Winter Wherever
2012-11-03 12:27:34 UTC
Evolution is the theory that life evolved from a lower life form to a higher life form. The theory states that genetic mutations caused that bearer of the mutation to live longer, causing it to be able to breed more. Part of the next generation that had the mutation also lived longer, bred more, and caused the increase of population with the mutation. This was repeated over and over with many, many mutations and many, many generations until the type of life form had evolved to a different and higher life form (also dropping any parts now useless to its type).
And if it is right, how did we get lungs? According to this theory, the lungs would have to have been fully functional from the first day on, in order for it to aid in natural selection, other wise what ever had 'evolved' in it's place would drop off as a vestigial organ!
On a related note, how did the big bang create life? To my understanding,it only created dust and gases which clumped to make stars and planets. Since even the least of the life forms are amazingly complicated, how did they come from simply dust?