"Why don't you Christians show love?" is a question I have seen many times. Please explain.?
2007-10-11 05:29:18 UTC
In what ways are we "not showing love".
Is telling you that 'sin is sin' a lack of love?
Is not acting like you a lack of love?
Or do you see something about us that we don't notice? Please let us know.
As Christians we should be people magnets. Jesus was. If we are not attracting others something is wrong.
What do you non Christians think it is?
Yes, this a stolen question. Saw one like it last week.
Nineteen answers:
2007-10-11 05:47:15 UTC
1. Yes, I believe that by not agreeing with someone is often considered to be non loving. That's no different than when a parent won't allow their teenager to do a certain thing because they know it's not good for them. However, the teenager doesn't care about that. To them, the parent is mean and unloving. This type of love is tough but it's the most sincere.

2. There are Christians who tend to preach to others. That never works unless the other person asks for preaching. It is by example that others are drawn to Jesus or pushed away. If our heart isn't in correspondence with our words and vice versa than we are not a good example.

Basically, a Christian is to live out God's love by being an example to others and ready to provide an answer for the hope that lies within them. To be available for all who seek. Not to judge and preach, to say one thing but do another. In that case hypocrite would be an appropriate description.

Jesus loves all the same, no matter where they are from or what crimes and sins they committed giving correction and "tough love" when needed. That's unconditional love. To actually spend the energy on helping someone else walk the straight line, however difficult, instead of just walking away.
2007-10-11 05:47:49 UTC
I am sorry that CHristians have not shown more love. I agree that this is a big problem in the Christian faith today. THere is a great deal too much judging going on when we CHristians should leave a lot of that to GOd. At the same time, we CHristians have been given a commission by CHrist to tel the truth while there is still time. THe truth is we are ALL SINNERS - everyone, and we need a savior. Hopefully we CHristians can and will do this in as loving and compassionate way as we possibly can.

All that said, we are also just people doing our best. No matter how lovely and perfect a message can be, when you add humans to any mix we will make a mess of it sometimes. THat is just human nature. THat is why we all need to be careful about judging each other and have patience with those who may be immature or insecure - regardless of what their beliefs and where they are coming from.

Let us all go about kindly...
2007-10-11 06:08:53 UTC
"Thou shall not steal"...j/k.

I think that society has a misconstrued idea of what Christianity is. People think that you can treat a Christian any type of way, and the Christian will take the abuse. Not true. When people read the 'turn the other cheek' verse, they're not reading the entire context. In doing so, they are perpetuating the 'doormat' idea. We may not show love the way they expect it. So we are accused of not showing love at all.

As far as Christians being people magnets, Christ wasn't always a people-magnet. He had plenty of enemies. The way He teated them is what made Him stand out. He knew what love really was. Do we? 1 Corinthians Chapter 4 shows us how to truly love. I do agree that if more Christians did what Christ told us to, our faith and beliefs would be more effective. We make Christianity a religion, when in reality, it is a way of life.

Just a Christian's opinion.
2015-06-10 10:33:06 UTC
Not all Christians are unloving(i am Christian and on fire with God's Love❤)♡I think this "Christians not showing Love"thing is a problem(duhh)because many Christians don't know the real meaning of being a Christian(Jesus Christ,through The Holy Ghost living in us so that we can be like* Him+attract others,like you said).The Greatest Commandment is loving God with ALL our hearts and loving our neighbor as ourselves(all the Commandments together)♡♡They blend in with the world system too much,we should not blend in.We should show Jesus off in every way,because we are called by His Name+love Him with all our hearts 😢❤
2007-10-11 05:39:19 UTC
I see the love ever time I recieve a nice bit of hatemail full of rage and bile. It's very enlightening.

But don't worry, I know most Christians are pretty decent. Some are self-righteous pricks, like the guy above me saying that we don't want to be told we're sinful, but most are ok.

(And by the way Lawrence, if we don't believe in your God then we also don't believe in sin. Trying to make us feel guilty or unworthy is a terrible tactic when asking us to respect your opinions. It's one of the reasons we say that Christians are hypocrites, for being quick to point out others sins. Work on your own life before you feel free to tell someone else how to live theirs. Congratulations on driving people away from Christ.)
2007-10-11 05:43:44 UTC
Let me add to if you will. I think the problem is that people don't understand that just because they call themselves a chrisitan that doesn't make them a practicing one. Many people say there catholic or christian or whatever just because they grew up in the environment. But are out there sinning as much as possible. Not to mention the word Christian does not label all of us, you cannot group all people that believe in God into this category. I wish you would research and call on what religion your really talking about. The word chrisitan bascily just means, in simple terms, a follower of Christ.
Gyspy Soul
2007-10-11 05:51:57 UTC
You preach intolerance though you judge. You preach unconditional love though you set conditions. If God is unconditional then why does He set conditions saying you are going to hell for your sins? Are these not CONDITIONS? Your conditions make you seem cold and callus, loveless. True love holds NO conditions, you are accepted NO MATTER WHAT, with or without sin, with or without hate, greed, judgment. You are accepted for who you truly are! Even Jesus loved the theft, the whore and the lier. If you are not attracting people to you look at YOURSELF, what are YOU projecting out from YOU. Did Jesus Himself state, "You reap what you sow"? What do you think that means? What YOU put out comes back to you ten fold. Look in the mirror and see what kind of seeds you are sowing.
2007-10-11 05:34:05 UTC
Well in one way many Christians don't show love to homosexuals. Even though Jesus taught us not to judge but to love. Christians keep on criticizing about other "sins", like homosexuality and stuff like that, like the other guy said, their showing more hate than love.

In some ways Christians do show love, but where it is really necessary they never show it

COMMENTING ON LAWRENCE: are you saying that Christians don't sin? they sin the most from what i have seen, hating people and tormenting them with hell. Doesn't Jesus wants us to live in peace without problems? Isn't threatening us with hell giving us more problem. So your basically going against what Jesus wanted us to do, against what he believed in so much that he allowed himself to be killed instead of the people.

the only real thing i will agree with Lawrence is that truth is hate to those who hate the truth, but thats the only thing i would accept.

What if someone that doesn't sin, like a monk, and tells you, "why don't you show love?" what will you say then? and trust me i've talked to many monks
Dharma Nature
2007-10-11 05:34:05 UTC
More than anything else it is not showing respect. Others have a right to believe what they wish without being told they are going to hell. The same hell-sayer christians who will shout their venom at people are the ones who will completely ignore an old lady struggling onto a bus with heavy shopping, or will ignore other socially unacceptable situations where love can easily be demonstrated.

Look at the average street preacher or televangelist and they are more often showing hate and bile than love. Why threaten with hell when they can demonstrate love?
2007-10-11 05:54:11 UTC
In truth...from my understanding of showing love is to refrain from judging someone else ~ especially considering where we all came from. There is a song I love that sums up the attitude of every christian as it "should" be:

The Face of Christ

Chris Rice

He shares a room outside with a dozen other guys

And the only roof he knows is that sometimes starry sky

A tattered sleeping bag on a concrete slab is his bed

And it’s too cold to talk tonight

So I just sit with him instead and think

How did I find myself in a better place

I can’t look down on the frown on the other guy’s face

‘Cause when I stoop down low, look him square in the eye

I get a funny feeling, I just might be dealing

With the face of Christ

After sixteen years in a cold, gray prison yard

Somehow his heart is soft, but keeping simple faith is hard

He lays his Bible open on the table next to me

And as I hear his humble prayer

I feel his longing to be free someday

How did I find myself in a better place

I can’t look down on the frown on the other guy’s face

‘Cause when I stoop down low, look him square in the eye

I get a funny feeling, I just might be dealing

With the face of Christ

See you had no choice which day you would be born

Or the color of your skin, or what planet you’d be on

Would your mind be strong, would your eyes be blue or brown

Whether daddy would be rich, or if momma stuck around at all

So if you find yourself in a better place

You can’t look down on the frown on the other guy’s face

You gotta stoop down low, look him square in the eye

And get a funny feeling, ‘cause you might be dealing ...

How did I find myself in a better place

I can’t look down on the frown on the other guy’s face

‘Cause when I stoop down low, look him square in the eye

I get a funny feeling, I just might be dealing

With the face of Christ

Judgement means that the end and condemnation have occured...there is no place else to go except the sentancing...not the judgement of discernment to see whether something is right or wrong but to look upon someone and say..."You are going to "hell"...the truth is...we were all going to hell (death, destruction, anhilation) until the blood of Christ redeemed us from that fate. So if you DON'T preach the Gospel to someone because you don't "think" they will recieve it, you've essentially condemned them in your mind as being beyond the reach of redemption. The Gospel is a seed that is planted and every persons heart (mind, understanding) has the capacity to allow that seed to take root and grow. If you don't even attempt to plant that seed then you are saying the soil is unworthy. Love means knowing that God loves and calls each one of us as He will and the further the person in question is from God...the more Glory our Father recieves when that person is redeemed by the Son. Like the prodigal...they throw parties in heaven when a lost person is found and brought back in...the Angels rejoice for each matter how far they have drifted. Yet, if that person believes they are too unworthy of Gods love and we believe they are too unworthy of Gods love the Satan has won as the accusor because the damage is in the recompense. Its easier to believe that we don't care or see ourselves as sinners than to believe that God could love us all in spite of our sins. Perhaps a non-believer has turned their back on God...first because they feel they would be rejected and have no hope of ever being worthy of what Christ did for us. So it is our job, our goal, or divine appointment to show that person that the sin they commit is just washed away as any other. Our other divine appointment by God by way of showing love is to give where we have been given and to support those that cannot support themselves. Love in Christ, ~J~
2007-10-11 05:41:53 UTC
Good job Lawrence!
†Lawrence R†
2007-10-11 05:34:24 UTC
When this term is used, it is code for, "Why don't you just tell me that I'm alright in my sin?"

The greatest love I can show a sinner is to tell them of their sin and show them the way out of that sin, through the Salvation & Lordship of Jesus Christ. However, since many are so entrenched in their sin, any notion to the contrary is hate.

Basically, Truth is hate to those who hate the Truth.
ZombieTrix 2012
2007-10-11 05:33:28 UTC
It's the certainty that some Christians have: people who say that my relationship with the Divine is invalid are, quite simply, offensive.
2007-10-11 05:44:04 UTC
The following is an article from a non-partisan source that proves Christians are loving people in the face of severe adversity and persecution. The following couple are members of our church.



Sheriff Wendell Hall




Santa Rosa County Investigators arrested the suspect in the beating of an elderly man during a home invasion robbery that occurred on July 11, 2006. Anonymous tips led investigators to Anthony James Griffin of Ft. Walton Beach , Florida. Griffin was located and had the identical tattoos that were described by the victim's wife. Griffin was placed in a photo line-up and was identified by the victim's as being the suspect in the crime. Griffin was arrested and charged with Aggravated Battery on a Person 65 Years of Age or Older and Home Invasion Robbery. During a post Miranda rights interview, Griffin confessed to committing the crime and stated that he was in a drug induced state, and he had tried to enter a different residence prior to entering the victim's residence. He is being held at the Santa Rosa County Jail with no bond. A photograph of Griffin , along with a photograph of his chest tattoos is attached to this email.

On July 11, 2006 at approximately 9:45 pm , an unknown suspect committed a home invasion robbery/aggravated battery on an elderly couple. The crime occurred in the 1900 Block of Esplande Street in Navarre . It began around 9:45 pm , when the owner of the residence, Joseph Molnar (85 years old) heard someone knocking on his front door. When he opened the door, he was immediately struck in the face by the suspect. Joseph Molnar's wife, Margaret Molnar (84 years old), was in the bedroom and heard her husband yelling. She immediately got out of bed and went to check on her husband. Margaret saw the suspect striking her husband repeatedly in the face with his fists. She said that the suspect kept asking for money, stating that he needed it for drugs and to "get back home to Destin". Margaret told the suspect that he needed to get God in his life, at which time the suspect lifted his T-shirt exposing two tattoos on his chest, one of Jesus' face, and one of a cross. The suspect then knelt down on the floor and began to apologize and left the residence. The suspect left on foot walking south on Esplande Street . The entire incident lasted approximately 10 minutes. Joseph Molnar was transported to the hospital to be treated for injuries to his face. Investigators are asking for the public's help in identifying the suspect. Anyone with information concerning this crime is asked to contact investigators at 934-4018, or Crime Stoppers at 437-STOP.

Suspect Information:

Anthony James Griffin

W/M, 10/25/1983

30 Block of Maples Street , Ft. Walton Beach , FL

Press Release By:

Sgt. Scott Haines

Media Relations Unit

(850) 981-2136 or

The suspect was later arrested and confessed to his crimes, our church received a letter from him in prison, confessing the Lord Jesus Christ as his savior and begging forgiveness from the couple and their family. The couple has been praying fervantly for the salvation of Mr. Griffin, see God does answer prayer. For the non-believers out there dispute that one.
2007-10-11 05:38:47 UTC
A christian has loved me. But I made him wear a condom!
2007-10-11 05:36:58 UTC
I'm with Lawrence R.
2007-10-11 05:37:55 UTC
Lawrence R -- EXCELLENT Answer.
2007-10-11 05:34:22 UTC
bunch o hypocrites
2007-10-11 05:34:09 UTC
I'm a CHRISTIAN too bro .,... i don't know why someone would say that.....??? BEST ANSWER BRO HELP A FELLOW CHRISTAN OUT LOL

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.