Your question shows a very deep lack of understanding of God. it shows that you have not thought out your question, but merely mimic the dumba$$ questions your friends ask. Where is YOUR brain, dude?
Everything we do DOES NOT come from God. it comes form US.
One of the major characteristics of God is that He is all loving. There is no hatred, no "bad" in Him.
Now, love must go both ways. not only must God love us, but we must love Him in return. Love is a two-way street.
But love can NEVER be forced on anyone. SURELY you've seen, maybe even HAD that experience -- you love someone who doesn't love you in return. Try as you might, you cannot force them to love you. Yet some people try. When love is forced, we call it rape. Rape is NOT an act of of love, but an act of control, an act of force, an act of forceful control.
God WILL NOT do that. God will NEVER force His love on you, and He will never force you to love Him.
Therefore, God's second greatest act of love is to give us Free Will, the ability to make our own decision., control our own actions. Now, what we do comes from US, not from God.
And thus "all that horrible shhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttt" comes from US. What makes this horrible is when we decide do to what God doesn't want us to do. But, because of love, God WILL NOT force us to do anything. We can do as we please. We can make the poor choices to rape, murder, steal ,lie, cheat, over eat, drink to drunkenness, be homosexuals, even stand in the middle of the street, lift both middle fingers skyward, and scream "F**K YOU GOD!".
Know what? Lightning is NOT going to strike you dead.
because God STILL LOVES YOU, and wants you to come TO him, freely accepting His love, and freely returning it as best you can.
SO He waits patiently. Through all your screaming and complaining, He is STILL providing you with a multitude of chances to CHOOSE to do right. And that will never stop . . .until . . . . .
You one day wake up dead.
And at that point you have already received you last chance to turn to God. Did you accept it, or did you miss it because you think it is smart to act like a parrot and mimic the words of your friends: "There is no God" AWWWK! "Stupid people believe in God" AWWWK EE-AW. Brainless repetition, done from reflex to make make someone like you. No smarter than large bird. A bird-brain, literally
But now your chance is gone. OK -- God STILL loves you, and he wants you to have everything you've always wanted. Which, by your actions and statements, is for Him to leave you t f*** alone! God loves you, and you WILL get your wish.
Now, what does God do with you? Can't put you in Heaven. That would be "boring" to you, and putting you in a place where you would be bored would be unloving. So God has a place for people that don't want to be with Him -- HELL. Hell is the one place where God is not. You get your wish -- No God there! And sure sure as Hell won't be bored! No WAY to get bored, being tortured all the time.
No,. God doesn't send anyone to Hell based on a one-side decision -- His. No, you go the Hell because of YOUR DECISION.
Yep. "all that horrible shhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttt" is what YOU WANTED, because you just "know" there ain't no God, and there sure as Hell can't be a Heaven.
Moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.