For those anti-Islamists who try to 'help' Muslim women.....?
2009-06-01 05:41:14 UTC
Do you really think you are doing a good job? I think you're doing a crap job, the reasons are the following:

1) If the Muslim woman is happy with herself and you constantly make fun of her religion, is that going to make her life any better? (It's a form of bullying)

2) If the Muslim women wear a headscarf, and her family are religious extremists who would cut her up if she didn't wear it, and they stalk her to make sure she is. And she didn't want to because she thought she wasn't ready. And you come a long making fun of her religion, a few scowls, maybe a middle finger. Is that going to make her life any better? getting ripped by both her society and her own family?

3) By spreading hate of Islam, don't you think you would make extremists more angry and actually get them doing violent extreme accents that are no way in the Islamic rules. Do you think that if you came to her family blabbing on about how you want to 'save' her they would go mad at the Muslim woman because they think she bought that headache in and told of them. So they are giving her an even more hell of a life.

Do you honestly think you're doing a good job saving them?

A Muslim Woman
Fifteen answers:
Sam I
2009-06-01 05:55:04 UTC
Edited and Modified :

Salam sister,

In fact, as you know, In Islam we treat women just as a "Pearl in a shell". A womena in Islam, regardless of her color, nationality, social position, is a "Real Queen". Yes, women in Islam are Queens. A Muslim women has an "Elite status" that everybody appreciate.

Honestly, we got to help the Women from "other religions" : In other cultures, Women get Rape, Sexual harrasement, drugs, porn trade, ....etc. Women in other religions are, really "Abused", by very definition.

Women in "other religions" don't get their right even as "wives". I believe +70% of women in "other religions" don't get married, they practice sexuality in a total random way. and the Result is >> They rape a woman, and leave her bleeding until she dies.

On the other hand, those people who keep spreading their hate on Islam, are really haters, not more. They never want the truth, God said : " ودوا لو تكفرون كما كفروا فتكونون سواء" Which means ((the non-believers "Wish" that Muslims become non-believers, so that you become similar to them)) -- In other words they envy us, as Muslims, because we beliee in God.

Also God said : "ولن تلرضى عنك اليهود و لا النصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم" , which means that the christians and Jews never get satisfied with us unless we follow their way !! See what God says, I am really surprised.

I have to admit it, you've really done a good task, that you wish all the people help each other, and get united. I thank you for your good intension, however, the haters are not the ones who can accept the truth, and help humanity. Instead they destroy any good relation with others, see my question in the link, how some of those haters moke :

wish you can share your thoughts in this question.

May Allah bless you.. Ameen.


EDIT : This person called "cindy" can't help, because he/she has already said in -another question- that Islam is a DISGUSTING RELIGION. He/She is already a racist "JEW". How can a "lier" become a witness, unless we are fouling ourselves.

2009-06-02 06:10:04 UTC
Peace and blessings be upon you, Crystal Dreams.

I've been often type cast as a Hater, though I Hate only those Muslims who are a pain and who are provoking us all to judge all of you by what they did and continue doing.

Frankly, I've no problem with a Muslim who is decent and who integrates with us.

I think that most people are like me, incidentally.

Regarding the dress styles of the Muslim women, do you seriously see any problem with their hijab? I don't.

Why not?

Because a head scarf even worn in that style is not something that instills fear in us.

But the burkha, well, ,,, you know that Muslims are rather well known for wearing explosive jackets and ...heck, who knows what kind of person is under that thing?

Sorry, but, it's the fact behind why most of us don't want that here.

Now, most of us know that Muslim women are afraid of being brutally beaten up or cut , like you said, and our hearts go out to them. But, none of us are stupid enough to interfere and try talk sense with their families, because we know it'll only make it worse.

Now, regarding your statement about us egging your extremists, do you really think that we started it?

Heck they are the ones who started the whole conflict and are still carrying on doing it.

Look at what happened in UK. Third and fifth generation Muslim youth had a Pakistani Imam go over there and make them into a fundamental lot. I guess you know the History of that one.

At the end of the day, did your community chase away this Imam? No. He's even more strong there and now there's escalating violence and it's getting more and more difficult to stop the locals from going P@k1 bashing. Then, one day, that's going to erupt and the vendettas start.

So, what happens next? Some stupid sod bombs a train? And you expect everyone to just take it lying down?

You know the BNP and such anti-Islamic Parties are growing in Strength, thanks to all this, all over the World.

I appreciate that some few Muslims like you might not want the megalomaniac "Dream" of the Muslim Dominant World where all the idolaters and Jews will be slaughtered and the remaining few Christians will have to live as semi-slave dhimmis.

But, can you tell me honestly that this is not the insane ambition of all those gangs of fanatics?.

You know as well as I do that this is what all of them dream of and even the majority who claim they aren't supporting these fanatics, are desperately "appeasing" them or secretly abetting with them.

Now, you say that it's your Right to defend yourselves and fight against tyranny.

Don't we have the similar Right?

Well, I feel sorry for you, honestly. I understand where you're coming from.

But, do you think that all this provoking of all and sundry by your own people is going help us?

I had another Muslim lady ask Where would she go, since she's a Native seventh or eight generation Brit.

Problem is that even people like me cannot help your people when they will not listen to common sense and help us get rid of those bad elements.

Trust me when I say this, you people are responsible for your own problems and, like you also would agree, it's up to you to resolve them and quickly.

You seriously don't want our people to resolve it for you; because you know what that will end up with.

Let's pray for the best.


the Lone Wolf.

Just FYI.

I'm a Sanathana Dharmic [what you people call "Hindu"] and I grew up in England, went all over Europe and lived in USA before recently coming back to India.

When I was at Ealing, NW London; we had some Arab students there who were really great guys and got on with every one. There were even a couple of Pakistani Muslims ho joined us and all of us had no problems. I've three Pakistani Muslim ladies who are my rakhi sisters, if you know this Indian custom.

But, all of us avoided a gang of fourth or fifth generation Brit Pakistani Muslims for the simple reason that they were stupid sods who were worse than the oafs back home. They stayed away from me because they learned the hard way that not all the Indian "Hindus" are pushovers and the fact that I was the Rugger Quarterback and Prize boxer had been something they didn't know beforehand. Besides, my family were Scots, where I was adopted and you know we Scots are clannish.

Why I'm, telling you all this is to let you know that when I speak of what your people are calling upon themselves there, I'm not some foreigner speaking.

Besides, my own Muslim friends have shown me that not all of you are like that and I even speak Arabic and have studied al Qua'aran. So, I'm not some dumb cluck Yank who doesn't have a clue about this.

On second thought, the Yanks aren't so dumb either.

The only ones living in that dangerous Fools Paradise are those stupid sods who are forcing everyone to get ready to retaliate and they don't have the common sense to understand that when a small little country like Israel could whup the butts of 21 Rich Arab Countries, and when India has always been whupping Pakistan which continues to stupidly attack them, it's no big deal for the United Might of the non-Muslims to put an end to all this nonsense, once and for all.

Trust me, the only reason why it hasn't already happened is that the good ones among you are still just barely able to stop it.

But, that isn't going to last too long.

Sadly, that's that's the Truth.
2016-09-14 03:04:59 UTC
You men all will move to hell I realize I cant make a decision however I realize for the reason that I learn the Quran, you continue to have a hazard to transform to a Muslim earlier than you even wish to enjoy hell-fireplace. might god deliver you a few good judgment and expertise. For instance for all of the Christians right here on your possess holy e-book that is the bible it says do not consume red meat then why do you consume it, it additionally says within the Hindus e-book that is Vedas that you just cant consume red meat however you all nonetheless consume it. If you comply with the faith then comply with it thoroughly.
2009-06-01 05:47:46 UTC
What makes you think people are anti-Islamists because they point out something controversial or interesting about islam.

If wearing the hijab was a choice why does the Qu'ran Qur'an 24:31 Commands women to "draw their headscarves" over their neckline as well. Qur'an 33:59 "Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them..." make it mandatory to wear one.

Can you explain that. Everyone has a right to their opinions. Too many Muslims like to silence freedom of speech. Islam is the most intolerant. You're saying that so called anti-Islamists should keep quiet if there are too many violent and controversial things in Islam? That's being cowardly. No wonder we cannot stop islamic terrorsim.
2009-06-01 06:05:07 UTC
1. Nope, if she is happy with herself then what is the point? She should at least be able to look at the horrors her religion is causing all around the world however, and see if she can accept this and live with it with no problem. If she can, then she can. Not someone I'd want to be around, but it's her choice.

2. If she is going to get cut up by her family, she is going to have to plan an escape, and there are organizations out there who help. If she cannot get to one, then she will have to do her best to get out on her own. Once she gets out she can find one of these organizations that will help her change her name, her identity, everything, and help her relocate far away.

3. No, because they are already murderous and violent. By making fun of Islam, and when they react by violence, they should be wiped out at that point, because that is how we know who the extremists are. Every opportunity should be taken, when they rise up like that, to exterminate them where they stand.

4. It remains that until Muslim women who are unhappy with being treated like dogs, stand up for themselves, killing the men if necessary, this treatment of Muslim women will continue. It is literally kill or be killed for many of these women. It will take large numbers of them standing together and wiping out these men, before it will stop. Until that happens, it will continue.
2009-06-01 21:47:10 UTC
People in the West and in Muslim countries have different views of what is slavery, a woman used for her body is more of a slave than a modest woman who loves her husband and is appreciated in society for her mind.

Westerners heads are filled with stereotypes that cannot be helped, all they see is Afghanistan and Iraq that their Zionist media shows them.
2009-06-01 05:45:36 UTC
So lets see here. If we let the religion that causes all these problems flourish, we are doing a better job?

I am sorry you are convinced by your upbringing and the men around you that you will be happier with your face or head covered, and that your God thinks of you as less than a man. But am certain that the best response, isn't to let that type of backward, archaic notion thrive, without pointing out how horrible it is.
God Needs A Diaper Change
2009-06-01 05:48:37 UTC
Wear the scarf for all I care. It makes me sad to see how your religion subjugates women though. As for extremists (of any religion), I don't care if I anger them. The word is out. They will lose in the end. The world is finally waking up and seeing how damaging religion is.
2009-06-01 05:47:14 UTC
So....if a slave is happy being a slave that makes it OK???? Your question in #2 points out exactly why we have a problem here.

As far as the extremists, I'm not afraid of them. You ought to be , because eventually they are going to bring the full capability of the west down on the Middle East.
Islam, the way of life.
2009-06-02 05:59:21 UTC
I agree sis, people don't even follow their own religion to care anymore. is this what Jesus peace be upon him left you guys?
2009-06-01 05:46:18 UTC
I’ve just finished decorating

It was very irritating

And I know they’re going to come around tonight

And I know they’re gonna say to me tonight:

“It makes the room look bigger

It makes the room look bigger
Seldon Surak
2009-06-01 05:46:04 UTC
We don't spread hate of Islam.

We spread hate of violent, murderous, radicalized, fundamentalist Islam that deliberately targets innocent civilians.

Unless you are planning to strap on a bomb, we are only concerned with whether or not you consider yourself free enough.
2009-06-01 06:05:37 UTC
Are you now suggesting that we all keep quiet and let this barbaric treatment on women continue?
2009-06-01 05:47:04 UTC
1. if she was happy she wouldn't ask for help

2.if they weren't brainwashed, the family wouldn't cut any family to pieces

3.the only one spreading hate here is thee who puts women into slavery
2009-06-01 05:44:42 UTC
The only reason muslim women are happy to be repressed is because they have been indoctrinated.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.