Thank you for your interest in evolution.
Your question demonstrates:
( ) insight and understanding
( ) a common misunderstanding among scientists
( ) a common misunderstanding among high school students
(x) a common misunderstanding among elementry school students
( ) a complete lack of familiarity with science
You have
( ) comitted a logical fallacy
(x) misrepresented the theory of evolution
( ) shown utter disregard for the scientific method
( ) been brainwashed by the institute for creation science
( ) appealed to the supernatural
(x) used spelling and punctuation correctly
( ) disregarded the rules of intelligent debate
of type
( ) straw man
( ) ad hominem attack
( ) non sequiter
( ) proof by assertion
( ) false dichotomy
Answers to this question
( ) will further scientific inquiry
( ) will not change your mind
(x) will involve a drinking game
( ) will beat the proverbial deceased equus caballus
For this question you should be:
( ) Congratulated
(x) Gently corrected
( ) reprimanded
( ) flogged
( ) subjected to some social darwanism
( ) sent a third grade biology textbook