2008-11-28 02:49:44 UTC
Are we creatures real?
"(About two weeks after posting the above answer)
Have you the answer right now? Unsure of it?
Summarize all the answers you received. You will find that there are two main groups; some believe in God's existence and some do not.
Use all your knowledge and experience and think wisely and whole fully. Which is the real answer?
Imagine that you are making an equation. You must ensure that you do not leave any digits behind, right? If not, you will have the wrong answer.
Consider them, the answerer, as an equation solvers; solving the quizzical problem whether God exists or not.
You go trace their beliefs. If some of their beliefs are non-rational in all aspects, leave their answers. If the others have the answers opposite to the non-rational ones, follow them. However, forget not to do a recheck or two. You may not wanting to regret.
Remember, like in Maths or in Science, only AN ANSWER or A CONCLUSION is acceptable.
Good luck equating!"
This is a debate in a sense. I'm not going to lie, in some sense I do believe in a God, in other I don't. A lot of people only believe in God because they want something, or they want to be rewarded. A lot of people only believe and do good because they get rewarded and be sent to heaven. But doesn't that somewhat of defeat the purpose then? If God was real, and wanted use to do good, he would want us to do it without the hunger of a reward. Why would he tempt us with a heaven?
Others say God was a invention of Man. A tool used to give people Hope, a way to keep on living when thing looked their worse. Coincidence had appeared, and people wanted an answer. God was that answer.
Others say God is just not real. A fictional character. They ask for others to explain evolution, dinosaurs, fossils, and other prehistoric items. Did God create dinosaurs? Why did he start there and not with humans then?
Once again Yahoo! I ask of you, is God real? You must have the answer.