Dear blueeyed grl ;
Let me tell you a small incident for clarity:
when our Master was 5 years old, a group of learned people from Brahma Samajam ( These members believe God,but say God has no shape and it is foolish to pray God in Idols and names.) have visited his village.
Our Master's father was a great person well versed in every thing, all scriptures, religious knowledge, medicine, and all subjects, name any, He is authority. So Brahma Samajam masters also used to visit him and learn from him.
After discussions, he has asked our Master to take the team around the village and show them everything.
Our Master aged 5 years, has shown them the entire village to their liking and pleasure and finally taken them to an age old LORD VISHNU Temple.
He asked them to come inside to see the Lord.
But they have declined to enter the Temple.
Our Master asked them,," why don't you enter the temple. ?"
They said, " God is there every where and through out. So we don't pray God in the statue shape in a temple. It is against our philosophy."
Then our Master said, "When you agree God is everywhere, He should be in the Temple, in the Statue , in the Idol also. How do you decline his presence and hesitate to see God inside?"
The Group members astonished for the simple logic posed by a 5 year old boy.
The Group accepts God is every where. So they discourage worshiping God specifically in the shape of Idols and in Temples. The pity is that, they could not visualize that , God, who can be every where can also be within the Idols and in the temples. This has been taught by our Master who was 5 years old. So what happened to the common sense of the learned persons of this Group?
Same thing applies to the persons you are referring.
When we are born, we do not who is our mother, who is our father. Mother we first recognize, because she gives her breast milk for our living. She gives the warmth to live. So when mother shows a person and introduces to as our father, we agree to accept him as father. But do we know him? If mother do not say, can we identify our father?
No. It is also same with God.
Not only Morals, the way of life, knowledge,guidance, protection, Strength and everything we learn from HIM, to have a happy life.
This is because we trust that there is some one who is our Origin. The entire Globe belongs to Him. So we can use the Globe, but have no right to spoil it at our pleasure,. This responsibility is realized only when we accept a Lord above.