first of all my allah guide you to the right path, secondly, Islam is a religion of many colours, cultures, backgrounds. 1 in every 5 people in the word is muslim, about a billion people. There are over 50 million chinese muslims, 5% of America is Muslim, 5 % UK, 6 % france, over 5 Million muslims in Germany, current Russia have the majority of the muslims, most of the former Soviet break away states are muslims, Indonesia, malaysia, singapor, philipines, thailand, carribean, latin america, africa, whole of north, most of east, west and mid africa states. I urge to watch Malcolm X. and good luck with your research, here are some basic islamic principals:
. one god, no association such us human, cow, idol etc with god almighty. monotheism
. all men are equal, regardless of colour, ethnic group, wealth, country etc
. Do good and stay away from evil
. Believe in all gods prophets to mind kind from our father Adam to noah, david, to Moses, Jesus, to Mohamed
. Muslim women had rights, including devorcing husban, own wealth, education, right to choose husban etc for over 1430 years
. every question has an answer in islam
so please feel free to ask more