Even truth based scientists have admitted that evolution is a farce.
Absolutely every single piece of evidence that the evolutionists posess is a fabrication. Like for instance:
Nebraska Man. They created an entire "being" when all they found was a tooth. The tooth actually ended up being the tooth of an extinct pig. Which they later excavated just 30 feet from the "Nebraska man" tooth. The carcass was missing a tooth. (go figure) yet it is taught as truth.
All of the Neanderthal exhibits are just regular skulls with the jaw bones filed down to set the jaw at an extreme angle. In fact many of the "Neanderthal's" were examined to find file marks that were visible.
There is no such thing as evolution. It is all a hoax to move God out of the classroom. It is more likely and probable for a tornado to spin through a junk yard full of cars and fly out the other end with a fully functional Boeing 747 than for evolution to be true.
The text books are wrong. God created heaven and earth. Not a blob of ooze. The big bang theory. God said it.... Bang..... there it is.
Let's look at Granite. The circles formed in the granite (which the text books say cooled over billions of years), contains palladium 213, which has a half life of only 3 seconds. If it only exists for 3 seconds, how can it be in granite rock which "cooled over the period of billions of years"
evolution is a bunch of crap. I am not the distant relative of a monkey. Does anything ever move from chaos to peace? Ever? Since the beginning of the world, everything has decayed moving from peace to chaos. Not the other way around.