It means that all pediatricians are child molesters and that the president of the American Medical Association and all medical professors around the country know it and have been trying to keep it a secret.
At least, that's what one would conclude following the same twisted excuse for logic that people use in assessing the "meaning" of priests who sexually abuse others.
Thanks for challenging the bigots on this very important matter.
I am Roman Catholic.
Peace to all.
EDIT: I fully blame for child abuse only the actual direct abusers, but I also think parents and guardians often are unwise in what they allow their children to do without getting involved themselves. No parent should let kids play in the homes of anyone the parents do not also enter and know well. If you don't know a particular adult well, then don't let your kid be alone with that adult. This alone will not absolutely protect your kids, but it will help.
If your child tells you something that sounds ludicrous, ask him or her to tell you more. If a kid tells you ANYTHING, listen enough to be sure the kid knows you are paying attention no matter what he or she says. I'm not talking about nagging cookie requests 10 minutes before supper. I am talking about anything the kid tells you about the world.
If he or she says Big Bird is in the back yard, get details and investigate. Maybe a burglar in yellow clothes is about to break into your house. If a child tells you there's a secret cloud in the attic, get details and investigate. Maybe there's a smoldering electrical fire up there. If a young child tells you it's going to be fun to go on car rides with his or her 8 year old friend next door, don't assume the kid is talking about toy cars. Get details, because the kid next door might know how to start the family sedan.
If a kid tells you it's fun playing "butt rub" with someone, get details, and don't just start yelling at the kid for being rude. If a kid tells you someone you thought was very nice is in fact mean, creepy or even just stupid, get details. Don't scare the kid by acting angry or acting like you don't believe the kid.
When a child tells you something weird, get details, and find out if it's true. If it is conceivable that it is true, presume it is true until you personally check it out and know for certain. Never ask a person your kid has accused of molestation if he or she molested your kid. Let the police surprise the person with that question. Any adult who is not a child molester or other type of untrustworthy person would not be lastingly offended by being quizzed by the police about this. If you're suspicions or your child's reports are not proven, you still should never leave your child alone with someone he or she does not trust. To do so is to gravely impair the child's trust in you, and takes an awful risk of subjecting the kid to abuse at the hands of others.
Kids who know their parents are hot-headed short-tempered yellers who smack their kids will not come to Mom or Dad to report sexual abuse. Make sure you are trustworthy, and that your kids know it, and never dismiss a child's report about the world because it sounds too unbelievable. Sexual abuse of children is very weird, and kids know it is. They are only going to tell you about it if they know they can tell you weird things without getting in trouble themselves.
Kids need to know you won't insult them by blindly telling them to "stop telling stories" or "stop using bad words" or "stop saying mean things about people" when they want to tell you that some clergy member, teacher, friend, neighbor or family member likes to rub your kid's butt or other body part. Don't consider anyone to be absolutely incapable of abusing a child. Most people never would do it, but people who abuse children don't wear signs or buttons that warn others to stay away.
EDIT: Thanks, Bruce. This is my own work - the opinions and advice are mine. I almost never cut and paste anything, with the exception of scripture, which I always cite properly. I don't think I ever have cut and pasted anything from any source other than The Bible. I often refer to other authors by name - especially Augustine, Anselm, and Aquinas, and I talk about what they said, but I usually don't quote them.
If you wonder why my answers are usually close to the last answer, or at least not among the first few answers, now you know why. I make them up - custom made for each question. I can never seem to remember how to provide a link to another answer, so I sometimes go back and copy part of some of my own work. When I do, I say that's what I did.
I'm glad you found my response helpful. Thanks for saying so.