Do you think its sad how some people become hostile to the message of the gospel, that has saved so many ...?
2013-12-11 20:08:38 UTC
... and continues to save many, even today?

I dont get why people reject the important message it holds, and the lessons on love, humbleness, peace. But it really confuses me when they get negative about it? Why do they do that?
Seventeen answers:
2013-12-11 20:10:13 UTC
I don't think you really got the message of religion yet.
2013-12-14 00:19:06 UTC
Well, for starters, we aren‘t mad about you telling us to be caring and love our neighbors, but 1. christians are being hypocritical by saying that those who don‘t believe in the gospel should burn in hell and 2. we don‘t like it when you involve a religion. Why? Because some of us find it a bit sickening that, in order to be caring and love our neighbors, we have to believe in the gospel. We can never just be nice people without having some entity "guide" us. When atheists help the community, people are surprised, which kind of pisses me off. It‘s entirely possible to be a good person and be an atheist as well. My question for you is this: Why is it that some christians reject the possibility of being a loving person and doing good deeds for others without the gospel?
2013-12-12 05:23:24 UTC
"I dont get why people reject the important message it holds"

And that is the problem, many christians just don't get it.

The back story you people give is idiotic, like God loves you soooooo much that he will make sure you live in abject misery for eternity in the afterlife if you don't pick the right path/religion/god. Your God is supposed to be all knowing, right? So he creates all this knowing its going to "fail,"and then he brings his son into the picture to rescue us from his mistake???? And don't give me this free will crap cause, remember, you keep saying your god knows he knew what was gonna happen before he even started playing this game. So he set us up. And then the "saved" ones get to spend eternity bowing down to praise him?? Seriously? What an egomaniac.

By the way, do you lock yourself away from everyone during your menses because you are considered unclean and reviled? When is your stoning to death, cause i know you are not wearing the right fiber? Yeah, figured. Cherry picker.
2013-12-12 04:36:35 UTC
Hi, im atheist and i can explain this very easily to you. From what i remember, the gospel is the part that explains jesus's preaches, correct? Well it isnt the gospel itself that makds people angry. Not at all.

The major reason why there is sort of a negative stigma around your part of religion is because of two things:

1. Particular parts of christianity's teachings are considered immoral

2. The people a part of it (this is a biggie)

The majority of the bible teaches about loving one another, and thats a good thing to enforce. However a lot of christians are hypocrites... and some use some of the bible to re-enforce their attacks on selective groups of people or to justify their actions. What do i mean? Take 1950s ish for example. There were groups of christians who believed that blacks were "filthy" and wrong and sinful. Nowadays thats redirected to gays/bi/trans people. Im not saying everyone does it, but crucial groups of people do. (South africa consists of mainly christians. The penalty for being gay is death) We understand that your bible says it's wrong, but shaming people for their sexuality isnt loving your neighbor at all. There were many beliefs in the bible that were eradicated over time.

Whats more is when anger manifests when things go against the bible. There needs to be more tolerance towards things... such as abortion or evolution or stem cell research. I picked those three because theyre very important. Abortion because the woman is in control of her body, not a religious group you have to accept that. Evolution because it's just an accepted fact (my christian friends say that god did evolution) and you cant go against a group of professionals. And stem cell research because it could be the key to replacing limbs or organs-- literally the most important study.

To shorten it up, we feel that many christians claim to always love one another and to be holy and pure, but end up being bad and cruel and using the bible for whatever they want and its wrong to us because youre such a large group of people with so much capability to do good..
2013-12-12 04:14:06 UTC
It's sad that people push it as literal truth to the point that it becomes as annoying as a gadfly to hear about it.

It's mythology-- like all mythology it has some bits of wisdom people can take away with them and be inspired by. And like all mythology, it's not literally true.

The ones I truly feel sorry for are the ones who embrace the myths in the gosples and take them literally... and reject the truth and wisdom found in other myths.
2013-12-12 05:16:56 UTC
Before I became a believer I was very negative about it-- and Christians just bugged the heck out of me!
2013-12-12 04:23:59 UTC
You'll commonly hear them talk about slavery and genocide. Simply put, they do not understand our God, and they think that he is evil. They are confused about what is moral and what isn't, and they view our commandments as arbitrary rules.

That's the reason, in a nutshell.
2013-12-12 04:18:45 UTC
Its not them , its he who lives in them . They deny they are spirit beings , giving the evil one reign in their lives .

If they are spirit , and deny The Holy Spirit , then the evil one rejects through them , a message of hope , because that is contrary to satans goal , to take them to hell and spit in the Fathers Eye .

There is no truth in them , as their father is the father of all lies .
2013-12-12 04:18:48 UTC
the more they reject God, the harder their heart becomes, the less God allows them to understand...

Ephesians 4:18

They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.

Ephesians 1:18

Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,

Proverbs 2:2-5

Making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
2013-12-12 04:11:57 UTC
Because they want the whole truth, and part of most religions doctrines are ugly and contradict the good message.
2013-12-12 04:11:52 UTC
grow up. the gospel has caused more deaths than it has ever saved with its lies and demands
2013-12-12 04:10:12 UTC
Amen brother, let's preach love and peace while we burn those heathens at the stake !
2013-12-12 04:40:08 UTC
You ever wonder why un-happy people are so irritated by those who are happy?
2013-12-12 04:09:11 UTC
Because they cherrypick. They find something bad that has been done by a Christian and they say "Oh look, this means Christianity is bad", when in reality that has nothing to do with it.
2013-12-12 04:17:50 UTC
there are 2 types of people on earth ...

1. human ... we have good vs bad ones ... abel vs cain ... right fm the beginning. Adam-seth-down the line to abraham ... are WILLING to give God due worship and obedience vs the line of cain , idol worshippers.

2. alien-human hybrid

the seed of satan ... WHO is their 'god'? satan, fact.

if you NOTICE the blasphemers and those who STAND AGAINST God and christianity, WHAT do you see ? the spirit of satan in each and every one of them.

learn to discern.

we are on the internet ... people from all over the world congregate here.

even as we sow the teachings of Messiah,

there are those who sow the teachings of satan , side by side.

whoever seeks God will be found by Him ... not otherwise.

therefore, my brother / sister, don't stress yourself over this.

God KNOWS who He wants to worship Him.
2013-12-12 04:10:34 UTC
Matt Pugmire
2013-12-12 04:22:16 UTC
**** the bible.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.