"even mentioning His name bothers them."
Are these the lies that Christian antisemitism must sink to, these days. Say Jesus all you want. But DON'T CLAIM TO BE JEWISH.
I know what you are talking about, and, if you are Christian, you should pray for repentance. Replacement Theology has been used as the justification for a lot of nasty things in the past. So sad to see that it is still being touted today by Jews for Jesus, Messianic *Jews* and other groups. If you understood what the Replacement Theology Martin Luther ranted about led to in terms of HaShoah, perhaps you would have the decency not to engage in it. I will not be rude, but I will be blunt: You are no more *Jewish* than my *non-Jewish* father would be if he, say, said a prayer to the Magic Jewish Garden Fairy in our garden, sprayed himself with the hose five times, turned in a circle, then declared himself *Jewish* by extention of MJGF's blessing on him and all Jewishkind.
Quite simply--Jews, and inclusion into Judaism, are defined (common sensically) by the Jews themselves. There is a Jewish tradition for group inclusion, and it defines the Jews IN RELIGIOUS TERMS. So, to be short and sweet, you may be Jewish if:
1. You were born to a Jewish mother.
2. You converted into Judaism.
You may NOT be Jewish if
-You convert to another religion. You are now a Buddhist/Muslim/Christian/
Think about how China would react if a group of Chinese-American tourists, born in the USA, took a trip to China, and declared themselves Chinese Citizens by Blood...then started dictating to China how she should be, and that she sorely needs to alter her laws to include their citizenship. They will then form an organization telling the Chinese that if they want to be *true Chinese*, they need to emigrate to the US and become US citizens. Finally, they will tell Anglo-Americans that they can also be "Chinese by Covanent" if they feel that they really identify with Jackie Chan movies (that's you).
China might be a little rude. There sorry ***-es would be on a plane home the next day. But you would be hard pressed to argue that their actions did not warrant their treatment by the Chinese.