Hmm, well I don't believe anything. If you take the "ve" off of believe, then you just have belie and the one of the meanings to belie is- distortion of the truth. So, I have no belief. But I do know that there is a God. I just don't call it a God like everyone else. To me, it's called infinite intelligence. There is way too much that is mathematically correct such as an eclipse, the math is too dead on to just be coincidence. The mathematical code to spirals of tornadoes, hurricanes, sunami, the spiral at the crest of a wave, and if you make a fist (the spiral with your index finger and thumb) the sunflower, pine cone, spiral in a shell, all have the same mathematical code. This also includes the spinning of the galaxy and your DNA. It is all the same mathematical code that always ends up being the same numbers, either 3.14 or 6.18.... so that tells me that there is something creating all this and more and that is some form of intelligence. With that in mind, that tells me that the entire universe is mental and we exist in the mind of infinite intelligence. Now that I explained that, I think about all the names of those who have tapped into it that have given the world a taste of that intelligence such as, Buddha, Krishna, Vishnu, Meher Babaji, Paramahasna Yogananda, Hermes Trismegistus, Thoth, Jesus, Elijah Muhammad, Noble Drew Ali, Lao Xi, Plato and Sacrates, Osiris, Ra, and Isis, Einstein, Edgar Casey, Allen Watts, Dalia Lama, Stephen Hawkins, Dr. Martin Luther King, and many more. All have touched on that fabric of infinite intelligence and tried to show the world what they tapped into. All have tapped on the one same fabric but on a different string. All is from the mental universe.
I am not going to tell no one what to believe in because as I said, I don't believe. I would rather you come to know and with your knowing, you can respond differently than someone with belief. You can come with facts that prove what you know. A belief is guided by someone else who tells or shows you something without your experience in it yourself. So, I can understand why some don't believe in God, such as you. But then again, I also see why some have no doubt that there is. So, Beliefs are nothing to me...... I have experience with infinite intelligence and I can say, it will make you think that there is a god or something doing all this with math in mind.
Eye Am The Art of Destiny
The Presence of the Living Myth
The Eternal Knower