Why does God need to test us if he knows everything?
2015-04-08 04:52:38 UTC
If God really knows everything, then why does he need to test us ?
39 answers:
2015-04-08 05:29:08 UTC
Lets use Abraham as an example

I'm sure we all know the story of how God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to Him. But then God sent an angel to stop him.

For whom was God testing Abraham's faith? It couldn't have been that God didn't know what Abraham would do, because like u said Good is omniscient. God tested Abraham to strengthen ABRAHAM'S faith in God, not the other way around

There are times when all believers doubt God. We all have weak moments. In fact I'm not even 100% sure if I really do believe in God. But if God spike to me and tested me like he did Abraham, I'd have 100% faith. If it was something as extreme as what Abraham did I'd probably be a little mad but knowing it all a test and for the purpose of making me stronger, I'd love God with ask my heart. This is why God tested Abraham. To give him incredible faith and show his descendents and the readers of his story that he was in fact a strong & capable leader

Everything God does is for a greater purpose
2015-04-08 08:37:04 UTC
Why does God need to test us If he know everything .. well there are Three issues Does god test us ? what is the purpose of Testing ? and does God Know everything ? So if we remove the word God for a second the question is Why does anyone test anyone ..To see if the person they are TESTING HAVE KNOWLEDGE . about a issue NOT if the questioner has the knowledge the other possibility to see if they both have the same view or knowledge ..Next Does or is it possible for a god to know EVERYTHING . ONLY if they exist but the OT deity is not verified in REALITY maybe a deity could but that again is dependent Id any deity has ever existed now if your asking about a SPECIFIC god as in the OT no , not if he is as he said gave humans FREE WILL if he could read your mind and alter it you don't have free will How do you know you decide it or god implanted the thought ? and I have no evidence a deity exist
Gary B
2015-04-09 12:17:56 UTC
God gave us Free Will, the ability AND HIS PERMISSION to make up our own minds, as the atheist so prove. If God took absolute control of everything we think and do, if God did NOT give us the ability to CHOOSE to work against Him, then there would be no atheists -- God would not allow it.

But God DOES give us Free Will, and some people choose to misuse and abuse that freedom. SO now, we have a whole boat-load of choices available to us: Do we do what God wants us to do? Do we do the exact opposite of what God wants? Do we act "pretty good" and be "just a little bad"? Are we be biased and judgmental and be nice to only the people that are nice to us? Do we look up the owner of a lost wallet, or do we keep the case and burn the wallet?

God know EVERYTHING, and becasue of that HE know everything we COULD do, from the very very good the the very very bad.

But because He ALSO permits us to have Free Will, He CHOOSES to NOT KNOW what we WILL DO until we do it. But since He knows everything, all possible outcomes of all possible actions we could take, He has a plan that can either support or countermand our efforts, and in either way lead us to Heaven instead of Hell -- that is, IF we choose to follow HIS plan, and not our own.
2015-04-09 18:54:04 UTC
He doesn't. Read James 1:13.

People say that God tested Abraham on the mountain with his son

Isaac, but that was just a preview of the sacrifice that God would make

with his own son, Jesus, on the same mountain over a thousand years

later. That was why there also a sacrificial lamb at the same place that

God accepted in Isaac's place.
2015-04-08 05:14:09 UTC
Why does God need to test us if he knows everything?

Atheist logic:

1) He doesn't know everything.

2) He knows everything, but enjoys seeing people hurt and suffering.

3) He doesn't exist.

Christian logic:

1) Freewill

2) So God can tell those in Hell why he sent them there

3) God doesn't test us, but He allows Satan to tempt us.
2015-04-08 16:15:09 UTC
Just because Jehovah has the ability to foresee events, it doesn't mean He does it all the time. That would constitute He couldn't control His own ability, which isn't true since He does as He pleases. (Isa.55:11) By testing humanity, He's giving us a chance to show that we'll worship Him whole souled and out of love and respect, not for selfish gain. (Matt.22:36 & 37) This was the same issue that Satan rose in regards to Job, and still is asking the same thing about present day humanity. (Job 1:6-12)
2015-04-08 04:58:51 UTC
The idea of god testing us is an invention to explain what religion cannot. Why do bad things happen to good people? It's a test! Is god not omniscience *or* does he torture us for fun?

This is where the christian concept of Cherry-Picking® comes into play. When god is torturing, sorry, testing us, they just ignore omniscience.

BTW - coaches and teachers test us to find out how well we have developed and what we have learned, the test only tells them whether the lessons worked. That's why they call it testing instead of teaching.
2015-04-08 09:42:59 UTC
We have free will and he dignifies us by allowing us to make our own decisions . However he provides principles that can help us . still it s up to us to educate ourselves and make wise choices. We reveal what s in our heart by our words and actions. So even though God can choose to foresee the future he doesn t always do so. We are not programmed or predestined but have freedom of choice. A test can reveal the degree of our faith. Will we only serve God when it s convenient or approved by others? Only a test can reveal the true answer!
2015-04-08 08:17:42 UTC
It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly for the Almighty to do wrong. (Job 34:10) Please read these scriptures and know that Jehovah God do not test us with bad things James1:13, 1 Peter 5:7, 2 Peter 3:9, Job 1:6-22 and see if it is Satan or is it God that is testing us.
2015-04-08 07:40:50 UTC
Jehovah endowed these perfect creatures with free will. So they were by no means programmed to please God—like some sort of robot. Which would mean more to you—a gift that is given mechanically or one that comes from the heart? If Adam/Eve had freely chosen to obey God, their obedience would have meant all the more to him.—Deuteronomy 30:19, 20.

Jehovah “is a lover of righteousness and justice,” says Psalm 33:5. James 1:13: “With evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.” Out of fairness and consideration, God warned Adam: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.” (Genesis 2:16, 17) The first couple were given a choice between endless life and death. Would it not have been hypocritical for God to warn them against a specific sin while already knowing the bad outcome?
2015-04-08 17:04:49 UTC
He doesn't know everything why did you think he did?, and the testing is for our benefit not his.

For a start he scripturally doesn't know how to die or how to lie....

(Psalm 48:14) “For this God is our God to time indefinite, even forever. He himself will guide us until [we]” die.

(Hebrews 6:18) “in order that, through two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to the refuge may have strong encouragement to lay hold on the hope set before us.”

His word also shows on a number of occasions that he gets to know something....

(Genesis 18:21) “I am quite determined to go down that I may see whether they act altogether according to the outcry over it that has come to me, and, if not, I CAN GET TO KNOW IT.”

(Genesis 22:12) “And he went on to say: “Do not put out your hand against the boy and do not do anything at all to him, FOR NOW I DO KNOW that you are God-fearing in that you have not withheld your son, your only one, from me.”
🤔 Jay
2015-04-08 04:59:20 UTC
God's testing and Human "free will" is pretty silly isn't it?

Free will is one old Christian paradox uses as a stand-by when they try to explain the silly notion of God’s omnipotence.

They say “God knows what we are going to do but we have a choice anyway.”

“Free will” takes the blame away from God and makes us all sinners.

And sinners make great tithers! It's all about money!
Suzanne lily of the valley
2015-04-08 08:06:00 UTC
Because despite having this amazing ability, even more amazing, He chooses when to use this ability and when to not use it and thus, showing us humans deep respect, by allowing us to utilise the free will that He endowed to us.

Satan was perfect and defected.

Adam and Eve were perfect and defected

Cain, although imperfect, defected

and so forth.

We have given plenty of cause to be tested by our Creator. He tests us to see if we can remain our integrity and trust in Him ie rely on Him to sustain us.
2015-04-09 07:23:01 UTC
nice question .

LISTEN ...! exams enables you to inspect your potential to do the best .. after passing exams your are promoted to a new class. exams are essential if you want to step up your progress . that means progress can;'t be achieved without facing difficulty...a pencil when sharped by a blade writes neater than the pencil which isn't sharped . similarly a lamp can;t give you light unless it is burned. but ...

why you sharp the pencil?

why you burn the lamp ?

why a teacher conduct exam for students ..... A teacher knows everything about his/her students , their learning potential, intellectual abilities , their procrastinating act ,non serious attitude . then why do they held exams ..............????most of the teachers motivates the students that have more IQ.. they usually neglects the weaker ones . however exams are conducted equally for all .... by conducting exams they are actually giving a chance to experience some new things ... like the good one will learn to know how to maintain their ability and the weaker one will learn not to procrastinate next time ...

God gives us hard time to examine our ability , patience , the intensity of faith that how much we love him . do we despise him for circumstances which he has given us....or we attain a much stronger belief in HIM?

HE wants us to be perfect
2015-04-08 13:46:30 UTC
The Bible states that God does not test anyone in James 1:13. "When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone."
2015-04-08 11:50:42 UTC
He/She doesn't test you. You were born with free will, you make your own decisions and you pay for your wrong decisions. I can't see where a god comes into the picture at all.
2015-04-09 19:54:20 UTC
James 1-13 When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone

When experiencing any kind of affliction or adversity, a person would be wrong in concluding that Jehovah God is trying to induce him to commit sin. If the individual lets something in connection with the trial become a temptation to him—for example, if he turns from resistance to yielding because of some selfish advantage, or because he is seeking a way to avoid facing and enduring the trial—God is not to blame. For God will give strength to endure if the Christian remains steadfast in his own heart. (Phil. 4:13) The divine arrangement, God’s way of dealing with his servants, never leads to sin. Whatever God permits to befall us is in no way designed to cause us to transgress or to make wrongdoing look attractive.

For with evil things God cannot be tried

Jehovah God is holy, pure, clean. He cannot be induced by any kind of evil or any undesirable situation or circumstance to commit wrong. There is no way in which to make wrong things attractive to the Most High, trying him with them.nor does he himself try anyone

Just as Jehovah cannot be led into sin, so he does not put things before us to encourage us to violate his commands, or to weaken our resistance to wrongdoing. He does not place us in a situation where something that we definitely need can be obtained only by breaking his law. Though God permits trials to come, he does not try his servants with evil intent. He seeks our good, our betterment, never our harm. Satan, however, may use the trial as a temptation to the individual to do wrong. But, for the faithful Christian, God prevails over Satan’s efforts and uses the trial as a disciplining and perfecting agency, so that the Christian is blessed by it. (Heb. 12:7, 11)

But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire.

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2015-04-08 05:35:23 UTC
When Satan approached Eve (through the speech of the serpent), he actually challenged the rightfulness and righteousness of Jehovah’s sovereignty. He intimated that God was unrightfully withholding something from the woman; he also declared that God was a liar in saying that she would die if she ate the forbidden fruit.

The Bible, in lifting the veil to give a glimpse into heavenly affairs, reveals that Satan later as a rival god appeared before Jehovah in heaven, challenging Jehovah to His face, saying that he could turn God’s servant Job, and by implication any servant of God, away from Him. He charged God, in effect, with unrighteously giving Job everything, along with full protection, so that he, Satan, could not test Job and show what was really in his heart, which, Satan intimated, was bad. He implied that Job served God primarily for selfish considerations. Satan made this point of his argument clear when he said: “Skin in behalf of skin, and everything that a man has he will give in behalf of his soul. For a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch as far as his bone and his flesh and see whether he will not curse you to your very face.”—Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7

By his challenge of God and his charging God’s servants with lack of integrity, Satan lived up to his title “Devil,” meaning “Slanderer,” which title he deserved for having slandered Jehovah God in the garden of Eden.

Satan approached Jesus in the wilderness with three different strong temptations, thoroughly testing him on the issue of devotion to Jehovah.

Jesus proved man can be faithful to god under test.
2015-04-09 14:01:35 UTC
James 1:13

13 When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone.

God does not "try" or "test" anyone. He does however, allow Satan to "test" us. How we respond to Satan's "tests" or "machinations" says a lot about our level of spiritual maturity.
2015-04-08 23:17:56 UTC
The testing is just a set up from a patriarchal desert god.
Texas Czech Chick
2015-04-08 13:16:17 UTC
If HE is testing us he already knows the outcome, but HE wants to teach us

something that we need to know. Testings are for our growth and His glory.
2015-04-08 09:14:30 UTC
you need to take the SATs and other tests to get into university. there's no god but there are tests. you need to take the driver test to get a license to drive. tests, tests, tests.
2015-04-08 05:00:13 UTC
Its BS. If a god is so insecure that he constantly tests his creation to see if they like him then he's probably not really a god.
2015-04-08 07:47:59 UTC
the test is to see what we know and do not for god to find out anything

the test is for us
Adullah M
2015-04-08 05:42:13 UTC
Good question,surely GOD knows all HIS creations in each and every details ,that is why one of GOD's attributes is Omniscience.

But a lot of human being knowing very well that GOD exist through HIS Creations and their natures that GOD fix for them but on the contrary majority of them took them and worship as false gods.

So GOD test mankind for the benefit of them but not for GOD Himself.

He test every one of us according to our capacity,and not beyound our capabality to withstand them,ie;with

sickness,misfortune,richness,poverty,natural disaster and whats nots, to see whether we would ask HIM for HIS help and protection or to become disbelievers by blaming HIM for all that tests.

When we past the test then GOD promise to forgive our sins and reward us with paradise in the here after world.
2015-04-08 16:20:44 UTC
Study metallurgy. Gemologists purify precious metals by applying fierce heat. This process purifies the metals and makes them more valuable.

Same concept with God as he "assays" (tests) us to make us stronger, purer and more valuable to his kingdom.

Job 23:10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

Zec 13:9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God.
2015-04-08 05:34:42 UTC
Sometimes he calls it "proving", in the sense of proving a metal in order to purify it. It's something that happens to his people where he makes us into what we will be. Not that we are to be morally perfect in this life (expecting moral perfection in this life is screwing the church up, always did), but that we are tamed and changed to do his will. I could go on with the difference between the moral expectations of the church and spiritual growth; how one is contrary and harmful to the other, but that is another story.
2015-04-08 05:03:23 UTC
He is testing us SO WE WILL KNOW WHO WE ARE. Some people today continue to deny who they are. God already knows us better than we know ourselves.
2015-04-08 05:52:47 UTC
Good question. It is we who shold be testing God, and if he comes out wanting, we should go on our way without fear.

After all, if he is not powerful enough to turn away an army that has iron chariots, it's unlikely that he can really do anything for you
2015-04-08 17:35:01 UTC
He test us not because he doesn't know, but to just see where we stand. We can even see ourselves and see we don't have faith. Sometimes he test us and allow us to see that we have little faith or no faith at all.
2015-04-08 21:10:45 UTC
Maybe God doesn't know if we will pass the test?
Your worst nightmare
2015-04-08 05:28:38 UTC
Teachers test their students don't they and the teacher knows the answers, correct? So, what exactly is your point Maria?
2015-04-09 10:25:36 UTC
Sometimes it is necesarry to be tested and work for things instead of having them simply given to us so we learn appreciate them more.
I know everything
2015-04-08 04:57:46 UTC
Why does a coach test his team? So they can become strong.
2015-04-09 11:48:12 UTC
Why do we go to the Gym? We test & improve ourselves. We get satisfaction when we do better. Just getting by kills ones spirit.
2015-04-08 05:10:59 UTC
God doesn't exist.
2015-04-09 04:40:51 UTC
To give your own score sheet in your own hands for you to see it yourself, in case you should blame him for giving you low marks.
2015-04-08 04:55:47 UTC
so that there will be no question when people are judged. When people are judged, they will know that it is a just judgment.
Dorothy B
2015-04-09 12:02:53 UTC
Free will.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.