Thank you for asking me about my religion.
Before i began to answer your question, i would like to state two important things:
1. As Muslims we cannot lie about anything, especially about our religion.
2. We have original recorded sources of our religion:
A) The Quran
B) Teachings of Muhammad - the Authentic saying or Sunnah
This is a unique part of Islam, not available in any other ancient religions.
Muslims submit and surrender their will and desires to the will and the laws of the Creator. By referring to, "The Creator", Muslims are talking about "Allah."
"Allah" simply means "The God" in Arabic.
Quran, in Arabic, could only have been written by ONE of 3 possible sources:
1. the Arabs
2. Mohammad (peace be upon him)
3. God (Allah)
(NOTE: The first part is not meant to be a rigorous proof. It is something to ponder upon. However, the second part, about Mohammad [pbuh] wrote it' contains more extensive proof.)
Besides the above mentioned sources, Quran couldn't possibly have been written by ANYONE else.
No other source is possible, because Quran is written in pure, rich, and poetic Arabic, which was not known to anyone other than the above mentioned sources, at that time. The Arabic language was at its peak in expression, richness, vocabulary, artistic, and poetic value during the time the Quran was being revealed. Anyone speaking the classical Arabic ( the Arabic of Quran at the time it was revealed) would argue that a non-Arab entity couldn't possibly have written such an extensive and brilliant piece of literature in the Arabic language. Quran could only have been written by an Arabic speaking entity. An entity, who's knowledge, style, vocabulary, grammar, and way of expression was so powerful that it impacted the entire Arabian peninsula, the east, the west, and continues to impact people all over the globe today!
At no other time, in the history of Arabic language, had it ever achieved its peak in expression, literature, and development, than the time of Arabia during the 6th Century, the time when Quran was being revealed. At no other time in the history of Arabic language had the language ever achieved its highest potential than the time of Arabia during the 6th Century, the time when Quran was being revealed. The language reached its peak in richness, artistic value, and poetry, during that time. With the Arabic language at its peak, and the best of Arabic writers, poets present in Arabia, it is impossible that a non-Arabic speaking entity would write a book like Quran and have such a dynamite impact on the Arabs!
So only an Arabic speaking entity could have write Quran. With that in mind, we're left with three choies:
1 - the Arabs wrote it
2 - Mohammad (pbuh) wrote it
3 - Allah (swt) wrote it
Lets examine the three choces one by one. ARABS wrote it?
Please continue reading (the following link answers ur question in greatest detail):
what is The challange of the Quran?
Is the Quran an Inimitable book?
Gary Miller - the man who challenged the Quran