Freemasony, like all secret societies, is based on fear and greed. To instill fear in subjects they are required to be blindfolded, placed in dark sinister rooms and have a sword placed at their throat. Whereupon they make these blood curdling vows of total obedience - should they betray any secrets it will cost them their lives, quite literally.
The greed part is that as brother masons they can expect preferential treatment, big bonuses, exam passes they haven't earned, immunity from prosecution (look how many top people just walk away from court cases).
Modern freemasonry does employ satanic rituals and various other forms of magical ceremony, the rituals are used to invoke thought-forms and entities from the astral planes who are used to create wealth and success and also to strike down enemies of the craft. They may sneer at the paranormal in public but masons use it all the time to feather their nests.
ALL top political leaders are masons - Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy, Putin - so are opposition leaders (what price democracy now). Freemasonry infects every industry, art, sport and activity and is rampant in the police and judiciary (so much for justice).
It amazes me that none of this is discussed in the media, with it's love of conspiracies, and it almost never appears on television, yet the craft pervades every corner of people's lives.
You are right to ask your question, keep asking and seeking the truth.