Why is is that the LDS mormon church has many inverted pentagrams on its Temples??
2008-01-15 13:29:35 UTC
The inverted pentagram in universally regarded among occultists as the symbol of Satan and evil. Dozens of elements in the LDS temple endowment are either directly related to or derived from occult and satanic sources. Im just wondering why is this and isnt it a little to coincidental!
Fourteen answers:
2008-01-15 13:35:37 UTC
You will find this film very good:
2016-05-25 11:25:58 UTC
A pentagram isn't satanic whether one point is up or two points are up. Who says God is good and God is bad part of a pentagram. It's a mathematical symbol. It's symbolizes stars most of the time. The Sunstone, moonstone and stars at the Nauvoo temple symbolizes the 3 heavens or kingdoms Mormons believe People will go to in the afterlife. You say from a Christian POV? What's the official christian pov? Pentagrams were used by masons and other long before occultic groups in the 20th century used them. Look at Julymoon's source a 20th century book
2008-01-15 22:34:36 UTC
The pentagram became a symbol of the occult in the mid 19th century (1854). Prior to the 14th century A.D., the pentagram was a Christian symbol said to represent the five wounds of Jesus Christ. Early Mormons (also Christians) likewise used the pentagram as a symbol of Jesus Christ, who was said to be the "bright morning star."

Extremist anti-Mormons try to imply that Mormons are a satanic cult because they have used the pentagram, ignoring the fact that we routinely teach that Satan is the enemy of God and His people. The reason pentagrams can be found on 19th-century Mormon architecture (or faithful recreations of 19th-century Mormon architecture) is because the Mormon use of the pentagram predates its use by satanic occultists. We are obviously in no way affiliated with those groups; they have hijacked a common Christian/Mormon symbol.

You allegation that "dozens of elements of the LDS temple endowment are...satanic" is, of course, baseless and bigoted.

If you or anyone else would like to learn more about Mormons from a reliable source, visit allaboutmormons . com .
2008-01-15 14:06:00 UTC
Being a pagan living in Salt lake city for awhile. I have had the opportunity to see the main temple there adn have witnessed what you are talking about. But something shyould be added here. Long before the advent of the cross to religious symbolism in christianity. The pentacle or pentagram was used. This is primarily based upon the conversion from paganism to christianity. (No I will not be slamming christianity here--to each their own). Therefore this symbol can been seen on alot of structures of christian faith although primarily in the european countries and such. But because of this, it is possible that the LDS church has adopted this symbol to remind them simply of their history. Having friends that are Mormon. I am certain that they are not secretely evil. But I believe why alot of people view mormons with skepticism and possibly contempt is their secrecy in alot of their higher religious practices.

And I ask this, please remember that just becuase a majority view see's something as evil does not necessarily make it so. perception is a big thing and just because a person has a difference of opinion does not make them necessarily wrong. No one knows for sure what waits on the other side until we get there. such is the need for faith i suppose.
2008-01-15 13:45:02 UTC
To understand the symbols one must first know something of Joseph Smith's involvement with Freemasonry. Joseph's brother, Hyrum, had been a Mason since the 1820's. Many other members of the LDS church, like Brigham Young, were Masons before they joined Mormonism. The relationship between Freemasonry and the Latter Day Saint movement began early in the history of Mormonism. Mormonism began during the wave of Anti-Masonry that struck the United States in the 1830s and 1840s. Despite this, Joseph Smith, Jr. and many of the Church founders were Freemasons, and started a lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois in March of 1842. There are parallels claimed between Mormon worship and symbolism and the stories and symbols of Freemasonry. In modern times, the LDS Church holds no position for or against the compatibility of Masonry with LDS doctrine. Mormon apologists have quickly come to their church's defense by insisting that pentagrams have historically been a positive symbol and only recently have become a symbol of evil, therefore concluding that any comparison to the Nauvoo pentagrams is nothing more than sensationalism.

See the source that has is very thorough concerning this issue.
Brother G
2008-01-15 18:14:04 UTC
The pentagram was sort of used first by the Masons.

It didn't come to mean Satanism until Hollywood made movies and the church of satan started to use them.

The LDS temple endowment has ritualism from the masons but now has watered it down...because it's not needed like the 1840s. The Nauvoo and Salt Lake Temple have pentagrams but they aren't satanic but are used as symbolisms of stars.
2008-01-15 13:36:24 UTC
The Bible uses the symbolism of heavenly bodies to describe the work of God. Specifically, the symbols of the stars, the moon, and the sun are used in describing the next life (1 Cor. 15: 40-42 and other places). Is it a shock to find the same symbols on some LDS temples, given that the temple is about preparing us for the next life?

Also, in Revelation 22:16, Christ refers to himself as "the bright and morning star," and for early Latter-day Saints, the morning star symbol referred to the coming of Christ and His millennial reign - a perfectly appropriate symbol for the temple.

For documentation, please see the excellent article by Matthew Brown, "Inverted Stars On LDS Temples," available at, 2002. This article also shows that stars, including inverted stars, were used by early Christians as valid Christian symbols. Inverted stars did not become associated with the occult until after the time of Joseph Smith, as Brown documents.

Also, stars, including inverted stars, were used by early Christians as valid Christian symbols. Inverted stars did not become associated with the occult until after the time of Joseph Smith, as Brown documents. The symbol of the star - whether it has five or six points - and the pentagram can be used for good or evil purposes. The fact that Satan worshippers have given evil meanings to the star, the broken cross, the goat, the moon, or whatever does not make the symbols inherently evil.

Similarity in symbols does not mean similarity in meaning.

Edit: Symbolism on the outside of the SLC Temple

Angel Moroni Statue

Moroni on top the temple is there to announce that the fullness of the everlasting gospel has been restored to earth.

Spires on Salt Lake Temple

Six Spires, three on each end of the temple, represent the restoration of the priesthood. The three east spires, representing the Melchizedek Priesthood, are six feet higher than the three west spires, representing the Aaronic Priesthood. Also the three east spires represent the First Presidency, and the three west spires the Presiding Bishopric.

Stars outside Temple

Star Stones are found all over the temple, like on keystones above corner tower windows and above the lower set of windows on the walls. They are reminders of the pillars of heaven and the glory of God, and of the telestial kingdom. The stars pointing downward represent the reception of truth from the heavens, and also the priesthood, that the "lost may find themselves," according to Truman O. Angell, temple architect.

Moon Stones on Salt Lake Temple

All 50 moon stones are on the buttresses in line with the top of the first row of oval windows. They illustrate the computation of the earth’s time, and also the terrestrial kingdom.

Sun Stones on Salt Lake Temple

The sun stones also number 50 and are in line with the top of the upper row of oval windows. They also represent the computation of the earth’s time, and in addition, stand for the celestial kingdom.

Saturn Stones on Salt Lake Temple

The Saturn stones are located directly below the parapet on each side of the six towers. They represent Kolob, the dwelling place of God.

Corner Tower Windows on Salt Lake Temple

The five windows on the east end of the building commemorate the five offices of the Melchizedek priesthood: Elder, Seventy, High Priest, Patriarch, and Apostle. The four on the west end of the building stand for the four offices of the Aaronic priesthood: Deacon, Teacher, Priest, and Bishop.

All-Seeing Eye

The all-seeing eye is a symbol of omniscience, omnipresence, and the omnipotent nature of God, is found on the east facade of the central tower, just below the dedicatory inscription.
2008-01-15 13:38:23 UTC
Don't believe everything you hear, darlin, even I harbor no special place in my heart for the mormon church, but I don't buy for a second that they're a pagan cult or satanic church in disguise. I'm sure that this is nothing more than a rumor promulgated by a very small person
2008-01-15 13:35:22 UTC
I'm an ex-mormon, and pretty critical of LDS theology... where exactly are all of these pentagram things? Dozens of elements? I've been to many temples, I've not seen any...
plastik punk -Bottom Contributor
2008-01-15 13:32:58 UTC
Being a Mormon and having seen many temples I don't know quite what you are talking about.
Ode to the Damned® ÆA NR
2008-01-15 13:33:42 UTC
"Christians once more commonly used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Jesus"
Senator John McClain
2008-01-15 13:37:47 UTC
Stars can't represent anything that isn't satanic or evil?
Caleb's Mom
2008-01-15 13:32:15 UTC
Good question... I would like to know the answer to that too.
Dublin Ducky
2008-01-15 13:33:13 UTC
Where? Can you prove what you say?

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