I have read both, the thin mis spelled 1830 version and the larger modern version with over 2600 revisions. I prefer Doctrine & Covenants as being easier reading. Having read the Solomon Spalding transcript, I believe the Book of Mormon to be a redraft forgery of Spaldings original script.
Martha Spalding, the wife of John Spalding, says: --
I was personally acquainted with Solomon Spalding, about
twenty years ago. I was at his house a short time before he left
Conneaut; he was then writing a historical novel founded upon the
first settlers of America. He represented them as an enlightened
and warlike people. He had for many years contended that the
aborigines of America were the descendants of some of the lost
tribes of Israel, and this idea he carried out in the book in
question. --
The lapse of time which has intervened, prevents my recollecting
but few of the leading incidents of his writings; but the names of
Nephi and Lehi are yet fresh in my memory, as being the principal
heroes of his tale. They were officers of the company which first
came off from Jerusalem. He gave a particular account of their
journey by land and sea, till they arrived in America, after which,
disputes arose between the chiefs, which caused them to separate
into different lands, one of which was called Lamanites and the
other Nephites. Between these were recounted tremendous
battles, which frequently covered the ground with the slain; and
their being buried in large heaps was the cause of the numerous
mounds in the country.
1. The discoverers of both books claim to have discovered the records by using a lever to remove a rock under which the records were deposited
2. Both books depict the goings-on of ancient settlers to the New World
3. While making their initial oceanic crossing, the settlers in both books are blown by a fierce storm which makes them fear capsizement
4. The civilized segments of the societies in both books are given strict charges to avoid intermarriage with the less civilized segments
5. Both books mention horses
6. Both books discuss the division of the people into two major civilizations
7. Forts in both books are identical in their manner of consruction
8. The narrators of both books suddenly and inexplicably go out of their way to explain that the earth revolves around the sun
9. Both books describe a messiah-like figure who appears suddenly, teaches the people, and ushers in an era of great peace
10. Both books describe the settlers as having all goods in common at one point
11. Both books, respectively, show the two major civilizations entering into a war of mutual destruction
12. Both books at one point describe the populace as making use of elephants