How is homosexuality any more incompatible with Christianity than, say, lying?
2013-02-11 06:36:18 UTC
Both are supposedly sins, yet somehow no-one is trying to deny people who lie the right to marriage.

Somehow people who have gay sex are looked at as ever-so worse people than those who commit any of the other sins. Does this show opposition to gay marriage has nothing to do with Christian teachings and everything to do with homophobia?
Eighteen answers:
2013-02-11 06:49:06 UTC
The fact that the only countries who have allowed gay marriage are republics with a Christian majority, shows that it is and has always been a cultural edict.

Someone who believes in evolution as you do, should KNOW what the source is. Given the Kinsey report places 10% as homosexual and up to 30% as bisexual enough to marry either sex, what do you think would happen to cultures who did not have a natural bias against homosexuality. Decreased birth rate and increased disease rate, tend to hamper any society.

Now we have condoms and 7 billion people, so the major societal disadvantages of homosexuality are disappearing. With the societal disadvantages disappearing, we are seeing homosexuals have rights that were never given before. Christian countries are actually leading the way in this. But why do you think that there would not be resistance to this move as there is to every societal move? And why are so many atheists so fixated on Christians for this. Are they not aware of other cultures/countries in which homosexuals have less rights (and this include eve atheist countries)?
2013-02-11 15:12:03 UTC
It isn't; all sins are equally sinful. As one of the previous answers said, the portions of the bible against homosexuality also involve restricting marriages to virgins only and so forth -- eating shellfish is also something the OT forbids, but no one is outlawing shrimp or oysters. If anything, it is not a sin any longer because the New Testament was supposed to replace the Old -- wearing mixed fabrics is no longer a sin, is it? Homophobia is not a "made up word" by any means and quite frankly the answers you've received pretty much confirm it's existence, which is a real shame.

The real issue here is that people feel the need to be above someone else; they can't stand that they aren't better than someone, and violate their precious bible's supposedly most important teaching -- love everyone. Loving everyone does not mean persecuting a group of people for being different any more than being not racism means hanging black people and refusing to let them drink from a 'white' water fountain.

Please; if you're asking this question, it's a good thing because it shows that you're thinking critically about an important civil rights issue plaguing us today. Don't stop doing that. The world can never improve if no one is willing to take a good look at what's going on and ask "why are we being horrible to _____?" It's important to, if you're of voting age, look to the laws currently being considered; especially those on topics like this. Legal marriage gives the spouse a lot of important benefits, like medical stuff and being able to take care of their loved one. If you're in America, this shouldn't even be a question because we live in a secular country, founded by Deists to be secular. Christianity should not be able to dictate the law, and we are not a Christian country. Homosexuality is NOT a question of wrong gender but a sexual preference, and it is persecution and prevention simply to deny them the equal right to marry the person they love. Marriage is not sacred, just look at the number of divorces and so forth. There is literally no secular reason not to allow them this.

My best advice, of course, is to read the bible itself and see what is written specifically. I don't have a bible on me or the time to go searching through an online one, but I can honestly tell you that very, very man 'Christians' haven't actually read what is written. It also outlaws masturbation, but how many people do you think would be furious if that became illegal?

edit; Atheists focus on Christians because they are one of the most vocal groups and tend to be one of the most thoughtless within their cultural context in countries like America that are supposed to be based on freedom. To be quite honest, most atheists that I have met know more about Christianity than self-proclaimed Christians do because they have bothered to do the research and think about it and decide for themselves. Muslims have nothing to do with the question, and bringing them or any other religion except MAYBE Judaism into the question is discriminatory and pathetic. :\
2013-02-11 15:14:26 UTC
I think that it is a lot easier for people to condemn something they are not guilty of, and will never be guilty of, than it is for them to condemn something they've done before and will probably do in the future. Since they are not gay, it is very easy for them to speak out against it. They will not hold signs against liars, because they are also liars, and therefore would be hypocrites. The religious in the United States seem also to have an obsession with the idea of sex being shameful, wrong. This influences what sort of weight they put on the sin as well. Sexual sins are somehow more immoral than lying, even though most sexual "sins" hurt no one outside of the relationship, and lying usually can and does.

And yes, I also believe homophobia also has a lot to do with it.

I think that a person that tries to practice the teachings of Christ in the Bible, instead of focusing on Paul and the Old Testament, would probably not judge anyone for their homosexuality, and would probably adopt a live-and-let-live attitude, knowing that Jesus condemned the holier-than-thou pharisees and those who were willing to try to take a speck out of their brother's eye, when a beam was in their own. "Judge not that ye be not judged" would be their motto.
2013-02-11 15:10:13 UTC
And how come they can mix their fabrics with no criticism? And how come they aren't trying to deny those who eat too much marriage? I mean don't they say that gluttony is one of the "7 deadly sins". And they wonder why people call their intolerance of gay marriage for what it is, homophobia.

Christianity really is about picking and choosing.

I really don't think somebodies religious beliefs should be able to dictate the laws of a country. I mean there is no reason why gay couples should not be able to marry and there actually are churches etc that want to be able to perform gay marriages but they can't, why shouldn't they be able to?

Makes you wonder what kind of a god would be a raging homophobe, why do they worship this being? They certainly don't seem worthy of it to me!

I think if the religious orgs had their way we would be living in the dark ages! Women used to not even be able to vote but society changed and now there is equality for women, why can't there be for gay people? So stupid. I hate how religion holds society back.
2013-02-11 14:46:23 UTC
God does not bless a sinful relation ship whether or not the government or church says it does. You are right though all sin is equal apart from blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Sexual sin reaps greater consequence on the body of the sinner but that's another subject. It's not about Homophobia for genuine believers it's about God's word being help sacred. The church is supposed to uphold God's teaching if the church preaches that God will bless a same sex union then they are preaching error not truth it's unloving and uncaring like a parent who could care less how their child behaves and hang the consequences.

If committing any sin were to prevent a marriage union no one would be getting married, Same sex marriage is asking the church to both recognise and sanction such a union on what grounds could this be done only on the grounds that the church is prepared to call God a liar and to call a blessing what God calls a curse.
Black Suede
2013-02-11 14:44:46 UTC
Homosexuality is a lie. It is a blatant smear against God's design, accusing the Creator of messing up your gender. It is a tarnish on the wonderful gift of sex that God gave a husband and a wife.

Homophobia is a made-up word (like so many are) by the left that bears no similarity to the clinical meaning of either the prefix or the suffix.

No Bible reading Christian has ever said that homosexuals are any worse than other sinners. You've been listening to Muslims again.

Marriage is the lifetime union of a husband and wife. "Gay marriage" is an oxymoron. As far as legality is concerned, there is nothing being proposed by anyone, Christian or otherwise, to persecute or prevent homosexuals from doing anything they want. We merely oppose your agenda to force the legal "acceptance" of your perversion upon society.
2013-02-11 14:43:38 UTC
The acts of homosexuality and lying are both sins according to God. See Leviticus 20:13 and Revelations 21:8.
2013-02-11 14:43:30 UTC
Lying afflicts all areas of human relationships, including spiritually, and it is a sin.

Sexual sins (which includes far more than homosexuality) are not spread about outside of other human relationships.

Lying, however, is actually more pernicious because sexual sins are proven to largely include lying and deception. Lying can also be done to one's self, even regarding sexual matters. Deception is very much part of lying, and both lying and deception can be seen in many sexual sins.

People who are married and who lie sometimes find they are no longer married. Because of their lies. This isn't about sexual sins being worse than 'mere' lying. If you are honest, you see that lying can be evidence of sexual sins, whether to a marriage partner or to someone in a civil partnership. Makes no difference. Lying seems to be almost always bound up with sexual sins. Of any sort.
ed f
2013-02-11 14:42:37 UTC
you are right, sin is sin, but we seem to categorize things into different levels. I guess the things that are more in your face are the ones we look at the hardest, but if we lie we will not be wanting to talk about lying.
2013-02-11 14:40:34 UTC
Neither are Christians. This is about Christianity or should be. However, I also

think the bible teaches that we are to speak up about what the bible does say,

not sit mute, and silent.

So, homosexuality is definitely not is cheerful and colorful

and the uncleanness of this act, if you picture it, puncturing tiny blood

vessels in the anus, getting viruses from the diseases that the anus

is supposed to expel...picture it, the hardening of the rectum from

that plunging and then perhaps it will be clearer.

But not if you're addicted to this, then you won't accept any of it.

Satan was a liar also, and he isn't accepted, either.
2013-02-11 14:39:37 UTC
it isnt. the same part of the bible that says homosexuality is a sin, also says that marriage is only valid if the woman is a virgin and if she is not, she should be stoned to death. it also says that if a woman is rapes, she must marry her rapist. it also forbids things such as football and tattoos. most Christians only take the bible literally when its convenient
2013-02-11 14:39:24 UTC
you are right, they are all sins,and it's easy to condemn one group of people but not ourselves. We should leave the condemning to God
2013-02-11 14:38:17 UTC
Why are Christians obsessed with gay people, I really honestly

do not understand?
2013-02-11 14:41:07 UTC
Marriage is a sacred Union between MAN and WOMAN. Gays cannot and shouldn't marry. Polygamy is also wrong.
2013-02-11 14:37:55 UTC
Gay marriage is a sin.
2013-02-11 14:39:29 UTC
God calls homosexuals an abomination both in the Old and New Testament. Why are you trying to tell us evil is good?
2013-02-11 14:38:03 UTC
i have always found hypocritical intolerance to be far more disgusting than honest love ...
2013-02-11 14:37:37 UTC
Go ahead let it all out.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.