Yes, animal abuse and cruelty is sin in the eyes of God. Religion... is an inaccurate way to phrase this question. This is not 'religion'... the bible states pure religion is to help widows and orphans in their distress, and to keep yourself pure from sin.
When God created the earth, animals and humans...our purpose (in His image) was to care for the garden and the animals. We are like God, in that sense. Animals are not created in God's image. God did not need to provide a savior for the animals, they are not sinful creatures. They are not given the choice to follow God or not... they are created to simply serve God. Even if that means they have to die to serve us. Which sin...did come with a price for the Creation, all of it. This includes plants, fish... etcetera...; Many species on the earth have been wiped out because man abuses and is cruel to the Creation.
I do not see where God tells us to abuse His Creation, or be cruel to it. However, he has allowed animals as food. And, for awhile... animal sacrifices were made (prior to Jesus' death on the cross) for sin. Someone had to pay for our sins, and God allowed animals to be used for that purpose. Their deaths, were the blood sacrifice for our sins. We deserved to die, but God had allowed their deaths to pay for our sins. This is tragic. But, it is reality.
Because you believe that animals have souls, you obviously have somewhat of a different perspective. Animal sacrifice for sin, and eating meat will be viewed as abuse and cruelty to you. At some level, I can relate. But, I believe it to be the consequence of sin - all sin. Sin is ugly, IT is abuse and cruelty. Most especially our abuse and cruelty to our Creator.
Since Jesus went to the cross, animal sacrifice became no longer necessary. We can use animals for food, and this is somewhat of a necessity since the plants, fruits and vegetables available to us now - cannot supply all that our bodies need to survive properly. Many people (including me) believe that sin has cut us off from the optimal nutritional levels available to us by the foods that were provided in the garden of eden. Not only to us, but to the other animals on the earth. However, blood sacrifice for our sins in no longer necessary. Jesus was considered the lamb of God. The ultimate blood sacrifice for our sins. When he died, the necessity of a lamb, bird or baby goat (kid) was gone.
The scriptures talk of the Creation being in subjection to humanity. When Christ returns - this will be changed. We will return to our original state of living in harmony with the Creation. We will have to answer to God in how we took care of His Creation.
I hope this helps you to understand the biblical perspective. I do not seek to abuse or treat animals cruelly. I do not see them as less worthy of my respect and kindness. But, humans are at a higher level in my view when it comes to the sanctity of life. If a cat crossed in front of my car, I would not necessarily slam on my brakes if I thought my life would be in danger. However, if a human crossed in front of my car...I would be more inclined to slam on my brakes, whether or not I am injured in the process. I do value my life higher than that of an animal. But, in regard to another human life, I regard that person as equal to myself. If you consider it cruel for me to say so or abusive... then I am sorry to offend you.
If I have a pet in my care... my job is to care for it, as best as I can. It has become my responsibility. My kitty had kidney troubles. I paid the money, and took the time, and loved him enough to provide the medicines and discipline it took to care for him in those last days. He had to have an i.v. line of fluids every day. I overcame my fears of needles and cared for him.
When his kidneys failed, and he was in extreme pain. I took him to the vet and had him put to sleep with as much mercy as possible. I cried for him, as much I think, as I would for a family member. So... that seems to me... that I value the life of the animals entrusted to my care. My cat is a part of my spirit, my soul...regardless of whether or not he was created in God's image. I took his care very seriously. He always knew I loved him, and he trusted me.
God sees all the sparrows that fall... He is truly a loving, and giving creator.
He asks us to care for His creation, as He cares for it. So, that is what I do...
But, He has made it clear to me that I am more important to Him, than the animals. It was His choice, to provide this level of love to me over the rest of His Creation. I do not think it wise for anyone to take this for granted... it actually should be very humbling. That we are considered more important.