Mitt Romney - AKA Mittler Christian/Mormon destroyed jobs and businesses and people's lives for money so he could buy another yache...---Legal YES! ETHICAL NO!!!
Jeffrey Lundgren - Christian/Mormon a murderer of whole families
George W. Bush Sr. - Christian, Christian "Read My Lips No New Taxes", increase taxes on the middle class and poor, cut taxes for the rich
George W. Bush Jr. - Christian, Turned Iraq war into a religious war by saying "god told him to invade Iraq", increase taxes on the middle class and poor, cut taxes for the rich
Nazism - Christians
Adolph Hitler - Christian/Catholic
Newt Gingrich - Christian
KKK - Christian
Ronald Reagan - Christian
Tsarist Russia - Christian
Leona Helmsley - Christian said “Only the little people pay taxes”
The Crusades - Christian & Catholic
The Troubles - Catholic & Christian
The Holocaust - Catholic & Christian
The Book burnings - Catholic & Christian
The heretic burnings - Christian
Backing of the institution of slavery
Hindering of science - Catholic & Christian
Hindering of medicine - Catholic & Christian
Hindering of social advancement - Catholic & Christian
Hindering of education - Catholic & Christian
Persecution of homosexuals
Child rapes by religious leaders - Catholic & Christian
Inquisitions - Christian
Ugandan Christians
Salem Witch burnings - Christian
Waco Texas - Christian
Jones Town - Christian
San Diego Heaven's Gate - Christian
Serbians - Christian
Skin Heads - Christians
IRA ( Irish Republican Army ) - Christian
Iron Guard - Christian
Westboro Baptist church - Christians
Al Qaeda - Muslim (911) and many, many more
Noah's Ark where god murdered everyone on the planet
Even Today Christians are doing unethical things
More can be found at