Why do atheists hate Christians?
2013-04-21 09:26:23 UTC
It seems like atheists hate Christians. I don't know why because when they talk about it they get all angry about it. Atheists will say that we are trying to take over science and stuff. What? I am Christian and I rarely get taught anything religious in school. I learned evolution and studied all religions and I'm fine. I do think Christians could calm down about evolution being taught in school. I mean, I believe in God and love him but what's wrong with learning about evolution? I find it interesting even though I don't believe it really happened. But then atheists want God taken out of the pledge of allegience. Why? It's just two words. "Under God." Calm down. Atheists also complain about Christians saying "you're going to burn in hell." I don't do that and I think that it is wrong to say stuff like that but I mean how often do they do that? Plus, you don't believe in God so it just a ridiculous statement right? I don't mean to offend anyone or be rude but if I did I'm sorry and please don't get rude in the comments.
21 answers:
2013-04-21 09:33:26 UTC
I don't hate Christians at all. I don't hate anyone, really. I also identify as a pantheist rather than an atheist though, so maybe I'm not the best spokesperson for atheists in general.

I think the confusion you are running into here is that you probably live in a more liberal area and are being confronted with the complaints of atheists who live in more conservative areas. Believe it or not, there are places where creationism is illegally taught in schools (or where evolution is taught in a biased way to present it as illegitimate), where atheists get their cars vandalized for something as unoffensive as a Darwin fish bumper sticker, where significant numbers of people legitimately believe that all atheists deserve to burn in hell and have no shame in expressing it to any atheists they come across. I'm guessing you don't live in a place like this, and if so, congratulations, but try to be understanding of what it's like to be an atheist somewhere like that.
2013-04-21 09:31:50 UTC
Most atheists wouldn't have a problem with a christians such as yourself. Unfortunately, many of your brethren SO want to take over school boards and not only teach magic in science class, but give it equal time. When you have US representatives in Washington saying things like evolution and the Big Bang theory are lies from the pits of hell, education is in danger.

There's a nice quote, and I'm paraphrasing, "Those who know the least know it the loudest". The really annoying christians tend to paint the rest of you in a negative light.

As for the "under god" thing, you are aware that the phrase was inserted into the pledge in the 1950s to prove we were better than the godless commies, right?

The converse of the annoying christian is the annoying atheist. I don't really care about "In god we trust" on money, or even "under god". However, I believe that if christians feel they can put crosses up on public lands, then they shouldn't get upset about similar displays from other religions. It's like the prayer in school thing. They don't want prayer in school, in fact the don't want just any christians prayer, they want THEIR kind of christian prayer. Sorry, but that's a non-starter.
2013-04-21 09:41:19 UTC
'Atheists will say that we are trying to take over science and stuff.'

And, you crazy christers ARE trying to do that. Fortunately, secular groups and the US Constitution are helping to stop some of the attempts. Like the attempt in North Carolina to pass a law mandating an official state religion, which, of course, would have been 100% Unconstitutional.

'I am Christian and I rarely get taught anything religious in school.'

Go to Louisiana, where the idiot Governor is allowing publicly paid for school vouchers to be used at schools which teach creationism, which is 100% Unconstitutional (Edwards V Aguillard). He's supported by lots of crazy christers.

' I find it interesting even though I don't believe it really happened.'

Then, you're a willfully ignorant knob. The overwhelming evidence shows that evolution is just as factual as gravity. BTW, being called ignorant becaise you choose to be ignorant isn't 'rude'. Rather, choosing to be so willfully ignorant is rude to the rest of us.

'I don't do that and I think that it is wrong to say stuff like that but I mean how often do they do that?'

Very often, and even if it were rare, it would still be WRONG even if it were done ONE time. Why are you so quick to try to minimise the willful rudeness of your side ? That's dishonest of you.

“Theists, especially Christians, try to control and restrict us based on their views.

If all Christians stop crusading against science, education, culture, art, sex and sexuality, religious freedom and such, stop dishonestly misrepresenting your beliefs as facts, and stop telling everybody else they're going to be tortured throughout eternity unless they join you, I assure you that you won't encounter nearly as much hostility.”
Providentia x
2013-04-21 09:38:21 UTC
Read some of the answers and you will see why, aven if they don't answer your question correctly.

Many atheists do not hate christians, it is mainly just the atheists on the religeon and spirituality section, and this is likely because as you rightly say many christians often tell atheists they will burn in hell, and although this meaningless to some, it is quite an unpleasant thing to say - I used to get terified if christians said this to me, and it stirs up a dislike of them. Also, fundamental christians tend to have horrible(in my opinion) beleifs about particular types of people, for example homosexuals, na dthis can cause again dislike. Additionly, some of this 'hatred' is just mirrored as most christians hate people of different belifs.

EDIT: wth? (predator) i know you might not see this, but they're only asking a question (hense the web address yahoo answers) so there's no need to be a troll and start ranting on at them about their beleif, as for once there's a christian being respectful about athesism!!

Please notice how I have said "many' or 'maily' as a lot of atheists don't have a big problem with christians - they just find their beleif unessasary, and I'm sure there must be christians who think the same.

I'm a 14 year old atheist, so I'm still in school, and already I have had very bad expeariance with christians, and although these are just a few people, I am still very wary of christians, but i don't hate someone for the pure fact they are christian.

I also completely agree with you about almost everything you have said, and I hope this helps on why atheists hate christians (and visa versa).
2013-04-21 09:37:51 UTC
The truth is that Christians hate atheists as much as atheists hate Christians, but they are 2 different sides of the same coin. They are both fueled by hatred and fear which is the core of it. Not All Christians/atheists behave this way, but just enough to catch your attention.

Both groups (religious people and atheists) are missing the mark. And there will never be peace until people know the ultimate truth about life.

You don't need religion to know it, but it is in religion.

If everyone knew this truth about life, there will be peace on earth.

It starts with you or anyone reading this. Read "The Present with Religion" for yourself with an open mind.
The Arbiter of common sense
2013-04-21 09:31:28 UTC
In the first place, most atheists do NOT hate Christians. Many do get pretty upset about Christians who work to force their religion onto the public life of the nation.

Yes, it IS very important that the words "Under God" are included in the Pledge. If it's not, why would Christians fight so hard to keep it in?

Yes, it IS important to prevent the teaching of so called 'creation science', because it is NOT SCIENCE, and teaching it as such is not more appropriate than teaching that 1+1=3. We cannot teach our children mythology and tell them it's science, and expect them to grow up and become useful members of a technological society.
2013-04-21 09:42:01 UTC
Not all atheists are hateful toward Christians. I respect the beliefs of others as long as they respect mine. I rarely get into arguments or fights about it-it rarely comes up in the first place. Generally, the only time I have problems with Christians is when they have problems with me or when they persistently try to convert me.
Adullah M
2013-04-21 09:41:38 UTC
May be because all Christians believes in Trinity which is against logic , rational and reason.That is why they denied the type of gods that the Christians believes .

Don't blame them but blame all the Christians who ascribe partners to GOD .

Then I wish to invite all the Atheists and the Christians to have real faith in The ONE TRUE GOD , then your lives would be safe both in this world and the hereafter.

Please see the Holy one who found the Truth by himself as to the guidance of The Merciful LORD GOD
2016-10-28 12:00:04 UTC
properly, that is unfair. share sensible, that is honestly with regard to a similar. a similar forms of folk tend to hate alongside ideological strains. you will by no ability come across a venture the place each and every physique hate all of yet another people. yet there is alot greater Christians, so their hate crammed share outnumbers each and every physique else, and in lots of situations conditioned protecting atheists are puzzled for the easily hateful atheists.
2013-04-21 11:36:37 UTC
Being an atheist, i completely agree with you. There's no point fighting and quarrelling all the time. You believe what you want to. I'll believe what i want to. Topic closed.
2013-04-21 09:30:21 UTC

No one wants to take God out of the schools. Many of us want to keep the curriculum secular so it applies to ALL students, not just Christian students. That's not hate. That's reason.
2013-04-21 09:29:11 UTC
When the pledge was originally written, it did not include the phrase "under god" .

That came about in the 1950s, during the cold war.

Why do some christians appear to hate atheists?


I do not think my response was rude.

Why do you generalize?
2013-04-21 09:33:35 UTC
Atheists do not blindly 'hate' any group. They do have an expressed interest in defending their position on accepting the universe and reality as it observably is.
2013-04-21 09:27:29 UTC
Mitt Romney - AKA Mittler Christian/Mormon destroyed jobs and businesses and people's lives for money so he could buy another yache...---Legal YES! ETHICAL NO!!!

Jeffrey Lundgren - Christian/Mormon a murderer of whole families

George W. Bush Sr. - Christian, Christian "Read My Lips No New Taxes", increase taxes on the middle class and poor, cut taxes for the rich

George W. Bush Jr. - Christian, Turned Iraq war into a religious war by saying "god told him to invade Iraq", increase taxes on the middle class and poor, cut taxes for the rich

Nazism - Christians

Adolph Hitler - Christian/Catholic

Newt Gingrich - Christian

KKK - Christian

Ronald Reagan - Christian

Tsarist Russia - Christian

Leona Helmsley - Christian said “Only the little people pay taxes”

The Crusades - Christian & Catholic

The Troubles - Catholic & Christian

The Holocaust - Catholic & Christian

The Book burnings - Catholic & Christian

The heretic burnings - Christian

Backing of the institution of slavery

Hindering of science - Catholic & Christian

Hindering of medicine - Catholic & Christian

Hindering of social advancement - Catholic & Christian

Hindering of education - Catholic & Christian

Persecution of homosexuals

Child rapes by religious leaders - Catholic & Christian

Inquisitions - Christian

Ugandan Christians

Salem Witch burnings - Christian

Waco Texas - Christian

Jones Town - Christian

San Diego Heaven's Gate - Christian

Serbians - Christian

Skin Heads - Christians

IRA ( Irish Republican Army ) - Christian

Iron Guard - Christian

Westboro Baptist church - Christians

Al Qaeda - Muslim (911) and many, many more

Noah's Ark where god murdered everyone on the planet

Even Today Christians are doing unethical things

More can be found at
2013-04-21 09:41:04 UTC
I've listened to many of their theories. I have arrived at the conclusion that they do it for the lulz.
2013-04-21 09:29:05 UTC
If you promise to get religion out of law, medicine, school, government, science, reproduction and out of my face, I'll be much calmer.
2013-04-21 09:35:38 UTC
I don't hate Christians, I hate Christianity.
2013-04-21 09:30:08 UTC
I don't hate them. I feel bad for them. They waste their whole life thinking about their "after life". Wasted.
2013-04-21 09:28:03 UTC
They find us an easier target than Muslims. Those guys may attack or blow them up. Our message is more peace and love so they think we are a soft touch for their bile and froth.
2013-04-21 09:27:25 UTC
Atheism itself is fueled and driven by hatred.

Without it, they're just another group of undereducated and unbathed hippies.
2013-04-21 09:28:54 UTC
because they brainwash people.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.