Is there only one way to believe in God?
2006-06-27 20:10:58 UTC
Christians believe in Scripture and the Tritinity. Jews believe in God but don't believe Jesus was the son of God. Mormons believe Jospeh Smith was a prophet sent from God and added to the new testament. Buddhist beilive in Buddha and reaching an enlightened state through meditation. Religous Scientists believe in a Higher Power... THE LIST IS ENDLESS!! Do you believe that there is any one way to be close to God. Is there a place such as hell to where I'd go if I don't believe in your God?
46 answers:
2006-06-27 20:20:37 UTC
something i read really helped me with this same question...i believe the god/s that every religion worships is the same one..i just didnt know how to be close to a god with so many personalitys...and when i read this

"God is love and he respects love, whether its between a parent and a child, a man and a woman or friends. i dont think he cares about religon one little bit. live your life right. love with all your heart, dont hurt others and help those in need. dont worry about heaven. if it exists you be welcome." i knew that just talking to the big guy upstairs and following my heart and what i think is right then ill be ok...and i consider myself close to god because i can have a conversation with him anytime and feel like hes listening. but i dont have to go to church or practice religon i just have to believe and ill be ok....
Benedict F
2006-06-27 20:21:50 UTC
Nobody has the time to study all the scriptures of all religions, But the way common man leads life shows that there is a common principle in all religions. Love everyone. Avoid selfishness, treachery, murder, and all the long listed evergreen sins. Religions are good but the religous leaders who do not want to sit together and devise a common religion, are bad. No religion says commit sin. Sin can be defined going against your conscince. God is within everybody and if u just listen to your conscince then everything would be ok. Anyway a person who is self satisfied with the means available is the righteous person. He is really in HEAVEN.
t a m i l
2006-06-27 20:48:23 UTC
Jesus is the Way, Truth & Life. He is the Son of God and He died on the cross for the remission of our sins. So we can have everlasting life with God. The bible God is The God.

Some other religions are before Christ and may say some good things that even point to Christ. Though it really doesn't restore mankinds relationship to God. TheTorah God is God and has Messianic verses throughout. Also the prophetic books. And the Levitical Priesthood is everlasting. The new testament is written by Messianic Jews who were witness to Yeshua (Jesus). Jesus Christ is the Highpriest after the order of Melchizidek, an everlasting priesthood. Jesus paid the price for our sins once and for all when He shed His blood on the cross.

The after Christ religions will add to or take away from God's revealed Word in the bible. Especially steal from the work that was done on the cross for us. They take away from Jesus Diety. They say the bible has been translated wrong. These are basically Antichrist religions. If a Christian searches for the truth they realize the bible is very accurately transcribed. I can read an aprocraphal and see where it contradicts with God's Word. I can read anything and the Holy Spirit of Truth leads me into all truth and does not lie. God hates any book that is not His book. Read Revelations to the Churches.

God's plan is for us to be restored to Him through what Jesus did for us on the cross. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.

It is only righteous that if the sin of one man we all get the sin nature leading to death that the righteousnes of one man gives us eternal life. It is God's will that none will perish and all will come to repentance and have eternal life.

Everyones name is written in the Lambs book of life from the foundation. Peoples whose names are not written in the book of life are thrown into the lake of fire. And that happens when people reject God's salvation plan and get their names blotted out.
2006-06-27 20:26:30 UTC
Too many questions in a question. Don't believe anything anywhere that is written by or can be revised by man unless they can prove it literally! Believe in it or him or they in your own way. In your heart! I don't believe there is an actual hell, and if there was it would not be eternal like they try to scare you into, because hell is here on earth if you are not affluent or ignorant! If you were ignorant you would not be asking this question. "Ignorance is bliss," is wrong. "Ignorance is slavery." is right.

Why would a loving God punish you with eternal torture (AN ALL KNOWING BEING) when you made the wrong choice of religion in such a confusing vast of religions and cultures and you were actually really trying to make the right choice. Especially after he made you and understands how you progressed mentally, physically, and spiritually, and know you wanted to and tried to make the right choice, but got it wrong in stupid variables.

Religion in life is NOT a game show where one party or contestants win, except in WAR, and God preaches against that in MOST bibles.

ORGANIZED religions are about money and power, find your own way and God(S), but keep yourself ethical and altruistic in human or even animal-istic boundaries.
Peja S
2006-06-27 20:31:51 UTC
Well the answer to you question is very simple... No there are many ways to believe in God. With that said, how many are right how many are wrong? The list isnt endless but it might as well be...

In my personal opinion however, I have come to the conclusion that one of the religions out there is correct and the others are a poor substitution of that one. One of the other commenters is right and you will have to do your research, but I believe the answer is out there. There are always (at least) two sides to every issue... So if you really want to know, you are in for a whirlwind of a search but in my belief there is no greater issue of importance in the world so good luck. In my experience this is how you should approach the issue.

Start with any relgion you want and then look at what arguments others have with that agrument and then return back to the religion and see if their defense against those arguments make sense. Every religion in the world has another criticizing it and the one that stands up to that critic the best should be the right one.

With that said I have come to the conclusion that Christianity and a plain interpretation of the Bible is what God has given to mankind to reveal Himself and provide us with His will. If you have any questions concerning this feel free to ask (or others reading this) any questions you would like. I have been where you are at and I would like to share what knowledge I have acquired with those who are truly seeking answers and not those that just want a theological debate. I have tried to not get too preachy pray that you will find the answers you are looking for. If you would like to contact me my email is
2006-06-27 20:18:57 UTC
Nope - there is no one way to believe in god or a creator. Some people will tell you otherwise, but those people are usually the ones who have the least amount of faith in their god thus they feel they must preach and give you lines of scripture to try to convince you that they are right - in reality - they are just trying to convince themselves..

Ever notice how the only ones that do a whole lot of preaching are Christians? Every single time I see one of these types of questions it's the Christians that are the most rampant about thrusting their religion in the face of the one asking the question.

Everyone must find god on their own and see the light for themselves - no matter what religion they decide to focus on. Otherwise - it's just brainwashing.
2006-06-27 20:58:13 UTC
Dear Downtown,

Most of us believe that there's only one God. If each of us believe that our God is the ultimate God, isn't there a possibility that we are infact praying to the same God. The question is now, why are we praying and believing in God differently.

I think, given the amount of time since then, and the number of people that we have allowed to translate and digest all the Holy Books - the Old testament, the Bible, The Torah, the Quran, we have infact open ourself to many translations and claims.

Believe that there's only one God, believe in goodnesss.. I think we will be ok. Dont confuse yourself with Buddha, Guru Nanak, Mohammed and even Isa (Jesus to the Christian). They are not God. They are human beings created by God, to preach good ness to mankind. Try going back to basic if you are interested, but read many books and dont stick to one. God Bless.
2006-06-27 20:44:19 UTC
.There are all kinds of beliefs in God. Yes Christians do believe in the scripture. And it's true about Jews and true about the Mormons. But me being a born again Christian beleives in the #1 truth about God and his son Jesus. I will say this, Mormons only tell half the truth about Jesus and God and Heaven. They are more like a cult.Unlike Jahova witnesses, Mormons are one to put a lie in what they tell. Any one can believe in God any way they want, but will it get you to Heaven? The one true way to believe in God is by admitting that you are a sinner and that you ask God to forgive you of your sins and ask Him in to your heart. And all Baptist's and Penacostals live by the Scripture and Beleive on God's son and that He raised him from the dead. Jesus said" I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me". It's in the bible in the book of John. If you believe in God and have Bible and read it then you know the meaning of what Jesus did for you. Also read the book of Exudus.
2006-06-27 20:31:42 UTC
If you believe in a god, then that belief must be based upon faith. Religion is just a term denoting the scope and capacity of a faith, as well as doctrine espoused by its leaders and followed by believers. However, it seems that doctrinal differences have been scourge of ecclesiastical tolerance and understanding between denominations of a faith, as well as with other religions. Scriptures, Qu'ran, and similar writings do bring focus to the faiths of individuals. albeit at the price of negative indoctrination of those outside the denominative doctrine or religion will be deemed unworthy to be saved. Such viewpoint reflects a negative aspect of religion, which results in the abberration of faith within people. Personally, faith is not only a matter of belief, but choice as well. It reflects the course of life an individual will take, in relation to himself and the community at large. This corresponse to ethics and morality, with the former relating to the individual, the latter towards society. In the end, whether belief or faith of an individual revolves around either polytheism, monotheism, or atheism, and the various interpretations of either general forms of faith, one must accept that everyone are the same. Most individuals have some form of faith one way or the other. In regards to your belief of a god, whatever doctrinal interpretations exist matters not, since all those in this religious category have exactly the same faith. This goes with other faiths as well.
2006-06-27 20:14:14 UTC
"Religion easily—has the best bullsh*t story of all time. Think about it. Religion has convinced people that there's an invisible in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn't want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money."

"I've begun worshipping the Sun for a number of reasons. First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the Sun. It's there for me every day. And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, a lovely day. There's no mystery, no one asks for money, I don't have to dress up, and there's no boring pageantry. And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to God are all answered at about the same 50-percent rate."
let him answer
2006-06-27 20:51:57 UTC
why worry about hell while you're still here? yes, there is a hell. Jesus did say that. He also said that he is the only way to God (so any that believe in him dont have to go). To that many say "the nerve!" i could totally sympathize. but the thing with Jesus is that he did all things to show that all the claims he made about himself were true! there is historical proof of his miracles and his resurrection even outside the bible. you sound worried about your eternal future as one should be but, as a follower of Christ i can tell you that I am enjoying much more than knowing Im not going to hell--there's peace in seemingly hopeless situations, there's ALWAYS having a listening ear no matter who in life turns away from you, there's healing (i know many speak of the physical but mine is largely emotional), the wisdom to live the best life possible here on earth, having my wrongs forgiven. just flat out PEACE, man. 4 real. any person or group can make claims. but check out who did what to back up the authority they spoke on. i guarantee Jesus will come out--not on top--but all by himself...hope this helps! l8r...
2006-06-27 20:53:24 UTC
Accepting and believing in Jesus Christ is the only way to God and heaven. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

I would like to know where you got your information that Joseph Smith is found in the New Testament. That is false teaching.
2006-06-27 20:19:36 UTC
there is no wrong way the believe in god. he is love, kindness, and will always be There for you no matter what has been done in the past. if u want to look at all th religion just find what is most common among then a god or higher power. as for hell, the only hell i know of is when you turn your back to the lord and all his children and refuse to repent or seek forgiveness this is what i chose to believe. i hope it helps
2006-06-27 20:15:54 UTC
You can believe in God in any way shape or form. God is a wonderous and kind being. He/She did not intend for us to start all this religious bullshit though. Religion and church are the same as a cult if you ask me. I am unsure if there is a hell, but if you are truly sorry for your sins and are truly a good person you will not go there. (unless of course your a murderer, molestor or some sick ******* rapist who needs a broken broomstick up his/her ***) I belive in God, but I do not believe what the bible says. I believe in heaven, but I do not go to church. I believe Jesus was/is the son of God, but I do not believe Jesus is lord. I never understood that statement. They say Jesus is the son of God, God being the lord. Then they say Jesus is lord. What the ****?
2006-06-27 20:21:22 UTC
Ok. Before I became a Christian, which only God can do, I followed all kinds of things out there, but something inside myself kept telling me they were bogas religions! You either had to work REALLY hard or DO a bunch of things, to please that religion. One day I just cried out to God (litterally) and asked Him to show me the truth. He did and it's an every day walk with Him and it get's better when I'm done healing from junk still in my head or heart that's not suppose to be there. And the thing is, HIS love and Salvation is a FREE gift! Free! HE does the work in me. I believe, ask Him stuff like I'm talkin' to you. It's people that complicate Him.
Bethany L
2006-06-27 20:25:25 UTC
I believe that you find your own way to god. The more people there are in this world, the more religions there are to choose from. I say, study. find what you think speaks to you. God, or god, is not going to turn you away because you picked the wrong church out of 750 million.

Read. Read many things. listen to yourself. Walk in the woods or on the beach. Listen to birds. worship the earth in all its places. God is there. You don't have to believe in him. You just have to feel the beauty
2006-06-27 20:14:50 UTC
Jesus said it clearly this: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father [God] except through me." Also, John 3 talks specifically about this as well. Christ is THE only way to heaven. All other ways lead to eternal separation from God the Father, our Creator and Redeemer and Saviour.
TJ 57
2006-06-27 20:44:29 UTC
There is Only One Way!!

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Joh 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Joh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

God is offering a free gift all you have to do is BELIEVE in Jesus

Gods Only Begotten Son to save you recieve Jesus by FAITH.

Rom 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

Rom 5:2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

In Christ in Love,

2006-06-27 20:15:19 UTC big is the population of the planet right now? That's my answer. There are as many ways to worship God as there are ways to be human...we are all different and I think we each have a personal relationship with God, if we choose to. No one faith is "right" or "wrong", unless it promotes evil to others, in which case imo it is wrong.
2006-06-27 20:23:50 UTC
my way of believeing in GOD might not be the right way or the only way, but it is MY way.......when u boil most religions down, u will find that we are more alike than different....your relationship with your higher power is personal......i have a 1 on 1 relationship with GOD and HE knows whats in my heart and that's all that matters to me.
2006-06-27 20:25:39 UTC
No, I think that there are many paths to Truth, that Truth is ambiguous, and we'll never know all of it until we die. So I choose to live and believe as I wish now, instead of being miserable in a religion that I cannot relate to.
~One And Only~
2006-06-27 20:18:25 UTC
I don't really know how to say if there is one way to belive in God or not but what i am going to tell you is that God created you and He loved you enough to send his one and only son to die for you and your sins. Would you send your only son to die for someone else becuz you loved them enough??? To belive in Him isn't just saying it. It's living it. You have to belive He is real and belive He sent His son for you. I don't know if this is making any sense. And yes, there is a hell which you will go if you don't belive in Him. If you need help on n e thing just talk to me and ill be here for you i promise.
2006-06-27 20:20:06 UTC
The way the belief system is, it's a highway to Heaven and many toll booths in the way. Personally, I think there should be more rest stops and gas stations to recharge, but no one ever listens to me.
2006-06-27 20:14:24 UTC
the ways of believing and getting close to god=the number of the men on the earth
2006-06-27 20:12:47 UTC
You must accept God to be spared hell. As for the Trinity, Prophets, etc. I couldn't tell you.
2006-06-27 20:19:52 UTC
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No-one comes to the Father but by me. Jesus the Christ
2006-06-27 20:19:03 UTC
we all believe in one God despite of our religon (Muslim,Christians,Jewish)

but do you think that all believers are in the right track !

if you really wana believe in God you should read about Islam and the Holy Qura'n,then I garntee for you will have a clear idea.

God bless ya
2006-06-27 20:12:38 UTC
There are many ways. I believe the Christians and Jewish people are believing in the same God.Not sure about the others.

That's just what I know...

2006-06-27 20:17:03 UTC
the jews that dont accept Jesus as the Christ are still waiting for His arrival to earth. muslims are just messed up individuals, and i feel confident in what i believe, obviously in Christ. but im not the judge, i dont know who will go to heaven, there is only One faith in heaven soooo, dont know
2006-06-27 20:15:51 UTC
They are just different names for the same G-D and all of us are so different in our needs and they way we learn it only makes sense that there are several doors to finding God.
2006-06-29 16:06:41 UTC
One Word... Islam The word "Islam" literally means peace..Please don't be arrogant, think Islam is only about Alqaida and Osama Bin laden...You just need to believe and worship one superior being....ALLAH
2006-06-27 20:13:08 UTC
everyone has the answer in your heart. that is the only way to believe in God. Do your research. Your heart will lead you.
2006-06-27 20:13:56 UTC
There are endless ways to follow the path. Everyone is different, and must follow paths, sometimes we cross paths and sometimes, we part ways.
2006-06-27 20:14:11 UTC
Since God is a universal concept it follows naturally that beliefs in him/her would also be universal.
2006-06-27 20:17:16 UTC
yes there is only one way to God. If you realy want to know, if you realy seek an anserw. email me at I will give you 100% detailed anserw. prove and disprove, clarify everything if your heart is willing to listen.
2006-06-27 20:20:32 UTC

2006-06-27 20:26:09 UTC
heaven and hell is what you make it, so coming from nightmares and fantasy, make it a good life and remeber that gods can be created as well.
2006-06-27 20:12:42 UTC

All the roads take to Rome, all the roads go back to the light or God.
Buddy Lee
2006-06-27 20:17:46 UTC
There is only one way, Your Way.... We each have a choice how we want to worship or don't want to worship. But only if we are guarenteed that freedom.
2006-06-27 20:12:29 UTC
You are setting yourself up for some good old-fashioned preaching. Hope you don't mind that.
2006-06-27 20:15:25 UTC
accept jesus as your lord and savior, ask him into your heart and repent and be baptized. that is how u get to heaven.
Mahfuz R
2006-06-27 20:16:14 UTC
Read this. there are many false religions.
2006-06-27 20:15:05 UTC
2006-06-27 20:12:53 UTC
no as long a you believe.
2006-06-27 20:19:38 UTC
No dear......Just so you BELIEVE in him.....It doesn't matter which variation of Him you believe in......
2006-06-27 20:43:54 UTC
“The First Commandment says, ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’

That proves He isn’t the only God!”

That’s true.Man has always made false gods. An old adage says, “God created

man in His own image, and man has been returning the favor ever

since.” Hindus have millions of gods. Sometimes gods are made of wood

or stone; other times man makes up a god in his mind.Whatever the case,


making a god to suit yourself is called “idolatry,” and it is a transgression

of both the First and Second Commandments.

In this lesson we will look at the First Commandment: “I am the LORD

your God, which has brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the

house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus


We are to have no other gods before (or “besides”) the one true God.

He is to be preeminent in our hearts. Jesus said that “the first of all the

commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And

you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your

soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first

commandment” (Mark 12:29,30).

There is only One who can stand uncondemned regarding this Commandment.

Jesus of Nazareth lived a life without sin; He was perfect in

thought, word, and deed (see Hebrews 4:15). Everything He did pleased

the Father absolutely. The cross not only revealed that He loved His Father

with all of His heart, soul, mind, and strength, but it proved that He

loved His neighbor as much as He loved Himself.

Those who profess to keep this Commandment would do well to run

their eyes over the Westminster Confession of Faith. This was penned by

godly men in 1646, and expressed their thoughts (based on Scripture)

about the essence of this Commandment:

The duties required in the First Commandment are, the knowing

and acknowledging of God to be the only true God and our God; and

to worship and glorify Him accordingly, by thinking, meditating,

remembering, highly esteeming, honoring, adoring, choosing, loving,

desiring, fearing of Him, believing Him, trusting, hoping, delighting,

rejoicing in Him, being zealous for Him, calling upon Him,

giving all praise and thanks, and yielding all obedience and submission

to Him with the whole man; being careful in all things to please

Him, and sorrowful when in anything He is offended; and walking

humbly with Him.



Someone once said, “It is agreeable to reason that men who have their

beings from God, and are upheld in them by him, and are followed with

the bounties of Providence; and especially who are made new creatures,

and are blessed by him with all spiritual blessings in Christ, that they

should give up themselves to him, and cheerfully serve him in their day

and generation.”

Sinful humans, however, don’t love God. They don’t delight to do His

will. Instead, the Law of sin and death has written its bloody signature

across the godless human breast (Romans 7:21–24). Our inborn cry is,

“Not Your will, but mine be done!” The devil is our father and his will we

gladly do. The carnal mind is not subject to the Law or God, nor indeed

can it be (Romans 8:7). See how the Law condemns us.We fail to love the

God who gave us life.

The inevitable result is that sinful man will think that he himself is

God. His pride takes over his brain, as shown in this quote by Jeremy

Rifkin in his book Algeny:

We no longer feel ourselves to be guests in someone else’s home

and therefore obliged to make our behavior conform with a set of

preexisting cosmic rules. It is our creation now. We make the rules.

We establish the parameters of reality. We create the world, and

because we do, we no longer feel beholden to outside forces. We no

longer have to justify our behavior, for we are now the architects of

the universe.We are responsible to nothing outside ourselves, for we

are the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.

The theory of evolution of the Coca Cola can.

Billions of years ago, a big bang produced a large rock. As the rock cooled, sweet brown liquid formed on its surface. As time passed, aluminum formed itself into a can, a lid, and a tab. Millions of years later, red and white paint fell from the sky, and formed itself into the words "Coca Cola 12 fluid ounces."

Of course, my theory is an insult to your intellect, because you know that if the Coca Cola can is made, there must be a maker. If it is designed, there must be a designer. The alternative, that it happened by chance or accident, is to move into an intellectual free zone.

The banana -- the atheist's nightmare.

Note that the banana:

1. Is shaped for human hand

2. Has non-slip surface

3. Has outward indicators of inward content:

Green-too early,

Yellow-just right,

Black-too late.

4. Has a tab for removal of wrapper

5. Is perforated on wrapper

6. Bio-degradable wrapper

7. Is shaped for human mouth

8. Has a point at top for ease of entry

9. Is pleasing to taste buds

10. Is curved towards the face to make eating process easy

To say that the banana happened by accident is even more unintelligent than to say that no one designed the Coca Cola can.


The person who thinks the Coca Cola can had no designer is:

___ A. Intelligent

___ B. A fool

___ C. Has an ulterior motive for denying the obvious

EyeDid you know that the eye has 40,000,000 nerve endings, the focusing muscles move an estimated 100,000 times a day, and the retina contains 137,000,000 light sensitive cells?

Charles Darwin said,

"To suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection, seems I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."

If man cannot begin to make a human eye, how could anyone in his right mind think that eyes formed by mere chance? In fact, man cannot make anything from nothing. We don't know how to do it. We can re-create, reform, develop . . . but we cannot create even one grain of sand from nothing. Yet, the eye is only a small part of the most sophisticated part of creation-the human body.

George Gallup, the famous statistician, said,

"I could prove God statistically; take the human body alone; the chance that all the functions of the individual would just happen, is a statistical monstrosity."


Albert Einstein said,

"Everyone who is seriously interested in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe—a spirit vastly superior to man, and one in the face of which our modest powers must feel humble."


A. Do you know of any building that didn't have a builder?

___ YES ___ NO

B. Do you know of any painting that didn't have a painter?

___ YES ___ NO

C. Do you know of any car that didn't have a maker?

___ YES ___ NO

If you answered "YES" for any of the above, give details:



Could I convince you that I dropped 50 oranges onto the ground and they by chance fell into ten rows of five oranges? The logical conclusion is that someone with an intelligent mind put them there. The odds that ten oranges would fall by accident into a straight line are mind-boggling, let alone ten rows of five.



A. From the atom to the universe, is there order?

___ YES ___ NO

B. Did it happen by accident?

___ YES ___ NO

C. Or, must there have been an intelligent mind?

___ YES ___ NO

D. What are the chances of 50 oranges falling by chance

into ten rows of five oranges? ______________________

If you answered "YES" for any of the above, give details:



The declaration "There is no God" is what is known as an absolute statement. For an absolute statement to be true, I must have absolute knowledge.

Here is another absolute statement: "There is no gold in China."


What do I need to have for that statement to be true?

A. No knowledge of China.

___ YES ___ NO

B. Partial knowledge of China.

___ YES ___ NO

C. Absolute knowledge of China.

___ YES ___ NO

"C" is the correct answer. For the statement to be true, I must know that there is no gold in China, or the statement is incorrect. To say "There is no God," and to be correct in the statement, I must be omniscient.

I must know how many hairs are upon every head, every thought of every human heart, every detail of history, every atom within every rock...nothing is hidden from my eyes...I know the intimate details of the secret love-life of the fleas on the back of the black cat of Napolean's great-grandmother. To make the absolute statement "There is no God." I must have absolute knowledge that there isn't one.

ChartLet's say that this circle represents all the knowledge in the entire universe, and let's assume that you have an incredible 1% of all that knowledge. Is it possible, that in the knowledge you haven't yet come across, there is ample evidence to proved that God does indeed exist?

If you are reasonable, you will have to say, "Having the limited knowledge that I have at present, I believe that there is no God." In other words, you don't know if God exists, so you are not an "atheist," you are what is commonly known as an "agnostic." You are like a man who looks at a building, and doesn't know if there was a builder.


The man who sees a building and doesn't know if there was a builder is:

___ A. Intelligent

___ B. A fool

___ C. Has an ulterior motive for denying the obvious

Perhaps you have questions that hold you back from faith. First, almost every question you have about suffering humanity etc., can be adequately answered.

tv setSecond, we have faith in plenty of things we don't understand. Did you understand the mechanics of television before you turned it on? Probably not. You took a step of faith, turned it on, and after it worked, understanding how it worked wasn't that important. We accept that there are unseen television waves right in front of our eyes. We can't see them because they are invisible. For them to manifest, we need a receiver, then we can enjoy the experience of television.

receiverGod is not flesh and blood. He is an eternal Spirit-immortal and invisible. Like the television waves, He cannot be experienced until the "receiver" is switched on. Here is something you will find hard to believe: Jesus said, "He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him" (John 14:21).

Either that is true or it isn't. Jesus Christ says that He will manifest Himself to anyone who obeys Him. Approach the subject the same way you approached your first television set. Just take a small step of faith. If it works, enjoy it, if it doesn't, forget it.

Or have you an ulterior motive? Could it be that the "atheist" can't find God, for the same reason a thief can't find a policeman? Could it be that your love for sin is clouding your good judgment? If the Bible is true, and Jesus Christ has "abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel," then you owe it to yourself just to check it out. Here is how to do that:


With a tender conscience,

check this list of the Ten Commandments:

1. Have I always loved God my Creator with all my heart, mind, soul and strength?

2. Have I made a god in my own image�a god to suit myself?

3. Have I ever used God's name in vain?

4. Have I kept the Sabbath holy?

5. Have I always honored my parents implicitly?

6. Have I murdered (God considers hatred as murder)?

7. Have I committed adultery (including premarital sex and lust)?

8. Have I stolen (the value is irrelevant)?

9. Have I lied (including fibs and these questions)?

10. Have I coveted (been greedy or materialistic)?

____YES ___NO

___ YES ___NO

___ YES ___NO

___ YES ___NO

___ YES ___NO

___ YES ___NO

___ YES ___NO

___ YES ___NO

___ YES ___NO

___ YES ___NO

guiltyIf you have even broken one Law, then you have sinned against God and therefore will "surely die," for the "wages of sin is death."

We are all guilty of breaking the Commandments. Listen to the voice of your conscience, and let it remind you of some of the sins of the past. We are not perfect as we are commanded to be (Matthew 5:48), neither is our heart pure. On Judgment Day our transgressions will be evidence of our shame. Think of it: God has seen every sin we have ever committed. We share our thought-life with Him.

We are guilty of violating His Law a multitude of times, yet if we repent, God can forgive us because Jesus stepped into the courtroom 2.000 years ago and paid the fine for us.

His death on the cross satisfied the Law we so blatantly transgressed, and at the same time demonstrated how much God loves us—"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." His shed blood on the cross can make you clean in the sight of a holy though you have never sinned.

God doesn't want you to go to Hell. Please, forget your arguments, repent and put your trust in Jesus and be saved from God's wrath. Make Psalm 51 your prayer, then read your Bible daily and always obey what you read; God will never let you down. Thank you for taking the time to read this booklet.

Adapted from God Doesn't Believe in Atheists

by Ray Comfort (Living Waters)

available through your Christian bookstore.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.