Let's be clear on something before you continue to spread the lie. The earth is not in a "perfect position" and it has a large range where it could be while still allowing life as we know it to exist perfectly fine. Further, the more that we learn the more we see that life can exist in under extreme conditions and thus life, perhaps not as we are used to, could exist in an even broader range.
Based on what you have said, you refuse to learn about what we know and blithely look at the stars and think "these have to be created", you go on to look around you and just like a mud puddle you think, this pot hole suits me perfectly, it must have been created just so I could form. I, on the other hand, once thought similar thoughts along with ones like "those silly scientists, thinking that the big bang and evolution are true, they obviously have not considered all these creationist claims."
However, when my daughters started learning science in school, I decided that I wanted to be able to show the why creationism was scientifically true, so I started to objectively research various claims. What I found that the best thing that can be said about creation science is that it is intellectually dishonest, but the better way to describe it is that is is a money making sham dedicated to ripping off gullible believers. When I researched evolution, thinking I would easily find gaping holes and huge jumps to unsupported conclusions, I found it to be solid and supported by a massive amount of supporting evidence which was further confirmed by other branches of science.
This was not what I thought I'd find and definitely did not agree with the Bible. I thought to myself, obviously the rest of the Bible must have evidence if it actually happened, so I started to research the Flood, Tower of Babel, Exodus and finally Jesus, especially those events around Jesus' life that would have been recorded by others. What I found is that there is not a shred of evidence for any of these things and indeed they do not fit with what we know about history. I also examined the "evidence" that people point out to show that Jesus existed. Unsurprisingly, I found nearly the same level of intellectual dishonesty going on in nearly every claim I checked. Specifically, I remember one apologist claiming that a Babylonian tower built in 600 BCE was evidence of the tower of Babel while another claimed that a trade road from Egypt to Canaan was evidence of the Exodus.
I realized that while absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, clearly if the Bible was true there should be undeniable evidence and it simply does not exist (not to mention that there is a great deal of evidence that shows different events occurred). After this it was plain to see that either the god of the Bible was a bold face liar or it did not exist.
So, no problems, no disappointments, no reason to leave God other than objectively checking the facts.
Oh, I should mention that I also reread the Bible from a very objective sense. In other words, I read it not as I had been taught to understand what it meant, but from the viewpoint that it meant what it said and just like I would for any article or non-fiction book. I was amazed at what a capricious god was described, how immoral some of it was (you can beat your slave so long as he doesn't die, and if you rape your female slave and she has children, you either need to sell them together or marry her).