Why do people believe in God?
2017-04-05 12:13:28 UTC
Logic alone dictates that its completely impossible for there to be a god. I'd go so far as to say there's something mentally wrong with you if you believe in god?
177 answers:
2017-04-09 08:37:25 UTC
2017-04-07 22:58:51 UTC
Because faith is a gift. Pray and ask God to open your blind eyes!
2017-04-07 11:38:20 UTC
Because God exist,the trinity of God is only true and living God.
2017-04-07 08:18:16 UTC
If u talk physical existence, science believes in vacuum because of logic.
2017-04-05 20:29:26 UTC
to be more positive
2017-04-05 19:26:39 UTC
Why not believe in God? Huh?!
2017-04-05 18:24:12 UTC
The real question should be, why do people not believe in God?!
2017-04-05 17:29:51 UTC
Because He is the truth.

"Logic alone dictates that its completely impossible for there to be a god."

Prove your assertion how the laws of Logic make it impossible for the existence of God.

Saying it without proof is an argument from silence, making your assertion a logical fallacy.
2017-04-05 12:29:22 UTC
Indoctrination mostly.
2017-04-05 12:28:50 UTC
You do appreciate that your human logic will clash with God's divine logic at this point?

Mind you, even if you were prepared to admit your logic might be lacking, I bet you still wouldn't believe in God.
2017-04-08 02:50:33 UTC
"something mentally wrong with you if you believe in god" Really? And by what logic did you come up with this statement? Part of growth and mental intelligence is learning to accept that everyone is different. To believe that only your opinion is correct is to block your mind from learning something new.
2017-04-07 15:49:26 UTC
So ,You know about God

(now You mentioned )

Believe in God or not is out of the question, because is none of You business.

Even if God exist only in my mind, He does.
Ernest S
2017-04-07 14:33:21 UTC
Well let's hear your logic.

Why have you not given us the benefit of any logic?

...or are you still in the playground?

Tell us why do some come on a Religion & Spirituality Section to deny religion and spirituality? Please explain the logic to that?
2017-04-07 11:22:45 UTC
Funny, I thought it was the other way around. No, but seriously, I believe in God because that is MY belief. If you don't agree, I'm fine with that. I just wish the best for you and hope you will find Him one day for yourself.
2017-04-07 04:30:28 UTC
I disagree with your conclusions but not your argument. Belief in many things that were later proven to be so (electricity, gravity, flight) seemed crazy at the time. I know that is a stretch but people believed spheres, humours and the earth-centric universe were science in their time. Too hard a confidence in the science of the given day is as foolish a stance as is belief in gods. I don't say that faith is a rational belief but I don't believe absolute certitude of non-proven things not existing is rational either. And like you, I choose not to be an agnostic.

Agnosticism is the only rational position. Arguing that faith is crazy from your own irrational faith (in there being no possibility of gods) demonstrates a lack of self-awareness.
2017-04-06 23:39:55 UTC
Science proves God and so does math.

Based on probability there is a 1/4billion*billion chance that life began without a God; however, there is a 1/4 million chance that life was created by a God.

Check out some recent Christian miracles-- science backs them up
montez a
2017-04-06 23:39:21 UTC
Logically the existence of some sort of "God" or "higher power" that started all life on this planet is the most reasonable answer. Otherwise you're saying that it's logical that a zombie apocalypse could actually happen. Why? A dead body coming BACK to life is more likely to happen than something coming to life that was never alive in the first place.
2017-04-06 21:23:23 UTC
There are 3 main arguments used for Gods existence in the role of creating the universe which are the cosmological argument, the design argument and the ontological argument.

The cosmological argument argues that God was needed to create the universe due to the reasoning of everything in the universe being contingent (needing something else to cause its existence) and that not everything can continue forever (infinite regression) therefore at one point there was nothing and nothing can come out of nothing so there must be an infinite necessary being which was not cause by anything and must exist.

The arguments against the cosmological argument was that it committed the fallacy of composition which meant that it believes that if something is true of part of the whole it must be true of the whole of the whole which does not make sense. An example where this does not make sense is: Hydrogen is not wet and Oxygen is not wet, so does that make water not wet?

There is also an argument against this which is the argument of brute fact, this means that the universe could just exist as a fact with no explanation. It just exists.

In addition to this, some ask whether it is possible for the universe itself to be the necessary being but then comes in the design argument. The design argument says that in a clock there is complexity, regularity and reason just like in the universe. There is the complexity of each part of our universe, there is regularity in the movement of the planets and there must be a reason why it exists today. A watch has a designer therefore the universe must do too.

However there arguments against this too such as that the watch needs multiple people for its creation therefore wouldn't the universe also need multiple people?

It also argues that the universe could just exist out of chance and does not need an explanation for it.

The final argument is the ontological argument which uses definitions to prove Gods metaphysical existence. The definition he uses is “God is that which nothing greater can be conceived”. Everybody understands this definition and to believe a God exists in the mind which he does because we can all imagine him, then he must also exist in reality because everything is greater in reality than in the mind.

However there was also arguments against this such as the perfect lost island which described a perfect island. If you can imagine the perfect island it must exist, but the problem with that is everyone has different opinions on what the perfect island is and there might be better islands in existence. Although this argument might be seen as invalid because God is necessary and the island is contingent.

Another argument against the ontological argument were Kant’s arguments which basically used other definitions to prove this definition wrong. For example, Unicorns. A unicorn is a horse with a horn. This has a definition and we can all imagine it in our minds, something that exists in reality is better than something which exists in our minds therefore a unicorn must also exist.
2017-04-06 20:40:22 UTC
To find comfort
2017-04-06 13:44:57 UTC
When we notice around us that everything that exist today has a beginning, it is hard to believe that God does not has a beginning. It does take faith. Not blind faith. When we look at the structure of a house with running water from the faucet, flushing toilet, heating system, and a excellent cooling system, we easier recognize that an intelligent designer was responsible for its existence. If we give credit to builder of the house, how much more credit should we give to the designer of our complex universe with many galaxies that are organized in an unquie mathematical order, gravity that keep us from flowing off into space, and the earth being the exact distant from the sun so that we don't freeze to death or burn up all show sign of an intelligent designer. Our bodies with its circulatory system, digestive, respiratory system, and the ability to renew itself also declares an intelligent designer. The fetus in its mother's womb filled with embryonic fluid and doesn't drown is no accident. Hebrews 3:4 Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.

Romans 1:20 For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made,+ even his eternal power+ and Godship,+ so that they are inexcusable.
2017-04-06 08:42:25 UTC
MQ: Choice and upbringing influence. Why not?

1) "Logic alone". Wow, if you think logic is all there is there are Trekkies who would tell you to get out more. You're short on life experience. This doesn't validate religion, but it calls *your* credibility to account.

2) Well, you *have* gone that far and said it. I'D go so far as to say that that is your point. All you're really doing here is insulting people who believe in something you don't trying to avoid being reported for it by putting it under a question. I am not fooled.

If God exists your question is redundant.

If God does not exist your question is irrelevant.
2017-04-06 08:04:09 UTC
I start from the position that everything in which I believe must be proven. It has never failed me. When I was young I attended schools immediately to the south, and then to the north, of our splendid ancient parish church. Adults in that church and in the classroom assured us of the truth of the elements of Anglican Christianity which, in my younger years, I took on trust. Why should grownups lie to me? In the towering mysterious recesses of that fine building it was more than possible for some magic spiritual truth to exist, and I though that when I grew up I would understand it all. Well, I grew up and realised it was all illusory. I pay those adults the compliment that they believed it, otherwise they were liars. I can only assume that some societies, especially in the USA, pass on their beliefs to the next generation who, in the majority, accept it as truth however contradictory or anti-social it might be. As for our great church, it was man designed and man inspired and just as wondrous as I thought it decades ago, and I still thrill to what I call the theatre of the words and music of the C of E, enjoying them as noble expressions of fairy tales. I am sure that some of our transatlantic cousins will tell me that "Gahd" will consign me to Hell with about 37 biblical quotations to "prove" it.
2017-04-06 03:17:33 UTC
Nothing creates nothing, something that's been there since the beginning of time creates something.
2017-04-05 23:44:24 UTC
There is something mentally wrong with you and your flawed mindset

that you mistakenly call "logic". You're a blowhard with limited knowledge.

If you ask a mother how she can believe in childbirth, would you dare say,

"logic dictates that its completely impossible for a woman to give birth" on

the basis that YOU have not given birth??

You cannot judge what has or has not happened to another person with God.

You can only logically judge yourself - and consider that God detests the kind

of arrogance you display. What people believe or experience is beyond you.
2017-04-05 22:09:28 UTC
I hope its not inappropriate to 'answer' a question this way. But found it interesting that I found these two questions next to each other.

(By the way, I agree - I wouldn't go so far to say something was mentally wrong with someone though, just healthily self-delusional. There's no denying that faith brings a person much happiness. I want to believe, unfortunately it's wrong.)
2017-04-05 16:42:45 UTC
Logic doesn't dictate the impossibility of God. That is just your own personal assumption.
2017-04-05 12:25:14 UTC
Why do people believe in God --

Mostly due to childhood indoctrination. Raised in Iran? You believe in Allah. Raised in Germany like Hitler? You believe in Yawheh and 'Jesus'.
VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!
2017-04-05 12:19:41 UTC
They were brought up to believe in a god, never broke the habit, and taught their kids to believe in their god as well.
2017-04-05 12:18:59 UTC
Well, ah gee all an intelligent being would have to do is read the Holy Bible and see the world is indeed actually turning 150% exactly as prophesied it would only 2000 years ago! Now a days if someone predicts who will win this years superbowl they are practically worshiped.
2017-04-05 12:16:26 UTC
I don't think you could state that there is no 'god' using logic... that's a positive assertion that you'd have to back up.

That aside, people tend to believe in 'god' because they're afraid of death or they were indoctrinated in to believing it's true from the cradle. There's no evidence for any 'god' and it's therefore dishonest to assert there is until it has been proven.
2017-04-08 23:41:30 UTC
because there is a spirit, you know this because when one dies the life of the person was not merely the beings soul or body, it was the spirit within, like goosebumps its the spirit within that showcases that there is a all knowing spirit that lies in the world this spirit knows you, it gave you life, your life is in his hands thats why they believe!
2017-04-08 21:50:16 UTC
If you live in this world then you must have known the truth. God made it easy but it seems very difficult to some. This is really a wonder to a wonder.

2017-04-08 07:15:15 UTC
Were you around when earth was created? Do you know all there is to know? Are you all-knowing?

If you admit, rightfully, that you aren't all-knowing, then what on earth presupposes you to claim what is logical and what is not?

You don't have the authority to call believers mentally ill, nor do you have the authority to claim what could or could not be possible.
2017-04-08 01:38:58 UTC
It is simple, for some perhaps many it makes their lives better. No other reason needed.
Tasha W
2017-04-07 18:09:07 UTC
I accept what you are saying but to be honest looking at your theory that way would also conclude that any one who believes in evolution has a disorder themselves. There is actually no PROVEN fact about how we were created. Everything ever told is actually a theory. If you do not believe in a God, what do you believe in? If you believe in evolution then you also some how believe that we came from organisms that SUPOSEDLY when starting to form into something we actually picture as slugs/snails and then some how evolved into what we are today over time. Now tell me how is that even logical in your mind? No matter how you look at the way we as people were created no one can give a certain answer. It is all theories but no facts. Please think of this the next time you are ready to try and diagnose some ones belief system. Before I get attacked for this answer I would be willing to share what my belief system is. I believe we are on mother earth. I believe there is a God. I do question the Bible mainly because it is man written. I don't PERSONALY believe in heaven or hell but I do believe in reincarnation. My beliefs, I am not talking for any one else.
2017-04-07 10:05:06 UTC
Since it's coded in our genetics to forward our species on and not die, it's logical why people would believe in a god because all religions have some sort of After life. This furthers an illusion that we will move on. Another reason people like someone to turn too in time of need, I know plenty of people after a tragic event turned toa religion because it's a coping method. There is more components but I'm unaware of most because I'm atheist lol
2017-04-07 09:40:00 UTC
Well, what's going to happen after we die. If you say nothing then your in hell, because you'd go mentally insane if there was no one with you. Logic is something that makes sense, God does things that people do not understand and therefore they argue his existence because it is not in line with logic.
2017-04-07 08:40:28 UTC
Because there is no other way to explain what our purpose on earth is outside of the belief in God. Also what happens after you die?
2017-04-07 07:27:51 UTC
There are a few reasons why people believe in God, and why logic cannot disprove religion and religion cannot disprove atheism. The first is that each side is using sources that only they believe to be credible (i.e. The Bible/Quran and Logic). There is no way to disprove religion entirely, but you can apply Ockham's Razor to the equation. Since our percieved reality follows these rules of nature, and religion believes in a different reality, then the most probable explanation is that God doesn't exist and Atheism is correct. There is still a small chance that a religion is correct and we have Norse Gods or Allah or Buddha, but only Atheism has evidence on it's side currently. My advice is to let theists live their life as long as their decisions aren't going to personally affect you. Modern Christianity (Outside of the Catholic Church) is mostly positive in people's lives, and the Crusades have been over for awhile now.
2017-04-06 17:20:28 UTC
"Why do people believe in God?

Logic alone dictates that its completely impossible for there to be a god. I'd go so far as to say there's something mentally wrong with you if you believe in god?".

Many reasons.

Poor education.

Mental illness.

A source of comfort for poor people in 3rd world nations.

"Born again" people who have chosen the religious path as a guideline for clean living.

Those people who believe they've witnessed their god.

If you're lucky enough to not have the above issues, I say that you're probably living a great life!
2017-04-05 23:26:43 UTC
I commuting suicide now just cause I feel worthless and empty and now there no god
2017-04-05 23:23:27 UTC
Because God is great and God is the one who created us all.

The mind of an atheist is just simply too stubborn to accept the fact that God is great and God is real and that God is the one who created us and everything else.
2017-04-05 22:01:29 UTC
I'm not exceedingly smart, so this might sound stupid

How was the first person ever made? You're probably going to refer to some scientific beliefs, right? So in that case, let me ask you. If the first person ever was made from clay (according to some researchers) why does it require a female egg cell and a male sperm cell to make a baby now? Why can't we just stick to how the first ever person was made, since science is advanced today in 2017?

Why are we made so perfectly? Why does everything in our body have a function and why does it know what to do. White blood cells fight diseases. Our heart keeps us alive. A wound heals itself. Our cells make up the tissues, which make up our organs. Why is it all for our own benefit? Who designed it so perfectly? There isn't a camera that has come close to the human eye, nor a computer that can compete alongside a human mind. And if the whole world was to come together, we wouldn't be able to create a single fly

Watch this, it will answer u
2017-04-05 20:03:24 UTC
I'd say there are philosophical reasons to believe and not believe in God, I'd say Faith is comforting to many people and sometimes Gods and religions are used to explain things we couldn't explain in the past. E.g. how humans came to be. Humans just want answers.
2017-04-05 19:05:59 UTC
Because it justifies the killings!
jon pike
2017-04-05 16:00:54 UTC
I have witnessed fathers return to their families giving glory to Christ. Mothers who became clean and sober giving the credit to God. I've witnessed God turn the lives of murderers and drug addicts around who now live repentant lives. So, do not presume to tell me there is no evidence.

You want logic? Okay. It would be illogical to believe that just because you have not been called to active duty, to do the will of the Lord, meant that others have not either, and there is no God.
2017-04-05 13:52:52 UTC
Because the children have been inculcated or brainwashed into just believing con man made up stories for centuries in order to make the con men wealthy and powerful off those they fool!!! RELIGIOUS PROFIT MAKING ORGANIZATIONS NOW TOP ALL STOCK EXCHANGES IN WEALTH!!!
2017-04-05 13:01:16 UTC
Logic, huh? Well there are those who would say that logically you are incorrect. Myself being one.
Q&A Queen
2017-04-05 12:58:30 UTC
Actually, logic dictates that the diversity and beauty of life around us had to have a designer. Consider this, if you would, without dismissing it out of hand. At least privately, think about it.

Have you ever heard of biomimetics (also known as biomimicry)??? It is he art and science of designing and building biomimetic apparatus is also known as biomimicry because they mimic biological systems. In other words it is a field in which intelligent, thinking people study things in nature to solve complex human problems. To give you just one example: Man sends down sonar devices into the deepest oceans to "see" in the dark. What are they mimicking? Whales... dolphins. it logical to believe that all these things that man is working so hard to imitate had no ORIGINAL designer? Sorry. I am logical to a fault and it makes no sense whatsoever to me.
2017-04-05 12:28:39 UTC
Anyone who truly uses logic knows there is a Supreme Being.
2017-04-09 06:20:10 UTC
I'm not a vulcan or a robot or anything. I don't live by logic alone.

I experience my Gods, therefore I believe there are Gods.
2017-04-09 05:22:40 UTC
I believe that believing in god is more of an emotional thing to those who believe. Most believe because they were indoctrinated as children. Many however no longer believe after becoming older say to the age of reason. Others still hold on to their beliefs refusing logic and reason which is something relogion had always had a problem with. For some folks it is a source of comfort and it gives them purpose. I personally am an atheist but do not have any issues with those who choose to believe. I simply don't share their beliefs.
2017-04-07 18:08:55 UTC
because Allah is one
2017-04-07 07:20:22 UTC
Albert Einstein, along with Stephen Hawkings--even though not in affiliation to religion--have both admitted to the possibility of there being a divine source of power. Hawking has stated that if the univierse expanded 0.01 seconds slower after the "big bang" that everything wouldve been "sucked" back to it's source of explosion, and if it expanded 0.0000001 seconds faster that we wouldn't even be here. That is as likely as winning the grand lotterly 1 trillion times in a row without rigging or hacking etc. Logically saying that something is impossible is stupid, keeping an open mind is how discoveries are made.
2017-04-07 05:29:55 UTC
Becaus sum people are idiots who try to rationalize everything good or bad that happens on the world by saying its gods will. A guy kills his whole family it's God who will decide his fate, a women saves a child from drowning it's all thanks to God. A drought causes millions to starve, it's all a test from God. Afyer working twelve hours for six days for five months you finally are able to pay off the rest of you student loans, it's all thanks to God.
2017-04-07 05:22:03 UTC
More than 70% of all Europeans, and North and South Americans claim a Christian faith. Millions can't be wrong!
2017-04-06 18:22:09 UTC
2017-04-06 18:01:13 UTC
Because He is!
2017-04-06 17:11:21 UTC
why do people "BELIEVE" in God ? .

So Why elicits that people give their REASONS for accepting ( to believe ) an IDEA / CONCEPT they label God ... and people have no problems inventing or to give lot of Reasons ...

. I would then go further , because you will Find many of their REASONS are actually EMBEDDED with additional ASSERTIONS

, assertions defined as a statement of declaration to be FACT or TRUTH often without support or reason ...

people then have to ask WHY to each of those additional assertions .

. all the REASONS will then have a Why do you claim that can you demonstrate that to be a TRUTH or case

or HOW do you know that can you demonstrate that to be a truth .

. example GOD is GOOD or ALL KNOWING

My question is can we TEST for anything you claim .

. so God is GOOD what is good once you define good lets examine the bible . or their text where the "god "in the stories is Consistently to meet the standards of what one defines as good

GOOD ... the definition i use can be Healthy, efficient positive for human well being useful , happy skilled the best solution
2017-04-06 09:45:29 UTC
Choice, comfort, family
2017-04-06 02:11:07 UTC
People like to believe in a god for two reasons (I think):

- People like to hope. For something better, for a better life, that things they do will be rewarded, that when they die they wont just be in a permenant state of unconciousness or of nothingness.

- And for something to blame things on or allow to attribute yourself to something you percieve as good.

but why does it matter whether you think its stupid or not if it makes someone happy and they aren't hurting anyone let them believe what they want to believe. I dont devote myself to religion because by my logic there isnt a god or an afterlife but I like to believe their is and have my own theories about what it is.
2017-04-06 02:03:59 UTC
To get rid of fear
2017-04-05 23:26:45 UTC

God made the world and made the "thinking" or of which each human being or any living creation that has being made perfectly and is all set with everything on it's own, let's start from ancient civilizations homo sapiens that wouldn't live with savage and would be civilized. Each soul is created differently and with a brain and a mindset.with knowledge and the right level. You are living with fate, destiny, knowledge, intelligence, lifestyle, life cycle, diseases, a reason for death and welcoming it, a brain (whether sharp, or not, average, or no brain at all) and a whole brand new body all set with perfect systems well functioned. Just a wonderful secret of believing of creating the whole entire universe and this is what sustainable to go through a whole process of achieving and accomplishing the level of becoming the "Manifestation of God", which means the form or appearance of God. This is perform through salvation. The whole process is called Spiritual Enlightenment. Each pure soul or with just a normal soul, you would start meditation, yoga peace of mind, and a mind still with focus and concentration. You would promptly be alert through many stages of the whole process until you would "Meet" "God" and have intellectual conversations with the "Lord Almighty".

Each human being which has a soul and a mind of having a statue, any idol, or picture of God and starts worshiping and praying towards with a belief or religion and following it and the Truth of there is only one God that handles the whole entire system.

Other human beings, who are created have such a mind and would obviously have a soul that is watched over "The Most Supreme Power" would be atheists who would never believe God exists and wouldn't even believe to worship a "rock".
2017-04-05 23:06:31 UTC
There plenty of Evidence of God science is a study of natural law bur God is greater
Doubting Like Thomas
2017-04-05 22:38:01 UTC
It's not ABOUT logic.

It's about SURVIVAL.

Michael Shermer explains it, in under 4 minutes.

People who suspected, even WRONGLY, that there was an active agent behind EVERY rustle in the grass, tended to live longer, produced more offspring, as people who did NOT suspect an active agent.

It's an inherited tendency.

And if you grew up in a culture where dancing in honor of Tetqueque sometimes brought rain, you'd believe in Tetqueque.

If you grew up in a culture where cutting the hearts from living victims and offering them to Quetzlcoatl sometimes brought rain, you'd believe in Quetzlcoatl.

Take a peek at Shermer's brief comment:
2017-04-05 20:17:47 UTC
You want to pretend to use logic, but wouldn't understand logic if it urinated on your shoes. You've never confirmed a thing or would show us your fact, and would not pretend that something or other is "completely impossible" w/o any support whatsoever; some children's game from mythical delusion.

If one defines the natural world as the universe, if one asserts the universe created itself using natural laws that govern the universe one has a serious problem. For the universe to create itself using the natural laws that govern the universe, then both must exist before they existed which by definition is an absurdity. As a result the only rational explanation for the universe coming into existence is an outside cause. It would be illogical to believe otherwise, or irrational, if you wish.

"Logic alone" as dictated by Aristotle's discourse on the Prime Mover demonstrates that there can be only one Prime Mover (Creator God) so your likely objection for many creator gods, was answered about 2300 years ago, by a Pagan Greek Philosopher.

Science has been confirming the Bible for several hundred years and thus, confirms Christianity. How can anyone DENY the evidence of the Bible and the scoreboard, when science corrects itself (proven incorrect?) almost daily?

Which part of Genesis is it that you don't understand or would like to refute with your own evidence? The reality and existence of the real person Noah in history? Or Moses? Where do YOU think civilization began? Who do you think were the first people of civilization?

It is kind of telling that written language just appears out of nowhere about 2300 BC with no clearly identifiable precursors. Civilization began in the very places the Bible is set and radiated outward from there. The Bible is in the middle of the action.

People "believe in God" because of the verifiable truth and evidence in fact of the Bible. It is extremely simple to confirm and obvious to most people, w/o contradiction.

When you deny verifiable evidence, is that insane or just stupid?

"I'd go so far as to say there's something mentally wrong with you if you [DON'T] believe in god", unless you have some evidence of your own that refutes Genesis. No? Just a fake pretender propagandist atheist liar that believes in "nothing" out to destroy dissenters of your unsupported OPINION? An delusional extremist escapist? How many contradictions and ulterior motives is that? Pathetic life choice of a budding truth terrorist. How long until you stop pretending or snap and become a real terrorist?

Please take a course in Logic. It will reveal atheism and your life for the lie it is. Seriously, it only takes this one semester course to show how your belief does not exist in reality. You can confirm this by not confirming this; again.
2017-04-05 15:23:37 UTC
It is highly unlikely that a god exists due to the lack of evidence. However, that doesn't necessarily mean it's impossible. Impossibility would suggest proof of nonexistence.
2017-04-05 12:43:49 UTC
Due to one or more of the following... indoctrination, fear of death, ego, confirmation bias, ignorance, dishonesty. etc...sorry, running out of black font...
2017-04-05 12:37:41 UTC
Direct indoctrination of infant children.

Religion is always spread by some kind of force or threats.

If it was worth anything posibtive, it would not have to use threats and force to spread.
2017-04-05 12:23:45 UTC
Personally I don't, but I think some people just want a reason to deal with death. They want someone else to take the responibility, the power. They want a reason to live.
2017-04-23 06:21:43 UTC
there's something mentally wrong with you and your flawed mindset

that you mistakenly call "logic"... you're a blowhard with limited knowledge...

if you ask a mother how she can believe in childbirth, would you dare say,

"logic dictates that its completely impossible for a woman to give birth" on

the basis that you have not given birth??

you cannot judge what has or has not happened to another person with god...

you can only logically judge yourself - and consider that god detests the kind

of arrogance you display... what people believe or experience is beyond you...
2017-04-09 00:43:31 UTC
The fact of the matter, the reason why people believe in God is because God put that believe in them, through faith. and nobody can take it away, unless that person is truly unsaved, then they will eventually will fall away. That is why true believers should only be around true believers, because one bad apple will destroy the whole barrel of apples if you only have one bad one eventually they all will become bad, it is just like sin.
2017-04-08 18:29:09 UTC
They can't accept the harsh reality we live in therefore they create God and religion as an method to escape and attain serenity. You could say there is some mental disturbance as these people create a fictional reality that satisfies their own desires.
Rose B
2017-04-08 00:47:35 UTC
It depends on faith. It also depends whether you believe in math,too?
2017-04-07 09:20:49 UTC
Human kind needs to believe that life has meaning beyond being born, working all your life to raise a family, battling a critical illness, then dying. Humans come to realize that possessions have little meaning to most, and spend much of their time searching for the 'meaning of life'. "There has to be more" is often pondered. We need "FAITH" that there is more to our life's purpose than just "being". Additionally, belief offers a moral compass for guiding our life's purpose, an area civil laws don't define. In summary: believe that better things will come, and live to a higher moral standard.
Aquarius 1011
2017-04-07 06:32:41 UTC
It can depend on what your concept of God is.
2017-04-07 01:11:16 UTC
God? It's as simple as my identity, I exist so there's a God. What's wrong with my logic? No and I do realize religion has nothing to do with logic. Look, I don't have to. I don't know much about it, but I had a religious indoctrination. Then like a good hippie wannabe, I swore Him off, cursed all pretense of belief. Live for a year with out a God. Or two, as long as it takes. An atheist is just as susceptible to a conflict of faith. It might not ever happen, but you're forthright about the simple notion of life without God.
2017-04-06 20:43:16 UTC
You might be accidentally correct about there being no God but 'logic alone' has never disproven God. If it had we wouldn't be having this discussion.
2017-04-06 19:23:52 UTC
I can't speak for other people but as far as I go, because he made himself real to me. When he became more than just a page on a book I knew it was real.
2017-04-06 16:12:40 UTC
It gives them a sense of comfort to believe that a parental figure exists to comfort and assure them after their own parents are dead.
2017-04-06 15:56:40 UTC
dogs believe in their human masters, where appropriate. Reverse the letters and some human believe in god. I am with you, there is no logic to it - at least dogs get fed by their human masters.
2017-04-06 10:54:00 UTC
Because why not :)
2017-04-06 08:45:41 UTC
Yes. It is just like wild goose chase. There is nothing. I do not know why they go in darker directions in search of God.
2017-04-06 05:48:29 UTC
Believing serves the purpose of giving them peace of mind about the suffering in life.
2017-04-06 02:28:08 UTC
Seems like a good 50/50 chance I guess.
2017-04-05 22:45:49 UTC
As the greatest physicist in the world Stephen Hawking said religious people are just scared of the dark and their definitely is no God !

And the great late Christopher a Hitches greatest words of wisdom, religion poisons everything !
2017-04-05 17:10:46 UTC
Because people who believe in God has not blinded their minds to the fact that He does exist. But Satan has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, who refuse to believe that there is a God. For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way, because what may be known about God is clearly evident among them, for God made it clear to them. Men have no reason or excuse for denying God, because “what may be known about God is manifest among them, for God made it manifest to them. For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.” The fact of the existence of God is proved by the order, power, and complexity of creation, macroscopic and microscopic, and through his dealings with his people throughout history. In looking into what might be called the Book of Divine Creation, scientists learn much. One can learn from a book only if intelligent thought and preparation have been put into the book by its author.
2017-04-05 14:48:54 UTC
2017-04-05 12:41:02 UTC
2017-04-05 12:30:10 UTC
Either God exists or He doesn't.

That means one of us is wrong.

That means one of us is deceiving themselves because it suits the way you want to live.

I bid you 'good luck' with your choice.
2017-04-09 16:26:37 UTC
Read the Sumerian account of the origin of man.

God = creator of man?

God = creator of the universe(s)?

God = the always present sheriff of the moral compass inside your head?

Got no moral compass? If so, be kind to your neighbors, help those less fortunate, heal the sick, avoid fighting if possible, learn the 10 Commandments, ....Need more? Next, assume that voice in your head is the god spirit within you. You can summon it up to give you strength to accomplish difficult tasks by praying.

Fact - People most likely to survive in treacherous times are the ones with faith.

Observation - champions are often seen praying and wearing a cross

These are some of the benefits of 'Faith in God'.

Observation - prayer often results in realized solutions - the power of prayer

Try it!
2017-04-08 03:43:38 UTC
Because the majority cannot behave themselves unless they are tricked into believing that some god will sentence them to an eternity of torcher if they rape and pillage.

Say, I told a man that I had a dirty sock that belonged to the goddess Nike. Say, I told him that Nike wants him to quit using drugs, get a job, and feed his family. Suppose I give him the sock to use in his prayor. Let us say he complies. Then The goddess Nike has shined upon him.

So long as he believes Nike would help him, and he takes the steps, anything is possible. That is how gods work, and why they are worshiped. Does it matter if he helped himself, or if Nike did it?

Can I have my sock back now?

I am an educated software developer. I am a very logical thinker. I went to the temple of the goddess QwanYin. I said to her that I was lonely, and needed a wife. I met a pretty girl there who needed a husband. We have been married three years. Do the details of how and why matter?
2017-04-07 22:24:18 UTC
I like how you went right out there with your statement: "completely impossible." That's quite the crystal ball you got there.

I don't say there is a god, or God, or anything else. I make no claim whatsoever, either to the positive or the negative. You're the one making the declaration, prove it incontrovertibly and you'll convert me.

I'll just wait over here and disregard you while you pontificate pointlessly on things that don't matter.
2017-04-07 15:22:11 UTC
Because he is real.
2017-04-07 13:41:04 UTC
We believe in God because our knowledge about Him is NOT based upon 'cause and effect' which dictates everything upon the conduct of 'QUID PRO QUO'.

Our knowledge about God is 'about things that are not around but that we hope for'
Kyojin The Giant
2017-04-07 13:39:49 UTC
Most believers have been indoctrinated with Christianity since birth, so they have damaged brains and cannot perceive how absurd their enforced beliefs are. There is also an element of emotions and feelings overpowering thinking and reason. They fear Hell so much that they cannot be objective about their beliefs and regard even questioning them as sinful. .
2017-04-07 13:37:00 UTC
Too bad you can't post your opinion on Wikipedia. It would've been something quite hilarious for me and my congregation to laugh at when we want to poke a little fun at the secular world. Logic lol
2017-04-07 13:05:47 UTC
Yes, the Bible provides compelling evidence that God exists. It encourages us to build faith in God, not by blindly believing religious assertions, but by using our “power of reason” and “mental perception.” (Romans 12:1; 1 John 5:20, footnote) Consider the following lines of reasoning based on the Bible:

The existence of an orderly universe containing life points to a Creator. The Bible says: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4) Although this logic is simple, many well-educated people find it to be powerful. *

As humans, we have an innate desire to understand the meaning and purpose of life, a type of hunger that can remain after our physical needs have been met. This is part of what the Bible calls our “spiritual need,” which includes the desire to know and worship God. (Matthew 5:3; Revelation 4:11) This spiritual need not only gives evidence that God exists but also indicates that he is a loving Creator who wants us to satisfy that need.—Matthew 4:4.

Detailed prophecies in the Bible were written centuries ahead of time and came true exactly as predicted. The accuracy and detail of those predictions strongly suggest that they came from a superhuman source.—2 Peter 1:21

Bible writers had scientific knowledge that was beyond the understanding of their contemporaries. For example, in ancient times many peoples believed that the earth was supported by an animal, such as an elephant, a boar, or an ox. In contrast, the Bible says that God is “suspending the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) Similarly, the Bible correctly describes the shape of the earth as a “sphere,” or “globe.” (Isaiah 40:22, footnote; Douay Version) Many people feel that the most reasonable explanation for such advanced understanding is that Bible writers received their information from God.

The Bible answers many difficult questions, the type of questions that when not satisfactorily answered can lead a person to atheism. For example: If God is loving and all-powerful, why is there suffering and evil in the world? Why is religion so often an influence for bad rather than for good?—Titus 1:16.
Keith r. Sauerwald
2017-04-07 11:37:10 UTC
Religion is the biggest confidence trick the world has ever known. It is a trick and a scam, used to dupe mindless people into such religious nonsense fairy tails, none, NOT A SINGLE SOLITARY ONE, is believable. yet, those fairy tales are believed by simple minded people, who are easily led astray, by such nonsense.
2017-04-07 10:30:35 UTC
Being a religious person does require a suspension of critical thinking but the real reason that people believe in god is because they herp-a-derp.
2017-04-07 07:52:28 UTC
Because he is truth .
2017-04-06 23:19:31 UTC
Because we're taught it in school to turn us into acceptable human beings. You can't simply say to a child when you die your gonna be bored to death and lay in a little box for what seems like forever then come back and do the same thing. They won't wanna go to school or work
2017-04-06 14:22:06 UTC
Because they are taught from childhood that their particular god exists and still continue believing for many different reasons.
2017-04-05 23:46:22 UTC
You have tried this one before a few times.

Bad luck, He is there alright.

Next question ...... why, what have you done wrong that there is no escape from?
2017-04-05 23:27:29 UTC
Some people like to believe in fairy tales :)
2017-04-05 16:15:55 UTC
2017-04-05 14:13:17 UTC
Logically and statistically, God exists.

People try to make the same claims that you do, but funnily enough they never give the proof that would validate their claim. Their entire argument is either phony "science" or the fact that they yell, "No! No! No!" loudly.

I see I have a thumbs down, but no logical evidence that God does not exist. Another "No!No! No!" response, then.
2017-04-05 12:40:32 UTC
There are a few articles out that say that the reason people believe in God is because that sort of belief satisfies individual needs. I'll post the links later if I can find them.

*Update: Here they are:

If Christians want to criticize these articles, but not their own Bible, that only says that they are past the point of rescuing. They simply *want* to believe, because it makes them feel good, and they don't want those good feelings taken away.
2017-04-05 12:29:34 UTC
to feel emotionally secure really. Or because most people are just raised to believe what they've been taught.
2017-04-05 12:27:28 UTC
Why do people believe in God? Emotional security!

Once a person is old enough to reason on their own the only reason they continue to believe in any god is because they want to do so.
2017-04-13 05:20:23 UTC
funny, i thought it was the other way around... no, but seriously, i believe in god 'cause that is my belief... if you don't agree, i'm fine with that... i just wish the proper for you and hope you shall find him one day for yourself...
2017-04-09 03:25:01 UTC
I can't speak for other people and certainly not other religions but......

......Jesus Christ made himself real to me.

When the Holy Spirit reveals himself to you there is NO doubt in your mind that God is real.
2017-04-09 01:32:13 UTC
Actually, human logic cannot prove or disprove the existence of a God.
lion hearted leon
2017-04-08 04:28:57 UTC
As a pro piano player one of my fav old hymns, and my wife's also is called "He Lives" In this

song it has a very important truth about your question. It states: "You ask me how I know He lives,

He lives within my heart ! " Personal testimony of millions of believers bears out the reality of

Jesus Christ living with in the heart of all those that receive Him Unlike any other false

religions, they cannot claim this because none of their so called gods ever rose from the dead, and

were never god. "He that hath seen Me, has seen the Father. " Jesus told His disciples; and His

words tell us the same. John 14:8 May God help you find the Living Christ with in your heart by

2017-04-08 04:27:45 UTC
He's proven himself so many times in my life and in the life of others even tho we and ESPECIALLY me are so undeserving and alot of times people like to always question god and get mad at him and turn away from him when they always go through something very difficult and they like to quit on him, but what they don't understand is that those difficult times doesn't mean that God ever stopped loving them or that he ever stopped caring for them, as a believer your faith in him will be tested to show if you truly love him, alot of people say that they love God and that they wanna be with him but what they don't realize is that if you wanna reign with him you also have to suffer with him and most people are not about that suffering but we are able to endure it, we are able to make it through , shoot I've been through some CRAZY stuff in my past life and I haven't given up yet although I've felt like it before , I haven't yet cause I know there is greater ahead for me, but yea God is real !!
Smokies Hiker
2017-04-07 23:10:41 UTC
Because God can answer our prayers. Only the "spirit" of God and His Son Jesus Christ can perform true miracles for people.
2017-04-07 15:18:52 UTC
Just like i cant prove to you that God exist. You cant prove to me that he doesnt. So looks like we're gonna get no where. So lets not waste our precious little time on this. My time as of today became too precious. Its snowing in April. The U.S just dropped missles on syria. Humanity is ******. See where im going here. This may really be it for us all so this is the least of my worries.
2017-04-07 08:21:12 UTC
NO, you are very very wrong about that. You do not comprehend that the human soul is capable of many things and even believing in a God that one is unable to see but have faith with the soul to believe. TO believe, I have a Supreme Creator who created all life, including myself and wishes nothing but to believe and worship Him alone.

THAT is what you cannot comprehend and saying to those that do believe in a higher source of power that something is wrong with you, when YOU yourself are a weak soul and close minded or narrowed minded to get that in that little head of yours.
2017-04-07 05:46:39 UTC
People who lack education/intelligence need a way to explain the unexplained.
2017-04-07 03:45:02 UTC
I believe in Jesus Christ as I’ve experienced His love, peace and amazing grace in a special and personal way when I needed it the most in some trying circumstances. You might find this link helpful:
Wellll... hello then!
2017-04-06 19:58:33 UTC
The Holy Spirit! What'd God say in the OT''not by might,not by strength,but by my spirit says the Lord!
2017-04-06 17:07:05 UTC
Revelation 4:11

“You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”
2017-04-06 15:55:26 UTC
I'm sure there is a blind person out there somewhere thinking-

'Logic dictates that's its completely impossible for there to be sight. I'd go so far as to say there's something mentally wrong with you if you believe you can see'.

Would you be offended at this or concerned at all that he could be right?

Not at all. You know you can see. But he can't and that's sad.

I'm sorry you don't know God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit like I do, I really am. My heart sees and knows Him. Your's doesn't and that's sad.

Maybe someday you will.
2017-04-06 10:16:47 UTC
People want peace and love in their lives and to hear of the life everlasting where they will sit with Jesus and the Saints and others to hear them speak.

People want comfort often their lives are very difficult.

What comfort can we give to the victims of Assad's vile chemical weapons attacks upon them, save pray for them and tell them we love them and that God loves them too.

We are powerless unless we first call upon God to guide us in these difficult times.

"All we like Sheep have gone Astray" from Messiah by George F Handel of London.

Words from the King James English Bible
2017-04-05 20:06:25 UTC
Because people fear death. The Bible claims that if you believe and do random christian s**t then you'll go to heaven. Else, you'll go to hell.
2017-04-05 19:25:30 UTC
I often wonder
2017-04-05 18:04:40 UTC
Logic has lead many people to believe in God!

For example, we see design in the world. Design demands there must be a designer.

There is life. Life has never been observed coming from non-living. Life demands there had to be a life-giver.

We see the world is limited by time. Since nothing can come from nothing, there had to be something that existed before this world.

Material effects must have a cause that is great enough to have resulted in the outcome and that cause must have existed before the effect. We see the world, and the simple question of "What caused it?' leads us to believe there was a great force that existed before. Also, that first cause must exist outside the material realm, or it would be subject to the same limitations and, therefore, would not be a sufficient cause.

There is intelligent thought among humans. The ability to have intelligence and be able to think has never come from something that can't think. Since there is intelligence, it must have come from an intelligent source.

If our ability to think somehow came about by natural processes and it is nothing more than a chemical or electrical process within our brains, then how can we trust our own ability to think and reason correctly?
2017-04-05 15:54:45 UTC
Ps. 19:1: “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.”

Ps. 104:24: “How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made. The earth is full of your productions.”

Rom. 1:20: “His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made.”

New Scientist magazine said: “The lay view persists—of scientists having ‘disproved’ religion. It is a view that commonly expects scientists to be nonbelievers; that Darwin put the last nails in God’s coffin; and that a succession of scientific and technological innovations since have ruled out the possibility of any resurrection. It is a view that is wildly wrong.”—May 26, 1977, p. 478.

A member of the French Academy of Sciences stated: “Natural order was not invented by the human mind or set up by certain perceptive powers. . . . The existence of order presupposes the existence of organizing intelligence. Such intelligence can be none other than God’s.”—Dieu existe? Oui (Paris, 1979), Christian Chabanis, quoting Pierre-Paul Grassé, p. 94.

Scientists have identified over 100 chemical elements. Their atomic structure displays an intricate mathematical interrelationship of the elements. The periodic table points to obvious design. Such amazing design could not possibly be accidental, a product of chance.

Illustration: When we see a camera, a radio, or a computer, we readily acknowledge that it must have been produced by an intelligent designer. Would it be reasonable, then, to say that far more complex things—the eye, the ear, and the human brain—did not originate with an intelligent Designer?
2017-04-05 12:59:20 UTC
because he is reals. your wrong logic dictates god exists. empty headed fools claim god can not exist.
Lord Bacon
2017-04-05 12:51:32 UTC
I do not believe in gods but I do not agree with your premise.

We can say there is no evidence of gods.

We can also say there is no calculation that would predict the existence of gods or the need for gods.

Or we could say that nothing we know to be real is attributable to anything other than a natural or physical cause ... no magic involved.

What we cannot say is that it is impossible for there to be gods, fairies, pixies or unicorns. They are all equally probable/improbable.

There is no logical argument, in my opinion, for the non-existence of unicorns.

Neither is there a logical argument FOR unicorns, gods, pixies or little green men.

The lack of evidence or need is enough of an improbability for me to not believe in them.
2017-04-07 20:56:35 UTC
2017-04-07 17:41:34 UTC
Define "god". If you claim to be logical, why are you ignoring this crucial step in determining whether a supreme being exists. Fact is anything can be "god". Yes even Christians know this. So your question is pretty empty.
2017-04-07 14:34:38 UTC
God is our oldest "ancestor" believe it or not you come from ancestors
simon dannie
2017-04-07 13:20:46 UTC
God's breath is in us. It is natural we believe in Him!
2017-04-07 13:11:01 UTC
2017-04-07 08:59:35 UTC
He is asking why would anyone believe it to begin with- The basis behind the curtain of OZ was supposed to originally keep people from straying from what is right and fear if they did something wrong- they would have someone to answer to in the ultimate ending or beginning of an afterlife. Hence, "the devil" is used in many ways to show people what may happen to you if you do not follow some sort of conscience as a guide. Not everyone believes there is a hell, but many more believe there is a God, and if you were to ever grow from your negative state, and maybe practice medicine in a good college, you would know that there is a God, because the human body alone, with all its functions, is a miracle in itself. You should really treasure your life and others around you, because had you live by the ten commandments, for example, you would not be so miserable. Need not defend your state of mind. One would have to be miserable walking and exsisting without any real spirituality. Good Luck and God Bless You. lol
2017-04-07 05:29:31 UTC
Why not
2017-04-07 05:28:30 UTC
heck if i know
2017-04-06 18:13:32 UTC
Where did the dirt come from which is the elements that is everything and maybe more but did you know ,,,...\\\
2017-04-06 16:07:42 UTC
I am DYLSEXIC - I believe in DOG
2017-04-06 13:26:44 UTC
there is only one deity (god) and that deity is the all high and most importantly the unimaginable. You see a lot of people believe in the same named god, but they can all have a different mind set. even when they are believing in the same god. believing in the same god is not the most important thing. the most important thing is what kind of mind set they have behind that believe of god. let me give you an example muslims believe in the same god but when you ask them where is god some will tell you god is everywhere. which makes them have a different mind set to another muslim who will say god is all high and the unimaginable. now the interesting here is that if you as what a atheist believe or maybe some. some will tell you that they believe in the all high. and if they do say that they have more similar mind set to some muslims who believe god is all high and the unimaginable. hope you get my point from this.
michelle b
2017-04-06 03:54:01 UTC
well first off i'd like to say there is probably something mentally wrong with you for judging a whole group of people you do not know so harshly, you may have met some christian, but we are not all the same, the same goes for every religion,honestly there is no proof of a lot of things, like aliens for example,but scientist still hope, an there is your answer hope, hope for something better after death, i mean you may be happy to just sit an think we have no purpose an we rot in the ground when we die but there are alot of people who are not happy with that philosophy an i don't mean just christian i mean every religion with a god, jewish, wiccans, pagan, voduanist, etc. i mean why are we here, why did the universe create us just to be born procreate an die but for what purpose, to feed the plants when we die, but why arethe plants here why are the animals here just why, why the planet earth, out of all the other planets in this solar system,an why this solar system for that matter, can you answer any of these questions with your atheist or agnostic views??
2017-04-06 00:42:49 UTC
2017-04-06 00:01:25 UTC
Because #1 We are smart.........#2 because HE EXIST.......#3 Because HIS SON DIED for us to have a way to enter HEAVEN.............#4 So keep thinking this way or either find CHRIST yourself........or find out what will happen to unbelievers..........CALLED CHOICES.......
2017-04-05 21:07:06 UTC
Because life experiences
Aortas Insotomia.
2017-04-05 20:30:01 UTC
You are absolutely right. I don't believe in a pagan or mythological god. I believe in The Almighty God.
2017-04-05 13:34:08 UTC
stupidity is everywhere!
2017-04-05 12:49:43 UTC
God is eternal energy, everyone and everything, forever. There is only one thing, but it is eternal. I sort of wish I could believe in an omnipotent, all seeing, all knowing God, but I just can't, and there ain't no point in trying to convince me of anything too dumb.
Dave D
2017-04-05 12:39:05 UTC
I don't know what type of logic you are using but simple logic says God must exist. I will not even get into all the scientific evidence that has been ignored hundreds of times, but just simple logic.

Virtually every religion today defines God as "The Supreme Being". That one and only one Supreme Being exists is a logical necessity. Logically there is and must be one and only one "tallest" tree in the universe. That tallest tree exists even if no one knows where it is. If no one knows where it is obviously people will have varying opinions of just how tall the tree actually is, but no one can know for certain. In the same way there can be only one being inside or outside of our universe who is the SUPREME being or "greatest" being, and He too must exist even if no one knows His true nature. You can argue all day long as to what you believe the nature of this being is, but no one can speak with absolute surety on it (and most likely everyone has it wrong to some degree). We BELIEVE this being to be the Creator and thus must be transcendent (not a part of the universe), time-less, all powerful, all knowledgeable, etc., etc. These are facets of His nature which we believe logically He must have if He is the Creator. And yes, there is a possibility that we are wrong on that, but everything points to the fact that we are correct.

But my point is that whether or not we understand fully the nature of the Supreme Being, that He EXISTS is beyond question.
2017-04-05 12:21:46 UTC
What LOGIC is this based on?

Evolution? Debunked.

Big bang?...not following laws of physics

Spinning globe...which is not a globe?

...where Australia with those huge, heavy buildings is upsidedown?

Where you're Spinning at millions of mph?


See a psychiatrist.
2017-04-08 04:41:23 UTC
Batt boy!
2017-04-07 23:05:34 UTC
Life really sucks so people want to believe in someone who can give them happiness
2017-04-07 19:14:26 UTC
there is a great deal of social-pressure to conform. if a person is taught when they are children to believe something, and that is re-enforced all of their lives; then, they will probably not even question it.

scientific studies have tested the influence of social-pressures to conform, and if two people say that one short stick[ 1-ft long] is longer than a longer stick [2-ft. long], then that third person will agree with them, rather then to seem to be wrong.

it takes a stronger person to say; " the emperor has no clothes", or that christian-belief is wrong. just to follow the herd is social instinct, and blind faith is just that, herd instinct. this is why christianity loves to suggest they are "sheep", they will have their faith, right or wrong.

with 6000-christian religions in the USA, there is not even a debate to prove the "true-christian" religion, as long as someone says "god", then anything they think, must be automatically true.

however, surrounded by 10,000-fanatically christian peoples, one should be careful, how loud they yell, "b----s---"!
Mark G
2017-04-07 11:29:18 UTC
Ha!! you are perhaps in a tipping point on your life, I was there.. But don't worry, God will make His presence strong on your life, and then you will believe, and either hate or love him!
2017-04-07 10:01:48 UTC
God will punish you in hell if you don't believe in him.
2017-04-07 04:55:50 UTC
A supernatural and an eternal power that create us,our universe and intelligence we got is from God.
2017-04-07 01:11:13 UTC
Why do people like you even alive..? Hmm.. maybe read the bible.
2017-04-06 22:16:58 UTC
When the bird comes out of his nest for the first time , it will result in flight , but he takes that first leap on faith . He thinks it's true and his mother promises it's true , but only faith gives him the courage to leap . without flight he would be no more then a animal who eats with a beak , and extinction would be his only future .
2017-04-06 22:13:25 UTC
Go to a war zone. Get in a foxhole. There are NO atheists in foxholes. You will figure it out soon enough.
Hardest Worker
2017-04-06 20:47:28 UTC
Because when you need God. He is there. He is real, let's face it; people can and do let you down or tear you to pieces. Where as God is willing to work with you.
2017-04-06 20:11:25 UTC
Because there is a God who has made all things and the time is coming

when He will make many new things including a new earth, but there will be only those who are saved on the new earth. Now hear this God has

spoken to me through his Spirit. Never forget you and all will have to keep two future appointments The first is with death and the second is at the judgment of God.
2017-04-06 15:52:31 UTC
I agree that logic and reason argue pretty heavily against some people's ideas about the Divine, but I don't think I've heard any logical arguments that completely *preclude* the possibility of some kind of Higher Power.

You may find this both interesting and useful (and also funny):
2017-04-06 11:01:19 UTC
I agree with you. if someone says they hear voices in their head they get sent to a loony bin. But "God speaks to me" is apparently OK.
2017-04-06 05:01:04 UTC
Because believing in only the government is a lost cause. God was outlawed in the Soviet Union. It collapsed in 74 years. America believes in God. We've been around almost 250 and there's no end to us in sight...
2017-04-06 02:43:15 UTC
do you believe that everything is random and we came after the big bang, the earth is in the right distance from the sun to sustain life as well as having enough water to sustain all life on earth.
2017-04-05 15:53:13 UTC
For myself personally, mainly because of my changed heart and life for the better. My Spirit-filled life is nothing less than living in the conscious presence of the indwelling Christ and being saturated with the things of Christ-with His Word, His person. That's why I, a repentant sinner, personally believe in God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob my friend, with first hand personal experience.
2017-04-05 13:23:23 UTC
The only way primitive religion exists today is through the child abuse of forcing it into very, very young children but thanks to better education and growing intellects so many teens are able to discover the truth, throw off the indoctrination and step into the real world!
2017-04-05 12:58:40 UTC
Hmmm .. I recognise your problem! Arrogant delusion!

I guess you must dismiss the plain reality that there are many people living and more that have lived with much greater intelligence than you who actually believe in God. In your lofty self-appointed god position (irony intended) you must truly work hard to keep out reality in order to see things just how you like them.

Back in the real world, things aren't so simple... but hey don't let us burst your bubble!
2017-04-05 12:34:58 UTC
A few reasons.

1. Brainwashing.

2. Willful ignorance.

3. Plain and simple - stupidity
2017-04-05 12:21:50 UTC
Yes. Mental retardation.
2017-04-13 01:24:51 UTC
well let's hear your logic...

well, why have you not given us the benefit of any logic?

.........or are you still in the playground?

tell us why do some come on a religion & spirituality section to deny religion and spirituality? pleease explain the logic to that?
2017-04-07 22:13:24 UTC
Hmm, well I don't believe anything. If you take the "ve" off of believe, then you just have belie and the one of the meanings to belie is- distortion of the truth. So, I have no belief. But I do know that there is a God. I just don't call it a God like everyone else. To me, it's called infinite intelligence. There is way too much that is mathematically correct such as an eclipse, the math is too dead on to just be coincidence. The mathematical code to spirals of tornadoes, hurricanes, sunami, the spiral at the crest of a wave, and if you make a fist (the spiral with your index finger and thumb) the sunflower, pine cone, spiral in a shell, all have the same mathematical code. This also includes the spinning of the galaxy and your DNA. It is all the same mathematical code that always ends up being the same numbers, either 3.14 or 6.18.... so that tells me that there is something creating all this and more and that is some form of intelligence. With that in mind, that tells me that the entire universe is mental and we exist in the mind of infinite intelligence. Now that I explained that, I think about all the names of those who have tapped into it that have given the world a taste of that intelligence such as, Buddha, Krishna, Vishnu, Meher Babaji, Paramahasna Yogananda, Hermes Trismegistus, Thoth, Jesus, Elijah Muhammad, Noble Drew Ali, Lao Xi, Plato and Sacrates, Osiris, Ra, and Isis, Einstein, Edgar Casey, Allen Watts, Dalia Lama, Stephen Hawkins, Dr. Martin Luther King, and many more. All have touched on that fabric of infinite intelligence and tried to show the world what they tapped into. All have tapped on the one same fabric but on a different string. All is from the mental universe.

I am not going to tell no one what to believe in because as I said, I don't believe. I would rather you come to know and with your knowing, you can respond differently than someone with belief. You can come with facts that prove what you know. A belief is guided by someone else who tells or shows you something without your experience in it yourself. So, I can understand why some don't believe in God, such as you. But then again, I also see why some have no doubt that there is. So, Beliefs are nothing to me...... I have experience with infinite intelligence and I can say, it will make you think that there is a god or something doing all this with math in mind.

Eye Am The Art of Destiny

The Presence of the Living Myth

The Eternal Knower
2017-04-07 05:51:33 UTC
people need someone to blame on their mistakes and they created someone through imagination and all the fools follow it
2017-04-06 21:27:43 UTC
Not too late to join the 95% of the worlds population that believe in a God on some kind.
2017-04-06 03:24:20 UTC
Because they were invented to control the ignorant and gullible masses and we still have ignorant and gullible masses.
2017-04-05 23:53:17 UTC
I understand you've used logic as you say but how does your logic deny the possibility of a creative force that has created all things physical & Spiritual.

Also, how can your logic deny you the possibility of something you haven't experienced yet.

It's important to recognize two people that fight verbally, physically or otherwise more than likely are using their own logic.

Can logic be defined by interpretation by any individual or is logic a law that is based on no man's own interpretation but rather it interpretates itself & we merely observe!
2017-04-05 16:03:11 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.