My situation with the belief of God? Would be nice to here opinion.?
2009-02-13 11:24:59 UTC
Ok Hello , please bare with me as i explain my situation.

At present time , I am an Atheist. I am not an Atheist who ignorantly believes ' If there was a God , he would help ladeda , he would stop the pain ladeda. '
I am not an Atheist who has much interest or much thought on the big bang , or science theory's.
The reason I am an Atheist is because I do not believe it is possible that there is a God. And sometimes think that its just a piece of hope.

I appreciate life alot , I'm very happy with my life. Not due to wealth, etc , but with the satisfaction, of llife's beauty. I am sometimes overwhelmed with the beauty of the world , how we think , and how everything works , that i start to trust that there must be a God.

I refer to God alot , when helping others , or when i want to remember myself , or when im down etc, , and then realise that i also believe ' God cannot be possible. ' - in my opinion.

Please give me any advice , or any opinion of my situation that you have. Please do not preach , but instead show constructive advice , into my confusion with the belief in God.

Note : I know what is right and what is wrong , and if i believed there was a God , i would not be under influence by any religion.

Thank you , and have a good day.
38 answers:
2009-02-13 11:40:38 UTC
It sounds to me like you want to believe in God, but are holding back because you've developed a mindset that belief somehow negatively reflects on your intelligence.

Faith can be a powerful, constructive force in your life. Does it matter if there is or isn't a God, if believing in one enriches people's lives, motivates them to help the less fortunate, or makes them reflect on how they live and try to be something more?

Religion shouldn't be a crutch, and it shouldn't be a burden either. At times you see the evidence of an omnipotent God (the beauty and complexity of everything that exists), but you need to ask yourself what it is that makes you believe that God is not possible, and why you believe this, and whether or not this belief impacts the way you live and who you are.

EDIT: On a lighter note, upon reading many of the other answers, I think God should be smiting some people's English teachers before the day is through...
2009-02-13 11:35:49 UTC
Plato, Aristotle, the OT, the NT, the Christian Church throughout history have all said :

" the Church, holds and teaches that God, the first principle and last end of all things, can be known with certainty from the created world by the natural light of human reason."

My first reaction is, How do you get such assurance that it is irrational. How is that different from proof there is no God -- which at least agrees with the above insofar as it is a matter of reason and not feelings or emotion or unthinkingness.

Maybe the cumulative effect at looking at some of the traditional arguments will at least convince you that you have no basis pro or con and must keep looking.

I am a convert. I recommend acknowledging your sinfulness, calling out to God to reveal Himself and a firm commitment to follow by the grace of God wherever it leads.


1. The Argument from Change

2. The Argument from Efficient Causality

3. The Argument from Time and Contingency

4. The Argument from Degrees of Perfection

5. The Design Argument

6. The Kalam Argument

7. The Argument from Contingency

8. The Argument from the World as an Interacting Whole

9. The Argument from Miracles

10. The Argument from Consciousness

11. The Argument from Truth

12. The Argument from the Origin of the Idea of God

13. The Ontological Argument

14. The Moral Argument

15. The Argument from Conscience

16. The Argument from Desire

17. The Argument from Aesthetic Experience

18. The Argument from Religious Experience

19. The Common Consent Argument

20. Pascal's Wager
2009-02-13 12:14:40 UTC
Yes God exist, but not the way most of the people think it is.

There is a clock maker for every clock.

The universe and all its components are created with only one principle.

This includes visible and invisible matters.

The principle is called the life principle, for if something is moving it is considered alive.

In the whole universe there is only 2 elements that make everything, absolutely all things.

It is VIBRATION & PARTICLE, nothing else.

We have a certain amount small balls turning around each other at a certain speed like a solar system.

The difference between any things is just their variable mixture and speed. The invisible things and thoughts exist as well but at very high speed that is why we can't experience them with our 5 senses.

Everything we see and don't see is made that way.

God is the creator of all that, because God is the existence. Existence is the closest word to describe God, because it is self explanatory.

It is every where in every thing at all time.

Only this terminology can fit this possible God.

We say God is Love and all other emotions too. Emotions are just very high vibrations. They exist therefore they are part of this existence which is God. Things are matters that vibrate, so again, we find God (existence).

Laws, rules, inventions, dreams and anything we can think of is God, for they exist.

Particles would not exist if the vibration was not moving them around to form them. Vibration would not exist if it had nothing to vibrate. So as we can see, one can not exist without the other.

God is a raw power that is available to all thinkers in the universe. It doesn't judge or care what you do or don't do. It is just a law like mathematics. If we use it right, it serves us right, if we use it wrong we suffer. The is called action and reaction. Everything is pushed from behind. We could go on and on with other examples.

The conclusion is, we make our own destiny by thinking right toward all. PEACE,LOVE, HARMONY AND ALL GOOD WILLS these are the best thoughts to entertain all day long.
2009-02-13 12:10:59 UTC
First of all, there are (in my estimation) many reasons to be an atheist, I am one myself. But don't worry, my answer is not going to be an attempt to persuade you either way.

You've mentioned some of the main concepts in the debate whether god exists: Omnipotent indifference, blind faith, the possibility of the existence of such an omnipotent being, appreciation of life and the world around us, personal benevolence, etc.

Ideally, these concepts must mesh to make a well reasoned mind. The question is HOW will they mesh? For a lot of people they don't mesh perfectly, pieces are missing.

In your case I think this is true. Frankly, I'm surprised by the relatively low level of cognitive dissonance you are displaying. By 'referring to god a lot' - and then shortly after 'realizing that god cannot be possible' - you are sabotaging your own brain, confusing yourself even more. You need to look into yourself and find out what you really believe. You can't have it both ways.

There is a reason why there are so many religions, so many beliefs about how we come to be here, now. That reason is simple: there is no definitive answer; we just don't know. People like to think they know, but hypothetically, without the bias of either religion or science, we would be able to acknowledge that we don't actually know.

In the end, the decision about what you believe will be up to only you. You have to make it based on what you feel about the world. Is it possible that there is a being that created this beauty? And if yes, why would he want it tainted with so much agony? But if you decide that you don't think it's possible for such an entity to exist, how do we explain our existence on this planet? Where did the sun, the galaxy, or matter of any type come from? It surely couldn't come from nothing, but is the big bang really so perfect a theory as to be scientific fact? Who knows.

These are the questions you have to answer. Or maybe you don't. Maybe these questions are simply unanswerable. And who's to say we need to know the answers to them in order to live our lives in a manner according to our conscience? Can we not simply say: "I don't know how I came to be here, and I don't care?"

Your call kid. It's not life and death, but it's close.
2009-02-13 11:34:35 UTC
I personally think that a belief in God is hard sometimes. Sometimes you do see the good in the world and think he can be real and then you see the bad and wonder the opposite. I think that it all depends on how you look at things. I dont think that you need to follow a certain religion to believe in God. I think religion is used to help people have faith and keep their spirits high in life. Personally, I used to be in the same situation as you. I know this is going to sound odd but all of that changed when my Grandfather died. I felt as though it would be horrible to go all throughout life and feel like nothing happens and you rot in the ground. I do believe your soul goes to Heaven or Hell. I once tried a Ouiji board with my boyfriend and the things it told me from my Grandpa and friend who both died were only things I know so maybe there is something after death and a God. I have also experienced some odd things that can only be explained as spirits or ghosts. I think you are allowed to doubt God. Maybe stop thinking about logical and what makes sense and think about what you feel is true deep inside. There is nothing wrong with thinking that there is no God or thinking that there is one. The way that I look at it is that if there is a Heaven and God and you believe, you dont lose anything but if he doesnt exist you don't really lose much because believing in it made your faith and existance in the world stronger. I think you just need to find out yourself what you believe and ignore what others or religion tells you to believe. Try to look into different experiences people have had and maybe that will give you some comfort in your decision. Good Luck!
2009-02-13 11:38:25 UTC
Well you sound allot like my self and i am happy with the thought of i am on the fence till i find out for my self not really a atheist or a holy man in no regards.

This is the way i see things and not meant to influence you either way just to let you know there are others out there that think like you do.

I in a way don't believe in god for the main reason there is allot of evil out in this world, rape, murder, war, corruption, famine, death, and disease. There is all of that evil and i would feel that if there was a god they would step in and change that or spare that persons life who has never done any thing wrong to another person. So in that regard i do not believe they would exist because i know if i was a divine being i would of stopped them and made another way for life it's self.

In a way i do believe in god because i have seen people on the brink of death just wake back up and come back to life. The birth of a child is a way that shows there might be a divine being out there. Also the people who have been threw hell on earth turn out to be the nicest and most since people out there.

I can not tell you why or why not you should believe in god nor would i want to tell you to believe in them nor will i tell you that there isn't one. I have seen things that would prove both items of the subject. So i believe i in time will find the truth and when i do i will know the answer my self. If i where you i wouldn't worry to terribly much about if there is a god or not i would just live my life and wait for the answer to come to you and in time we will all will know the truth and we take different roads to meet it.
2009-02-13 11:33:26 UTC
"At present time , I am an Atheist. I am not an Atheist who ignorantly believes ' If there was a God , he would help ladeda , he would stop the pain ladeda."

God cannot stop all hate and evil in this world. Humans have free will, and humans have to be responsible for their own actions. If a human decides to do wrong, God cannot stop them from doing that, but if that person seeks help from God, they can change their ways, to live a better life and be a better person, and eventually go to heaven.

"The reason I am an Atheist is because I do not believe it is possible that there is a God. And sometimes think that its just a piece of hope."

So are you suggesting that all of "this" was just an accident? That's what atheists want you to believe, but they're wrong. We are here for a reason. God put us here for a reason.

EVERYONE has a desire for God. Everyone has that desire to wonder if there is a God, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Don't be afraid to believe in God. Atheists, non believers, try to belittle those who do not believe in God. They try to make them out to be bad people, but that's not true. Just look at the lists of all the faith based charity organizations, and all the good many believers in God have done. I can't tell you what to believe, but I know that you would live a much happier life, if you accepted the love and acceptance of God into your life.

Here are some websites to help you with your decision:
2009-02-13 11:43:19 UTC
I guess I don't understand what you are asking and what you mean. I won't preach at you but I feel really obligated to say something I really want to help. But I don't know what to say. I believe with all my heart that God is there, is here. But there is also a devil. I have some problems though in my relationship with Him, but I have felt Him work in my life. I have seen evidence to support Him and what He's about. I suggest reading The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White, or really go to the bible. Simply say if You are there show me something, then open it. But really pray about it. I will pray for you. I believe you, deep down, sense that He is there but He can't be explained so you try to push Him away. I really hope something I say helps. I guess essentially I think that I would rather go through life Living as though there is a God and that He is going to come and take us home some day and have it maybe not be true, than to go through life believing He isn't there and have it be true that He is real, and Loves us. I hope something helps you. I will pray for you. Happy Valentines and good luck.
2009-02-13 12:02:33 UTC
One does not have to believe in "God" to be enlightened. Enlightenment comes with knowledge that what you believe in, is real and works for you. You have the moral information,& use it wisely, you stand for something because it is ethical to do so, you allow others the freedom to do the same. This realization leads you to believe in the precepts of Good. If you want to call that Good, God, then that's what it will be for you. If it's just Good then that is also what it will be for you. Being human is not as difficult as many think it is. We create these dilemmas as a challenge, because we have a hard time accepting our Good. Christians traditionally feel they are born into sin and therefore go through life filled with guilt and regret, but mostly fear. You appear to be just fine in your assessment and are way ahead, only in my opinion, than most fundamentalists. I am not a Christian nor an atheist, but I try to stay on a path of enlightenment & Good. Hope your journey is going well also.
Denise M
2009-02-13 11:38:32 UTC
It seems it has become a little less black and white for you. Meaning there can't be a God because I have never seen Him. Most scientist today consider that the accident that would have had to happen to create life and DNA as complicated as human is nearly impossible, most of them consider intellegent design the most likely possibility for creation.

But on the spiritual side because it seems you have been experiencing the human inner need to worship, praise, and speak to the Creator God. Funny how that is built into us even when we don't believe. Why does man speak to himself if he believes and understands no one is listening. It's how we're made. We were created to do these things and that is why you find yourself doing them and at the same time not understanding why if you don't believe. Maybe your mind doesn't but your spirit does.
2009-02-13 19:24:32 UTC
There is evidence of an all powerful God who did extraordinary things and miracles while He walked on earth, and in case this seems little, there were lots of witnesses who saw Him ascend into Heaven, hearing a loud voice from Him ascending who announced to them that He would be back as a glorious king and powerful over all kings. What more evidence could someone desire in order to believe in such a good and great real God?. If this was right and we seeked Him by finding counseling and guidance from preachers and churches and did what He left us with as a legacy in His Word as the Bible (the code for living pleasing Him to deserve eternal life), we would not loose anything, but if we died and came to face judgement before Him and we were wrong, where would we face eternity?. Besides, how could evil outlive or conquer the opposite from evil?, if we as humans know how to comply or keep the law, how do you think that evil men would escape a just God's judgement?. I pray that God will touch you and visit you right now and that the almighty and merciful God will give you his grace to be touched to believe and discover his beautiful presence and peace forever. You are my fellow human race, and as human you deserve the goodness and beauty of understanding and knowledge,and being enabled to be introduced into the family of God's children and heirs with Him in glory.
2009-02-13 11:39:16 UTC
After my grandmother died of breast cancer, I couldnt understand why God let her die. I prayed SO much for her, day and night. I was very mad with God up until I met my husband.

My husband's parents actually lived on church property, so it was inevitable to not go to a service with him. I went and thought it was okay, (I grew up catholic but once my parents divorced, we stopped attending) and it was similar to catholic mass.

My husband was in the military at the time and had been injured right before we met. I never asked him what happenned because I didnt want to upset him.

His mom later told me that when he was injured by an IED, the first one blew up on his lieutenant, causing him to lose both legs. My husband was standing over the second IED (they are used commonly in pairs and are underground then detinate seperately, starting with the 1st then the 2nd) The IED my husband was standing over was buried just a little to deep and when it detinated, it didnt do anywhere near the damage it was capable of. She said to me, "God was watching over him for that moment and God is the reason he is alive. Otherwise, he would have lost his legs like the lieutenant next to him." This story took away my grief with God.

I guess what im trying to say, is you are allowed to believe whatever you like, it is usually a personal experience that will bring you to God if you havent already accepted him into your life.

Only you can accept God into your life, no one else can do it for you.

Sorry for the long story, lol, hope this helps and that I didnt preach too much.
2009-02-13 11:32:44 UTC
That is very complex.

I do not follow any religion and I am not an atheist. There is no way that we as humans will ever, ever, ever be able to prove that there is a higher being. I also believe that Christianity tends to be a symbol of hope that people cling to (which isn't necessarily bad). Going through life without a belief, whether it be scientific or religious, is a scary and uncertain path. Although, I find it to be liberating.

I would suggest that maybe you delve into some eastern religions and mythology just to see what you think of some of their beliefs. You don't necessarily have to prescribe to one faith or belief, why not branch out and do some research on what you think is possible or believable.
2009-02-13 11:30:57 UTC
The brain is, at its core, a pattern recognition engine. When it is able to discern a pattern, it has circuits that produce rewarding feedback. When it tries and fails, other circuits produce unpleasant feedback.

Aesthetics, in essence, is nothing more than your brain comprehending and appreciating patterns.

Does this negate that just because there is no deity, that the beauty of a sunrise/sunset, or the complexity of quantum physics, are very aesthetically pleasing to certain types of people?

Does a deity HAVE to exist for you to appreciate that beauty?

If so, believe. If not, don't believe (pending further evidence).

Either way, just be a moral person and you're good in my book, not that I should matter where it comes to your beliefs.
John Black
2009-02-13 11:31:34 UTC
Adherence to a specific religious policy is not mandatory for a strong belief in an intelligent creator. I for one believe that if there is a "god" anything like religions would have us believe, he is laughing at all these religious organizations' attempt to control humanity under the guise of "God's agenda". Please don't doubt the overwhelming power of the source of creation, it will reciprocate any love you direct towards it. The term God has been generalized to depict many different and distorted versions of a creator, some great, some wrathful, some irrational and unjust. In my opinion, the actual God is represented by the unified level of consciousness that we all have access to. God is a wavelength of telepathic activity that may be utilized for enlightenment or connection to other living beings. God isn't an old man who lives on a cloud, God is an ethereal concept of love and unity.
Cotton Candy Lady
2009-02-13 11:34:15 UTC
Most persons do not even suspect the existence of God and naturally they are not very keen about God. There are others who, through the influence of tradition, belong to some faith or another and catch the belief in the existence of God from their surroundings. Their faith is just strong enough to keep them bound to certain rituals, ceremonies or beliefs and rarely possesses that vitality which is necessary to bring about a radical change in one’s entire attitude towards life. There are still others who are philosophically minded and have an inclination to believe in the existence of God either because of their own speculations or because of the assertions of others. For them, God is at best an hypothesis or an intellectual idea. Such lukewarm belief in itself can never be sufficient incentive for launching upon a serious search for God. Such persons do not know of God from personal knowledge, and for them God is not an object of intense desire or endeavor.

A true aspirant is not content with knowledge of spiritual realities based on hearsay, nor is he satisfied with pure inferential knowledge. For him the spiritual realities are not the object of idle thinking, and the acceptance or rejection of these realities is fraught with momentous implications for his inner life. Hence he naturally insists upon direct knowledge about them. This may be illustrated from the life of a great sage. One day he was discussing spiritual topics with a friend who was quite advanced upon the Path. While they were engaged in this discussion their attention was diverted to a dead body which was being carried past them. “This is the end of the body but not of the soul,” the friend remarked. “Have you seen the soul?” asked the sage. “No,” the friend answered. The sage remained skeptical about the soul, for he insisted upon personal knowledge.

Although the aspirant cannot be content with secondhand knowledge or mere guesses, he does not close his mind to the possibility that there could be spiritual realities which had not come within his experience. In other words, he is conscious of the limitations of his own individual experience and refrains from making it the measure of all possibilities. He has an open mind towards all things which are beyond the scope of his experience. While he does not accept them on hearsay, he also does not rush to deny them. The limitation of experience often tends to restrict the scope of imagination, and thus a person comes to believe that there are no realities other than those which may have come within the ken of his past experience; but usually some incidents or happenings in his own life will cause him to break out of his dogmatic enclosure and become really open-minded.
2009-02-13 11:36:07 UTC
I was a chief mocker of all the God stuff for most all my life.

I am 62 and have been of The True Christian Faith for 9yrs... I can assure you that God does indeed exist... but... no one of The Faith... or any other mortal, can prove it to you... what I can do is offer my help in your seeking to come to God... here is a link to a page on my site that has my statements and testimony... that will tell you basically where I stand... I invite you to look over the rest of the site if you like. And if you have any questions concerning the basics feel free to contact me from the site.

from the welcome page is a menu to follow... and a link to a very amateur video welcome I made.... it is a very amateur site and not intended to be anything else... but I hope it might be of some help to you.
2009-02-13 11:31:59 UTC
I think that you should not label yourself an atheist. I know in your heart there is a God but you need more proof. Here is my advice to you; go to church. I am Pentecost and I enjoy church very much. To me it's a form of group therapy. Church is relaxing, fun, spiritual and loving. If anything, drop the label Atheist and start from there. You are on the right tract and I am so very happy that you asked for advice.
2009-02-13 11:34:55 UTC
I think you just have to listen to your heart, and not your mind. And as cheesy and unrealistic as that may sound, you refer to God, you even capitalize God .. but when you think about what you just said or have said, your mind convinces yourself that God does not exist.

From reading what you said, you sound like you WANT to believe that there is no god, but you can't help but think that perhaps there is.

Without preaching, Christianity for example, is all about faith. Faith in believing that God exists, and whether not it's Christianity or Catholicism or even Scientology, you just have to take the leap and believe that there is someone or something out there that has the last word.
2009-02-13 11:32:02 UTC
... I have a strong belief in God but I know how hard it can be to believe, just like you said though the beauty in the world proves it to me, eveery thing works in union everething has a place, it could not be coincidence, such as the big bang, I hope you come to your own correct conclusion, dont let yourself be pushed by others, even if you dont believe in God I will pray for you to find your answer. good luck :)
2009-02-13 11:33:57 UTC
Why do you believe that God is not possible when you believe in a superior being? Try to answer yourself first. Why he's not possible.
Rhi -x
2009-02-13 11:30:32 UTC
okay so people are gonna write rubbish like there is no God.

look around there must be a God

the big bang? ummm in every situation in life

nothing+nothing= nothing!

i have to say, give the bible a read start with genises then the gospels

of matthew, mark and luke then read acts that'll help i think,

xxx =] good luck xxx
Amanda T
2009-02-13 11:29:53 UTC
It seems as though you consciously don't believe in him, for whatever your reason may be. But that you like the idea of a higher power and a afterlife. Like most people, you may not believe that God is real, but you want to still go to Heaven and put trust in God, 'this higher power,' that everything will be ok.
2009-02-13 11:29:26 UTC

Online book. May be written by a Buddhist but cites an incredible amount of contradictions and proof about the bible that people spout as fact which in turn led you to believe a god was possible sometimes.

Really, just educate yourself. That will help.
Adam M
2009-02-13 11:30:11 UTC
You sound like you do have a belief in god and are subliminally seeking help for [something]. Go to church (find a non-denominational Christian church), you will meet some really nice people, they will become great friends and guide you further on your path.
2009-02-13 11:30:23 UTC
Sounds like you are doing just fine to me. It's hard to break old habits just because you realize God is impossible. You will still use the label occasionally just because it's so common.
2009-02-13 11:29:46 UTC
Don't Feel pressured to be a "certain someone" . Although I LOVE AND HONOR GOD. But it is your life desicion. You just have to pray and have faith!
2009-02-13 11:29:58 UTC
Who told you/why do you believe it is not possible for God to exist?

Analyze that more.

I am not judging, but you sound borderline agnostic (one who does not know)
2009-02-13 11:32:57 UTC
I don't understand. You don't want put it with philosophy, not with science, not with religion. Please explain in what light you want to put an eventual presence or not of God.
2009-02-13 11:30:54 UTC
Hear is spelled "hear". My advice, stay in school. Read. Bear with me is spelled "bear". Most people just keep their beliefs to themselves.
2009-02-13 11:31:33 UTC
God is possible.

Just not probable.

(Especially the way he/she/it/they are described by various religions, cults, and myths throughout human history).
2009-02-13 11:29:58 UTC
God exists so that church folks don't freak out.
2009-02-13 11:28:05 UTC
Why do you need there to be a god?

You seem more like an agnostic or deist.
2009-02-13 11:31:35 UTC
YOU WILL NEVER GET SOLUTION BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO PROBLEM. I envy you. I would like to pray god to be like you.
2009-02-13 11:29:00 UTC
Just keep your common sense. You already know the truth.
Nancy Pelosi
2009-02-13 11:28:07 UTC
You really have a confusing situation. I'm really sorry for you
2009-02-13 11:28:53 UTC
is it so wrong to live for God is there is none.
Devon Custard
2009-02-13 11:28:54 UTC
floodgates of bible bashers

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