Do you trust the Lord Jesus Christ to Provide for you?
2007-05-18 10:03:13 UTC
The Lord Provides a way if you let him. He provided for us several things the last few years. I heard people you have to provide for yourself however, if it wasn't for God things wouldn't be provided.
31 answers:
Moni B
2007-05-18 10:15:43 UTC
Yes I trust God with all of my heart.

For those of you speaking of people starving and of bad health, please think it through. People starving in third world countries worship false gods and material stuff. There is a famine in their land because of their beliefs. God tells us that if His people would humble themselves and pray and seek His face, then will they hear from Heaven. People who have turned their backs on God will reap what they sow. So you cannot blame God for that. He is right there for all of us, waiting for us to invite Him into our hearts.

Thank You Jesus for saving me!
2007-05-18 17:36:46 UTC
I absolutely agree - although I have to admit I didn't always feel this way. At one point in my life - not too long ago ( a few years) I hit a very rough patch in my life when dealing with my husband's terminal illness. I always considered myself to be very strong in character and strong willed. I had to handle a number of difficult issues in my life - and thought I could handle anything. I was really put to the test physically, mentally and financially. At times I just didn't know where I was going to muster up the strength to keep moving forward and be supportive to my husband in his hardest moments. After he passed away - medical/funeral and bills in general were piling very high and not enough resources out there to cover all that needed to be covered. Through all of this I felt very depleted in every aspect of my life. I had no other door to open no other resource - no other way to turn - so I got down on my knees and asked God to help me deal - to guide me in the right direction - and to even carry me through the trauma of my life if necessary. And I truly meant it too. Believe it or not I gained inner strength that helped me physically - there were a number of financial opportunities that came around and windfalls that have helped me get back on my financial feet as well. I am very independent by nature and at the same time I'm not above giving credit where credit is due. The Lord Jesus Christ as provided for me and continues to do so. It's a lot easier than your think. Seek and you shall find - ask you shall receive. AMEN
2007-05-18 17:22:06 UTC
Yes, I do.

One memorable event: On a tight budget I chose not to buy frozen strawberries as a treat for us so I could buy a bag of apples for a needy family whose kids love apples. I never told anyone what I did. A few days later a friend came past with half a flat of strawberries. He said he saw my face on them at the supermarket and just had to buy them for me. God not only provides, but "is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think". (Eph 3:20)

That was such a little blessing compared to what He has done for me, but one I like to share because to God even the little things matter.
2007-05-18 17:09:32 UTC
I trust the Lord to provide as long as I work hard and keep the faith. I don't whine to him for freebies but when I was 19, my apartment burned down. I had nothing and He saw that I was provided for in a time of dire need. I don't ask him for the sun, moon and stars but the Christ did say, "Ye receive not, because ye ask not". I believe if the need is legit, there is no reason not to pray, ask and receive his gift of allowing you to continue on. Sometimes we need help. And if we can't ask our God, who can we ask?
Mandolyn Monkey Munch
2007-05-18 17:07:31 UTC

Yes I do believe God provides for those who love Him and trust Him.

I definately trust in God to provide and I notice the older I get the more I trust Him!

He has provided in ways that we knew were only from Him! Because he knows what we need-- And we who are His "sheep" as He says are very important to Him, and if He can take care of the birds, how much more He will take care of us! Just as He says:

Matthew 6:26

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
2007-05-18 17:08:30 UTC
It's not a stupid question, you are right. We would have nothing if God didn't give it to us. He has provided me with plenty all of my 32 years. I've never needed anything. He pours down blessings and gives so much. What a mighty and beautiful God we serve. You are right, if people would allow God into their lives, they wouldn't believe the difference would they? God bless you. All of these people just expect God to give without doing anything for him first. God gave his only son for us, We are given a choice to give our lives to him and serve him for it. These people choose to go against God, but complain because he isn't doing anything in their lives. You have to give a little first.
2007-05-18 17:25:57 UTC
the lord doesnt bring a job to you.

You have to go out & look for it.

You can go over board on Stuff like that.

You Provide for yourself, Thats why god made you two hands & two legs.
2007-05-18 17:10:57 UTC
No I don't.

Anyone can say that they are Jesus and you think that they are crazy.

But you sure as hell believe in him when a group of men got together and wrote about him thousands of years ago.

I am were I am not because of some invisible spirit in the sky. It was because I believed in MYSELF.
2007-05-18 17:08:53 UTC
the lord will help but you have to make an effort to help yourself too you cant sit in the house and expect a check to magically appear
2007-05-18 17:07:31 UTC
Matthew 6:33 - seek his kingdom, and all other things will be added to you.

If we follow God, and seek his Kingdom, he will provide for us. He makes sure that we have the necessaties.

Just like rainfall, and vegetation, he provides these things out of the goodness of his heart.
2007-05-18 17:09:20 UTC
He will provide you with material thing that are necessary,water,air to breath,clothing,food. But he also tells us to work for our daily bread,do your part and God will do the rest.. He promised this to his children....
the cheshire cat
2007-05-18 17:07:12 UTC
Does he provide for all the little children who are starving in third world countries?
Just Kickin' It...
2007-05-18 22:19:49 UTC
Yes absolutely!! He has provided for me always and has always been so faithful to see that every need I have is met in abundance!
2007-05-18 17:07:02 UTC
I trust the Lord to give the wisdom and health to take care of myself,
2007-05-18 17:07:01 UTC
Yes, I do.

I have been through a lot and have hit rock bottom only to be lifted back up. . .not without applying any effort. When you give God your best He will give you His best.

I have many things that have went on in my life that I can not even begin to explain. . .other than God's grace and mercy.
2007-05-18 17:06:50 UTC
No, Jesus has provided me nothing. People who believe in Jesus may have provided me with various things, but not the person Jesus himself.
2007-05-18 17:09:28 UTC
Well, since christianity is not real, how can a fictional character provide for me.

I used to be christian. People used to tell me this all the time. "Jesus will provide what you need." What BS!

2007-05-18 17:07:35 UTC
Can you tell that to the billion people who go to bed hungry everynight?

Can you tell that to the people who are dying of AIDS, TB, Cancer and others?

Can you tell that to women who are being raped, tortured and murdered as we speak?

Can you tell that to children born with birth defects?

I wish you the best in your religious beliefs but, frankly, I don't get it.
2007-05-18 17:08:18 UTC
sorry but I can't trust your imaginary friend, I'm sure the two of you have a lot of fun together, but I can't trust Santa to buy presents for my family and friend either, can I?
2007-05-18 17:10:29 UTC
Yes He is our Provider





God Most High

The Almighty

Our Banner

The great I AM

He has pulled through when it was not possible to make it on our own.

Keep witnessing to His lovingkindness and compassion.
2007-05-18 17:08:07 UTC
Not at all. I trust my husband to, while I raise our kids and take care of our house.
2007-05-18 17:19:20 UTC
Yes, He is so wonderful. He ALWAYS sends you just what you need if you love him.
Matt -
2007-05-18 17:09:56 UTC
no, how can a mythological character in from a book provide for me.
2007-05-18 17:07:06 UTC
did god beat super mario brothers without using the extra lives cheat or using warp?

I think NOT!
2007-05-18 17:11:53 UTC
2007-05-18 17:09:21 UTC
no way can i trust on a guy that's been gone for 2 millenia?
2007-05-18 17:13:13 UTC
Considering he's already left me both starving (more than once,) & homeless, no.
2007-05-18 18:33:58 UTC
Yes! He hasn't let me down yet! :)
2007-05-18 17:21:06 UTC
no i stand alone
2007-05-18 17:06:21 UTC
this is a stupid slanted un-question.
2007-05-18 10:06:40 UTC

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