2011-06-07 12:26:17 UTC
1. Can your god change the worshiping methods\rules\morality\anything for his followers to follow at any time? (Yes/No)
2. Do you believe your gods word absolute? (Yes/No) once commands it, is it absolute?
3. If god orders you to kill your own child, will you? (Yes/No)
As proof that god will, does and can force his followers to murder Brothers, Family and Friends is in Exodus 32:26-29 is just one of many instances of evidence that god in the past has ordered people to kill family members, friends and neighbors and praised them for doing so.
~~~ R. Ries 1987 The GMD
What the GMD shows is that ANYONE who puts any god above a human is an immoral person because god has shown in the past, if the bible is said to be true, that God has NO concern for human life i.e. Exodus 32:26-29 and hundreds others like it. Anytime you place anything above human existence then you become immoral because you are NO LONGER concerned about human goodness, which leads to God murdering and killing everyone on the planet in a great flood. LOL
This dilemma is proven for a fact by this video
Nov. 11 2009 here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSW_L-6vNZY
What this morality dilemma shows is that ANY belief in religion or god is an immoral act and this has been proven time and time again throughout history. Furthermore, it shows atheists have higher sense of morality than any deist or person of “Faith” because “Faith” forces it’s believers to place their sense of morality in the hands of authority, i.e. church, bible, religion, god or pastor/preacher.
An Atheist gain their sense of “Morality“ from their humanity and not an authority figure and this means an Atheist values human kind above ALL ELSE. An Atheist values humanity above all gods, ghosts, goblins, tooth fiery’s, plants, animals, microbes you name it.
Religious people, (people of “faith”), on the other hand can not value humanity in the same way because the bible, koran, book or religion tells them to dislike other human beings for various reasons to suite their warped ideology i.e.
Koran Surah 9:5
Old Testament:
---Leviticus 20:13 Homosexuals
---Exodus 32:26-29 Family, friends and neighbors
I find the next video morally reprehensible and is only provided to show why I don’t respect any religion at allows it’s believers to do this to fellow humans. Your opinion may differ?
New Testament:
--Romans 1:24-32 & Leviticus 20:13 Persecution of homosexuals - Video Evidence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEQuW2v6U2o
---Ephesians 6:5-9
---Luke 19:26
which does place “Atheist Morality” miles higher than any Deist or person of faith could ever achieve.