Ironically, every major branch of science was established upon the work of creationists. In fact, today’s evolutionists are merely standing on a mountain of work built by creationists. The early scientists—whose ranks include the likes of Francis Bacon, Galileo, Johannes Kepler, Robert Boyle, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Linnaeus, Matthew Maury, Louis Pasteur, Lord Kelvin, and James Maxwell—believed in a Creator who laid down the laws of nature for us to study (men who founded the modern disciplines of scientific study).
There are a couple of good books you can get called "21 Great Scientists Who Believed The Bible," and "Men of Science, Men of God" that you ought to read.
And today, there are plenty of creationists who are good scientists. Like the men who invented the MRI (Dr. Raymond Damadian) and the Gene Gun (Dr. John Sanford).
Successful predictions by creationists:
Can creationists be real scientists?
I love the circular reasoning often used by evolutionists: No “real” scientist rejects Darwinism (because as soon as a scientist begins to question Darwinism, they label them as a pseudo-scientist).
The fact is, although in the minority, there are many “real” scientists with PhDs from major universities who have a problem with Darwinism. There are long lists on websites like and that you can check out.
Most of the time, people just give examples of natural selection and assume it points to molecules-to-man evolution (chemical and biological evolution). Creationists believe in natural selection and even "speciation." Take a look at these: