2009-02-13 11:24:59 UTC
At present time , I am an Atheist. I am not an Atheist who ignorantly believes ' If there was a God , he would help ladeda , he would stop the pain ladeda. '
I am not an Atheist who has much interest or much thought on the big bang , or science theory's.
The reason I am an Atheist is because I do not believe it is possible that there is a God. And sometimes think that its just a piece of hope.
I appreciate life alot , I'm very happy with my life. Not due to wealth, etc , but with the satisfaction, of llife's beauty. I am sometimes overwhelmed with the beauty of the world , how we think , and how everything works , that i start to trust that there must be a God.
I refer to God alot , when helping others , or when i want to remember myself , or when im down etc, , and then realise that i also believe ' God cannot be possible. ' - in my opinion.
Please give me any advice , or any opinion of my situation that you have. Please do not preach , but instead show constructive advice , into my confusion with the belief in God.
Note : I know what is right and what is wrong , and if i believed there was a God , i would not be under influence by any religion.
Thank you , and have a good day.