ok.....here is what they mean to me...
1) Crown of Rejoicing
Paul was talking to the Thessalonian converts in 1 Thess.
2:19. He was looking forward to the joy of his labors. In
verse 20 he says ..."for YE are our glory and joy." I believe
that the souls that we have worked for will be a star in our
crown of rejoicing.
2) Crown of Righteousness
In 2 Tim.4:7,8 Paul is saying that he fought a good fight and
has finished it. So the Lord who is the Judge will give him
a crown of righteousness. Paul's testimony in Phil. 3:13,14
says that he talks about keeping his eyes on the prize of
the high calling of God. In Heb.12:1,2 he talks about run-
ning the race and looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher
of our faith. I believe these descriptions are all synono-
3) Crown of Life
This crown is for the overcomer.....one who endures tempt-
ation according to James 1:12. They will endure trials but
will be faithful from Rev. 2:10. These overcomers will also
have a new name and eat the hidden manna. Rev.2:17
4) Crown of Glory
It does talk about the elders feeding the flock and not forc-
ing them but letting them make a choice. I believe it means
that we should be examples to others because without
purity and holiness of heart we cannot win the crown of
immortal glory.
5) Incorruptible Crown or Crown of Self-Denial
Paul compares the flowers the victor of the Grecians' foot
races received to the crown of immortal glory. They raced
for the corruptible crown but we are to run our race for the
incorruptible one. The Grecians spared no discipline in
order to win. Our prize is infinitely more valuable so how
much more we should be willing to sacrifice and be in self-