Why are Christians afraid to learn about science, evolution, and how we all evolved on this planet?
2011-01-27 10:51:28 UTC
Why do they think we came from monkeys? Why can't they understand that today's other primates are as modern as they are?

Is it really, lalalalalala? Really????
46 answers:
2011-01-27 11:15:39 UTC
I think you're mainly talking about sects such as the fundamentalists or JW's.

Lots of Christians are very well educated, and accept every word, and don't pay too much attention to try make the bible a word for word truth.... they regard it as mostly myth.

But those with less education, less smarts, (sorry) and having been pushed into religion early by avid parents, end up believing bible stories, not sciene.

Some do so to the point of saying, "The books says......" Rather than "evolution teaches and has evidence for......."

If you hammer a kid long enough and hard enough and early enough, you can get him to believe the moon is made of green cheese.

Christians who went on to college, generally flush this stuff by the time they are 25.

For the others? Yes indeed is IS lalalalalal. Really!
2011-01-27 10:56:48 UTC
Why are Christians afraid to learn about science, evolution, and how we all evolved on this planet?We aren't. We learn it the same way as you in public school, where it's part of a mandatory curriculum. Some of us go on to major in sciences at a higher educational level as well.

Why do they think we came from monkeys? Some of us don't.

Why can't they understand that today's other primates are as modern as they are?

I agree they are.

Is it really, lalalalalala? Really???? No and no.

Have a good day.
2011-01-27 14:50:31 UTC
It's hardly because of fear. The thing is, it's like someone telling you 2+2=6.

Yeah, it may be close to the real answer, but it's still not the right one.

However, most of us do, in fact, try to learn as much as possible about it, but most of the explanations for evolution are unimpressive.

My belief, is that God use a variation of "evolution" that lets us adapt to the environment around us.

But the hypothesis that Humans (going way down the evolutionary chain) came from a grouping of cells, over the course just a few million years, is preposterous. Not only would evolution take far

longer than what even they say it would, but the odds of successful evolution all the way to where mankind is now, is so extremely low... It's literally unbelievable.

Let's take this for example, In order for even the most basic double-helix (of DNA) to form there needs to be all of the different chemicals gathered together in the same pool of liquid. Then for them to form into cells, they need to form into a very basic version of what we know as DNA, this alone is likely to take a few million years (without being disturbed in any way), but wait, we still need the RNA polymerase, Helicase and all the other enzymes needed for a cell to live AND reproduce, and if even the slightest thing goes wrong, gets misplaced or simply isn't there, the entire cycle gets shutdown.

Also, theoretically speaking, this cycle and the events leading to the creation of the new cell should still today be found in nature today, but has yet to actually be found.

I could go on writing all night about the invalidity of evolution, but I have school tonight and, therefor, need to study.
2011-01-27 11:01:15 UTC
I'm a Christian and I love science. My issue with evolution is that it is just irrational unless God is guiding it. The life forms on this planet are just too complex to come about by accident. Aside from the fact that there is no way non-living materiel just magically assembled itself into the first cell all by itself. If evolution did happen it was guided by God. As for the Big Bang, I have no problem with that. God can do things any way He wants. The Bible isn't a science book and was never meant to be. The Bible is about God's relationship with man and His plan of salvation. The details of how He created aren't really there. The six days, if you look at the ancient Hebrew word for day used in Genesis, doesn't have to mean a 24 hour day. It actually has multiple temporal based meanings

God made everything. It didn't happen by accident; the probability of all the factors in the universe that allow life coming are so low it is virtually impossible. What His methods were are another question. I'm really not all that concerned with it. We're here now. If He made it over billions of years or six days doesn't really matter because we can't change it if we wanted to. Why do we get all hung up on this trivial stuff? The Bible is about Jesus. Christianity is about Jesus. Let's focus on that and put all the other nonsense aside.
2011-01-27 11:05:24 UTC
I am not an animal but yeah I believe in evolution.

God created Adam and Eve by blowing terra (earth) from his hand.

God also said that there were other creatures on earth while Adam and Eve were alive.

So I am pretty sure there had to be other humanoids by that time since extraterrestrials do exist. And I am sure that we came from God not an animal.


You can not be that dumb, right?

Animals; have only spirits, they do not acquire nor have the choice to have faith or either take the path of good or evil.

Spirit: is the blood that gives you life. It goes around your entire body approximately every 30 second. Spirit has nothing to do with "ghost or soul".

Soul: The animating and vital principle in humans, credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity.

The spiritual nature of humans, regarded as immortal, separable from the body at death, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.

The disembodied spirit of a dead human.

Human: a life form that is born with both the soul and the spirit. having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings.
2011-01-27 10:57:16 UTC
Great example of generalization.

Many Christians embrace science, realizing that there is nothing contradictory between the Bible and science. And no, anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of the theory of evolution understands that we didn't "evolve from monkeys".
2011-01-27 11:10:13 UTC
Oh dear god, another uneducated rant from someone who doesn't know what they are talking about.

Ok let me begin with, yes, there are a few Christians who refuse to learn about science. just like there are a few brain cells in your head that aren't fully rotten, or that there are a few evolutionist that will not even begin to listen to the possibility that there MAY be a god out there somewhere. Both sides are just as guilty of refusing to listen to the other side.. you are a perfect example for this case.

Secondly, Christians don't believe that we came from monkeys... that's 100% AGAINST what they believe. Also, if all the other primates are just as modern as we are, then why haven't they developed math and language and science them self? Why are they all still naked, sitting around or swinging in trees, banging on nuts with rocks? Why haven't they developed the wheel or any other machinery? They haven't... So by definition, they aren't as modern as we are.

Another question is, if evolution states that we came from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys...? Thermodynamics states that in nature nothing will ever gain, it will only loose. Basically if you through a piece of wood on the ground, a house will never grow out of it. Evolution is not evolution as so many know it. It works like this.

If you took 1,000 different types of dogs to antartica and left them there for 100 years. Then returned, what kind of dogs would you find? You would find large dogs with thick furs and lots of muscle and fat. Did they all evolve to be like that? no, the ones that couldn't survive in that environment (i.e. ones with short fur and not very much meat like yorkees) died off and those genes were lost.

I'm a Christian and I believe in creation and science, just science that is actual science and not just someone trying to push god out of the picture.
2011-01-27 11:00:33 UTC
I have a doctoral degree in science. I believe in evolution. I am a Christian.

The Bible was never meant to be a science textbook. It is not a book of science, but a historical book of religion. What would Moses have thought if God started talking about mesons and astrophysics and genetics and base pairs? The book would not have any meaning to them, and would not have survived.

Don't let yourself be swayed just because other people are narrow-minded in their interpretation of creation. You have a mind - use it!

Describing evolution or the Big Bang is not the point of the Bible. The point of the creation story is that God did it, and he did it in an orderly way, and he created an orderly world. The Bible is a religious book written so that it could be understood easily by all people of all times.
2011-01-27 11:33:08 UTC
Because they've closed their minds. They don't want the truth.

They can't handle the truth.

The only truth they want to know is what's spoon-fed down their throats by ignorant, jealous, manipulative people -- who profess to know all there is, out of a single aggregation of books, into one bibliographic reference point.

All other things external are Un-True to them.

Hence if evolution is proved; they will use the Bible to refute it. Even if the Bible has no scientific basis to confront actual cold facts.

I guess living in ignorance is bliss.
2011-01-27 10:53:38 UTC
We aren't afraid of science. Some just believe we were created by God. I enjoy learning more about science. The theory of evolution is a good example. We might have evolved from monkeys. We might never know. I accept the evolution theory and the "created by God" theory.
Gary B
2011-01-27 11:00:41 UTC
Why are atheists and humanist afraid to even listen to other possible explanations, but eagerly eat up such lies as Piltdown Man, Cold Fusion, and Human Cloning? [NONE of those things are true.]

Christians KNOW the other side -- we are taught evolution almost from our first science class in First Grade, yet we ALSO have heard the OTHER side, and have made an informed choice to NOT accept the word of every loud-mouthed bigot on the planet.

Atheists and humanist, on the other hand, categorically refuse to listen to ANY explanation that doesn't fit their personal mindset, and thus shut themselves off from 50% of the possible answers to a given question. yet they call that "Critical Thinking"! HA! NO true scientist would EVER dismiss a possible answer just because it contradicts the possible outcome of his experiment. the TRULY scientific mind, when faced with an answer that contradicts the observed, would do everything possible to EXPLORE than answer, not reject it!

no, the LALALALALA comes from the atheists and humanists, NOT the Christians.
True Truthseeker
2011-01-27 11:28:22 UTC
Darwin was a somewhat troubled man. He developed doubt in the Bible because of inconsistencies in the beliefs and actions of professed or claimed to be Christians. Sir Isaac Newton actually believed that the church [professed Christianity] was corrupted from the 4th century onwards [please see "Historical Account of Two Notable Corruption of Scripture", and rightly identified the incorrect renderings of 1 John 5:7, and 1 Timothy 3:16 [a comparison in KJV vs. NLT etc. will enlighten].

Now, at the time that young Darwin made his infamous observations known, he did not have the technology that we have today, such as the electron microscope. He did not have the knowledge that we have of the DNA, the genome, the Hubble Telescope, the particle accelerators, satelites etc.

Of equal importance, Darwin did not have the information of fossil findings as we do today, equipment to drill meters beneath the earth's crust.

If Darwin were to consider ALL the data collected to date, he would recant, he would NOT AGREE with Macro- Evolution, and so-called Micro- Evolution would retain the name of Adaptation.
2011-01-27 10:58:31 UTC
God created us all as spirits and we all lived in Heaven at one time. Then we all fell from Heaven with Lucifer so God gave Jesus the job of creating the material world. We have been evolving ever since to get back into Heaven. we do it by incarnating on earth over and over again until we get it right. So material creation can only produce its own kind, but we progress by incarnating as a higher species with each life and so yes we may all have been roaches at one time. The highest level of animals is man and the level before that is the ape. Now do you understand why they tell us we descended from the apes? We did.
2011-01-27 10:58:18 UTC
FEAR. They are afraid because it will debunk all their preconceived notions about EVERYTHING. They are brainwashed, and have no room upstairs for more solid and concrete evidence that disproves their false biblical beliefs. It is sad they forgot the footnote on the first page of the bible saying "the events recorded in this book are in no way based on actual events, please take it all with a grain of salt." The biggest difference between primates and christians is a small amount of DNA, but they are still higher beings, and have the ability to think rationally, and should know better, when there is overwhelming evidence through science that evolution is key to understanding LIFE and DEATH. Christians are convinced that the bible is literal, thus their false belief in GOD as man. God is no man, GOD is the almighty creator of everything, do you really think one MAN could be responsible for all that? Hardly. It is preposterous.
2011-01-27 10:57:46 UTC
A little narrow minded there aren't you? Many Christians are well versed in Science, math, physics, medicine etc. Most of us understand the concept of evolution, however we don't accept it as fact. You may be correct that we did not come from monkeys, however you do believe that all life trees, whales, man, bugs, etc, came from pond scum. Not much different.
Rogue Christian: Lachrymose
2011-01-27 10:54:58 UTC
I'm not.

I think evolution is a truly unique process. I like this connection with nature we have, and I love that so much.

I know we didn't come from monkeys, we are related to them by a cousin relationship.
2011-01-27 13:25:28 UTC
It goes against their "all knowledge" of goddidit.I would've added the qualifier "most",though.

Have you met the twins-Willful and Woeful Ignorance?All objection to rational and scientific knowledge are derived from them.
2011-01-27 10:56:38 UTC
I'm catholic and know about evolution and other science topics. I accept the theory and believe that God invented it. But He put Adam in the Garden and made him separate from animals. Giving him a soul.
2011-01-27 10:55:02 UTC
"Why are Christians afraid to learn about science, evolution, and how we all evolved on this planet?"

They're not.

"Is it really, lalalalalala? Really????"

No, it isn't.
2011-01-28 07:33:41 UTC
Some Christians are NOT afraid and are very embarrassed by ID, YEC, etc.
Phoenix Quill
2011-01-27 10:56:23 UTC
Liberals like to use Evolution as a stick to beat Christians.

That makes them tense.
Antie Pantie
2011-01-27 10:53:32 UTC
Oh, boo-hoo...

There are plenty of Christians who accept evolution...

...why does it matter anyway? How many evolutionists live their life according to the truths of evolution?? That we evolved from a common ancestor with the apes is neither here nor there in our daily lives.
James O
2011-01-27 10:58:00 UTC
Most Christians ( about 2 billion people) are not Fundamentalist Protestants, who are the people to whom you shaould address this
2011-01-27 11:02:47 UTC

We (Christians) are NOT afraid of science -

with the exception of onw or two fields, the vast majority of scientists are Christians. Evolution is one of Satan's LIES, that have decieved too many people . . .

We did NOT descend from a common primate ancestor,

we are God's special creation

Evolution really is lalalalalalalala stupid . . .

2011-01-27 10:54:36 UTC
It is a total waste of time for any man/woman of science to engage in a rational dialogue with any religious people, especially Christians! Muslims lost any momentum they had hundreds of years ago! Today they are strictly into bombing themselves up at any busy intersection with plenty of innocent people around! The JEWS hold the greatest number of patents and contributions to humanity than any other ethnical group, but sh*t happens! They also wrote the Bible stories that Christians and Muslims use to bring so many wars, pain and suffering into our world…

1 Timothy 6:20 (KJV) O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, AVOIDING PROFANE AND VAIN BABBLINGS, AND OPPOSITIONS OF SCIENCE FALSELY SO CALLED.

Most Christians of all brands, including some prominent US PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES like Pat Robertson REALLY hate SCIENCE because it contradicts the stories in the Bible. NOBODY can POSSIBLY imagine what America would be like with Pat Robertson as President! Pat has millions of Christians in America supporting him with a lot of money! He believes that science is a Communist plot to hurt America!

A scientist looks at the evidence and can’t help to draw conclusions while Christians read some of the Bible and look around for supporting evidence… REAL SCIENCE IS STILL WEARING DIAPERS! Up until recent history CHRISTIANS IMPOSED THEIR VIEWS ON SCIENCE BY LAW! Dissenters were usually executed along with the Salem witches! The Clergy makes up all kinds of infallible DOGMAS to support any absurd story in the Bible that identifies their religious brand from all the other ones.
2011-01-27 10:53:18 UTC
Not afraid too. More not interested too. I know there is a God. I put my focus on the work of today. There is enough to focus on in living a loving and compassionate life for Christ today that the workings of how today came about are of little concern to me.

You say evolution they say creation I say there is a whole world out there in need of some love.
2011-01-27 10:58:25 UTC
I've been in highschool and college. I've learned what society and the world is trying to teach us and it has a special place in my head labeled 'accepted knowledge'. I just choose not to place my faith in it. I neither accept it as fact nor believe that it is true. My belief lies elsewhere.

tl;dr - Knowing something and believing it are two different things.

God bless
Mad Dog
2011-01-27 10:53:02 UTC
Believe it or not, the Roman Catholics are accepting the big bang as a possibility.
2011-01-27 10:57:21 UTC
“They (preachers) dread the advance of science as witches do the approach of daylight and scowl on the fatal harbinger announcing the subversions of the duperies on which they live”
2011-01-27 10:55:47 UTC
We're asceered of the monkey people.
2011-01-27 10:53:36 UTC
You need to do your homework on what Creationists mean and what Christian means.

Even the Catholic church states it believes in evolution.

Might want to do a little more reading before you assume so much in your questionable "question" or rant...
2011-01-27 10:56:37 UTC
Your assumptions are archaic and inaccurate. You are not the product of someone who studies science and evolution. You are the product of uneducated bias.
Randy P
2011-01-27 10:54:59 UTC
Because some leader they respect and all their peers have told them to be afraid and that that's what God wants. Hard to resist that kind of social pressure or even realize it's social rather than spiritual.

Watch how many reflexive thumbs down I get. "I can't heeear youuuuu...."
2011-01-27 10:54:22 UTC
I'm not afraid to learn anything, I just don't have the time to keep up with the new theories of what some scientist assumes happened.
2011-01-27 11:02:59 UTC
They're not afraid, they just can't due to a block inserted by their pastors in hypnotherapy
fokker - it's an airplane!
2011-01-27 10:59:59 UTC
I am not afraid to learn about any such thing.
2011-01-27 10:54:52 UTC
We aren't. That's why these things are taught/studied in Catholic schools.
2011-01-27 10:54:15 UTC
888 why would someone choose not to believe something thats clearly been observed?
2011-01-27 10:59:05 UTC
People who fear evolution don't actually love god.
2011-01-27 10:52:51 UTC
We aren't. Many scientists believe in God, and they're around evidence all day. But that doesn't interfere with their faith. To us its science, but to God its creation.
2011-01-27 10:52:47 UTC
The reason many people do not like evolution is because it makes them "just another animal".
2011-01-27 10:53:57 UTC
There's no fear in the theory of evolution, the problem with it is that we don't believe evolution occurs..
2011-01-27 10:52:56 UTC
Obey the cult!

Take your place at the dais and say the magic words unto The God.

Obey the cult.
2011-01-27 10:56:06 UTC
Not afraid, just not interested in pure, man-made BS.
2011-01-27 10:53:06 UTC
I'm not.

I CHOOSE not to believe in it.
2011-01-27 10:52:39 UTC
who let you out of the house?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.