Obama, by all accounts appears to adhere to a Marxist-Socialistic theme. Unfortunately, many think this is a good thing. Tells you how little they know about history.
I do believe that there can be no merging of Islam and Christianity. The fact that in Islam it is considered blasphemy to basically believe the way Christians do if you are Muslim. If you do you could die. Of course they would not impose that theology on Christians in general. However, the extremists believe that all Christians who believe as they do are expendable. Mind you it's a little more complicated than that. They have no problem killing because of their extreme beliefs.
The fact that people who are Islamic in Palestine would actually put the terrorist party of Hamas in office is scary. Worse yet are those who believe that the Israelis are persecuting the Palestinians is even worse.
The Hamas lop 6000 bombs into Israel over 5 years without the Israelis retaliating. The Israelis find that the bombs are becoming more life threatening by reaching a farther distance so they, and mind you with the warning that they would actually strike back at the sites of the bombs origins, finally return fire with a 24-48 hour notice and THEY become the bad guys? Oh, yes, innocent Palestinians died and by Israeli bombs. BUT WHY?? Because instead of evacuating the buildings from which the the bombs were being launched the Hamas did nothing. And yes, there were human errors to be sure. There always are tragically.
And why is it we have become so sensitive towards groups of people who would do harm to their own people? Do you think our country or any other one for that matter would not retaliate immediately if say Mexico or Canada started sending bombs over to this country? I think after bomb one all hell would break loose.
I believe Obama made a nice speech in Egypt. But how dare him say anything that Israel should or shouldn't do in regards to Palestine. Everyone seems to think that Israel was just given their country and everyone else was kicked out. Not true. Much if not most of the land that became Israel,was land that had already been purchased by Jews from the Arabs. The Jew offered to help the Arabs learn how to irrigate the land for crops but they chose to sell instead.
And, no, I am not Jewish. I am a Christian. I just happen to read for interest's sake. And I read history not propaganda. I don't want to hear that from either side of an issue.
Every time I see the movie Independence Day where those people are standing on top of a skyscraper welcoming the aliens who turn right around and kill them, I think, "What are people thinking?".
So while Obama attempts to draw people together, I think he lacks the understanding of the History of the Middle East, as bright as he appears to be. I can still see him on Oprah a few years ago. I'm surprised he didn't make her Secretary of State.
Oh, well. Enjoy these forums while you can.
If Islamic teachings should dominate the landscape this will not be happening to be sure.
Islam has many good points, but allowing people to have the choice of religion is not one of them. I am sure that is why China has chosen to adopt this religion. Their are no variables. It is considered the right way and only way. It may not appear to our politically correct crowd to be a problem, but once they become elected officials they will bring their religion into government. Take a look around if you don't think this is true.
Good luck to us all if our president is unable or unwilling to consider the full implications of this type of religion.