What is Obama? Socialist, Christian, what?
2009-06-08 03:02:35 UTC
What is Obama? Is he Muslim, socialist, or what? Let’s just say that he will soon assume beliefs and ideas not previously fully formed in his head. Religion is actually very important to Obama, but not in the same way most people think about it. You will soon see a great effort to merge Christianity and Islam, with Islam being the dominate party. Some of you assume his being socialist means leaving out religion. That completely misses the point of Satan’s game plan and why G-D has turned HIS BACK on this country. What is the game plan? Too replace the truth with something else in incrementing levels of complexity and diversity. So, is the ultimate goal a Muslim state? Perhaps in the short term, but a longer view will look very different. Remember, the goal is to completely place out of memory the beliefs, values, and ideas people hold dear. China is doing this by allowing Islam to replace the Buddhist (and more nationalistic) religion in Tibet. China sees Islam as presently helping to quell nationalist desires. China will dearly regret that choice when Islam returns the favor with the traditional Islamic zeal. I see an act of betrayal that will arouse China from slumber. In those days China might well send many on a different kind of pilgrimage to Mecca. Poetic justice if you ask me. I have also considered another way Islam might meet its fate, but will save that for later.
28 answers:
2009-06-08 03:51:37 UTC
Obama is Christian around Christians, Muslim around the Muslims it seems, and Socialist (Communist) around the Communists. He wanted the Christian votes and deceived many Christians into thinking he was Christian, but is not. He knows how to say what people want to hear and get his way at the same time.

You say the ultimate plan of Satan is Islam for this country? It seems to me too that this is on the horizon. There are prophecies going out that many major cities will experience attacks of fire and explosions. This certainly sounds like Islam. This will happen in the US and also all over the world. So where can anyone be safe? Out in the boonies? I'll just have to seek the Lord and go or stay wherever God wants me to be. We can't figure it all out, but if the Lord definitely told you something then you know something.
2009-06-08 07:56:39 UTC
Obama, by all accounts appears to adhere to a Marxist-Socialistic theme. Unfortunately, many think this is a good thing. Tells you how little they know about history.

I do believe that there can be no merging of Islam and Christianity. The fact that in Islam it is considered blasphemy to basically believe the way Christians do if you are Muslim. If you do you could die. Of course they would not impose that theology on Christians in general. However, the extremists believe that all Christians who believe as they do are expendable. Mind you it's a little more complicated than that. They have no problem killing because of their extreme beliefs.

The fact that people who are Islamic in Palestine would actually put the terrorist party of Hamas in office is scary. Worse yet are those who believe that the Israelis are persecuting the Palestinians is even worse.

The Hamas lop 6000 bombs into Israel over 5 years without the Israelis retaliating. The Israelis find that the bombs are becoming more life threatening by reaching a farther distance so they, and mind you with the warning that they would actually strike back at the sites of the bombs origins, finally return fire with a 24-48 hour notice and THEY become the bad guys? Oh, yes, innocent Palestinians died and by Israeli bombs. BUT WHY?? Because instead of evacuating the buildings from which the the bombs were being launched the Hamas did nothing. And yes, there were human errors to be sure. There always are tragically.

And why is it we have become so sensitive towards groups of people who would do harm to their own people? Do you think our country or any other one for that matter would not retaliate immediately if say Mexico or Canada started sending bombs over to this country? I think after bomb one all hell would break loose.

I believe Obama made a nice speech in Egypt. But how dare him say anything that Israel should or shouldn't do in regards to Palestine. Everyone seems to think that Israel was just given their country and everyone else was kicked out. Not true. Much if not most of the land that became Israel,was land that had already been purchased by Jews from the Arabs. The Jew offered to help the Arabs learn how to irrigate the land for crops but they chose to sell instead.

And, no, I am not Jewish. I am a Christian. I just happen to read for interest's sake. And I read history not propaganda. I don't want to hear that from either side of an issue.

Every time I see the movie Independence Day where those people are standing on top of a skyscraper welcoming the aliens who turn right around and kill them, I think, "What are people thinking?".

So while Obama attempts to draw people together, I think he lacks the understanding of the History of the Middle East, as bright as he appears to be. I can still see him on Oprah a few years ago. I'm surprised he didn't make her Secretary of State.

Oh, well. Enjoy these forums while you can.

If Islamic teachings should dominate the landscape this will not be happening to be sure.

Islam has many good points, but allowing people to have the choice of religion is not one of them. I am sure that is why China has chosen to adopt this religion. Their are no variables. It is considered the right way and only way. It may not appear to our politically correct crowd to be a problem, but once they become elected officials they will bring their religion into government. Take a look around if you don't think this is true.

Good luck to us all if our president is unable or unwilling to consider the full implications of this type of religion.
2016-05-25 13:55:20 UTC
None. Certainly no more than the socialist governments in Europe adversely affect religion there. Socialism deals with certain aspects of society and religion is not one of them. Health care is, and given what I've heard people say who are here from England, for instance, about our medical system, it needs a major overhaul. If that means socializing it until it gets its collective act together, then I'm not going to complain. Right now, the very rich can afford it, the poor are given it, and all those of us in the middle pay for it, if we can even afford to get any medical care. Take this and similar questions to politics. Bush started us on the road to socialism a long time before we ever opted for a change in government.
Bill Bowser
2009-06-09 03:51:28 UTC
You seem to be assuming that a socialist is somehow the opposite of a religious person in general, or a Christian in particular. That assumption is incorrect.

"And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common" (Acts 4:32, KJV).

(That kind of counter-cultural statement was hardly likely to be a creation of Emperor Constantine!)

Dating from 1536, the Hutterites practiced socialism for several centuries before the word "socialism" came to have a political meaning. The Hutterites are Christian, ethically conservative, "Pennsylvania Dutch"-type plain (though they never lived in Pennsylvania), use modern conveniences, are located mostly in western Canada, and live in strictly socialist farming colonies.

The Bruderhof, founded in 1920 in Germany, is a sect of socialist, ethically conservative Christians; they live in several colonies in various parts of the world. They have an on-again, off-again association with the Hutterites.

You might also want to check out what it means to live in a Kibbutz, in Israel.

If these groups define what is socialist, then Barack Obama is definitely NOT a socialist.

West Germany was ruled by the Social Democrat (socialist) Party for years. Chancellor Willy Brandt, who as Mayor of Berlin shared the stage with John F. Kennedy during his "Let Them Come to Berlin" speech, was later Chancellor of West Germany, and served in both offices as a Social Democrat. If Wily Brandt defines what is a socialist, then Barack Obama may or may not be a socialist.

A goodly number (perhaps a majority) of the anti-Soviet NATO alliance members were socialist democracies.

If these countries define what is socialist, then Barack Obama may (or may not) be a socialist.

But in terms of the Democratic Party, Barack Obama is definitely a moderate--hardly a socialist at all.
Lucifers Puppets Rule
2009-06-08 03:20:22 UTC
first off. it's not the man, NO!!! Its those slavishly obedient sheep (news media included) that follow him to oblivion. As for Obama being a Muslim? Came as no surprise to me. Nope, I pretty much figured that out while he was still a (do nothing) senator in Washington.

Member what that extremists cleric had too say a few years back "there's no need to crash any more planes into buildings or use bombs to accomplish your goal for destroying the great Satan, we will attack him from within where he is most vulnerable.

Heck, argue the point if you wish too. However logically speaking, why would the Commander-in-Chief purposely throw a monkey wrench into the economic works when the engine of democracy is already malfunctioning?
2009-06-08 03:14:11 UTC
First, being a socialist does not exclude him being a christian.

Second, what is wrong with being socialist? It is not the same as being a communist or a marxist, and out of all these three only christianity is a religion. I live in a nation that is governed by a system of social-democracy, and it is one of, if not the, wealthiest and most prosperous nations on Earth - not to mention one of, if not the, most peaceful.

Third, he is a professed christian, but I'm suspecting he might be an atheist or an agnostic at heart.

And lastly, get over it!
2009-06-08 03:11:54 UTC

Obama is a socialist, I would not consider him christian, he was one of the most radical senators. His own pastor... for 25 yrs... d@m's the nation. Sure Obama lived in Indonesia, but I believe he has stuck to that faith.

He has stated in his books, he hated the white blood that ran through him. Like I would take that as racial slure... lol and he grew up with his mothers family later.

Obama has other plans then what has been stated. I think the slogan, "the change we need", is directed to moral values in the United States will continue to change. The idea of changing what is morally wrong to something that society should accept is sickening. Is this a change we need; the murdering of thousands of children each year, and the acceptence of same sex marriages? Why are these issues being pushed, to help further the "democrats" who are behind the vote for "equality"... though this is something that has become twisted to serve a tainted purpose.

... dont even get me started with Michelle.

read the 60 reasons, lol its enlightening. i looked up alot of the information, and its pretty true.
David N
2009-06-08 03:17:13 UTC
Obama is not a Christian though he would like the world to believe so because it works to his advantage. Christianity and Islam are in direct opposition to one another and will never merge. Christianity is about truth, love and forgiveness; Islam is not about any of those things but hatred and death to those who don't accept its man-made rules. Compromising the truth with lies makes it untruth and although Obama may be in power for the moment he will die and stand before God and give an accounting for his failure to recognize Jesus Christ for who He is and will reap what he has sown which is falsehood, and compromise with the enemy of truth and an enemy of God.
2009-06-08 03:26:46 UTC
Obama is a little known commodity and as soon as he started hollering change nobody asked what form of change? I didn't vote for him and there fore when he screws up royally it is on the idiots who did vote for him. But I think he will bankrupt this Country before he is very far into his term.
2009-06-08 03:06:32 UTC
Liberal Christian. And a right-wing liberal at that.

Why would a Christian want Islam to merge with Christian and become dominant over it? Satan?

You're insane.
2009-06-08 03:07:01 UTC
Obama is a Christian and a liberal. He is half-Kenyan. For a portion of his childhood he was raised in a muslim-majority country (Indonesia).

He has an appreciation of other cultures and ideas.
2009-06-08 03:07:36 UTC
Definitely Marxist, the evidence is everywhere. Strangely, however, those Obama supporters who claim Marxism is a good thing are the most adamanet deniers of that. Interesting.
2009-06-08 06:14:06 UTC
I believe he is an anti american socialist, not Christian
2009-06-08 03:06:25 UTC
By what Christianity does God have emotional attachments to countries?

[edit]Besides, he's there for the state, not one single religion, so stop bullying him to suit the whole country just for you, you selfish person.
foolish boy
2009-06-08 03:54:05 UTC
may be socialist rather than christian but first of all he is a POLITICIAN
Dreamstuff Entity
2009-06-08 03:06:32 UTC
Persecution complex + conspiracy theory.

Merge those religions? That's a bit impossible.
2009-06-08 03:21:39 UTC
Formally - an christian

In reality?..agnostic or atheist
2009-06-08 03:08:00 UTC
Since he doesn't pay your bills or feeds you when you're hungry, why are you worried about him?

My faith is in Christ and no 'man' affects that but me.
2009-06-08 03:17:44 UTC
Yes, if he rules for thousand years.
2009-06-08 03:06:24 UTC
A Christian.

I really do think he's an atheist though.
2009-06-08 03:16:27 UTC
2009-06-08 03:08:00 UTC
Apparently he idolises the eagle...which i dont really understand?
2009-06-08 03:06:23 UTC
He's a Christian, get over it.
2009-06-08 03:05:33 UTC

Edit: Thumbs up?!! You guys are terrible!
2009-06-08 03:09:39 UTC
lol did you see all this in your crystal ball?
2009-06-08 03:05:44 UTC
He's a friggin christian.
2009-06-08 03:07:07 UTC
he's the antichrist. in other words, his religion is probably satanism or devil worship.
2009-06-08 03:09:25 UTC
he is satans porn

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