If everyone is from Adam and Eve than isn't everyone related?
2008-07-07 20:04:58 UTC
I was thinking about this today, and I am a strong Cathloic. But if Adam and Eve were the ones that reproduced and made us. wouldnt that make us all related in one way or the other?
Its a confusing thought.
please if you have some comment on how "God isnt real" than keep it to yourself. I dont want to hear it. You have your beliefs and I have mine.
56 answers:
Green Phantom
2008-07-07 20:08:28 UTC
In Arabic, one of the terms for humanity is Ibn Adam, which means children of Adam. Yes, we're all related one way or another. No doubt there.
Bonnie S
2008-07-07 20:16:09 UTC
We are all God's children and brothers and sisters. I have often wondered how we could have so many different races and physical traits around the world and all be related. I believe that there must have been pockets of people all over the world like Adam and Eve and these couples started the different races. But why this isn't mentioned in the Bible is a mystery. I know in the Tower of Babel it mentioned how the different languages came to be and that due to the language barrier people went in different directions. The good thing is the prediction that the world is changing so quickly that eventually there will be no different race since white, black, red, yellow, brown, and olive skin people will become one color with very mild variations. Maybe this is how it was in the beginning and we are going back to this.
2008-07-07 20:24:02 UTC
here are a couple of theories of biblical theorist not atheist so dont get mad at me im a strong Episcopalian. these arent in any order.

1) creationism so yes.

2)they were the first people(from evolution) god though were human and so i guess they would be.

3)they were leaders of the first people so no.

4)they were the first people who were chosen to make the hebrew tribes so some of the world would be some not.

5)they were representation of the human race so no.

now just to let you know any Christian are related spiritually so you are related from non denominational to catholic are related and are very similar no matter what you think. Now you can make the argument that we are also spiritually related to jews and muslims cause there descendants of the hebrew people. now also if you believe in no god we are all related because we came from the same single cell thing.

to sum it up we may be and we may not be but we are spiritually related which is what matters. it also depend if how far back you go if its from as far back as the big-bang/creation then yes we probably are. if you only go back 100 generations then no.
2008-07-07 20:11:32 UTC
You know that is a good question, and I think that would be very hard to answer. I know about all the Adam and Eve stuff that you mentioned. I think we are all related somehow, because once you get saved, its is said that everyone else thats saved are our brothers, and sisters in Christ. That is a real real good question.
2008-07-07 20:12:29 UTC
If you truly believe in Adam and Eve, then yes.

But, just to throw out some food for thought - offspring borne from the same siblings - are, called (for a general comparison) - in-bread - and usually have some kind of chromosome imbalance. Inbreeding for centuries would result in masses of imperfections in our human make-up.
2008-07-07 20:09:34 UTC
I read an article that said that if we trace all our ancestors back to 14 cousins, we will all find an ancestorial link to each other! KEWL. That's really not that far to trace in lineage.

But everyone also forgets that the world once again began after the flood, with Noah and his family. Noah also had within his genes the same as Adam and Eve. Every time he had children they came out different. Remember the account! So you had another generation again that began there too again!

(Acts 17:26) . . .And he made out of one [man] every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth. . .


HAM Fair Canaanite to Brown/Black

SHEM Light Jew to darker Arab

JAPHETH White European to dark Indian
2008-07-07 20:10:13 UTC
Adam and Eve is not an historical account. If you say that you're seriously insulting the man who wrote Genesis (Moses, traditionally). Whoever it was felt very proud of their ability to weave story and moral lessons and numerology into their work.

Besides, weren't there people already in the land of Nod, East of Eden, when Cain set off that way? Even if you take it as history, the entire story is not given.

None of this means God isn't real.
Cheese Fairy - Mummified
2008-07-07 20:09:20 UTC
Thing is, everyone ISN"T from Adam and Eve. Did you miss the part where Cain when to the land of Nod and took a wife from those people?

Adam and Eve are considered the precursors of what the Jewish consider the Chosen people - there were other people in the world. Adam and Eve were just the only ones int he garden of eden.
2008-07-07 20:10:22 UTC
Regardless of your beliefs, genetic research shows that there is actually much less genetic diversity in our DNA than expected, so at some point (72,000 years ago if I recall corectly) that only a small breeding population of humans passed genes on to current generations. So no matter what you believe, we are all related.
2008-07-07 20:12:15 UTC
We are all related, yes.

Whether we came from Adam and Eve, Apes, or Aliens; we are all related, when you go far back enough.
2016-10-22 18:48:38 UTC
in case you examine the geneologies that are later in the e book of genesis it talks approximately Adam and Eve's different little ones--consequently Cain and able each married considered one of their sisters. it rather is earlier incest replaced into forbidden. And if no longer the rest anybody is proper by using Noah.
Lisa A
2008-07-07 20:09:14 UTC
Based on your premise, "if everyone is from Adam and Eve", then yes, everyone on earth is related.

Even if you don't grant the premise, you can use math and statistics to see that the likelihood that we are all related is pretty high anyway.
D.O.T ~ El BlatinoBorriqueño
2008-07-07 20:09:27 UTC
I sorry but I don't believe in the Adam and Eve thing for some reason. I mean I believe in God and all that but how would all the different colors, races, languages, and cultures come from two people?!?!
2008-07-07 20:10:21 UTC
Even if everyone isn't descended from Adam and Eve, we are still all related.
2008-07-07 20:09:04 UTC
If you don't want to hear other opinions, why are you asking? OK, here's what you want to hear: yes, we're all related. It makes perfect sense that everyone on earth came from two people 6,000 years ago. Fossils are just tricks from satan.


Edit to Fritz: Let an atheist enlighten you: Adam and Eve had three sons who were named: Cain, Abel and Seth. People will tell you that they had many other children--and some of them had to be girls. So, we're talking incest right from the start.
2008-07-07 20:13:59 UTC
Actually we are related to monkeys! So I guess monkeys are our best friends! :).. ok sorry.. just kidding!!

well..the bottom line is that whether we are related to Adam and Eve or not, is not important, but it's importnat to be a good person.. That counts my sister!.. that counts!...peace..
Old Timer Too
2008-07-07 20:09:01 UTC
Yes, we are all related, whether you believe that we evolved from a common ancestor or are descendants from Adam and Eve.
2008-07-07 20:08:20 UTC
Catholics don't take the Bible from a literal perspective. They see Adam and Eve as a story rather than actual historic fact.
Miss Austen
2008-07-07 20:11:43 UTC
yeah everyone is related but its like far far far distant cousins kind of related. i dont see how its confusing though. after your fith cousin you've lost the blood connection so that hot boy on the other side of the class is at minimum your 1,000,000th cousin, so no need to worry
2008-07-07 20:11:42 UTC
Regardless of which theory you ascribe to - creationism or evolution - all humans have DNA in common.

This caveat regarding mitochondrial DNA also highlights a common misconception about human evolutionary history. Biologists have sequenced mitochondrial DNA from people all over the world. Though the sequences vary somewhat due to the chance mutations described above, they are clearly related. Working backwards to reconstruct the history of all these mitochondrial sequences, biologists have figured out that they all descended from a mitochondrion in a woman who lived 100,000-200,000 years ago, called "mitochondrial Eve." So far, so good. However, perhaps because of her biblical namesake, mitchondrial Eve is often misconstrued as the first woman, the only woman alive at her time, or the sole mother of all humanity. Though mitochondrial Eve did exist, she was none of those things. True, all humans on Earth today can count mitochondrial Eve among their great-great-great-great-great-(fill in roughly 5000 "greats")-grandmas and inherited their mitochondrial DNA from her. But we have other great-great-great-great-great-(fill in 5000 "greats")-grandmas as well who lived at the same time as mitochondrial Eve — you can think of them as our nuclear great-great-great-(etc.)-grandmas. We inherited other bits of our nuclear DNA from them — and from all of our equally ancient grandpas. Mitochondrial Eve is only one of our many human ancestors.
Max W
2008-07-07 20:14:51 UTC
Yes, and if it were true, think about the damage we'd all have. A few decades of inbreeding is enough to cause major defects. But centuries of inbreeding? Think about it.
2008-07-07 20:20:27 UTC
yay you! a strong catholic just like me!


anyways, yea pretty much

if you have noticed in church,if ya go to church, which i do with my parents(im still a teen) people sometimes call eachother brothers and sisters. and in some prayers it incudes saying brothers and sisters along in some prayers.

&&we are all related in god's eyes
2008-07-07 20:12:04 UTC
Yes, but it's just like when the family gets bigger (think of it as three generations family tree, including all your uncles, aunts, nephews, niece), and your far flung relatives with whom you get out of touch or little touch at times
2008-07-07 20:11:12 UTC
that is a very intelligent thought and you are right on the money. i think you should ask your preist about this one if you really want to feel satisfied with the answer. but i agree with your thoughts, that just doent make any sense. insest is a sin, why would god allow all of us to be created from it?
2008-07-07 20:13:11 UTC
If you think about it everyone is related anyhow. Because someone your related to is related to someone else, who is related to someone else who is related to someone else and so on and so on. All by blood, really, if you think about it.

And thinking about all of that actually mnakes marriage seem very weird and...yeah.

Strange thoughts really, I think about it all the time.
2008-07-07 20:09:12 UTC
aha i like tthat you tihnk aobut those things, well yeah your right but adam and eve are white arent they? if they are white then how do you get different races?i still dont complelty understand that whole thingeither. so thats themost i can tell you! best of luck finding out!
2008-07-07 20:11:31 UTC
Yes, we are all just distant cousins of each other. The Bible says that God "made of all nations One Blood."
2008-07-07 20:08:58 UTC
Yes, we ARE all related.

DNA studies show that humans are like one small sub-breed of dog, we're so closely related.

All the people who work hard at finding differences between people are simply hateful, imo.
2008-07-07 20:08:39 UTC
yea everyone is related but it's not a bad thing to get married to someone just because we're all related lol unless it's like a close family member then that'd be gross lol
2008-07-07 20:15:43 UTC
yes, but not because of "adam and eve". there were never just two humans.
2008-07-07 20:09:25 UTC
we are all related the fact that were all human, also dna test have shown theat we all have common groups of ancestors. regardless of what some old book said
2008-07-07 20:08:06 UTC
Yes, we are all related. They have even found an "Eve" gene that we all have.
2008-07-07 20:08:19 UTC
I am also a catholic and that is why we are all brothers and sisters, and I always get confused though , adam and eve only had 2 children. Its confusing I try to solve but always get confused and to solve it I just think about how mysterious God is.
2008-07-07 20:12:04 UTC
this will really mess you up, eve was created with a rib from adam.......
bigjohn B
2008-07-07 20:08:27 UTC
I do not know of anywhere that says that Adam and Eve were the ONLY humans created at the beginning. It just says "In the beginning............"
2008-07-07 20:08:12 UTC
ya. all humans have a common ancestor, but it could be from hundreds of generations back for some.
2008-07-07 20:12:06 UTC
Yes sister. It was nice to meet you too. LOL.
2008-07-07 20:07:31 UTC
everyone is related, regardless of what story you use. i believe there is a biological "eve" though i do not think of her as a religous entity.
2008-07-07 20:07:40 UTC
Yes, we are all distantly related. Key word here: DISTANTLY.
2008-07-07 20:13:39 UTC
Right on, sister.
2008-07-07 20:08:41 UTC
that makes sence but i dont know ive heard different things i dont think they were the only ones
2008-07-07 20:08:37 UTC
Adam and Eve aren't real.

Hey I didn't say "God isn't real," right?
2008-07-07 20:08:00 UTC
yes, according to that realm of thinking, we are ALL related.
2008-07-07 20:07:56 UTC
2008-07-07 20:09:03 UTC
in a way yes why?
Micheal B
2008-07-07 20:08:23 UTC
yep. were all imbreds. thats why some of us dont have the mental capacity to accept that there is no god.
2008-07-07 20:39:34 UTC
2008-07-07 20:08:17 UTC
Lol i thought that to.
monkey girl
2008-07-07 20:08:26 UTC
technically yes! i am your relative and i am everyone elses realtive.
2008-07-07 20:13:55 UTC
we are all brothers and sisters
Mysterious Chick`
2008-07-07 20:10:16 UTC

but what i wonder is How are there differnt races?
2008-07-07 20:08:14 UTC
adam and eve aren't real. it's a story.
2008-07-07 20:08:15 UTC
yes, it is a fact that we are all DISTANT COUSINS
Lucy Jane
2008-07-07 20:07:39 UTC
ive always wondered that..

good question!

i don't really know but my guess would be that everyone is related
2008-07-07 20:07:42 UTC
Np, that just means WE inherited our sins from them!
2008-07-07 20:07:24 UTC
6000 years later I dont think so.

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