How long do you think it will take for the U.S. to start persecuting Christians?
2006-10-19 09:47:44 UTC
I grew up as a Christian and I still am one and I'm here to tell ya, it's not an easy game. For starters the morality bar is set way above the average for the nation making it nearly impossible to both practice Christianity and be included in the group as a whole.

But that's without any external force being applied against it. I think the U.S. is moving fast to start persecuting Christians. It seriously won't be long. Our self hatred as a country seems to be brimming over into our Christian heritage to the point that identifying yourself as a Christian (or worse practicing one) destroys your credibility to the academic community and places the world's problems squarely on your shoulders.

Take Bush for example. The mention of his name will stir hatred in the majority of the poppulation. But every hate that people have for Bush transfers over to all Christians by that simple connection.

How long will it be before Christians are treated as second class citizens?
32 answers:
2006-10-19 09:57:00 UTC
It will not be long before all the governments in the world turn on all the false religions in the world, including those who profess to be Christians.

"9 “Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: The seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top. 10 And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while. 11 And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth [king], but springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction.

12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast. 13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. 14 These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so].”

15 And he says to me: “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished. 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.”

Next they will turn on true worshippers, but that signals their own destruction.


There has already been persecution in this country both by legal action and illegal mob action taken against Jehovah's Christian Witnesses, especially back in the 1940's, because of our upholding Scriptural principles.
2006-10-19 10:09:26 UTC
Many posts have incorrectly linked Christians with Republicans and the majority. The only reason why the Republican party has held the majority for so long is that the MAJORITY of Democrats simply do not show up and vote at the poles-look at the statistics. Christians have never fully endorsed any political party, or else you would see GOP stickers in Bible covers in the pews wouldn't ya? Persecution of Christians in the US is imminent, but there isn't a collected body in the government yet w/ the intentions of doing just that. The Bible says that all those things must come before things start to get better. Read Ephesians Chapter 5-get yourself back on track. God Bless
2006-10-19 10:22:34 UTC
Many people are disgusted with religion in general. This is due to the hypocrisy that many people see within these religions. In the Bible, Jesus teaches us to love our enemies(Matthew 5:4), and the Bible also says "if anyone makes the statement:'I love God' and is hating his brother, he is a liar" (1 John:4:20) Yet, how many religions can you think of whose members engage in war?

They also meddle in politics, which is contrary to what Jesus taught.

It won't be long before governments turn on all religions, not just Christians. If you take a look at all the conflicts throughout the world, what is usually at the root? Even with the terrorism we are seeing, what is at the root?

The Bible fortells this very thing happening. I encourage you to look for your personal copy of a worldwide message that is being distributed. It is entitled the End of False Religion is Near.
2006-10-19 10:51:00 UTC
Awww, poor Christians. Afraid of persecution? At least you don't have to fear your children being taken from you for your faith. The great irony of this country is that they fled for religious persecution, yet the Puritans turn around and BAN any other faith from Masachusetts. They would brand people or cut off their ears for not sharing the same faith!! And the Founding Fathers were not necessarily Christians, they were Deists. As in, there's a higher power, we just aren't sure exactly what. Hence that little clause about freedom of religion.

It's the extremists that bother me. And if you want to start in on being "second class citizens", let's look at country clubs that kept out blacks and Jews. Or regarding all Muslims as terrorists. Is that fair? Any other faith that isn't Christian are regarded by a lot to be devil worshippers. Many people: Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslim, Paga, Wiccan, Atheists are treated as second class because of their beliefs. In the United States, no less.
Patrício Euilhã
2006-10-19 09:59:43 UTC
i am a jew and usually i don't answer religious question. i am answering yours because you proposed a very intelligent questions. right now i believe that our country is being run by fundamental christians and because of their actions and the concequences, it is blurring the the line of what christianity is and what people think it is. just like what is happening now with muslims. everyday we see through our media sources how "evil" muslims are bases on the actions of a few fundalmentalists. no one stops to see if they truly agree with what is happening. because of a few people, an entire religion gets hijacked. regardless of the religion. do i think people will persecute christians in the US? no, because christianily is the largest demographic religion in the US. but do i think it will take a while for people to sever the association with Bush and christianity outside the US? definatly!
2006-10-19 10:01:54 UTC
I think I understand where you were coming from with this post, but even the athiest can see that our present "persecution" is nothing compared to that which the early church endured. Therefore you have made your post laughable in their sight.

I suppose I will start crying foul (out loud) when they start tossing us to the lions and covering us in tar and lighting us on fire at their garden parties. Until then, I really can't complain, though it is sad to see our Christ whom we hold so dear, buried under the mud and muck of a society that hates him so much.

It is important to put our "persecution" into perspective and not snivel about it, but instead rejoice in such a calling which Jesus told us we would be called to endure for His name sake.

Bottom line: You (We) ain't seen nothin' yet. If you can't handle today, Lord willing, I hope he pulls you out of this earth before tomorrow, because you certainly won't be able to stand it when things get worse, which they will.
2006-10-19 10:28:40 UTC
The question asked was how long this would take to happen, not that it was happening ALREADY. Right now the forces arrayed in seeking to diminish Christian influence in public are in the minority. the great apostacy has not happened yet. But my guess is it will happen before this generation is out. all it needs is for Christian symbols to be removed publically and any mention of Christ to be dimished, as it is now at schools.

We only have to look to Germany under Hitler to see how short a time it took for him to replace Christianity. He deliberately worked on substituting Christian festivals with German pagan rune festivals over a period of a decade and re-educating children on his new "twelve commandments" till he became god in the place of God to most German schoolchildren. Then Germans aquiesced to the occult powers ruling them almost en masse. What is especially of note is that he replaced the Christmas celebration with the celebration of the bearer of light. the aim being to substitute this in the minds of the Germans and phase out Christinaity within ONE generation. The move against the Christian holiday of Christmas is the start of something similar. So it could happen in less than one generation, probably this one.
2006-10-19 09:57:55 UTC
Persecutions against the LDS people (a Christian church) already happened and was legally condoned by the U.S. government about a hundred and fifty years ago.

I suppose if it could happen to one denomination, anything is possible for all of us put together. I guess at the moment, I'm not to worried about it though. These days most people who are anti-Christian are too politically correct to even consider burning down houses.
Allison L
2006-10-19 09:51:41 UTC
Since you're the one taking Bush, for example; He has been in power for 6 years. The republican party (which is supposed to be the Christian party, I'm not even getting into that), but the conservatives have control over the House, Senate, and the Supreme Court. But you're still being persecuted as a second class citizen. Let me cry you a friggin river. Why don't you try volunteering at a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen or somewhere that people may actually have something to complain about.
2006-10-19 09:54:44 UTC
That is to laugh....persecuted Xians?????

Give me a large, personal break !!!!

It is always amusing to me how "persecuted" christians claim to be, yet the USA has the highest level of belief in god of any industrialized nation, the Republican party is heavily supported by christians and currently has control of the white house, the congress, the senate and the supreme court.

there are 24 hour religious channels on TV and radio. There is a tax exempt church on every corner. An (open) atheist has as much chance of being elected to high office as Osama bin Laden.

Your constitution guarantees you the right to practice your religion without interference from government, and your right of free speech to talk about it. Your religious holidays are mandated into law. Your money has "in god we trust" written on it...not "in allah we trust" or "there is no god". You say a pledge of allegiance that includes reference to your god...but all are forced to say it.

Yet here you are, whining about being persecuted. You really don't know what the hell you are talking about. Look up the meaning of the word persecution......"to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief"

I long for the day when an atheist could have as many freedoms and perks as those that believe in the unbelievable.
2006-10-19 09:55:58 UTC
wow. um, yeah, every organized religion has its good points and bad points, but in this country, christianity has got it made. have you ever thought about how hard it would be for you to be part of any other religion? i have several friends and family members who are pagans, and you wouldn't believe how much persecution they get. and it all comes from people who know nothing about their religions, they just make assumptions on what they know nothing about. people think that if a person practices wicca, then they're using black majic to cast evil spells on people. ignorant morons. you should educate yourself on as many different religions as possible, maybe then you'll have an appreciation of how much your religion is accepted.
The angels have the phone box.
2006-10-19 10:08:01 UTC
Get over yourself. You really don't have a clue. The U.S. doesn't persecute Christians. Really really truly. The culture there is SO dominated by Christianity that you can't even see it.

Ask anyone of another religion who's lived through a 'holiday' season.
2006-10-19 09:54:10 UTC
I think you have it backwards. Currently, christians are in a political majority and are trying to legislate their beliefs onto the rest of us. That is one reason so many people dislike the christian way of life; it seems to require them to force their beliefs onto everyone else and no one likes that.

Maybe if Bush didn't make such a big deal about being christian, we wouldn't have reason to identify all of you with him. But christians elected bush and christian leaders continue to publicly support him; that would seem to indicate that you approve of him.
2006-10-19 10:06:18 UTC
i live in Australia and im a christain, and actually people here in Australia are amazed that when ever they hear Americas in TV its all God bless and miracles, like it there is a hurricane or cyclone as we call them here there is not aditional story about someone staying God saved them and what a Miracle, seems to Australians that Americans have miracles coming out of their ears. Like America is run by christains but it about politics or something a bit weird and scary.
2006-10-19 09:52:05 UTC
This is the most ridiculous post Ive ever seen. Christians are not being persecuted against, any more so than any other religion. Have you looked at Muslim Americans lately? They are getting treated like crap because instead of worshiping God, they worship Allah(God in Arabic). You need a reality check my friend. I admit America has been going a bit far with taking the Church out of everything, but that is not persecution, that is fair. If Federal buildings cant have the Hanukkah lights in their windows why should they have a Christmas tree?
2006-10-19 09:50:15 UTC
Not that long if they are already after the immigrants. President Bush will make some bullshit to go with it
2006-10-19 09:56:18 UTC
They ALREADY are. When one can be arrested for preaching the Word of God, there IS already persecution. It has already happened several times. Four men were arrested in Philadelphia Pa for preaching against homosexuality in an appropriate way and they were arrested. They were not in anyway teaching hate for homosexuals such as the Westbouro Baptist Church in Kasas does, they were teaching hate the sin and love the sinner.

Others have been arrested for similar things and Military chaplins have been told not to pray in the name of Jesus.

It seems like we can preach any other religion, including Islam without problems, but you had better not mention the name of JESUS in a postive way in any public square.
Scott M
2006-10-19 09:52:16 UTC
Oh, yes. The long and terrible persecution of the Christians. I dream that one day Christians will be able to wear the symbols of their faith openly and without shame. For there to be Christian churches open to all in every city. And even for a Christian to be elected president!

Like the last 42.


Um, wait a minute...
Girl Wonder
2006-10-19 09:54:06 UTC
I think it's much more likely that Non-Christians will be persecuted soon. In case you haven't noticed, you guys are in the majority and have the support of the government.
keith s
2006-10-19 10:16:00 UTC
Not soon enough. Christians are the cause of so many problems in the United States. They are bigots, homophobes. They support wars based on lies.
Terry P
2006-10-19 09:51:58 UTC
It's already happening, pray to have the scales removed from your eyes.

Why do you think they ask on some documents about your Religious preference.

And who do you think REALLY runs this country? Because it sure isn't the Presidents! They have all been the fall guys, the smoke screens. There is a darker menacing force at work. That started since the days of King Solomon... Yes, that ancient!

Any religion that's not Catholic 'WILL' be persecuted... But the God I believe in say just hold on, Because i'm Coming!
2006-10-19 09:50:42 UTC
Looking from the UK I think American Christians are bringing persecution upon themselves by aggressively forcing their agenda on others and seeking to use the legal system and politics as a means of doing it. I don't want to see Christian persecution but I do want to see active resistance against institutionalised Christianity.
2006-10-19 09:58:43 UTC
I would guess that that will happen as soon as the Democrats take office.
2006-10-19 09:50:11 UTC
The U.S. Congress and SC is and has been persecuting us for a very long time. They've forgotten what our country was founded on. Its really sad! Please keep going with the faith and good luck! We are all graduating from Persecution University! ( It's a thing to be proud of and not ashamed of. Keep going!
2006-10-19 09:58:44 UTC
You are thinking way too much
2006-10-19 09:50:37 UTC
i dont think that will ever happend, most people respect other religions and other peoples decisions in life...thats like asking when will people start treating gay people as 2nd class citizens everyone in someway is discriminated against, but i dont think its enough to feel completely secluded i think thats taking it to the extreme
Suzanne: YPA
2006-10-19 09:51:11 UTC
Honey, we already ARE being treated as second class citizens! We cannot talk about politics in our churches, for fear of losing our IRS tax-exempt status; our children cannot read Bibles in many schools without persecution; the name of God must be removed from all public places; we are vilified everywhere we go as fanatics; the list goes on and on.

It can only get worse.

EDIT: "Lucky," read Galatians 2:20 -- "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
2006-10-19 09:51:39 UTC
Second class? Bwahahaha! Those poor Christians! They're so persecuted! Martyr complex much?
2006-10-19 09:50:21 UTC
oh, please.

you Christians are doing the persecuting.

Is there an equivalent to the Pat Roberstons and Jerry Falwells in any other camp?


Stop whining.
2006-10-19 09:51:08 UTC
Climb up there on the cross with your savior
2006-10-19 09:50:34 UTC
If you didn't notice, it started by in the '60s when prayer was banned in public school.
Lady Scientist
2006-10-19 09:49:53 UTC
You mean we are not treated that way already????

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