2010-12-13 10:08:32 UTC
Now I have been doing some thinking and I thought about why kids believe in Santa. They believe in him because everyone talks about him, its in the media, if you send a letter to the north pole the postman doesnt return it (so this makes kids convinced that Santa has an address and does exists) and they read about Santa in books. The only time kids realize that Santa is BS is when they gain logic and realize that their parents put the gifts under the tree. After they gain that knowledge they NEVER pay attention to books about Santa, the media, a guy dressed like Santa in the mall..etc. The Santa BS has been erased from their minds forever. I have never heard of a case where a 36 year old started to believe in Santa once more.
So now you have to wonder why religious people still believe in god although there is no proof. So I did a survey and asked believers why they believed in a higher being, and these are the main answers I got 1) Because of the holy book 2) I just know 3) Someone had to make the world 4) god does things for me 5) I dont want to burn in hell
But at the end of the day these things are not proof. Anyone could have written a holy book and made up a bunch of lies. Also anyone or anything could be responsible for this universe, weeding it down to one God is just a stupid thing to do. What if its a group of Gods that did it? or an alien? We will never know nor should we care because we have no control over things like that. And the excuse that God does things for you is BS, everyone has their good and bad days even atheists and homosexuals. Do you mean to tell me its because of God they have good days?
All i am saying is that trying to figure out how the world came to be is a waste of time. Why even care? Whats it to you? Are you trying to make a universe of your own or something? if not then you shouldn't even care who mad it and how they did it. Just live your life and worry about the after life when that time comes. the world would be so much better without all these religions and without everyone making theories about how the earth came to be. Lets try to cure all diseases and create new jobs first instead of worrying about stuff we have no control over. Even if we do figure out who made this universe then what would we do? Ask him/her to give us the instructions??....lol