extremist ....The problem is the illiteracy and the interpretation of the holly words .....As for hinduism , it is very peacefull religion , nothing to think about it....They are the oldest civilization ....It is a religion of gods....

At last ill say there is nothing kept in religion..U think the u will get peace of mind in adopting such religion , and u are almost unhappy with ur own ...Ill say the best religion is the humanity and the only way to peace is the peace of ones own soul and the peace of mind..,

regards dinner dash
2008-07-05 09:09:39 UTC
I dont know with what intention the person has raised such a question. There are plenty of people and organisations and a lot of vested interests that are engaged in an organised way to defame Islam and Muslims for theirs gains. But reality is reality that will and has to prevail. It will definitely prevail. Going through various answers written against islam we have only to say that they are either out of prejudice or due to lack of knowledge. Many take it for granted as true what the media is projecting Islam and Muslims as terrorist. Recently the fathwa issued by Darul Uloom Deoband and the convention against terrorism by Majlise Ulema Hind is sufficent to explain the world what Muslims are and should be. Some of friends of this column i see have a misconcept and little knowledge or have read such misleading literature that do not really have any link with the HOLY PROPHET, the HOLY QURAN, or THE HADITH. When every we want to learn any thing pertaining to Science & Technology, Medicine, Philosophy, Law etc. we have and should take the help of a College, or University and choose the best for this. But for the study Islam people go for self study without taking the help of Scholars of the field and finally establish their own concept out of their own understanding which is the actual cause of going astray.
2016-05-27 07:40:10 UTC
Obviously, you know nothing about Islam. So stop posing as a Muslim. There were 124000 Prophets, one sent to every nation around the world... not just the Middle East. And Allah didn't reveal 3 religions. There has always been only One religion. The message of Monotheism. He sent the Torah, which the Jews corrupted and made their own religion. He sent the Bible to correct the Torah, which the Christians corrupted and made their own religion. So then He sent the FINAL revelation to ALL of mankind, the Quran, and promised to protect it. Islam is the One Monotheistic religion which has been around since Adam's time. Slavery was already around before the Quran was revealed. Slowly but surely, Islam was working towards ending slavery. The Quran mentions many times that slaves should be freed. And God tests people. Anyone who doesn't follow His commands can expect to be punished. It's all there in the Quran.
Golden Ratio
2008-07-03 11:01:09 UTC
If you are attracted to Hindu religion, then by all means you can become a Hindu. And, by becoming a Hindu you will have your freedom to think about God in your own way, talk about God in thousand different ways to your satisfaction. You can worship God in a form that you like, and you will not be condemned to hell. You can pray to God whenever you want, you can get inspiration from the beautiful paintings of God, you can cry for God, you can scold God, you can be best friends with God. You can participate in devotional music.

By becoming a Hindu, you can concentrate on your spiritual upliftment rather than wasting all you energies in behaving in a particular manner, wearing a particular dress, quoting particular sentences, and all sorts of strict rules and regulations. Because, you can never impress anybody perfectly by following a set of rules and regulations, but you can impress God immediately by being more tolerant, spiritual and compassionate for all people.
2008-07-04 04:03:43 UTC
Islam,Muhamdin,muslims whatever is that....They are arguing and defending the **** with a good explanation from kuran ....First they murder and then they say that their religion never never and never allows it ...Every muslims is extremist and there is proof for it ie. they even are not ready to listen what the other thinks about them only giving bullsit explanation....Hey face the truth .... Even ur prophet was emerged from war and what the war war of bro ..How many was killed to give birth to a religion... Islam always says not to leave anybody who is against the islam {may this be misinterpretation but i have heard }.... U people say islam is a peacefull religion ..Let it be but what is ur explanation about it , why maximum terrorist groups belong to this religion, why maximum islamic countries are taken as the terrorist countries.... The name is endless .Few of the heroes as great osama, sir al-jwairi, daud, mulla umar ,endless name are the representative of a definite religion ..What excuses for it ...How much are killed due to them are countless...Is there any explanation
2008-07-06 07:29:29 UTC
islam is a geo-political religion that hopes to change the entire world to islam, whether they like it or not. they believe that leaving the religion is punishable by death (beheadings are their choice of teaching), and that mohammed or ali, (depending upon whether you're sunni or sh'iite) is the real prophet. Now even muslims kill the other kind of muslims because they can't even get along with themselves. good luck in your religious pursuits--religion is the problem with the world.
Face the truth
2008-07-04 12:13:32 UTC
Dear friend! never go upon the views expressed upon these boards as every one writes here with his or her own prejudices and sees issues with his or her own coloured glasses. Some of these people are boiling with hate as you might have already noticed.

The advise by one lady above is the right one. You have to give some time and sincerity to study Islam yourself. I am sure you will like it. Thousands and thousands of sober and educated ladies and gentlemen all over the world are coming to it. This is the frustration that makes some of the people above so angry. They know Islam is on the winning track. Go ahead with your search for truth. God will certainly bless you and guide you to His path. My best wishes for you.
2008-07-04 01:51:00 UTC
I agree with Nisha religions r man made concepts r humanity is the way to go. Don't convert to any islam. Also by converting to hinduism as the above user said u will be able to think god in any form or formless. even Sai baba never stopped worshipping god in forms and always chanted Allah Allah. that means there is nothing called shirk in islam if it was then Sai baba would have warned us. Bcoz he chanted allah's name n was fully aware of what is God.

hope it helps
Snickers Bar
2008-07-05 10:26:20 UTC
so what does Islam really stand for?

well , im a PROUD Muslim, so here goes:

-we believe that Allah is the One and Only God and that Muhammad [peace be upon him] is the last Messenger

-we pray five times a day

-Concern for and almsgiving to the needy

-fasting the entire month of Ramadan

-and if your stable enough, going to Saudi Arabia for hajj at least once in your lifetime

-we believe in the Holy Quran, which has remained the same since the time of the Prophet, letter by letter, verse by verse

-we believe in Angels

-we believe in Qadr, or Destiny

-we believe in Prophets

-we believe that the Day of Judgment is coming

-we believe in the Hereafter

-and life after death

-we believe in peace

-and having morals and showing modesty

-that man is not greater than woman

-we believe in respect to all human beings, WHATEVER race or religion they are

-we believe in Abstinence

-Islam teaches you to think and reflect

-85% of muslims are not even arab!!

-many verses in the Quran are about science, and 1400 years ago, knowing this stuff would be impossible!

-islam teaches that we are here to worship our creator, in all our actions

-we give 2.5% of our excess wealth to "zakat" , which helps the needy

-islam is colorblind, so there is no race superior to another

-there is no cleregy, and there is no one between you and your Creator

-as long as your parents tell you to do something that is not conflicting with islam, you must obey them, as it is a great sin not to

-neighbors should be treated kindly

-even animals have their rights in Islam, and should be treated properly

-we believe that this life is a test

-not even muslims have a free ticket to paradise, and we must earn it

-each person will be judged for their intentions and their actions


-nearly 8 million muslims live right here in the united states, if islam really taught violence, then where is the violence?

-for the majority of the Muslims, you dont see the violent actions, those who are trying to take the verses out of context are to serve their own purpose, so all the "kill all the infedel" stuff is nonsense


i hope this helped clear some stuff up.


this should explain ALOT
2008-07-03 07:03:45 UTC
Islam means peace ... others don't understand that not every Muslim is a terrorist ... i understand some SO CALLED Muslims did bad things ... unfortunately people never open their eyes until some1 is killed !! u have to understand that most Muslims live their lives wishing peace for themselves and others... those who think Islam is false .... know nothing about it and all they have to offer as evidence is 9/11 and suicide bombers ! why?? because that is what the media shows ! in every religion there must be a group ( minority ) who use their religion in such aggressive way !

this website is like a directory of Islamic sites :

i hope this helps u and answers ur question

just remember it is ur choice no matter what the others say to u !

2008-07-04 04:56:53 UTC
My dear! You should find it yourself by studying Islam from authentic sources. There are hundreds of websites created by Islam haters, Zionists and rabidly Islamophobic Christian missionaries and some of such elements lurking here have quoted several such websites to you. You have to keep away from prejudices and study this faith with open mind to have your own views about it. Your question is interesting to me as I too am much interested in this faith.

According to the 'National Geographic' (people and cultures) Islam is still the fastest growing faith in the world and curiously the speed of it's spread in the west is tremendous. The Christians above will want you to believe it is due to their high birth rate and migration but if you go the archieves of BBC world TV telecasts, just three years back they came up with a program about Islam telling us that in the one decade before, almost fifteen thousands of British whites embraced Islam, two thirds of them women! Contrary to the Christian missionaries which are well organised and heavily funded both by many governments and private sources, Islam has no organised missionary and has nothing to offer in the worldly sense. Christians go to far off lands among illiterate and poor people to bribe them but are fast losing ground in their own strongholds where all the converts or reverts to Islam are well qualified and highly educated people.

As to Hindus and Hinduism, I have nothing much to say. I am a born Hindu but am not satisfied by this faith at all. I hate it's noisy nature and many obscenities in it's mythology and folklore. I asked some questions about Hinduism to Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar after his lecture at Patna last year but he escaped in to philosophy and summarised the whole thing in his peculiar style, life is joy, life is love,...etc. I have been trying to study Christianity an Islam for a while and find the latter of special interest to me. I am yet to understand some points of Islamic faith but in general like it more.
2008-07-04 07:06:05 UTC
assalamu alaikum,

dr pal, Islam is the only religion where Allah says the sacred book is from Him ,no other religion says so. also in Hinduism, their sacred book says that we can't make out the shape of a God ,inspite they are doing it, also it says that there is only one God but they are worshipping crores.

Pls watch Zakir Naik's debate with Shri Ravishanker &other Christian leaders in the site "YouTube"
2008-07-03 07:01:19 UTC
islam details you can get from wikipedia--but . no religon teaches any thing undesireable what matter is not hindu or islam or christanity all the three teaches basically good we work -what we think what we do is most important then what religon you follow.
† Crusader †
2008-07-03 11:20:53 UTC
Good question!

Islam is a cult, a dangerous, deadly cult! these sites, and find the answer on your own:
2008-07-03 12:58:30 UTC
religions r just ideas created by people..but acc. to me humanity is d best religion in which there is no place for hatred,respect for every one ,everyone of us follows d religion of our parents but its upto u how many ideas u take frm ur religion n do good to others as much u religion is bad its people who present it in bad ways for d sake of their intrests
Abul Haarith
2008-07-03 06:38:03 UTC
Islam and Muslims

The word "Islam" is an Arabic word which means "submission to the will of God". This word comes from the same root as the Arabic word "salam", which means "peace". As such, the religion of Islam teaches that in order to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, one must submit to God and live according to His Divinely revealed Law. The most important truth that God revealed to mankind is that there is nothing divine or worthy of being worshipped except for Almighty God, thus all human beings should submit to Him. The word "Muslim" means one who submits to the will of God, regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic background. Being a Muslim entails willful submission and active obedience to God, and living in accordance with His message. Some people mistakenly believe that Islam is just a religion for Arabs, but nothing could be further from the truth. Not only are there converts to Islam in every corner of the world, especially in England and America, but by taking a look at the Muslim World from Bosnia to Nigeria, and from Indonesia to Morocco, one can clearly see that Muslims come from many various races, ethnic groups and nationalities. It is also interesting to note that in actuality, more than 80% of all Muslims are not Arabs - there are more Muslims in Indonesia than in the whole Arab World! So though even though it is true that most Arabs are Muslims, the large majority of Muslims are not Arabs. However, anyone who submits completely to God and worships Him alone is a Muslim.

Continuity of the Message

Islam is not a new religion because "submission to the will of God", i.e. Islam, has always been the only acceptable religion in the sight of God. For this reason, Islam is the true "natural religion", and it is the same eternal message revealed through the ages to all of God's prophets and messengers. Muslims believe that all of God's prophets, which include Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, brought the same message of Pure Monotheism. For this reason, the Prophet Muhammad was not the founder of a new religion, as many people mistakenly think, but he was the Final Prophet of Islam. By revealing His final message to Muhammad, which is an eternal and universal message for all of mankind, God finally fulfilled the covenant that He made with Abraham, who was one of the earliest and greatest prophets. Suffice it to say that the way of Islam is the same as the way of the prophet Abraham, because both the Bible and the Qur'an portray Abraham as a towering example of someone who submitted himself completely to God and worshipped Him without intermediaries. Once this is realized, it should be clear that Islam has the most continuous and universal message of any religion, because all prophets and messengers were "Muslims", i.e. those who submitted to God's will, and they preached "Islam", i.e. submission to the will of Almighty God.

Read the rest:
2008-07-03 06:31:36 UTC
Islam is the worship of a past pagan moon-god named Allah. Many Muslims do not know this or they choose not to believe it as they believe Allah created the universe- but actually Allah was created by Mohammad, whether they believe it or not- history is history, period.

There is only One, True, Living God and He is the God of the Bible who you can personally know through Jesus Christ, His Son. These others are simply nothing more than false gods, do not worship them. It is a big decision with your soul in the balance.
magicofdawn (again)
2008-07-03 06:28:43 UTC
islam has created people who kill because of a cartoon or a teddy bear. islam has followers who flew airplanes into buildings and murdered thousands! Muslims have terrorized since islam began. Over 11,000 terrorist acts have been done by Muslims since 9/11/01!!!

You can read the quran and ahadith here:

Ex-Muslims tell the truth about islam here:
2008-07-03 06:14:54 UTC
The word "Islam" itself means "Submission to Allah." The religion of Islam is not named after a person as in the case of "Christianity" which was named after Jesus Christ, "Buddhism" after Gutama Buddha , "Marxism" after Karl Marx, and "Confucianism" after Confucius.

Similarly, Islam is not named after a tribe like "Judaism" after the tribe of Judah and "Hinduism" after the Hindus. The Arabic word "Islam" means the submission or surrender of one's will to the will of the only true god worthy of worship, "Allah" (known as God "the Father" in Christianity).

Anyone who does indeed submit to the will of Allah as required by Islam is termed a "Muslim," which means one who has submitted to the will of Allah. Many people in the West have developed the sad misinformed trend of calling Islam "Muhammadenism" and it's followers "Muhammadins." This is a totally foreign word to Muslims and unrecognized by them. No Muslim has ever called his religion "Muhammadenism" or called himself a "Muhammadin."

Islam teaches us that this life is a life of worship.

Levels of Islam

1) Islam

2) Faith (Iman)

3) Excellence/Goodness

If you still need more details just go and visit the following link
2008-07-03 12:27:04 UTC








2008-07-03 12:34:56 UTC
this link for comparative religion

this to know more about islam

if you want anything dont hesitate to contact me


2008-07-03 06:56:49 UTC
Islam is the most wonderful religion in the world....

If u want to know about Islam...

U can message me....

here r few sites which will teach u what u want to know.....

1. When was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?

He was born on Monday, 12th Rabi Al Awwal, April 22nd, 571 AC.

2. Where was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?

In Makkah

3. What is the name of the Prophet's father?

Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib.

4. What is the name of the Prophet's mother?

Aminah Bint Wahhab Ibn Abd Manaf Ibn Zahrah.

5. When and where did his (prophet's) father die?

He died in Makkah before Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was born.

6. What is the name of the Prophet's grandfather?

Abdul Muttalib.

7. What was his granfather's position?

He was the chief of his clan Bani Hashim.

8. What is the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) lineage up to his fifth ancestor?

He is Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib Ibn Hashim Ibn Abd Manaf Ibn Qusai Ibn Kilab.

9. Who suckled the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?

First Thuyeba, the freed slave girl of his uncle Abdul Uzza known as Abu Lahab, then Haleema Bint Abu Dhuaib, best known as Haleema Al Sadiyah.

10. Who named the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?

Abdul Muttalib.

11. What did Muhammad's (p.b.u.h.) mother name him?


12. Why did she (the Prophet's mother) choose this name?

Because she saw an angel in a dream calling the new-born baby Ahmad.

13. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his mother died?

Six years old.

14. Where did his mother take him?

She took him to Yathrib (Madinah) to visit her relatives.

15. Where did his mother die?

On her way back to Makkah, she died at Abwa and was buried there.

16. Who brought Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) back to Makkah?

His father’s slave girl, Umm Aiman (May Allah be pleased with her).

17. Who took the charge of his care?

His grandfather Abdul Muttalib.

18. How long did The Prophet's grandfather take care of the Prophet Muhammad?

For two years.

19. How was his (Abdul Muttalib's) behavior with Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?

He loved him very much and preferred him to his own sons.

20. What did Abdul Muttalib foretell about his grandson?

That he would hold a prestigious position.

21. Who took care of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) after the death of Abdul Muttalib?

His uncle Abu Talib.

22. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his grandfather Abdul Muttalib died?

About eight years old.

23. When did Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) travel to Syria and with whom?

He went to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib when he was twelve years old.

24. Who was Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her)?

She was a wealthy merchant of Makkah.

25. Why did she (Khadijah) want to marry Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?

Because of his truthfulness and good conduct.

26. When did she (Khadijah) marry Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?

When she was 40 years old.

27. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) at the time of the marriage?

He was 25.

28. What did he (the Prophet) give her (Khadijah) as Mahr (dowry)?

Twenty camels.

29. Was Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her) a widow?

Yes. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was her third husband.

30. How was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) known in the society?

He was known as Al Ameen (trustworthy) and Al Sadiq (truthful).

31. Did he get any sort of education?

No, he didnt get any formal education from the society, rather he was taught by Almighty Allah.

32. What should one say when the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) name is mentioned?

One should say صلى الله عليه وسلم (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

33. How many times is the name of Muhammad mentioned in the Holy Quran?

Four times.

34. What are the names of the Prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) uncles?

They are: Harith, Zubair, Abu Talib, Hamzah (May Allah be pleased with him), Abu Lahab, Ghidaq, Maqwam, Safar and Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him).

35. Did his uncle Abu Talib accept Islam?

No, he died a polytheist.

36. In the New Testament by what name was the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) mentioned?

By the name of Paraclete.

37. What is Kabah?

It is the oldest house of worship on the earth.

38. Who built it?

The Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismael (May Allah be pleased with them).

39. How did Quraish arrange rebuilding of Kabah?

They divided the work among various tribes. Each tribe was responsible for rebuilding a part of it.

40. Who laid the stones?

A Byzantine mason called Baqum
zahida shireen
2008-07-03 08:10:29 UTC
plz visit this site, u will know all details about Islam.
2008-07-03 06:16:23 UTC
You'll find all that you need here

You can discuss them here:
2008-07-04 02:59:05 UTC
Until few years ago I used to think that my faith in Islam was not based on blind imitation but rather was the result of years of investigation and research. The fact that I read a lot of books on Islam, written by people whose thoughts I approved of and delving into philosophies that were within my comfort zone, emphasized my conviction that I had found the truth. All my biased research confirmed my faith. Just like other Muslims, I used to believe that to learn about anything one has to go to the source. Now you may think that the source of Islam is the Qur’an and the hadith. That might be so in theory. But in practice few Muslims read these books to understand them. Muslims get their information about Islam by reading the books written by scholars of Islam. These are apologetic books that deceitfully try to portray Islam in the best light, showing that Muhammad was a holy man and the Qur’an is a "scientific book." Therefore, I felt no need to look elsewhere in order to find the truth, as I was convinced that I had already found it. As Muslims say “Talabe ilm ba’d az wossule ma’loom mazmoom.” The search for knowledge after gaining it is unwise.

Now I realize this was a mistake. What if we want to learn the truth about one of these dangerous cults? Is it enough to depend only on what the cult leader and his deluded followers say? Wouldn’t it be prudent to widen our research and find out what other people have to say about them? Going to the source makes sense only in scientific matters, because scientists are not “believers.” They do not say something because they have blind faith. Scientists make a critical analysis of the evidence. It is very different from the religious approach which is based entirely on faith and belief.

I suppose it was my acquaintance with the western humanistic values that made me more sensitive and whetted my appetite for democracy, freethinking, human rights, equality, etc. It was when I reread the Qur’an that I came across injunctions that were not on a par with my newfound humanistic values. I was distressed and felt uncomfortable to read teachings like these:

Note: I have not verified your quotes.


But those who reject Faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of Faith,- never will their repentance be accepted; for they are those who have gone astray.

Q.16: 106

Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief,- except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith - but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty.

One may think that the dreadful penalty mentioned here pertains to the next world. But Muhammad made sure that these people received their penalty in this world as well:


Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers,

There are also Hadiths that clearly say " So, wherever you find them, kill them, for there will be a reward for their killers on the Day of Resurrection."

Elsewhere we read:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 260:

Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment.' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "

I found many tales of brutality of Muhammad like this story:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 261:

Eight men of the tribe of 'Ukil came to the Prophet and then they found the climate of Medina unsuitable for them. So, they said, "O Allah's Apostle! Provide us with some milk." Allah's Apostle said, "I recommend that you should join the herd of camels." So they went and drank the urine and the milk of the camels (as a medicine) till they became healthy and fat. Then they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels, and they became unbelievers after they were Muslims. When the Prophet was informed by a shouter for help, he sent some men in their pursuit, and before the sun rose high, they were brought, and he had their hands and feet cut off. Then he ordered for nails, which were heated and passed over their eyes, and they were left in the Harra (i.e. rocky land in Medina). They asked for water, and nobody provided them with water till they died.

And from partial translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 38, Number 4339

Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:

The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) Said: The blood of a Muslim man who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle should not lawfully be shed except only for one of three reasons: a man who committed fornication after marriage, in which case he should be stoned; one who goes forth to fight with Allah and His Apostle, in which case he should be killed or crucified or exiled from the land; or one who commits murder for which he is killed.

The more I read, the more I questioned Muhammad’s sense of justice. The following is very disturbing. I dare say any man who reads it and is not taken aback with disgust has a long way to go to become a human.

Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 38, Number 4348

Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas:

A blind man had a slave-mother who used to abuse the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and disparage him. He forbade her but she did not stop. He rebuked her but she did not give up her habit. One night she began to slander the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and abuse him. So he took a dagger, placed it on her belly, pressed it, and killed her. A child who came between her legs was smeared with the blood that was there. When the morning came, the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) was informed about it.

He assembled the people and said: I adjure by Allah the man who has done this action and I adjure him by my right to him that he should stand up. Jumping over the necks of the people and trembling the man stood up.

He sat before the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and said: Apostle of Allah! I am her master; she used to abuse you and disparage you. I forbade her, but she did not stop, and I rebuked her, but she did not abandon her habit. I have two sons like pearls from her, and she was my companion. Last night she began to abuse and disparage you. So I took a dagger, put it on her belly and pressed it till I killed her.

Thereupon the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Oh be witness, no retaliation is payable for her blood.

I felt the above story was a manifest injustice. Muhammad condoned a man killing a pregnant mother and his own unborn child just because he said that she insulted the Prophet!

(Arabs used to sleep with their maid slaves. Qur’an perpetuates this tradition Q.33: 52. Muhammad himself slept with Mariyah, the maid slave of his wife Hafsa, without marrying her.)

Forgiving someone for killing another human being just because he said she insulted Muhammad is unacceptable. What if that man was lying to escape punishment? What does this story say about Muhammad’s sense of Justice? During the past 1400 years, how many husbands escaped punishment for killing their innocent wives by accusing them of blaspheming the prophet of God and this Hadith allowed them get away with it?

Here is another one:

Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 38, Number 4349

Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib:

A Jewess used to abuse the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and disparage him. A man strangled her till she died. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) declared that no recompense was payable for her blood.

It was not easy to read these stories and not be moved. There is no reason to believe that all these stories were fabricated. Why should believers, who have tried to depict their prophet as a compassionate man fabricate so many stories that would make him look like a ruthless tyrant?

I could no longer accept the brutal treatment of those who chose not to accept Islam, or that those who criticize any religion must be put to death. Faith is a personal matter.

See how Muhammad dealt with unbelievers:

Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 38, Number 4359

Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:

The verse "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite side or exile from the land...most merciful" was revealed about polytheists. If any of them repents before they are arrested, it does not prevent from inflicting on him the prescribed punishment, which he deserves.”

How could a messenger of God maim and crucify people because they resist accepting him? Could such a person really be a messenger of God? Wasn’t there a worthier man with moral and ethical fortitude to bear this mighty responsibility?

I could not accept the fact that Muhammad slaughtered 900 Jews in one day, after he captured them in a raid that he started. I read the following story and I shivered:

Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 38, Number 4390

Narrated Atiyyah al-Qurazi:

I was among the captives of Banu Qurayzah. They (the Companions) examined us, and those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not were not killed. I was among those who had not grown hair

Also, I found following story shocking:

Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 38, Number 4396

Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah:

A thief was brought to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him). He said: Kill him. The people said: He has committed theft, Apostle of Allah! Then he said: Cut off his hand. So his (right) hand was cut off. He was brought a second time and he said: Kill him. The people said: He has committed theft, Apostle of Allah! Then he said: Cut off his

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.