Yes YES Yes ,,, I just read on that topic recently ,,, Ah friend of mine who I play music with sometimes playes at the catholic mass with me ,,, I didn,t say he couldn,t receive Communion ,,, but later one of the elders said for him not to receive communion ,,, I think its ok ,,, Some times church law is just church law ,,, When I go to someone elses church they don,t tell me not to participate in their services ,,, WHERE IS THE CHRISTIAN ,, there to worship the Lord , and that includes receiving HIM ,,, By the way I just also read in the Bible where it said in the end times before the world comes to an end their will be no separation with christians ,,, all will worship as christians , not as ah seperate church ,,, All will be One together to praise the Lord ,,, Remember man has ah bunch of rules and laws that change all the time ,,,, God said 10 to moses ,,, and then Jesus said 2 ,,,, as ah catholic and ah christian I,m gonna listen to what Jesus said Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , soul and mind , and love thy neighbor as thy self ,,,, thats it ,,, may God forgive if i,m wrong , ,, but I know Jesus and what He said , if Jesus wants you not to receive Him ,,, He will leave the Sacred Host , ,, Go and Receive Him ,,, may God bless ,,, oll nick ,,,