Vatican names 'new' sins. What would you add to the list?
Yahoo! Contributor Network
2008-03-10 08:04:15 UTC
The Vatican has extended its list of mortal sins to include various 21st-century problems and issues. The new list condemns...

Genetic modification
Experimenting on humans
Polluting the environment
Causing social injustice
Causing poverty
Accumulating excessive wealth
Taking drugs

What sins would you add to the list - AND WHY?
129 answers:
Ivor Hugh G.Rection
2008-03-10 08:07:57 UTC
Experimenting on animals

Animal cruelty
Bloody Hippos
2008-03-10 10:32:36 UTC
No listening to the clergy seems a good one to add, especially no listening to the Vatican. Religion is more trouble than it's worth.. whatever it is. How can they 'add to' the sins... what is this.. a shopping list??

I had a fairly strict catholic upbringing, went to catholic schools etc etc.. and I have never heard of such a load of hypocrites.

Leave the 'sin control' to the legal authorities, not the religious ones... most of the worlds problems are caused by religions anyway.

I think in the not too distant future the governments of the world will outlaw ALL religions, and nation will rise against nation.. and nuke each other off the face of the earth.. except for the Vatican... they'll still be there... like cockroaches, and Cher.

I no longer follow a religion by the way... not that I ever did in the first place.
graham a
2008-03-10 11:16:46 UTC
Cold Calling

Why : because they waste the leisure time of thousands of people

Why : because they lie

'No sir, we're not selling anything - would you mind taking a short survey...'

'Our engineers are in your area and you're name has been selected from thousands of others......'

Virus writing

Why : These people serve no useful purpose beyond consuming oxygen. Beyond that I cannot say what I really think of these people because I would breach the Community guidelines.

Why : as a result of their activity we all have to run antivirus software that usually costs us money and slows down our pc's

Web site hacking

Why : because these people vandalise web sites that other people cared enough about to create for no reason other than they can.

Why : because they destroy information

Owning or working for a Spam e-mail company

Why : because these people fill our inboxes with rubbish and waste our time

Why : ever missed an e-mail because your inbox was full?

Why : ever deleted something you wanted to keep while you were getting rid of spam?

Why : see virus writers

Malware companies

Why : because if you have to hide your real intentions inside a 'free download' you know you're up to no good

Why : see virus writers

Racism, sexism, ageism

Why : If you have to ask ....

Pointless Political Correctness

Why : When we get some know-all saying we should ban Noddy books and the like we are bringing genuinely noble intentions into disrepute and undoing a lot of good work

Health & Safety

Why : banning conkers, not allowing christmas tree lights to be put up, and a load of other petty, beaurocratic decisions.
2008-03-10 21:39:26 UTC
Again the media has either misinterpreted or purposely blown out of proportion a story involving the Church.

The latest case is the interview a Vatican official gave to the Vatican newspaper on the social impact of sin in a globalized society.

Here are some of the "headlines":

+ “Vatican introduces more ways to sin“

+ “Seven More Sins, Thanks to Vatican“

+ “New sins as bad as the old sins — Vatican official“

+ “Vatican Updates Its Thou-Shalt-Not List“

+ “Recycle or go to Hell, warns Vatican”

This whole outlook assumes that there is a list of sins we can look up, besides the Ten Commandments or the seven deadly sins.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church does not even have a list of sins, although it does have an index of covered subjects.

For the real story, see: Social effects of sin greater than ever, says Vatican official:

For more information on the media misreporting this story, please see:

With love in Christ.
2008-03-10 10:41:43 UTC
Accumulating excessive wealth.....Hello, but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. We all know that the Catholic Church take at least 30%-50% of there collections every mass, even from the poorest people. Its time the Catholic chuch got real....and started given back rather than scare people in to believeing they will suffer a life of hell & damnation if they do not do what is set out by the Vatican...What a load of rubbish!!!! New sins...they need to look closer to home.....
2008-03-10 10:35:59 UTC
The wealth among the Catholic church is disgusting, especially in secret in places such as monastery's and also the cover up of child abuse by the Catholic church is disgraceful. One major sin that should be added is those who pretend to be holier than they are, hypocritical people, ones that make a fuss at religious ceremony's and make it a big deal to be there and seen by others all the while they behave nothing like Christians in their everyday lives! If your going to follow a religion, don't fake it!!!
2008-03-10 15:10:29 UTC
This list is disgusting.

Banning genetic modifications is ridiculous. Throughout history, science has been at the forefront of all progressive time periods. Science equals progress. Genetics = science. So the church is banning PROGRESS. Slightly reminiscent of the dark ages, huh?

Accumulating excessive wealth?!?!?! This is an abomination to catholicism. Excessive wealth is at the forefront of why i personally dislike the catholic church (although second to the lies on which it was founded) Now they tell us not to?! They can take all of their prcious metals and jewals, artifacts, and big buildings, sell them, and give the money towards charity, THEN tell me not to accumulate excessive wealth. And don't even get me started on the collection baskets! I go to a church who uses the money to make a bigger, grander entrance to the church. IT WAS FINE ALREADY! we don't need a new one for any other reason than greed which is so rampant within this church it would make any man question the morals of society.

causing poverty and social injustice - the church is doing it, but yet tells us not to. Yet again, better yourself then tell me how to live my life.

This list is an abomination to catholics. The ten commandments is not a grocery list! it is written in stone for a reason.
2008-03-10 09:16:58 UTC
I would add the sin of hypocrisy for which the residents of the Vatican are now surely all destined to be committed to Hell.

I mean, the mortal sin of Accumulating excessive wealth???

When is the Vatican going to give away it's billions then?
2008-03-10 10:24:30 UTC
Accumulating excessive wealth??...Having been to Rome, inside the Vatican and witnessed THEIR excessive wealth whilst outside its walls, very old people sit on the streets begging for money and food...what does that say about the Catholic church? Or is that 'Social Injustice' and 'Causing Poverty' too?? They used to 'sell pardons' for heaven and take money from those who had it so they could rub the foot of a statue of St Peter with the promise of forgiveness of sins...if you had no money you were, well...stuffed!! And that's how they got their wealth...maybe they should add corruption to their list and look at themselves. Thankfully, I'm not a Catholic.
2008-03-10 09:31:02 UTC
Seriously, I would say all the commandments cover anything that's going on already. No matter what you name, it falls into a category already. Murder, kill, steal, false witness, envy, even animals were mentioned as needing help getting out of a ditch so animal cruelty is in there. Children are mentioned so any harm to them is covered, gambling is gaining by others misfortune, not working for a living, drugs/alcohol is like eating meat in front of a weak brother, day of rest...who gets that and what price are we paying for it. Environment, supposed to give the land rest 1 of 7 years so even the environment is in there, also worshiping the creation not the Creator. See, there is nothing in this world old or new that the Bible/God does not address.
2008-03-10 08:47:58 UTC
Don't particularly like the word 'sin'. It has strong negative connotations and can be used to control others, to lapse into self-pity or self-importance (hey, maybe they should be on the list!) and seems to create more problems than it solves. Other words like 'mistakes' or 'shortcomings' might be better, though I concede the seven deadly mistakes sounds funny. Other religions have their own (very similar) views on these, Buddhism's 5 precepts springs to mind. I don't see why one religious denomination should hold all the cards here. But there again I'm not a catholic nor do I practise any other organised faith so what do I know. I'll try to stop experimenting on humans anyway, for my sins (no pun intended)
Bex D
2008-03-10 10:20:45 UTC
What the Hell gives the Vatican rights to extend on the Ten Commandments.

They are an abomination to God with their false Sins, if God wants to lay forth new Sins then He shall send his own word about these sins.

Religion, what a Crock of Sh*t!
2008-03-10 09:48:44 UTC

Even though i agree with those things to be considered sins,i dont think the priests,who are men,should have any right of adding sins.God Is our creator.The ten commandments he gave us already sum all you need to follow.

Practicly everything that is desrespectful, this world we humans created,is a sin.Honestly everywhere you look there is something horrible happening.And its all sins that resume in :lack of respect.

If you dont respect yourself you cant respect the world,the animals,people,situations.So you are already violating the 10 commandments...For those of you who dont respect it,can i ask why not? Why do you make fun of it?Why not just follow it.

If you follow the latest fashion,buy the latest craze...why not follow God's laws.They are simple,pure and all about love.

Do you actualy love the world we live in today,a world of fear,crazy people,disasters...???Honestly what is wrong about respecting yourselfs,each other and our world?Is it embarrassing?

We are all here for a reason,dont waste your short time here with things that hurt you,make you miserable,dont do to others what you dont want done to you...Simple.

The church might be rich,but dont blame it on God,or the religion.Dont forget that the priests are men,who you dont choose to lead the church-the religion, for their purety,because as humans they make mistakes,they can dictate rules and demand material things of the people simply because they are given powers by other men in a power position,Not by God.

The sin of wealth only comes because greedy people want more and more and so take it from the poor,that become poorer,so you see,its desrespectful,unhuman and unkind.There should be a balance.Money and positions will stay on this earth and you under it,you cant take your riches to the grave or the after life.So to those of you who are greedy and boast about taking drugs and hurting people,remember you are not eternal,you will loose everything,you are just hurting yourselfs and making yourselfs lonely and misarable,in sum being disrespectful to the only thing that really belongs to you,which is your bodies,your minds and your souls....
2008-03-10 09:13:38 UTC
Accumulating excessive wealth!

is that a joke coming from the Vatican - I'm sure hypocrisy must be a sin
2008-03-10 08:53:46 UTC
A sin is simply a posh name for doing a bad thing. It is anything that a person knows that if he/she does it, it is going to hurt someone and does it anyway. For those people who say sin doesn't exist for them I'd love to know what world they live in, 'cos the one I'm in sure is full of it. What would I add to the list?

cheating on your partner

being cruel to animals

not teaching children the difference between right and wrong

being greedy

being wasteful

I could go on but I won't!
Grace M
2008-03-10 10:14:19 UTC
I think being selfish and not loving one another as equals should be added to the list. There is so much hate in the world now and so much judgment by people who really should look at themselves before they cast the first stone....mankind has always been quick to go to war instead of looking for a more peaceful solution...and killing each other goes against every religion.
Tim B
2008-03-10 10:02:17 UTC
It is not for the pope to add new sins. The Bible has set out once and for what God considers sin. Rather than a list of sins, it is more helpful to realise that every act/word/thought

not in accordance with God's revealed will in scripture is sin.

The Pope's list is man-made and does not have the authority of scripture. Also, it is clearly an "after the fact" list, made in light of present world conditions, rather than coming from God Who does not change and Whose laws have been in place since the 10 commandments were given to Moses.

The Bible righty says that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Only by true repentance and believing in Jesus (in particular that He took our sins on the cross) can we be forgiven and restored to a right relationship with God.

If one were to try and state the "ultimate" sin, it would be the sin of rejecting Jesus, i.e. not believing in Him. This is, ultimately, the sin that will send unbelievers to hell, since it is only in believing in Jesus that one's sins can be forgiven (and we all sin).
Big D
2008-03-10 09:58:00 UTC
For centuries the Catholic Church dictated to its members how they should live their lives as have Protestants, Muslims, Jews and others ...Government has now replaced their authority generally with some exceptions where those seeking to maintain or gain power over others attach their cause to religion.

As we humans continue to evolve, another force will prevail over the planet which is "Individual Will", our given birth right as human beings. It's been happening for thousands of years and is accelerating now!

It's very hard for "us humans" to understand the power that we really have as individuals because of all our conditioning by the institutional authorities of the world. Not only governments and Church's... add the media, business and regional cultures, for which almost every country has gone to war to support.

The Ultimate Sin is to deny "Individual Will"...our basic Human Right! We should not infringe on the rights of others to pursue their "Individual Will"
2008-03-10 10:38:00 UTC
causing human misery, pollution, social injustice and poverty by pronatalist dogma

a no-child or maximum one-child policy and firm religious instruction to use condoms to prevent disease and unwanted children would raise living conditions and health and save the planet

If the Vatican does not want to spend any of it's own excessive wealth it could appeal to Bill Gates and Warren Buffet and all other aid programmes to offer condoms and sterilisation before food aid and health programmes. In Africa, aid relates exactly to increase in military spending and increase in numbers of people
2008-03-10 09:47:57 UTC
i think the list is well considered and at the moment i would not add anything. I d love to live in the world in which at least half of sins on the list is not pracised/ brought into life. A pity there is so much ignorance ...
2008-03-10 09:29:42 UTC
Supporting Manchester United.
2008-03-10 08:59:27 UTC
I would add:

You shall NOT hide paedophile-priests on the Vatican


-coz a few months ago I saw a documentary in which put in question about the whereabouts of those child-raping-priests around the world that are nowhere to be found by justice; those bastards just disappear; then, the documentary followed by saying that the Vatican would not allowed the police to research on documents inside the Vatican arcade that would help to find those people. they do know that the Vatican KNEW about priest who took advantage of children, but decided not to do anything because it would not look good.

those people are going to hell. and who the hell are they to decide what new sins to create and what new saints to name?, isn't that suppose to be done by GOD himself?
2008-03-10 10:50:38 UTC
'Telling lies in order to wage wars of aggression , the objective of which is control of other people's oil .'

Pope Tony will revoke this one when he moves on from the Presidency of Europe.
2008-03-10 10:16:35 UTC
The Catholic church attempting to put fear and guilt into people with these ridiculous threats.

Please tell me that the Vatican doesn't have excessive wealth.... and prove it ...... if not I think it is quite well acknowledged that they have quite alot of real estate (plus the rest) world wide which could well be excessive.

Who on earth does this cult think it is - hypocritical to say the least How dare they try and tell people how to live their lives when their own house is so obviously out of order (pedo priests etc. etc. etc.....)
skint and happy
2008-03-10 09:13:43 UTC

The Catholic church is a massive and very wealthy landowner and if ever they had a boot sale at the Vatican they would reap in Billions - so what about their excessive wealth ????. are they going to give it all away now it has been declared sinful ????
Amy R
2008-03-10 10:57:26 UTC
Child abuse- because children need to be protected. They are vulnerable, and too many are suffering at the hands of those who are meant to be protecting them.

Blackmail- it ruins people's lives.

Terrorism- technically murder, but even if people don't die, their lives can again be ruined.

Domestic violence- far, far too many people are abused by those who are supposed to love them. That and child abuse has to stop.

Rape- not just of women either. The reason should be obvious.
james b
2008-03-10 10:26:34 UTC
Accumulating excessive wealth? Talk about self damnation!

Causing poverty? By forbidding contraception which encourages the spread of aids and over sized families with an disproportionate call on resources and parental finance! Experimenting on humans? Repressed sexuality expressed through the unconsensual sodomising of choir boys. Dare I go on?
2008-03-10 09:15:06 UTC
Religious intolerance. But that would leave pretty much all religious followers committing a mortal sin. Paradox or what? Religion fertilizes mankind's lack of accountability to act humane.
2008-03-10 08:35:43 UTC
Glorifying Kate Moss
2008-03-10 11:50:30 UTC
I wonder if the Vatican is going to get rid of some of its wealth? The gold and silver all looks very pretty but just think of how many mouths they could feed if they sold some of it.
2008-03-10 13:15:23 UTC
Isn't the church the biggest accumulater of wealth after central Government.
Roxy R
2008-03-10 10:49:26 UTC
I think everyone has come back with good points and added important things to the sin list.....

Heres my contribtion:

In response to what the Vatican/pope has announced...

I believe there are no 'new' sins...

If you read the Bible, its all in there.

Only Jesus himself, being of God could clarify everything that is under the canopy of sin..but God in the Old Testament, and Jesus all through the New Test, summed up in nutshells for us what sin is...everything that seperates us from God, for God is pure.

Jesus said (to a crowd that was going to stone a woman for committing adultery), "you who have not sinned, cast the first stone...". If we recognise our own sin and want to repent of it, thats the important part. Even if we recognise our sin, it still doesnt give us the right to judge others. Teaching is what people need, not condemation.

Anything that KEEPS us from being pure in mind is sin.

Witchcraft, worship of anything, not being able to forgive is one...this could be used in all situations, as can judging others.

Loving ones neighbour for example, means to treat them in ALL ways that we ourselves want to be treated like....that includes, well idol chat, gossiping, judging, lying, hate....all these come under the title of sin..

God hates ALL types and severity of sin..not just the big stuff like murder, hate, rape etc...but of course they are all sin too.

Its 'original sin' which we are born with (a naturally sinful nature) that was in the beginning which is what we need to re nounce..then accept that we are still in the flesh, and are responsible for own own actions...but ask for Gods help to learn how to be more like Jesus every day....we cant do it without help, because our nature is 'fallen'..and only by Gods grace, He makes us more like Himself.

God looks at the heart, and like it or not we all have a conscience...and therefore we are going to be answerable to whatever we do, unless we repent. God is a God of mercy, yes of judgement too, but He wants to forgive and forget, so we are able to have a relationship with Him.

If we are trying our best to stay on the straight and narrow..He knows.

You could make a list as long as your arm listing all that is considered sin....but if its not from the Bible...people will interprete and justify what they think is sin..this wont work, because of our corrupt nature...we can only go by Jesus' guidelines.

We are only responsible for ouselves. in our hearts we should know whats right or not.
2008-03-10 13:46:24 UTC
Basically all these new sins will commit all world leaders to Hell and damnation because they are the cause of all these new sins and don't really give a damn.
2008-03-10 10:26:52 UTC
OK here's a thought on that new "sin" - Accumulating Excessive Wealth ......

Anyone within the Vatican defending the amount of money that they have raised so far will surely say that they collect it on God's behalf (as is my understanding) .... so does that mean that as technically this money is God's doesn't this mean that God has accumulated excessive wealth and therefore it is God who will be going to hell??

As an athiest myself I couldn't really give a monkeys what new "sins" they deem us fit to commit but it does make me angry to think of how many of us are thought of as unworthy because of what "they think we should be doing"!

Try living in the real world instead of thinking up this pathetic ridiculous nonsense in order to make peoples lives more miserable and calling it religion!

(And to think wars are started over this cr@p!!!)
2008-03-10 09:51:09 UTC
Resolvable divorce.

This is now becoming a professional sin. What a shame! At a slightest disagreement b/w couples, divorce is the first consideration esp in the developed world. This should be stopped.. the bible is my reason..
2008-03-10 12:02:15 UTC
I would say there are greater sins that are being committed br RC church the big one is in Leviticus 18-22. (YOU SHALL NOT LIE WITH A MALE AS WITH A WOMAN; IT IS AN ABOMINATION.) But don't they sleep with little boys.....YAH
2008-03-12 02:30:48 UTC
I would substitute all these for the word pride. From pride all other sin springs. There is no greater anti God position than pride. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God
2008-03-10 09:41:21 UTC
The production and sale of Buckfast by Buckfast Abbey/The Catholic Church. You can't produce alchopops for the Kiddies whist trying to preach morality at the same time!

Buckfast is Fortified wine with vanilla flavouring.
chuks o
2008-03-10 09:47:41 UTC
Dealing on Fake and expired Pharmaceutical products and foods.

I wish to add this because fake drugs are killing. So it is as dangerious as selling poison to people.

Neverthless, the ten commandment is comprehensive. These are not necessarily adding to the ten commandment but expantiating and clarifying on those laws of God to man (ten commandments) by drawing emphasis on the modern trends.
n c
2008-03-10 10:09:52 UTC
This is the oldest sin: - Selfishness.

It is a very human sin and everywhere you look it is proliferating.

It is destroying us all.

Perhaps we should start to celebrate those who are selfless instead of the self centred??

Whatever happened to PURE LOVE? Surely that is what Christ tried to teach and what has been forgotten?
2008-03-10 09:57:19 UTC
You can't add anything new to Gods word, who does the pope think that he is, the bible says that there is only one who can intercede for us with The Heavenly Father and that is Jesus Christ his son, not some priest or pope, we have access only through Jesus. The bible also says not to add anything to Gods word or take anything away from his word. The church in Rome is really the great prostitute mentioned in the book of Revelation, they will do anything to distract attention from Jesus, by worshiping Mary or any other 'saints'. Woe to them.
2008-03-10 17:39:06 UTC
so if pollution is now a sin, is passing gas a sin? driving your car? cooking your food(if u use a gas-powered stove)? heating your home(again, gas-powered)? What about taking drugs that are prescribed to you? How can u stop becoming rich? If you have a good job that pays well like being a doctor, or actor how can u not be rich?
2008-03-10 10:20:59 UTC
Accumulating excessive wealth!!!

In that case may be we will see the Catholic church giving up some of its own wealth seeing as it is one of the wealthiest organisations in the world then may be others will follow suit.
Petra R
2008-03-10 09:30:34 UTC
Social injustice and discrimination from the one who call himself a Pope (the leader of whome???)

Intolerance from any religion

Trying to control others people lifes, and call it "love"!

Extenssive wealth in Vatican!!!
2008-03-10 12:32:17 UTC
Sin: Promoting self-interest in the guise of acting in the public good.

Why: `Public life` no longer equates with `public service` at all levels. Instead, greed, self-promotion and selfish disregard for others appear to be the norm throughout society (with notable exceptions, of course.)
2008-03-10 11:04:47 UTC
Oh .... no! What a big load of rubbish ...!! Pope, will you shut up and stop being selfish ... why do you want to control the world, when GOD is in control ... and everything under the sky and the sun happens as He has planned ... why don't you stop fooling this sinful world ...?

As we all know the humans have never stopped sinning ever since they have been around. Times they are achanging and so also the sins we commit.

This Pope is an extremely funny man who is wasting time on things he cannot get control over - he is well qualified and also well placed to set things in order within his Catholic Church rather than preaching the whole vast world. There are a lot of things which the Pope MUST change within the Catholic Church and set example to all the sinners of the world (and set his followers - rather than Christ's followers - free from bondages):

I have the following for the Pope to give immediate attention to and start implementing in his Universal (Catholic) Church:

1. Liquidate the Vatican Museum of Valuables which is worth a few Billion U S Dollars and give it away for Poverty eradication rather than hoarding all that wealth for a show. He and his priests must stop collecting money from people every time the faithful go to church - this holding the faithful to ransom and robbing them in broad day light in the name of GOD. This immediate move would serve to set an example to stop "Accumulating Excessive Wealth". Now that you have made "Accumulating Excessive Wealth" into a sin, immediately start unloading your centuries old wealth which is growing by millions and millions with each passing day.

2. With a mandatory decree, ask all his Cardinals, Arch-bishops, Monsignors and Priests to stop greedily amassing wealth on the sly. Also stop all the grandeur within the Catholic Church, sell all your assets and give it to the poor as Christ himself asked his followers. This would serve to set an example to stop "Causing poverty".

3. Order all his clergy to be married (also the nuns within all of Catholic Church), so they may not burn with carnal passions privately to sexually sin against other humans. All these reckless clergy do not know the trauma of those whom they sexually exploit. This would serve to set an example to stop "Causing Social Injustice".

4. Stop "Polluting the Environment" and the world with your foolish dictats as you and your priests have established false authority over the people you ought to serve.

5. Stop covering up the "Sins of your Priests" within the Catholic Church and stop behaving like demi-gods on earth with your vanishing acts, and then make an appearance at yet another location to practice your sins.

6. Stop all your clergy from being lazy and start earning your own daily-bread rather than resorting to extortion of the faithful in GOD's name - imagine the Catholic Church whose followers exceed 2.2 Billion people and its control over its flock's finances? Remember, laziness is a sin too.

7. As Priest yourself, stop exploiting people under your control and trust. Have you forgotten the cruelty of your predecessors, and in all of your love for power and authority, the wars that were caused by so many Popes down the centruries, all that wealth that you have amassed over ALL those centuries that the Catholic Church has existed?
2008-03-10 10:16:20 UTC
1. wars and acts of violence in the name of god should be a mortal sin


2. It should be a sin for religious establishments who do not convert there assets into housing, hospitals, care centres, youth centres etc. for the poor

2008-03-10 09:25:40 UTC
As a local government employee, I would like to add implementing time recording as a deadly sin.
2008-03-10 09:09:46 UTC
Accumulating excessive wealth, that's a good 1. Someone remind me how many billion's the Roman Catholic Church make's each year.
2008-03-10 09:02:55 UTC
I would add "listening to anything that comes out of the Vatican"
2008-03-10 13:16:05 UTC
I've got one. Quoting Nietzsche:

"'Could it be possible? This old saint in the forest has not yet heard anything of this, that God is dead!"
2008-03-10 10:59:42 UTC
all those sins are being committed right now as we speek... infact they are intrinsically related... the development of these new sins is about 100 years too late. good on the vatican!
Anurag B
2008-03-10 10:13:42 UTC
Its a sin to add a sin.

Without sin there is no virtue.

There is no sin without virtue

One man's sin is the other woman's virtue.
Victor Ludorum
2008-03-10 10:09:29 UTC
Mentioning the words"man made Global Warming" in public
rod g
2008-03-10 09:36:03 UTC
There having a laugh,excessive wealth,they have as much money as General Motors
2008-03-10 08:45:23 UTC
Brain washing children with religious superstition

Electing fools and crooks to be world leaders

appearing in public with long chains of diamonds wrapped around oneself

plastic surgery except for the seriously maimed
2008-03-10 09:11:45 UTC
1 - Failure to practise safe sex... the catholic church refuses to say condoms are necessary. Therefore, people will continue to die horrible deaths, as they listen to the church rather than science and logic.

2 - Cruelty to animals... is just wrong, everyone with half a brain knows that.

3 - Paedophilia... have ever they mentioned this?!
trent steel
2008-03-10 09:51:30 UTC
I take it the vatican is about to unleash a crusade on wall street then. Cool....back to the dark ages...dibs on king.
Leslie H
2008-03-10 09:03:14 UTC
Hypocrasy would be a good one, you like the richest organisation on the planet having ago at people because of wealth, things like that.
It's the Avon lady-DUCK!
2008-03-10 08:28:01 UTC
Sudy Nim
2008-03-10 22:04:07 UTC
Sorry there is **NO NEW LIST** of sins...

Just media hype and misquoting...

but don't take my word for it.....
The Legend
2008-03-10 10:02:18 UTC
e-mail spamming i'd add, oh and also it should be a sin for pretty girls to be covered up at any time.

not sure it would get past the pope that one, unless i add choirboys but then the bishops have already passed that one haven't they?
Elaine K
2008-03-10 08:54:20 UTC
Hording treasures from world war 2 in the vatigan.

Priests that abuse children.

Cover up of priests that abuse children.

A sin to let any child suffer in this world.
2008-03-10 08:16:37 UTC
First I wanna know if the Pope got the list from Jesus himself. If he says he did I'd question the state of his sanity.

Sorry, but I can't add to the list, because "sin" doesn't exist in a confirmed atheist's vocabulary.
2008-03-10 10:16:02 UTC
waisting ur time in yahoo answers without doing what i suppose to do

and all other bad thgs that r not in the list

i m not a catholic by the way sorry if i offend u all believers
2008-03-10 09:41:16 UTC
Why add more sins, its not like the church is capable of keeping them so why would anyone else be.
Nicoli H
2008-03-10 09:15:46 UTC

The Vatican/Catholic Church is one of the wealthiest organisations on the planet!
2008-03-10 08:49:24 UTC
Celibacy for priests

It contradicts what the Church teaches about the natural order of things
2008-03-10 08:14:23 UTC
I really think that our commercialist society needs to be brought to the forefront, the problem is people are making cash exploiting it, so it may never happen. But consumerist culture needs to stop, its a huge sin in my opinion.
2008-03-10 10:12:13 UTC
Causing social injustice - why should any one even do stuff like this?

Causing poverty - that's just cruel!

Taking drugs - i think it's a form of abuse to the body
2008-03-10 09:33:10 UTC
Accumulating excessive wealth!

I'd say it should be a sin to not 'practice what you preach'
2008-03-10 09:46:24 UTC
Protecting child molesters from the police by moving them around the world to do their deeds elsewhere, but that wouldn't be very catholic of me would it
Simon O
2008-03-10 10:28:55 UTC
Excessive wealth is a good one coming from the Catholics seeingas they stole money and treasures from people in the past telling them that they'd burn in hell if they didn't.
2008-03-10 09:14:10 UTC
Bad hair extensions

Anyone who extols the virtues of the Jonas brothers


Letting your dog crap on the pavement and not picking it up

Unruly dog ownership

4x4 ownership in big cities

I could go on. haha
2008-03-10 10:42:48 UTC
thou shalt not codemme music unless the musicans themselves are evil. they say metal is bad but the musicans aern't this includes rap, pop etc...
2008-03-10 09:41:25 UTC
Thou shall not worship false Billy Idols :D
Kirk F
2008-03-10 09:19:04 UTC
hmmm, interesting - considering the vatican have been causing poverty and accumulating excessive wealth for centuries...
the truth has set me free
2008-03-10 09:19:42 UTC
False prophecy and claiming to be the only (true) representative of God on the planet.
Maria C
2008-03-10 09:10:27 UTC
Being an absolute jerk in front of people and then realising later on that one did NOT do a "funny".
2008-03-10 13:52:54 UTC
Having any time whatever for the papacy and the wickedness they propogate
2008-03-10 08:56:44 UTC
Well, as I live in the UK:

Voting labour

why? 1997-present
2008-03-10 08:36:11 UTC
The sin of being involved in the manufacture or sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products.

Do you know how many millions of addicts have been killed by this poison?

A smoker has a 50% chance of being killed by a smoking-related illness.

Surely to knowingly contribute to someone else's death must be categorised as a sin?
2008-03-10 08:17:38 UTC
Condemning victimless activities.
ken p
2008-03-13 14:28:31 UTC
darling should have taken notice to the accumulating of wealth in the budget
2008-03-14 06:54:32 UTC
Animal cruelty...neglect...abuse

human intolerance
2008-03-10 10:52:36 UTC
The church shall not take advantage of young boys for sexual gratification
Gary D
2008-03-10 10:01:55 UTC
Sexual exploitation of any gender by any gender especially when one is in a position of trust
2008-03-10 09:47:49 UTC


Aaron C
2008-03-10 09:38:33 UTC
i think it should be a sin for a man to claim to have the authority to forgive sins if he is not God or Jesus.
Tony P
2008-03-10 10:41:16 UTC
I would say diving [if ronaldo is looking I didint say you] because it just ruins it for everybody im talking about football of corse if your happy contact me good-bye!!!!!!!!!
2008-03-10 08:12:51 UTC
God has already given us the 10 Commandments, and Jesus summed them up by saying "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it, namely, you must love your neighbor as you love yourself." He summed it up by saying (in one place), "Don't do anything to others that you wouldn't want to happen to you", and in another place He said, "Do to others only those things you want done to yourself," covering both the negative AND positive aspects of how to treat others.

Before you do ANY thing, ask yourself these questions: "WHY do you really do this, and WHO are you really doing it for?" If you can't pass this first commandment, making God supreme in your life, then it's wrong.

THEN, ask, "Would I want this to happen to me?" If you can't say yes, then it is wrong.

In both cases, it is sin, and you don't need to add any more to the list.

The greatest command is Love, Agape (pronounced "ah-gah-pay"), the greek word for God's Love, of universeal, unconcerned benevolence, and all the rest of the Law and the prophets fall on the two commandments that sum up Love towards God and towards others.
pussin boots
2008-03-10 10:13:13 UTC

because it causes wars
yvonne s
2008-03-10 10:29:49 UTC
Dealing drugs

the world would be a better place and not to have this in your neighbourhood would help everyone.
Mont E. Xuma
2008-03-10 09:08:12 UTC
Child abuse by members of the clergy
2008-03-10 09:53:25 UTC
I would like to add the sin to marry the same sex
2008-03-10 08:44:15 UTC
(1) Smoking & Drinking

As this would condemn nearly all the catholic priests.

(2) Having no belief what the bible says.

As this would condemn nearly all the catholic priests.

(3) Gross hypocrisy

As this would condemn nearly all the catholic priests.
Andrew B
2008-03-10 09:58:52 UTC
Driving your tractor during rush hour.
2008-03-10 08:55:29 UTC
Leaving fingerprints on my computer screen
2008-03-10 09:51:22 UTC
wearing a big white dress and being an Ex-Nazi.
2008-03-10 08:42:05 UTC
Child molestation

Cover-up of child molestation

Advocating genocide

See the irony here?
stanley c
2008-03-10 10:14:42 UTC
Homosexuality because its an abomination.
2008-03-10 09:52:44 UTC
Why are you - YAHOO - even staging this monotheistic platform? What does Yahoo stand for?
2008-03-10 12:33:15 UTC
human organ donation (breaches the dignity of life and death)

testing on animals (immoral abuse of the innocent)
2008-03-10 09:41:53 UTC
preventing people from using contraception
Veronica M
2008-03-10 08:42:16 UTC
I would add any form off child abuse
2008-03-10 08:17:00 UTC
Add organized religion to that list.
Newstar T
2008-03-10 10:18:57 UTC
Racial discrimination is a sin.
2008-03-10 09:09:13 UTC
All kinds of child abuse, That includes the catholic priests, who abuse children, make them burn in hell. hypocrites.
2008-03-10 08:55:13 UTC
"Accumulating excessive wealth" - The catholic Church!! Don't make me throw up!!
2008-03-10 08:14:13 UTC
Calling yourself the Vicar of Christ.
2008-03-10 12:23:02 UTC
Killing animals for fur is a sin! killing something so you can wear it???...sick and wrong!!
2008-03-10 09:56:37 UTC
alchol abuse becausf it causes misery and suffering to so many people.
2008-03-10 09:19:18 UTC
i would add......acting like "God"and creating new sins.
vambo the fourth
2008-03-10 08:09:47 UTC
Accumulating excessive wealth, that's a good one! Hypocrites.
2008-03-10 08:08:50 UTC
Gosh, I'm guilty of most of them. Particularly causing social injustice and poverty. And, naturally enough, accumulating excessive wealth.
2008-03-10 13:52:42 UTC
experementing on animals.
2008-03-10 10:04:19 UTC
bigotry, hatred and intolerance
Michael A
2008-03-10 08:30:16 UTC
Collecting 10% from church goers every sunday
Lard Jesus
2008-03-10 08:08:34 UTC
I had a hard enough time not fornicating and using the lords name in vain. Now I have to stop my drug trafficking AND I can't clone myself? What's this world coming to?
2008-03-10 08:48:18 UTC
"Accumulating excessive wealth"

Well... that'll be the Catholic church then won't it?
2008-03-10 08:08:23 UTC
That made me laugh. There are no "new sins". Everything comes under something already named. There may be new ways to do things, but there are no new sins.
2008-03-10 08:09:17 UTC
Making babies - Because they turn into the evil creatures.
2008-03-10 08:08:11 UTC
I would add:

Acting like your religious construct knows the will of God.
2008-03-10 08:09:25 UTC
I would add nothing, sins are made-up to control the masses...

but i do find it funny that "polluting" was added to the list, since most religious people believe that it's god's will that the earth is warming up...and "global warming" is nothing more than scientific propoganda...
2008-03-10 08:10:08 UTC
Behaving as though you think you are god and know it all.
2008-03-10 08:08:51 UTC
Peadophilia should be on there...funny how they missed that one off the list!
2008-03-10 08:43:48 UTC
2008-03-10 11:01:13 UTC

2008-03-10 08:08:44 UTC
these are all evil but id say pornography anal/oral sex and wife beating. and cheating

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