Does God send people to hell?
Are we saying that some people do good enough so that they go to heaven, and other people do wickedly, and so they go to hell? If true, then just how good must you live in order to go to Heaven? And how bad must you live in order to merit Hell? And what of those folks who land somewhere in the middle?
Let's do a thought experiment: Out of all creation, there's this fellow, call him Dave, who has lived a life that is both good and bad. And there's this other fellow, call him Jim, who has lived virtually the same life. both of these fellows are somewhere in the middle; neither are really bad people, and neither of them are terribly good people either. In fact, these two people just happen to be right on the point of division. Dave and Jim have lived virtually identical lives, and it just happens that with Dave, there is this tiny bit of good he did sometime when he was a kid; Jim is just the same, except in his youth there was this one tiny moment when he was ever so slightly not so good. So we have these two people, identical in all respects, save that very tiny bit of good or that tiny bit of bad.
So it comes to pass that Dave goes to Heaven and Jim, uh -- doesn't.
Almost anyone would say, "Hey, where's the justice here? These people were virtually the same and one goes to eternal bliss, and the other to eternal torment, forever cut off from the face of God."
Dave is aware of this, and from his place in Heaven, he says, "I am no better than Dave! Why should I prosper, while he is in eternal torment?"
Picture the families of the blessed in heaven, lamenting over that one "black sheep" of the family who was sent to torment. Like a mighty army, they all cry out, "Why, O Lord? How can we have joy in heaven when one dear to us lies in the eternal abyss of hopeless torment forever?"
It is, of course, just a thought experiment, but for most of us, it exposes a major problem in the Heaven-or-Hell theory of eternity -- something to ponder?
Now consider these questions. I think they are really pretty simple.
Do you believe that God is loving?
Do you believe that God is just?
Do you believe that God is merciful?
Do you believe that such a God would create such a thing as Hell -- let alone ever send anyone there?
Neither do I.