If one or a few pediatricians molested children, can we conclude that all pediatricians are child molesters?
2010-01-12 09:54:04 UTC
In the news, Dr. Earl B. Bradley, of Lewes, Del., 56, was charged in December with 32 criminal counts relating to the rapes of at least seven girls, ages 3 months to 13 years.

Related question: If one or a few priests molested teen boys 50 years ago, can we conclude that all priests are molesters?
28 answers:
2010-01-12 11:08:49 UTC
No, obviously not. The media selectively highlights what the media wants to highlight.

If atheists abuse children they are not labelled 'atheists', their beliefs/philosophy is never mentioned in the media. There could be a very large percentage of atheist abusers, but we will never know because the secularist media chooses not to highlight it.

Because the popular media take a delight in selectively pointing out the religion of abusers whom they can label as Christian, can we assume that when a paedophile's beliefs are not mentioned, they are certainly not Christian, and are most probably atheist?

Also, when protestant pastors are found guilty of abuse, because they are from hundreds of sects with different names, it appears that there are not many from any one particular denomination. However if they were all labelled under the umbrella term of 'protestant' there would be an enormous number.

Philip Jenkins, an Episcopalian and Professor of History and Religious Studies at Penn State University, published the 1996 book Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis in which he claims that the Catholic Church is being unfairly singled out by a secular media which he claims fails to highlight similar sexual scandals in other religious groups, such as the Anglican Communion, various Protestant churches, and the Jewish and Islamic communities. He also claims that the Catholic Church may have a lower incidence of molesting priests than Churches that allow married clergy because statistically child molestation generally occurs within families but Latin-rite Catholic priests do not have families, and the Catholic Church only allows married priests in a few of its rites. He also claims that the term "pedophile priests" widely used in the media, implies a distinctly higher rate of child molesters within the Catholic priesthood when in reality the incidence is lower than most other segments of society". Wikipedia

So all the righteous indignation against the Catholic Church in particular from atheists and protestants simply boils down to the pot calling the kettle black. No good Catholic supports any Catholic priest abusing anyone in any way whatsoever, and their faith, the Church and the teaching of Jesus totally condemns it. But the demonising of the whole Church by those who would have us believe their sects/cults/creeds are whiter than white is just plain old hypocrisy.

Perverted and evil people come from all walks of life and there is evidence that many of these have infiltrated the Catholic Church in a deliberate attempt to discredit and undermine it.
John S
2010-01-12 10:10:53 UTC
I totally agree with you.. this is the point I've been making all alone.

In my local town, we've had at least 3 official Teacher Scandals that made the local newspaper and zero priest scandals. Ancedotally, I know of at least 2 other cases of Teacher's sexually abusing or being inappropriate with minors which SHOULD have been reported..but weren't.

However, NO ONE in the town questions our Public School system and the reported cases, never made it to the local news station or outside of our little community. But the SAME local news channel will report of a Priest abuse case in Australia, clear on the other side of the world.

Amazing! Simply amazing the double standard and inconsistency.

Thank you for showing yet another bias and inconsistency in the media. If this Dr. had been a Priest instead.. people would be questioning every pediatrician and medical establishment out there.

2010-01-15 03:21:35 UTC
Human beings are lazy by nature, so they often don't bother investigating or scrutinizing their own generalizations. If they want to believe that religion is all bad, or if they have prejudices against Christianity (which includes Catholicism in my view), they aren't going to bother finding out the truth when it comes to negative viewpoints. Some people just prefer illusion to despair. Even if the truth is brutal, I want to know it. I don't care about innuendo. I don't care about myth.

The media is partly to blame. It is the same reason why so many people associate Muslims with terrorists. Actually, most Muslims are good citizens, and are peacefaring people. Very few priests molest kids. But we live in a cynical world, and so people make faulty assumptions based upon what they see on the idiot tube.
2010-01-12 10:11:56 UTC
Of course not!

But then you knew that, didn't you?

As for the Priests. There is such a thing as guilt through association!

If you believe that priests are looking after the spiritual need of their flock, Why would they turn an blind eye to such heinous crimes against those in the flock (especially those with no voice, the young)?

Simply, they thought more of their "Church's" name, than their parishioners(flock).

A thought from the scriptures...

Matt 7:15 - 20 “Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruits YOU will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? 17 Likewise every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit; 18 a good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. 19 Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Really, then, by their fruits YOU will recognize those [men].
2010-01-12 13:02:24 UTC
Well, of course you know that we are are not going to agree to your statement. I do find it interesting that you only reference "one or a few priests ...50 years ago". Why aren't you including cases from the present as well as those that include abuse of girls? They do exist. I understand that priests are human and are capable of sin (apparently including some very egregious behavior) (that is correct, right..the R. Catholic church considers priests as mere human?). I think the bigger concern is the culture of a denomination that appears to have wanted to hide the behavior or minimize the behavior. Kind of like you do in the manner you pose your question. The church appears to be more concerned with the perception of their denomination rather than the reality that some very disturbed individuals were in positions of trust with young people. I believe that when these behaviors occur within other institutions (mainline protestant, physicians, and so on) those institutions are apt to address the issue quickly, publicly, and legally to completely remove any hint of cover do the right thing. Just musing...Is it possible that the R. Catholic church provides opportunity for sexually deviant individuals to have an occupation due to (1) a culture that has historically overlooked this behavior or (2) doesn't really do a very good job of psychologically screening potential candidates for the priesthood? Does the concept of celibate clergy further contribute to what appears to be a higher percentage of sexually deviate individuals than you may find in other occupations? I respect and admire Roman Catholics for their faithfulness and devotion, however, if I were a member of the denomination I would raise hell with the way the church has dealt with this crisis. I, also, understand that the hierarchy and decision makers of the R. Catholic church are clergy and that lay people really have very little input with the political goings on of the church.
June smiles
2010-01-12 10:21:28 UTC
People just don't seem to get it!

Your point is so very right. It is anger and hatred in the hearts of man who perpetuate the accusing of innocent people because of the horrendous acts of a few. I know Doctors who have molested, even dentists. My high school spanish teacher would brush up against any boob he could get close enough to. (course it would always be accidental, ha!) I always stayed more than arms length away.
Uncle Joe
2010-01-13 01:45:55 UTC
It means that all pediatricians are child molesters and that the president of the American Medical Association and all medical professors around the country know it and have been trying to keep it a secret.

At least, that's what one would conclude following the same twisted excuse for logic that people use in assessing the "meaning" of priests who sexually abuse others.

Thanks for challenging the bigots on this very important matter.

I am Roman Catholic.

Peace to all.

EDIT: I fully blame for child abuse only the actual direct abusers, but I also think parents and guardians often are unwise in what they allow their children to do without getting involved themselves. No parent should let kids play in the homes of anyone the parents do not also enter and know well. If you don't know a particular adult well, then don't let your kid be alone with that adult. This alone will not absolutely protect your kids, but it will help.




If your child tells you something that sounds ludicrous, ask him or her to tell you more. If a kid tells you ANYTHING, listen enough to be sure the kid knows you are paying attention no matter what he or she says. I'm not talking about nagging cookie requests 10 minutes before supper. I am talking about anything the kid tells you about the world.

If he or she says Big Bird is in the back yard, get details and investigate. Maybe a burglar in yellow clothes is about to break into your house. If a child tells you there's a secret cloud in the attic, get details and investigate. Maybe there's a smoldering electrical fire up there. If a young child tells you it's going to be fun to go on car rides with his or her 8 year old friend next door, don't assume the kid is talking about toy cars. Get details, because the kid next door might know how to start the family sedan.

If a kid tells you it's fun playing "butt rub" with someone, get details, and don't just start yelling at the kid for being rude. If a kid tells you someone you thought was very nice is in fact mean, creepy or even just stupid, get details. Don't scare the kid by acting angry or acting like you don't believe the kid.

When a child tells you something weird, get details, and find out if it's true. If it is conceivable that it is true, presume it is true until you personally check it out and know for certain. Never ask a person your kid has accused of molestation if he or she molested your kid. Let the police surprise the person with that question. Any adult who is not a child molester or other type of untrustworthy person would not be lastingly offended by being quizzed by the police about this. If you're suspicions or your child's reports are not proven, you still should never leave your child alone with someone he or she does not trust. To do so is to gravely impair the child's trust in you, and takes an awful risk of subjecting the kid to abuse at the hands of others.

Kids who know their parents are hot-headed short-tempered yellers who smack their kids will not come to Mom or Dad to report sexual abuse. Make sure you are trustworthy, and that your kids know it, and never dismiss a child's report about the world because it sounds too unbelievable. Sexual abuse of children is very weird, and kids know it is. They are only going to tell you about it if they know they can tell you weird things without getting in trouble themselves.

Kids need to know you won't insult them by blindly telling them to "stop telling stories" or "stop using bad words" or "stop saying mean things about people" when they want to tell you that some clergy member, teacher, friend, neighbor or family member likes to rub your kid's butt or other body part. Don't consider anyone to be absolutely incapable of abusing a child. Most people never would do it, but people who abuse children don't wear signs or buttons that warn others to stay away.



EDIT: Thanks, Bruce. This is my own work - the opinions and advice are mine. I almost never cut and paste anything, with the exception of scripture, which I always cite properly. I don't think I ever have cut and pasted anything from any source other than The Bible. I often refer to other authors by name - especially Augustine, Anselm, and Aquinas, and I talk about what they said, but I usually don't quote them.

If you wonder why my answers are usually close to the last answer, or at least not among the first few answers, now you know why. I make them up - custom made for each question. I can never seem to remember how to provide a link to another answer, so I sometimes go back and copy part of some of my own work. When I do, I say that's what I did.

I'm glad you found my response helpful. Thanks for saying so.
2010-01-12 10:04:22 UTC
We should assume all parents are child molesters and that family members who know what is happening have tendency to hide what they know from others and protect the victimizer instead of the victim.

3 months, that'sreally sick.
2010-01-13 21:25:39 UTC
If all pediatricians were required by law to be unmarried men who had to sacrifice all normal sexual outlets in order to treat to children then I might be a little suspicious of them.
2010-01-12 16:23:44 UTC
We need to be aware of what they might be doing. Of course, most are not doing the molesting. We just need to be alert about it. If one girl reports it, it may be true, if two report it I"d say, it's most likely true.
2010-01-12 10:13:21 UTC
Grace unto you, and peace,

from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Indeed, problems occur among both homosexuals and heterosexuals.

What seems common among molesters is evil "concupiscence" of law.

Law is "both good and evil", which ends badly. Grace is good only.

So we should put away law to establish our heart with grace only.

For law can be corruptible and harmful. Grace is always harmless.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ [be/is] with you all. Amen.
2010-01-12 10:54:14 UTC
No one sane concludes that all priests are child molesters. But, the hypocrisy is incredible. Here is an organization (the catholic church) that is ready to judge any and everyone on their lifestyle, like gays, mothers who have abortions, atheists, etc, yet they covered up crimes which are about 100x worse than being gay or having an abortion or not believing in a sky daddy.

So, the real question is, if the Catholic Church itself covers up child molestation, does that mean they're full of sh*t about pretty much everything?

Hint: Yes
2010-01-12 15:38:28 UTC
Hi. No not all. But we all need to be aware and know they are in all walks of life. Anyone that does such evil not only should be imprisoned for life but they will be condemed by God. Peace
2010-01-12 09:59:03 UTC
You cannot conclude that they are all molesters, but you can/should conclude that you need to be careful when bringing your children to one. The world is in a sad state when doctors, priests, and rabbis can't keep their hands to themselves.
2010-01-12 09:57:59 UTC
50 years ago, what? 4% is 4% is 4%.

US clerics (priests, deacons, bishops, etc.) accused of abuse from 1950-2002: 4,392.

About 4% of the 109,694 serving during those 52 years.

Individuals making accusations: 10,667.

Victims' ages: 5.8% under 7; 16% ages 8-10; 50.9% ages 11-14; 27.3% ages 15-17.

Victims' gender: 81% male, 19% female

Duration of abuse: Among victims, 38.4% said all incidents occurred within one year; 21.8% said one to two years; 28%, two to four years; 11.8% longer.

Victims per priest: 55.7% with one alleged victim; 26.9% with two or three; 13.9% with four to nine; 3.5% with 10 or more (these 149 priests caused 27% of allegations).

Abuse locations: 40.9% at priest's residence; 16.3% in church; 42.8% elsewhere.

Known cost to dioceses and religious orders: $572,507,094
2010-01-12 10:04:45 UTC
That is not the problem. It is a church that hid molesters and just moved them to another parish to molest other children.

It is millions of members that deny and then attack anyone who brings this subject up. One Catholic told me the media was attacking the church, none of it was true.

Why did the vatican just move some high ranking Cardinals to Rome and not give them over to be tried in a court of law?

Why does the outside world view priests as gays and pedophiles? I never meet one that this does not enter my mind.
2010-01-12 10:02:53 UTC
not all: but a lot of people get into professions where they will have easy access to their prey =\

most doctors: priests: military: police: ceo's & managers: motivational speakers: professors & actors are sociopaths & psychopaths @ some level: they are often highly intelligent but lack empathy
Master with Cracked Fingers
2010-01-12 10:04:39 UTC
holy hell...3 months old? dude is seriously messed up. must have had a tiny johnson though...cant imagine a 3 month old would survive that.

and no just because one does it does not mean all will do it...doesnt mean you shouldnt watch your *** around them
2010-01-12 10:00:14 UTC
Newsflash: Child abuse occurs in Protestant clergies as well, and it will continue to occur in other places where a child's trust can be exploited.
2010-01-12 10:02:26 UTC
agreed, people are human and no matter what your label is, if you dont listen to your conscience bad things happen
2010-01-12 09:58:35 UTC
Considering that the sterotype that all homosexuals are child molestors is based on no evidence or cases at all..... Sure why not! :D

But anyways, 1 out of millions of pediatricians molested a child. thats like what.. .0000000001 percent or something? (not gonna do the math even though its quite simple.)...

4% (as stated above from polls by another priests.

Yes, not all priests molst teen boys, but a good number still do. Yes not all pediatricians molest children, but 1 did.
2010-01-12 09:59:39 UTC
No, we can't conclude that, with doctors or priests. However, I think that enough cases have been brought forward, and swept under the rug, that we can conclude that priests are more likely to be molesters than doctors are.
fmko ( 無神論者は神を知っていない。)
2010-01-12 10:07:40 UTC
thats the logic some people take...but i think it would be based in disdain rather than reality...
2010-01-12 14:13:28 UTC
No and no.
2010-01-12 09:57:37 UTC
Elephants are grey but not all grey things are elephants
2010-01-12 09:58:11 UTC
Well, I believe it was more than one or a few priests. Therein lies the problem.
Dave Rogers
2010-01-12 09:57:36 UTC
Did the other pediatricians hide him and keep shuffling him around? How many other pediatricians knew about it? Did the head pediatrician know?
The Stapler
2010-01-12 09:57:15 UTC
Yes, along with catholic priests.

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