As an American and a Christian, are you starting to feel the full brunt of atheist and gay persecution?
2015-07-10 16:54:34 UTC
It seems like gays, liberals, atheists, homosexuals, Muslims, and illegal immigrants and black people are closing in on Christianity, trying to destroy it from the outside. Is this what Jesus warned about?
123 answers:
2015-07-11 09:55:13 UTC
Really!? I was going to ask you what form this persecution takes so I would know what the hell you were talking about. Then I read your update and realized you are deluded. Let me go down the list and show you why:

1. Celebrating your heritage and flying the confederate flag

There is no law against flying the confederate flag. It simply will not be flown above certain statehouses anymore. On your own property you're free to fly whatever flag you like.

2. Saying you support traditional marriage

Do you support traditional marriage? There, you just said it and you weren't arrested. I here people say this all the time and I've never heard of anyone prosecuted for it.

3. Refusing to photography at a gay wedding

This one is a little tenuous. Could you give me a specific example?

Number "4" has gone AWOL.

5. Praying in school

There will always be praying in school so long as there are exams. What is not allowed is mandated prayer, i.e. forcing other children to pray. That is hardly the same thing is it? Preventing you from persecuting others is not the same thing as persecuting you.

6. Be a straight, white, male, conservative basically

Are you a straight, white, male, conservative? Ever been arrested for it?

7. Own firearms not approved by Obama

There are an estimated 310 million civilian firearms in the U.S. I don't know that Obama ever approved a single one of them. In the District of Columbia vs Heller - and the subsequent case in Illinois - the supreme court affirmed the Second Amendment as granting an individual right. So, here again, I don't think you have any clue what you are talking about.

So at most you went one for six regarding your claims of "persecution". A losing score by any measure. Thank you for playing - please come again.
2015-07-11 16:36:22 UTC
Four straight up lies, two half truths and a missing number 4.

1 - You can still fly the losing side's flag, as long as you're not doing from the flagpole of a state government agency in certain states.

2 - not illegal to say it or so many people would be in trouble right now. Notice how unarrested they are.

3 - You can refuse to photograph a gay wedding, unless your official business is photography, in which case discriminating against certain types of people is problematic

4 - You fail at basic math

5 - Praying in school is legal, religious schools do it all the time. Compelling prayer in government funded school on a government funded paycheck is not.

6 - Nobody is getting arrested for that, at worst they are getting disliked.

7 - This did not start with Obama. Restriction of certain classes of weapon has been going on since WWI.
2015-07-10 17:35:56 UTC
I'm not an atheist but Christians are sure as hell not persecuted in the United States. Christians have rights to everything in the United States so why would you claim that Christians are persecuted? Believe it or not, Atheists are actually persecuted because Atheists are banned from holding public office in 7 states in the United States. Did you lose a debate to an atheist or something? Because it kinda seems like you did. I also can't fu*king believe how racist you are.
2015-07-11 10:10:17 UTC
Personally, no. I don t own a business that they can destroy and I am not part of any church anymore. I am a Christian and have two Christian websites and I study the Bible every day. I watch John Hagee, Hal Lindsey, Perry Stone and Jack Van Impe on TV. My family and I get together for a weekly prayer meeting.

Not all blacks are bad as demonstrated by the ones at the church in Charleston. I am very proud of them and the stand they took. They set a great example for us all.

Atheists don t bother me. They can t get inside my head and heart where Jesus via the Holy Spirit is. I feel sorry for them for being so short sighted.

I know Jesus is coming soon by the way prophecy is coming true. One prophecy says that in the end of the last days it will be as in the days of Noah. I believe we are there.

The world is in the End Times prior to the Last Days. It is becoming more and more as it was in the days of Noah with violence and constant anarchy.

4 FUTURE WARS (the catching away of true Christians happens just before this)

In the process of happening now…

Also look for Isaiah 17:1, 14 to happen any day now. (the destruction of Damascus)

1. There will soon be an Islamic war against Israel led by Russia and her armies. This army consists of Russia and the Islamic countries listed in Ezekiel 38:1-6. Ezekiel 39:1-12 describes that war where millions intend to attack Israel BUT GOD intervenes and kills all but 1/6th of them. Revelation 14:20 describes the place of battle as being filled with blood up to the horses bridles for 184 miles. (Russian warships are stationed off the coast of Israel even now) This is the Gog/Magog war NOT Armageddon which happens at the END of the 7 years of Tribulation. The 7 vial judgments of Rev. 15 come AFTER this war. WATCH THE HEADLINES.
2015-07-11 07:44:48 UTC
Does lying usually work for you? Does it please your god?

It's not illegal to fly a Confederate flag. However, it does represent a terrible time in American history. The decedents of freed slaves shouldn't have to be reminded of it. So it shouldn't be flown on government property.

You can support "traditional marriage". That doesn't mean that bigotry should be incorporated into American law.

You can pray in school, but authority figures aren't allowed to advocate a specific religion. Do you want that law to go away? I'm sure you'd be thrilled to find out that your kids were told by their teacher to pray towards mecca.

Straight, white, male, conservatives are illegal? Is your psychiatrist making any progress treating your persecution complex?

I suggest a large dose of education.

Here's something that you might not know. Fox news and The Blaze aren't the only channels on tv.
2015-07-11 06:12:29 UTC
To talk in term of a person skin color in terms of Christianity, shows that you don't understand the teaching associated with Christ. It would be good to read the first 4 books in the New Testaments to get an ideal about what the right and wrong attitude when it come to being followers of Christ? 1Co 6:9 Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, 10 thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom.

Mt 28:19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” Did you notice the word ALL.

Ac 10:34 At this Peter began to speak, and he said: “Now I truly understand that God is not partial, 35 but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
2015-07-13 10:48:10 UTC
Since American Christians have been persecuting atheists and gays for more than 200 years in North America, I would have thought Christians would have felt the full joy of that persecution a long time ago.If they haven't yet, then why did they bother to continue the persecutions?
Freethinking Liberal
2015-07-11 04:43:06 UTC
As Christians have persecuted atheists, homosexuals, Jews, blacks and so many others, for centuries, I find it ironic that, just because atheists, homosexuals, Jews, blacks and so many others now have found a voice and thus want to stop being being persecuted by Christians; Christians SHOUT that they are being persecuted.


After all, Christians still have the rights to:


have churches


and all the other things that constitutes a religion
2015-07-11 04:09:50 UTC
As an AMERICA and a Christan are you starting to feel the full brunt of atheist and Gay persecution ? Another claim by the Pig

It is not advisable to yell Fire in a crowded movie theater when there actually is none causes UN-justified panic and chaos

Apparently One does not Know what America is founded on . Principle of FREEDOM and JUSTICE and EQUALITY

Having laws that provide for that is not persecution of others . but giving ALL the same rights . not making one group PRIVILEGED perhaps the GRAPES you had for breakfast were SOUR

perhaps one is using the grease from their own Bacon to lubricate the wheels of conspiracy for ones own agenda what say ye pig

to be expected when one wallows in a pen of mud it makes everything cloudy and one can not see the reality of the world

your pig skin may be pinky flesh color but its prone to getting one must coat themselves with mud and dirt for self protection but when viewed by others they see you as you truly are coated in the filth of your own hatred and squealing like a pig
Don Verto
2015-07-11 07:11:21 UTC
During my life time I have seen a lot of changes and the net result seems to be worse.

Guilty murderers used to get executed.Abortion used to be a crime.

The killing of unborn children is wide spread.

Divorces are more common.

The Bible and prayer were banned in schools.An unproven belief in evolution and atheism are widely taught.

Homosexuality and gay marriage has been legalised.

Can euthanasia and assisted suicide be far behind?

Murder and massacres are happening everywhere.

Governments and people run up fantastic debts.

Are we better off than 50 years ago?
2015-07-11 01:14:28 UTC
Hon, Until Christians in the US are getting beheaded (middle east) or your churches being torn down (China) you are not being persecuted. Whats happening is that everyone is being invited to the American table and being welcomed. What some Christians, like you, are having a hard time is that not everyone believes the same way and that your beliefs are NOT being pushed onto everyone. Get over it. Gays can marry, peeps can toke, and we can all worship or to not worship in a way we see fit.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-07-11 02:58:54 UTC
I'm an English atheist and even if I were an American Christian you were pushing it with Muslims (they presumably have the same view of homosexuality as you would like us too.) and when you said illegal immigrants and black people - both group can be more Christian than others. I hoped you were only trolling!
2015-07-11 06:27:27 UTC
you sound like a straight up bigot. Im a christian and i can assure you that at least 2 of the things you mentioned will not "close in" on Christians, like black people and gays. that was just in poor taste to say the least. black people wont hurt you, and im gonna assume you live in a pretty decent neighborhood and have a family that comes from good stock so you have no idea what black people are actually like aside from negative media. and in terms of gays, news flash, you cant catch the gay disease. you will be ok. stop hating and fearing these people. remember Jesus said himself, after his disciples found him with the sick and the whore mongers and gamblers, they asked him how could he be around them and he said "what do the well [those who are not afflicted by any problem] need of a physician? he basically said if we are Christians and we think people are bad or going through issues or not following Gods laws then we need to pray for them and help them. so you are not a christian if you feel as though your skin gives you some superiority or importance over people in Gods eyes and your sexual orientation as well.

I cant speak for liberals. Im neither conservative nor liberal so i don't care. this country is going to fail regardless of who is in office.

Muslims will not hurt you in this country so stop badgering them.

Atheist wont hurt you either and honestly i can understand why they wouldn't believe in God with Christians like you around. God is a God of love and understanding and you sound anything but loving and understanding. Don't believe me then why did God send Jesus? cause he was helping everybody not just white Americans with god complexes.

its always a shame when i get online and see people like you putting stuff like this on the internet. you think you are part of the cure and have no clue your one of the worst parts of the problem.

If you really are christian re-asses your life today and ask God for some guidance, don't assume your right ask him to prove if you are right. maybe you need to go and re accept Jesus or something, or actually get the holy spirit.
2016-04-22 03:55:30 UTC
There has never been a better time to put and end to the heartache of an unfulfilling relationship. You can rebuild the happiness and close connection, thanks to the life-changing techniques at

Marriage, like life, is a cycle of ups and downs. It's easy to say your marriage is in good health when the world around you is prospering, but when your fortunes turn and your world is in hardship, how you interact within your marriage can often paint an altogether different picture.
2015-07-10 21:05:17 UTC
You say gay persecution...then what has God got to say about it

.(1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, 10 thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom.

(1 Timothy 1:10) sexually immoral people, men who practice homosexuality, kidnappers, liars, perjurers, and everything else that is in opposition to the wholesome teaching

Acceptance of homosexuality is not being obedient to the standards set by Paul, who was totally obedient to Jesus' teachings.

It is the PRACTICE THAT IS WRONG...if those people will change their ways, they can be forgiven and acceptable...

But not when they flout it.
2015-07-13 09:57:15 UTC
I have never persecuted a Christian, so how dare you judge this Atheist. Broad generalizations are never good. Whether it come Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, or Republicans. Just because I am an atheist does not make you superior. Not all atheists support gay marriage, in fact, many think you should have the right to refuse to take part in a gay marriage, etc. But you want to lump millions and millions of people together and say we're all bad, and you are morally superior. Wow, you're pretty arrogant. Now who's persecuting who? And Christians have been persecuting atheists for thousands of years.
2015-07-10 22:42:56 UTC
No. but the persecution is right around the corner. Just wait. It's really going to snow-ball from here.
2015-07-11 08:17:33 UTC
those things are not illegal. It is simply that you cannot use common institutions to do things that offend large groups of people with impunity as before. Now when you are offensive, you cannot rely on historic privilege as a defense against dissent-those who are offended are rightfully able to stand up and force you to stop using OUR governments and institutions to impose YOUR world view.

And ironically, you think that removing any protection against repercussions for the exercise of your "right" to offend others is a constraint on YOU.

Apparently you don't like that. Now you know how those you used to offend always felt. Don't like it much more than they did either.
2015-07-11 05:28:54 UTC
What makes you think you are persecuted? As an atheist I have my private belief that there is no God...after long and rigorous study of many religions....You've no need to fear me . Mo Univ Lec, Ma and Grandma Atheist
2015-07-11 01:15:09 UTC
I'm pretty sure throughout history straight white Christian males have faced the very least amount of persecution of any group you could possibly think of.
2015-07-12 16:04:11 UTC
Maybe atheists and homosexuals have felt the exact same way for many many years? Have you ever actually thought about that, or have you never put yourself on the other side of the argument?

Christians are making such a big deal because they are starting to feel persecuted by gays and atheists, but have we not felt persecution by Christians our whole lives? It's about time we start standing up for ourselves.
Lt Kije
2015-07-11 02:33:40 UTC
I am British. I simply do not believe you when claim that: 1. Atheists :persecute you and: 2 "Gay people" try also to persecute" you. Indeed if there is any persecution at all it is caused by you and your kind who try persecute others.
2015-07-10 19:23:30 UTC
Correction to your misunderstanding:

In the United States, the following things are now ILLEGAL

1. Celebrating your heritage and flying the confederate flag ON GOVERNMENT PROPERTY

2. It is not illegal to express an opinion unless it is used to incite hate.

3. Discriminating against others based on sexual orientation

5. Praying in PUBLIC school

6. It is not illegal to be straight, white, male, or conservative

7. Own firearms not LICENSED
2015-07-11 00:29:21 UTC
none of those things are true, America is a country for everyone, not just you or people that think just like you, so the rights of minorities must be protected. This is the absolute bedrock foundation of the United States of America. I think you are very unpatriotic, maybe you should move to Saudi Arabia.
2015-07-11 09:16:41 UTC
Clearly, you are racist. God doesn't care what you are HE BELIEVES ANYONE CAN BE A CHRISTIAN. What's wrong with black people? Nothing. This isn't 1950 anyone can be a Christian. I suggest you look back about what you wrote and Dońt say anything like that again. God might as well punish you now.
Lighting the Way to Reality
2015-07-10 17:26:53 UTC
Christians consider it persecution when they are prevented from imposing their beliefs upon others.

And its hypocritical of you to talk about Christians being the victims of non-existent atheist and gay persecution when you Christians have done the persecuting for so many centuries.
The White Rabbit
2015-07-11 02:16:30 UTC
Christians regard being prevented from persecuting others as persecution of them. Typical Christian hypocrisy.
2015-07-10 21:20:53 UTC
God has a plan for you and for everyone who believes in him. No matter what it is. The things which you feel is against your beliefs let it be. And ask Jesus to help you live without sin. Worry not for the time will come when God will look upon your heart and see darkness. God lives in you find ways to see only the good. So when that day comes he will only see good.
2015-07-11 21:03:14 UTC
Ahh! Christians are so persecuted! 70% of Americans identify as Christians! Persecuted? My ***.
2015-07-11 10:14:12 UTC
Yes, the demonic gay power of a atheist co worker of mine was too strong and we ended up making love twice while at work. Since then I have repented and quit my job and have a stronger bond with my wife.
2015-07-10 18:38:54 UTC
Yes, I was forced to get gay married three times this week, then Jewish atheist Negro people took down my crucifix made of guns, replaced it with a rainbow Stars and Bars
2015-07-11 09:59:59 UTC
Yes... we are beginning to see the beginning of birth pangs - the evil one does not rest. Jesus said "If they hated me, they will hate you also." We don't have to have our heads cut off or be forced to close our churches< their hatred is murderous and anytime anyone dares to voice their opposition, they violently respond. It is almost illegal to be a Christian, though the law hasn't specifically said so openly. I mean what a stupid thing to sue a CHRISTIAN Bakery to make a cake against their freedom of religion?!? Our fight is with the evil one.
2015-07-12 10:44:53 UTC
Black people? Did you just step out of a time machine from the 60's? Change is good, embrace it. No one will take away your Christian belief, but you just have to share the planet a little bit more now and accept the fact that other people are equally entitled to what you have been taking for granted all your life.
Last Train Home
2015-07-10 17:06:12 UTC
Into lying, huh?

I'm 100% positive that praying in school isn't illegal. It's only illegal for schools to force prayer of a certain religion onto students. An example of when prayer would be illegal is holding mandatory sessions that force all students to pray to a certain God.

Also, if being straight, white and male was illegal, why the hell is my straight, white and male neighbor sitting in his house next to me and not in a jail cell?

Oh, right. You're a liar.
2015-07-13 08:18:41 UTC
No, not at all. The Bible says that hard times would be here in the last days. There is more to come and because Christ's real followers rely on Jehovah God, we understand what has to happen before the end of this system happens.
2015-07-11 01:10:23 UTC
Id love to know how christians are being persecuted?? Are they kicked out of home because of their beleifs?? Bashed/insulted/murdered??? Banned from marrying each other??? ALienated by society/ told they are sick??? Prevented from being who they are??? Seems the only thing that is changing is they can no longer force their religion onto others, or discriminate against others - poor little treasures lol! You cry babies do not know the meaning of persecutio n, and think nothing of inflicting it on others who dont conform to YOUR religion!
2015-07-11 10:15:22 UTC
No, not at all, I think it is time you get out and enjoy the full life Christ has given us! You seem anxious about many things... just seek God and wait on him... you'll then know his power and his peace and contentment... God bless you!

Turn off the news channels... and enjoy the present moment with your eyes on Christ each and every day!
2015-07-11 00:34:36 UTC
Are you allowed to use the word 'brunt' on here? We all know what it means.
80s Face
2015-07-10 17:08:09 UTC
Of the groups you mentioned, it's the liberal hippie kumbaya cheese-eating French appeaser bleeding heart Christians that are the most dangerous and powerful. They claim that Jesus wants them to be loving and tolerant, but that's certainly not the Jesus I know. The Real Jesus™ would have collected enough LGBT tears to fill a lake, which he would then walk on while he gives the LGBT community and their allies the middle finger. FACT.
2015-07-11 08:46:13 UTC
The several categories of enemy you cited have almost nothing in common. So no one is "closing in" on Xians. It's just that religion has become immaterial and irrelevant to modern life. Also, you sound paranoid.
The First Dragon
2015-07-11 23:26:59 UTC
You exaggerate.

Yes, there is some persecution, but not to the extent you say.

We still have the First Amendment, for the most part.

Not that I'm not concerned.
2015-07-11 02:21:10 UTC
If everybody you hate listened to Vice President Joe Biden

and purchased a firearm recommendation its your problem.

Try bible study. Isn't that safer ?
2015-07-10 17:17:19 UTC
And yet, it's still illegal for many atheists to hold office in certain states. But that isn't persecution, now is it?
2015-07-11 19:35:28 UTC
NO! I have freedom to think as I please, believe as I wish, have friends who have different

sexual preferances, nationalities and different religions, politics and opinions.

AT least I live in a place where no one has to worry about dying because of what the ybelieve, practice, preach, or vote etc. FREEDOM People.. FREEDOM

Read the Constitution and be glad.
2015-07-12 05:39:49 UTC
I don't think so. But in all honesty, Christians shouldn't be called Christians. It's an insult to Jesus!!
2015-07-11 00:32:29 UTC
It's hard to be a white man in Obama's America.
2015-07-12 16:58:54 UTC
well, the ya types have been insulting those groups for a long time, without any facts. there aren't any posts that i can see where your 'atheists' or 'gay people' are picking on you.
2015-07-11 05:16:55 UTC
I am a straight white male. I am Muslim, and I respect Christianity as a religion. I'm not trying to destroy it. I'm just trying to practice my religion
2015-07-13 10:00:44 UTC
You're not being persecuted if others are gaining rights. If you think gays,muslims, and black people for some reason are going to hell because they're asking for their rights then there must be something wrong with you. These people have nothing to do with you. Don't worry white, conservative, and straight guy. You're the one with more rights than any of us. Why do you use religion to justify hatred? Jesus never said to hate black people, homosexuals ( didn't he officiate a gay wedding?), black people, or muslims. Guess what? Jesus wasn't white. He came from israel. Why are you against all these things if your religion never condemned it? Are you afraid of seeing two men holding hands on the street? What about a mosque? Are you afraid of black people? Do you think women are persecuting you too? Just curious.
2015-07-12 05:04:56 UTC
It's just because the leader of the nation isn't a Christian.
2015-07-10 17:00:35 UTC
Says the good christian that wields a knife to all the 'evil things' in the world. Now normally this picture would have been accurate, had it have also been the christian wielding a knife to attack freedoms.
2015-07-12 16:19:33 UTC
Excuse me but Muslims are NOT trying to destroy Christianity! In fact Muslims believe that Jesus was one of the most amazing prophets and we have to believe in him. Although we don't believe that he is the son of God. We have to respect all christian and we cannot force them to switch religion and same goes for everyone. Also, in the time of the prophet Muhammed, when Muslims lived in an Islamic town/city that had some Christians, they built Churches for them. And once when some men were praying in the mosque two Christians were travelling so the prophet Muhammed let them rest( or do their Pryers not sure which one) in the Mosque. As for the Muslims who do seem as if they 'hate' Christians then they are wrong. Have a nice day!
the big man
2015-07-11 07:15:59 UTC
nobodies trying to destroy you,atheists just want you christians to stop telling us we must believe in god

and gay people were born the way they are so leave them alone

even if you are being destroyed,you christians have done your fair share of destroying people in the last two thousand years,so stop complaining
2015-07-11 02:22:21 UTC
What we have our own there in the world, which we will take with us after death.We are sad for what? We are foreigners in this world and one day will go from there.Let others to collect what they want to take with them for after death journey.Only effect of our good or bad deeds on our soul will go with us.So think prayer as one and only thing to go with us, with its effect on soul as a good deed.

Put shoes in your feet instead of collecting thorne of the world.
2015-07-14 06:04:54 UTC
Not at all, in fact I am glad that gay people are getting their rights so they can completely feel Jesus's love.
2015-07-11 00:35:11 UTC
History can't be hidden, no matter how hard your try to hide it. You can't hide thousands of years of horrific barbaric Christian history, parts of it will always turn up.
2015-07-10 18:35:43 UTC
Yes. In general they don't interfere with my affairs. We have an MOU. I do my own business meticulously without their disturbance and I have told them to do their own business. I also wished them all success and profit in their ventures. From R & S point of view, do u v any objection to our MOU.
2015-07-13 04:59:39 UTC
ha persecution lmao there's literally a church on every corner in america and you think your being persecuted...what a riot you people are..
2015-07-10 16:57:16 UTC
Oh, you poor babies. You're not allowed to stomp on others and deny them equal rights the way you feel entitled to. Your level of social control dropped below 95% last month, and you can't stand that. You won't settle for anything less than 100% control and the absolute subjection of everyone you hate.

By the way, none of that is illegal except perhaps refusing service to members of a specific group.
2015-07-11 19:18:42 UTC
Its not just from the outside they are trying to destroy it by joining it. And its only just beginning. But Jesus told us this would happen so its no surprise. Jesus will work it out soon enough.
2015-07-11 04:13:08 UTC
This might not be helpful but you are ranting like a spoilt 2 year old.
2017-02-10 03:26:40 UTC
2015-07-11 06:48:55 UTC
It is written that in the end of days things like this would happen. BUT we were not warned of black people just be cause they are black. I am white and some of my best friends are black.
¤Blackhoof Buccaneers Revenge¤
2015-07-10 20:25:34 UTC
Oh good grief... If this is not a troll post, then it seriously contributes to a loss in hope for humanity.
2015-07-10 18:02:22 UTC
Not in the least. Everyone you listed is persecuted more.
2015-07-10 19:52:00 UTC
Yup, I was right. Just by the question I was correct in thinking this was posted by pig. Congratulations, you are as predictable as ever.
2015-07-10 18:54:32 UTC
I think your entire way of thinking is proof of what those folks were talking about. You don't own the world anymore, tough crap.
2015-07-12 12:18:15 UTC
People like you make Christians look stupid. If you were Catholic - you d probably get someone on your doorstep soon to have a little chat with you or risk getting kicked out.

Confederate flag and guns? Really?
Harlee Quinn
2015-07-10 16:58:17 UTC
Tell me how any of things hurt you........

They don't. If Jesus were a real person (which he was not) why would you follow someone that doesn't agree with allowing others to live their lives as they choose? Stop caring about what others do and where you think they may go when they die and worry about being more tolerant, loving and caring towards others.
Brigalow Bloke
2015-07-10 17:03:13 UTC
You left out the Orthodox, Roman Catholics, biologists, geologists and physicists.
2015-07-10 19:57:05 UTC
I'm an atheist and please don't put me in the same category as gays, muslims and immigrants etc. It makes no sense and neither does your post.
2015-07-11 23:14:25 UTC
Are you saying that gays are persecuting you by not allowing you to continue persecuting them?
2015-07-11 10:40:06 UTC
man will take women as wife and leave the mom and Dad!

We do what Jesus and them did back in the day!

Jesus did what Father God does!

Father God never changes!

Our work is for Jesus and

we say sinners prayer

with them that is all

Jesus saves them not us.

we work for Jesus Christ

not for ourselves.

God bless everyone in Jesus name Amen.
2015-07-12 17:06:29 UTC
Doubting Like Thomas
2015-07-13 19:15:45 UTC
Thou art truly a MASTER of trolling!

Especially the part where you imply that there are no "black people" who are active Christians.
2015-07-12 09:28:21 UTC
All the "atheists" who answered your question took the troll bait and fed you. I'm still laughing.
2015-07-11 02:55:19 UTC
Atheism or secularism is the curse of democracy
2015-07-11 04:24:58 UTC





2015-07-11 18:41:12 UTC
Bad troll.
2015-07-12 19:43:28 UTC
2015-07-10 20:09:54 UTC
Yes, but this was prophesied to happen in the last days.
2015-07-11 12:26:12 UTC
2015-07-10 17:13:43 UTC
As this is an obvious troll, you mistakenly put it in religion and spirituality. This should be in humor.
2015-07-10 18:08:14 UTC
K*ll it before it reproduce , save america from KKK Terrorists
2015-07-10 20:45:00 UTC
You so dumb yo mama thought about doing an abortion when was giving birth to you
2015-07-11 04:14:22 UTC
Never once. Why? Should I... because you're hoping we will so you can put us down?

2015-07-11 21:07:25 UTC
What is happening today is Bible Prophecy coming to pass...IF Everyone would READ the Bible they would know that
2015-07-11 09:53:17 UTC
My, aren't we even more paranoid and delusional than usual?
2015-07-11 01:08:22 UTC
I am tired of people thinking it is okay to be gay , its not and that what God has said okay ?
2015-07-11 16:50:47 UTC
no Jesus did not warn about this you ****ing spacker, all the people you mentioned are not closing in on Christianity, you God fearing imbecile!
2015-07-13 09:55:41 UTC
Don't worry about them their final destiny is to hell..."But if any reject Faith, let not his rejection grieve thee: to Us is their return, and We shall tell them the truth of their deeds: for Allah knows well all that is in (men's) hearts" (Koran)

2015-07-10 17:01:53 UTC
You're not supposed to make it THAT obvious that by 'Christianity' you really mean 'White supremacy'.
2015-07-10 17:04:01 UTC
Not at all, I feel the greatness of equality.
2015-07-10 18:47:59 UTC
None of your points are valid. You are a grade A moron
2015-07-11 19:14:32 UTC
How Christian of you.
2015-07-11 10:14:01 UTC
No I just ignore it. Those aren't illegal, they're just offered.
2015-07-10 23:51:55 UTC
how have either atheists or gays affected your life personally? how has your life become worse from either group?
2015-07-11 09:23:36 UTC
Not to full extent of what it could be
2015-07-10 18:45:24 UTC
Evil never rests.
2015-07-11 16:42:26 UTC
The gays , sadly for them, will all go to hell. So I must say no.
2015-07-11 05:02:22 UTC
Shut up pûssy.
2015-07-10 23:34:28 UTC
Wow, tolerance and love in all these responses.
i am dog
2015-07-12 01:44:29 UTC
if christianity can't stand that "assault" it can't be a very strong religion.
Jay R
2015-07-12 08:58:11 UTC
Your kind will die out and leave space for good people to enjoy mental health.
2015-07-12 08:03:46 UTC
Are you presenting a new Jesus or are you giving Jesus a new identity? What are you trying to justify?
2015-07-11 10:26:10 UTC
You hardly face discrimination. You are not a minority.
2015-07-11 23:41:59 UTC
I am feeling some of it, and I know that more is coming.
2015-07-10 17:07:05 UTC
Yes, I'm afraid it is. But, Jesus wins in the end, I've read the book! (Bible).
2015-07-14 05:18:59 UTC
not so sure but I'm not against gay or lesbian or bi sexual
2015-07-12 10:12:58 UTC
In the United States, the following things are now ILLEGAL

1. Celebrating your heritage and flying the confederate flag Score: You: 0 Truth: 1

You can, and always were able to display the Confederate Battle Flag on your property or on your vehicle or on your clothes. The only thing that has changed is that the Confederate Battle Flag can no longer be flown on flagstaffs on South Carolina state government grounds.

2. Saying you support traditional marriage. Score: You: 0 Truth: 2

There has been no law passed that prevents anyone from saying they support traditional marriage.

3. Refusing to photography at a gay wedding Score: You: 0 Truth: 3

The Supreme Court ruling said nothing except that Gay Marriage is now legal in the United States. However, your elementary school should be fined for your desecration of the English language.

4. Praying in school. Score: You: 0 Truth: 4

You can pray in school all you want. The only thing that can't happen is that there cannot cannot be organized prayer activities sanctioned by the school or the school district.

5. Be a straight, white, male, conservative basically. Score: You: -1 Truth: 5

This one is too ridiculous to even comment on. You lose one point.

6. Own firearms not approved by Obama. Score: You: -1 Truth: 6

There have not been any Federal laws passed requiring even registration of your firearms.

In addition, only one of your points even comes to within shouting distance of religion. Therefore you get an addition 5 points (out of 6) deducted from your score.

Score: You -6 Truth: 6

And, finally, the vast majority of Blacks and Illegal Immigrants are Christian. You get an addition 2 points deducted from your score.

Final Score: You: -8 Truth: 6

2015-07-10 20:34:13 UTC
obvious trolling, your update is so pathetically silly
2015-07-10 16:57:42 UTC
Gays are subhuman with a mental illness.
2015-07-10 16:58:33 UTC
Get real, neighbor.
2015-07-11 17:20:13 UTC
lol yeah rigght
2015-07-12 18:02:37 UTC
Better hold on and get right with God because "you ain't seen nothin' yet"! The angry gays are on the march!! We got trouble over the horizon ! The whole world will be rocked by angry gays before the day is over. God warned us this stuff would happen, God only used nicer words than I am using. I don't think muslims and blacks are our enemies, lets just not be their enemies. And when I ran my own business, I may have sold to devil worshippers as well as gays, the only thing is that I myself did not start worshipping the devil or start becoming gay, I still went to church on Sunday and don't believe in discrimination. As long as we hold our end of the bargain so to say, then we can find out if we are actually being "persecuted" or not. I only worry about churches being forced to marry gay couples but hopefully gays wont have to get married at churches for long. I say, let the gays do what they want, as long as they don't try and force it down my alley they got nothing to worry about. Walk gently but carry a big stick. Let the fags do their little dance, it's okay. I watched the gay parade in town the other day, there was a couple preachermen with signs on the side of the road and a couple of real gayly dressed guys started shouting something like "yiy ya yow" "yiy ya yow" "yiy ya yow" trying to get all the others to shout in unison with them, they spoke so sloppily that you could not make out what they were saying, so the others did not join in with them at all as they passed the preachermen. Interesting, guess God was not with those two bravely dressed guys but rather with the preachermen. God works in mysterious ways and does not go defying the laws of physics to answer prayers. But as long as we dont go persecuting others, then we can see if we are being wrongfully persecuted or not.
2015-07-11 00:25:02 UTC
I hope youre kidding....
2015-07-13 03:31:01 UTC
It is starting to change through. I wouldn't say we are under full persecution, but since 1957, The Supreme Court has taken God out of country, schools, and communities. I would say there has been major changes. Churches, not all of them, but some, are money hungry and preach psycho-babel along side biblical teaching, the wealthy and famous can legally take over anyone by a private contract with a medical condition and take their First Amendment Rights away, it has been going on in music for 20 years it needs to change, Women of the Faith are treated with less respect, more churches are filled with con-persons and gossips, schools are teaching political doctrines instead of morals, and whole media has a liberal slant now. If your lucky to find a Christian newspaper or movie or TV show, good luck, even the poor quality production ones. TV has turned into dirt, and even shows meant to do good for the Christian community, like "Return to Amish" on secular TV, tear those people's lives and communities apart. I feel sorry for them actually.

But you can tell, by how Congress is acting Christians are looked down upon in business and in general compared to even the 1980's when I was child much less to my mother's time and before that, when it was celebrated and people actually prayed for their enemies not to take their rights away or their connection to God or weigh them down with limitations to take the blame for their own short comings, much like many music stars and con-artists have taken over the priest hood and have made it a mockery to a point of driving people out of the church and gossiping about God's children.

The marriage thing was just wrong and the EPA emissions thing, which is why I do think their is something illegal going on there. I think eventually, we will be, it is just a matter of time and some things changing over the next couple of decades tops. If we don't stand up now, through, this whole country is screwed and your going to start storing things in canned food and mason jars.
2015-07-10 16:56:01 UTC
No, not really.
2015-07-10 16:56:16 UTC
the "and black people" was your troll slip up.......
2015-07-11 01:37:49 UTC
Uh, no.
Wee Trojan
2015-07-11 06:20:58 UTC
2015-07-11 00:54:11 UTC
2015-07-10 17:20:41 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.