Astrology in the Bible?
2008-11-28 00:36:27 UTC
"There shall be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars." - Jesus Christ, Luke 21:25

The Bible is filled with references to astrology. This is because astrology was widely accepted as truth in Biblical times. Christians who believe that astrology is Satanic would be surprised to learn that the Bible is filled with astrology and even Jesus himself made numerous references to astrology.

People believed in the study of the stars in Biblical times. Everyone knew the influence of the sun on the Earth, and the sun was a star. It certainly made a pattern, so far as life on Earth was concerned - it shaped everything, or at least nourished everything - and the shape had to be such as to allow the sun to give life to it.

One of the great astrological stories in the Bible is the story of the star of Bethlehem. It is written that the star was a sign from God signaling the birth of the Messiah into the world. The three Magi, Persian astrologer-kings, determined the time of this birth by the position of this star. In 1600, Johannes Kepler hypothesized that this star was actually a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Confirmed by modern astrology, this symbolism ties in with the prophecies of that era concerning a Messiah amongst the Jews. The conjunctions occurred at the end of Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of kings. Saturn is the planet that rules the Jews, thereby giving the king of the Jews. This was a very infrequent triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and it occurred in the year 7 B.C.

The following are some of the most interesting Biblical references to astrology.

"I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the THIRD HEAVEN. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know - God knows. And I know that this person - whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows - was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that humans are not permitted to tell." (2 Cor. 12:1-4)

The phrase, "I know a person," is a euphemism people used in those days to refer to themselves in a humble manner. Paul explained that he was taken to the "third heaven." The phrase, "third heaven," is a reference to the multi-level realms of the afterlife. This is an astrological/religious concept believed by Jews, Christians, Gnostic Christians, Platonists, and other people in those days. A correlation with Paul's third heaven can be found in the Gnostic book entitled "The Apocalypse of Paul."

The Apocalypse of Paul also describes Paul's afterlife visit to the third heaven. It also describes how Paul travels through a hierarchy of heavenly realms all the way to the "tenth heaven."

According to Flavius Josephus, the famed Jewish historian, the Jewish temple at Jerusalem had the twelve signs of the zodiac inlaid in its floor. Josephus also stated that the twelve loaves of showbread in the temple was a reference to the zodiac. In modern times, Israel issued stamps with the zodiac signs identified with the twelve tribes of Israel and the astrological symbolism of the temple.

The Bible states that God made the heavenly bodies to show us "signs" of his intentions. These signs can be read by anyone who knows how to interpret them. Astrology is about interpreting these signs in the motions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars.

"And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as SIGNS to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the Earth." And it was so." (Gen. 1:14-15)

"And there shall be SIGNS in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the Earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory." (Luke 21:25-27)

In the verse above, Christ uses astrology to reveal the "signs" in the sky of his coming.

The Bible states that the first communication from God came from the stars. David writes in his Psalm:

"The HEAVENS declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows his handiwork. Day after day utters his speech and night after night shows his knowledge. There is no tongue or language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the Earth and their words to the ends of the world. In them (the heavens) he has set a tabernacle for the sun." (Psalm 19:1-4)

"Can you bring forth the Mazzaroth (the zodiac) in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs? (an astrological constellation)" (Job 38:32)

This Bible verse shows God using astrology to answer Job.

The Bible also describes an astrological sign called the "Morning Star" which is a reference to the planet Venus. The Morning Star, also known as the "light brin
Ten answers:
2008-11-28 19:55:45 UTC
1) This is because astrology was widely accepted as truth in Biblical times.

This is correct. Let's face it: astrology is widely accepted as truth in modern times. That does not mean that astrology is true. Don't misunderstand the passage you quoted: "there will be signs" does not imply: "and astrologists will interpret them correctly, so you can rely on them" Quite the contrary: Scripture tells us specifically to *not* rely on astrologers. The fact that there will be signs in "the heavens" does not lend credibility to astrology.

2) The three Magi, Persian astrologer-kings, determined the time of this birth by the position of this star.

Your identification of the Magi as "3" and "Persian" is highly conjectural - neither particular is given in Scripture.

3) In 1600, Johannes Kepler hypothesized that this star was actually a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Confirmed by modern astrology, this symbolism ties in with the prophecies of that era concerning a Messiah amongst the Jews.

As we do not know the date - or even the decade - of Jesus' birth, this cannot have been confirmed by modern astrology or by anything else.

4) Saturn is the planet that rules the Jews

I suspect that the Jews will disagree with this statement - and rightly so.

5) This was a very infrequent triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and it occurred in the year 7 B.C.

Which means that it may or may not have anything to do with Jesus' birth.

6) The phrase, "I know a person," is a euphemism people used in those days to refer to themselves in a humble manner.

It is also a phrase that was used to refer to a person that the speaker knew.

7) The phrase, "third heaven," is a reference to the multi-level realms of the afterlife.

Almost certainly this is a reference to the Jewish "third heaven"

1st - the atmosphere

2nd - the cosmos

3rd - the dwelling place of God

The use of the word "heaven" to refer to these 3 separate "domains" is well-documented in Jewish literature.

8) Josephus also stated that the twelve loaves of showbread in the temple was a reference to the zodiac

It is interesting that the Dead Sea Scrolls - which pre-date Josephus by centuries - make a quite different claim about the symbolism of the 12 loaves of "shewbread".

9) The Bible states that God made the heavenly bodies to show us "signs" of his intentions.

This is not in the bible. This is a false statement.

10) These signs can be read by anyone who knows how to interpret them

Read here (verses 13-14)

11) It's no surprise that the stars can be used as signs to mark the passage of time - Gen 1:14-15.

12) In the verse above, Christ uses astrology to reveal the "signs" in the sky of his coming.

This is not a logical deduction. The fact that signs will appear in the heavens in no way lends credence to any form of astrology. An excessive solar flare, for example, or the explosion of a boloid meteorite, or the visible approach of a meteor prior to its impact with earth, are all visible "signs" of destruction that have no astrological significance. There are literally dozens of other possible examples.

13) The Bible states that the first communication from God came from the stars.

Verse, please? The one you quote says nothing of the sort.

14) This Bible verse shows God using astrology to answer Job.

This bible verse shows God using the names of constellations to answer Job - not astrology. The 2 are - very obviously - not synonymous. Likewise for the morning star - what term should the bible have used, some name by which Venus was *not* known - or some name by which Venus *was* known? The name of a planet, star, or even a constellation is not astrology - it is nomenclature. It is an identifier.

Conclusion: even if I disregard the many false claims that you have made, you have failed entirely to support the concept that astrology is *approved* by the bible. It is, of course, quite plain that astrology is *mentioned* in the bible - and, with only the possible exception of the magi, astrology is portrayed in a very bad light, indeed. Many Christians believe that the magi were a force of evil, as they informed Herod of Jesus' presence and predicated his killing of the infants of Judea. There simply is no case in the bible - not one - where astrology is portrayed in a convincingly positive light, and there are several in which it is portrayed in a very negative fashion.

2008-11-28 02:16:38 UTC

= The third woe, the third seal = 12/26/2004

Astrology in the Bible in the Mattheww 2 = PEOPLE IN VIETNAM
2016-03-13 12:05:08 UTC
most faiths are based on astrology. and it makes sense. Why does the sun "set"? maybe it has something to do with the egyptian god SET. He was the one that took the sun away every day. How about the "Underworld"? When the world was thought to be flat, no one knew where the sun went. Must be the "Underworld" Hell, and the Heavens, are all rooted in relgious nonsense.
2016-02-05 10:22:26 UTC
astrology bible
2008-11-28 00:46:10 UTC
This is no surprise to me or any other student of the scripture. All seasons,constellations,even snow and rain are created in mystery and power- there are many treasures on earth- what is loosed in heaven (3rd heaven) is loosed on earth, what is bound in heaven is also bound on earth. Now, what is your point? We still do not participate in worship of stars, nor do we ask for guidance (horoscope) from heavenly bodies- We worship the Creator and not the Created and unleash our authority in reference to these elements. The snow even fights on our behalf, if we tell it to.
2008-11-29 05:17:03 UTC
You also have to be very careful because in Deuteronomy 18:10 divination is a sin and astrology is a form of psychic divination!!!
2008-11-28 00:42:14 UTC
Your 1st paragraph was sufficient. Wonder if anyone will read all that you wrote. But you are right, there is much astrology in the Bible. We are taught, however, to look to the One who made the stars and not the stars for guidance.
Darcy G
2008-11-28 00:54:36 UTC
God created all things, BUT he guides you, not his creation.

Morning star is lucifer.

3 heavens, our atmosphere, the universe and the 3rd, the Kingdom of God.

The Bible speaks metaphorically and poetic, dose not mean stars or planets speak!!!

you're thinking, needs to be....lets say rethought.
muehlb aternsv
2008-11-28 05:01:16 UTC
I thought this might be helpful, it addresses astrology... please rent this from your local library... checking out videos is free there.

Edit: I just wanted to point out, an answer to your question is addressed in the video, not the trailer.
2008-11-28 00:42:21 UTC
Only a taurus would be so long winded......*joke*

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.