who is the real god ?
Harini I
2009-02-28 00:14:09 UTC
please give answer to my question. (who is the real god ?)
34 answers:
2009-02-28 00:59:15 UTC
kingdom of god dwells within our heart we only have to realise it
2009-02-28 09:29:49 UTC
God is not a person speaking any particular language and following any religious tenets created by some men.God created no religion.Men think that there should be some creator for the entire world and all things found on this earth .they also think that such a creator sustains them and destroys them also.such a idea arose in the minds of people on account of their experience under the controlled atmosphere and environment prevailing on this earth.They had no idea about the creation of this cosmos .They can no conceive a situation where matter could be existing in different forms without being destroyed and how it has bee existing without any relevance to time .

There was no time when matter and the energy that creates matter has not been existing .There was no creator for them.they are the creators of all things in the world so the whole cosmos is the real creator of this universes and all that is found in them God is Viswaroopa .the whole cosmos is the true God .Praise it or abuse it , it does not send you to heaven or hell.
2009-02-28 03:10:20 UTC
Once a priest was arguing that he was GOD. absolutely no one was ready to accept it. After a lot of heated argument he finally agreed to prove it. It was agreed upon that if any one other than himself calls him GOD, it will be accepted that he is GOD.

So he stared running and everyone followed, he kept on running and running and the crowd of people chasing kept on increasing till the count increased to thousands. He came up to shabby looking building and ran up the broken wooden steps. Everybody thought he was trying to escape and was finding a hiding. Some of the people following him announced that the building was a brothel.

He finally stopped at a door facing the road side on the fist floor. Turned and looked down at the crowed downstairs and knocked the door.

The door opened A beautiful girl came out and shouted at the top of her voice "OH GOD NOT YOU AGAIN".

2009-02-28 02:56:11 UTC
Jehovah is the true God. Look up Psalms 83:18 - You, who's name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.

Some bibles don't have Jehovah's name in them as some translators have decided to replace the name with titles such as Lord. They have reasoned this based on not knowing how to pronounce YHWH, and also they argue that God's name is too holy to be pronounced. This is a mistaken view as Jehovah wants us to use his name in a respectful way, he wants us to get to know him and be his friend.
2009-02-28 04:28:02 UTC
One that gives you your inner strength.Its nothing abstract and depends on you how you find your own God.Its you who decide who is he/she, your parents,teacher,a friend,or someone you love and admire and get inspired from.It can also be any mythological character or a feeling or your imagination.Every human being decides his own destiny,but you derive the power to move on from God.Listen to your heart,it will give you the right omens.Inculcate the qualities of head and heart;it is the most important thing in life.
2009-02-28 00:26:15 UTC
The question is WHAT is the real God.

IT is the existence itself.

That is why we can say: God is omnipotent,omnipresence,all wise and all in all. Only existence itself can fit these attributes.

Our thoughts exist=God

Our emotions exist=God

Our body exist=God

Our intelligence exist=God

It goes on and on because God is the infinity. By the way infinity exist=God again.

We cannot get away from it. We cannot hide and cannot be lost.
2009-02-28 00:24:10 UTC
You might have known that putting this question up would get you a lot of ignorant people saying, "I am." But then again, you might not. Either way, I apologize for them.

To answer your question, the real God is the one who dominates the heavens. He encompasses our world for he created it. He loves you, and all his children, and he goes by many names:








And many more.

Hope this answered your question.
2009-02-28 00:23:30 UTC
The God of Abraham.
2009-02-28 01:43:56 UTC
RARE TO FIND PEOPLE HAVING THIS QUESTION THESE DAYS !!!!! i dont know what made you ask this questions, but many people are NOT aware that how much important it is to know the REAL GOD IN THESE DAYS !!!! . you cannot easily identify who is real God, because, by creating many false gods, Mr X, is trying to hide the real GOD from people. this is actually a confusion created by X!,(need more understanding to know who this X is). i have been through many religious books and finaly i know who is real God, BUT, i cant just say, because this needs a lot of explanation and not a simple answer for sure. i have scientific proofs to prove who Real God is. Of course, who ever created the earth MUST be real God !! not only that, you should know, the purpose of this creations, our destiny etc. let me tell you some facts.

1. 0 to 1800 - no much developments. (not even electricity)

2 1900 to 2000 - VERY FAST development ( just in 100 years )

3. world is getting more horrible - geographically and mentally

4. highest recorded deaths in 20th century.

5. fear of death

6. not even one to actually save people you cannot believe any politicians who can server people.

7. more new deceases in the past few years.

8. more SINS.

9 more religions.

10. WARS everywhere.

11. frequent earthquakes.


all the above are already written .

which religion you can beleive ?

Hindu - NO

Islam - NO

False Christians - NO ( most you see Pentecost, all protestants, Lutheran, Catholics are false Christians)

others - Absolutely NO.

Prophecy in this link :;&version=31;

Some Facts to know:

Science says, the most brilliant person in the world have used only little % of the total brain's memory in his life time ( means, brain is not meant to be used for just 100 years)

Research from Harvard university says, an enzyme called telomeres, is responsible for cell division and growth, but telomeres are reduced for each cell replication, scientist are not able to understand this behavior. if telomeres does not reduce, a man can live for ever !!!!.

the above scientific facts explains, man is not meant to die. is there any reason for people to die? NO !

all the above are just few hints to know who real God is!.

you got to think, research, analyze and got to know the real God, he has a name, he is only ONE GOD who created the world, and you will be surprised when you know how the whole system works !!!!

science can be used to some extent to relate with the books in reaseatch and which one is accurate.

its very important to know!!... for every one !..

some of the answers above do have the name of God!, he is Jehovah!, and how you can beleive ? there are tons and tons of proof!, Jesus Christ was send by God Jehovah to earth for a purpose, Jesus Christ was directly created by God himself, and all the other creations are created by God and Christ, while God commands Chirst and Christ will complete God's command...;&version=31;
2009-02-28 00:24:34 UTC
The Real the real god.
2009-02-28 00:22:39 UTC
The real god cannot be understood by man.It has been perceived by every culture,and stories have been told,but we do not know god.God is the creator of systems. By these knowable systems we catch a small glimpse of god.Namaste
2009-02-28 04:32:29 UTC
Well God is like air we can feel him but cannot see him.

there may be 101 answers for this question .. but as i was reading Autobiography of a Yogi.. came across same question so thot of posting the reply from the book ..

Good Luck

Enjoy the read tho' its lil long

Jai Gurudev

“I want to know, sir−when shall I find God?”

“You have found Him.”

“O no, sir, I don't think so!”

My guru was smiling. “I am sure you aren't expecting a venerable Personage, adorning a throne in some

antiseptic corner of the cosmos! I see, however, that you are imagining that the possession of miraculous

powers is knowledge of God. One might have the whole universe, and find the Lord elusive still! Spiritual

advancement is not measured by one's outward powers, but only by the depth of his bliss in meditation.

“EVER−NEW JOY IS GOD. He is inexhaustible; as you continue your meditations during the years, He will

beguile you with an infinite ingenuity. Devotees like yourself who have found the way to God never dream of

exchanging Him for any other happiness; He is seductive beyond thought of competition.

“How quickly we weary of earthly pleasures! Desire for material things is endless; man is never satisfied

completely, and pursues one goal after another. The 'something else' he seeks is the Lord, who alone can grant

lasting joy.

“Outward longings drive us from the Eden within; they offer false pleasures which only impersonate

soul−happiness. The lost paradise is quickly regained through divine meditation. As God is unanticipatory

Ever−Newness, we never tire of Him. Can we be surfeited with bliss, delightfully varied throughout eternity?”

“I understand now, sir, why saints call the Lord unfathomable. Even everlasting life could not suffice to

appraise Him.”

“That is true; but He is also near and dear. After the mind has been cleared by KRIYA YOGA of sensory

obstacles, meditation furnishes a twofold proof of God. Ever−new joy is evidence of His existence, convincing to our very atoms. Also, in meditation one finds His instant guidance, His adequate response to

every difficulty.”

“I see, Guruji; you have solved my problem.” I smiled gratefully. “I do realize now that I have found God, for

whenever the joy of meditation has returned subconsciously during my active hours, I have been subtly

directed to adopt the right course in everything, even details.”

“Human life is beset with sorrow until we know how to tune in with the Divine Will, whose 'right course' is

often baffling to the egoistic intelligence. God bears the burden of the cosmos; He alone can give unerring


{FN14−1} “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”−JOHN


{FN14−2} “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.”−JOHN 5:22. “No

man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared

him.”−JOHN 1:18. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do

also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”−JOHN 14:12. “But the

Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and

bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said to you.”−JOHN 14:26.

These Biblical words refer to the threefold nature of God as Father, Son, Holy Ghost (SAT, TAT, AUM in the

Hindu scriptures). God the Father is the Absolute, Unmanifested, existing BEYOND vibratory creation. God

the Son is the Christ Consciousness (Brahma or KUTASTHA CHAITANYA) existing WITHIN vibratory

creation; this Christ Consciousness is the “only begotten” or sole reflection of the Uncreated Infinite. Its

outward manifestation or “witness” is AUM or Holy Ghost, the divine, creative, invisible power which

structures all creation through vibration. AUM the blissful Comforter is heard in meditation and reveals to the

devotee the ultimate Truth.
2009-02-28 00:19:41 UTC
Jehovah is the True God.
2009-02-28 00:18:56 UTC
YHVH, the one who, instead of being created, is the Creator.

Pronunciation is unknown.

May be Yahweh, Yahveh, Yahway, etc.
2009-02-28 00:18:05 UTC
Imaginary 8 ball says maybe.
2009-02-28 00:41:01 UTC
all just they all have limited spheres of influence so be sure to worship the one with the strongest signal and best coverage if you travel while if you do you may choose a less demanding one with less coverage and just piggy back of another's coverage while roaming XD
Aya Rose
2009-02-28 00:23:18 UTC
Steven King.
2009-02-28 00:18:32 UTC
For I-eth is the real god-eths
2009-02-28 07:57:40 UTC
***********WHO LEAVE US TO LIVE ***********

I am searching for the root of the mater

my imagination is - soft and hard particles lives its life no mater who creates or destroys , orign of the universe is beyond our brain's expressing capablity but may be inherited in the brain.
jaykay belives that a person who
2009-02-28 04:48:25 UTC
The one who listen always thyself.
2009-02-28 00:19:21 UTC
one God the great '' I am'' who spoke to moses and sent Jesus.
Michael K
2009-02-28 00:17:18 UTC
The FSM.

2009-02-28 00:24:00 UTC
YHWH ("I AM HE WHO IS",or " I AM WHO AM", or "I AM WHO I AM".) (Isa. 45:15; Judg. 13:18)

EDIT...Moses said to God: "If i come to the people of Israel and say to them: "The God of your fathers has sent me to you", and they ask me, "What is his name"? "what shall i say to them"? God said to moses, "I AM WHO I AM." and he said, "'say this to the people of Israel: "I AM has sent me to you".....this is my name for ever, and thus i am to be remembered throughout all generations". (Ex. 3:15-15)
2009-02-28 00:30:06 UTC
super mario
2009-02-28 00:17:21 UTC
You obviously haven't been touched by his noodly appendage.
2009-02-28 00:18:35 UTC
Anyone that says, "Obey God" is really saying, "Obey me."
K.Bala m
2009-03-02 04:16:53 UTC
Your parents.
2009-02-28 00:24:15 UTC
loki, hands down
2009-02-28 00:17:28 UTC

let no babbling fool christian tell you otherwise
Ted Bundy
2009-02-28 00:21:38 UTC
Ted Bundy is lord!!!!
{ @Bobby@ }
2009-02-28 00:18:46 UTC
our MOTHER she only gave birth
2009-02-28 00:20:51 UTC
its an ABSTRACT thing!! which we consider to be the SUPREME POWER or MIGHTY!!!!
2009-02-28 00:21:09 UTC
I am
i dont know and neither do you
2009-02-28 00:18:01 UTC
tupac shakur aka black jesus

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.