2011-05-27 07:26:26 UTC
Daniel 11:37 "He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all."
Russia, Germany, India, Saudia Arabia, Kenya, Singapore, Mexico, and Thailand have fully implemented national ID cards. Every person on the earth will acquire one of these cards within the next ten years, or less. These ID's identify iris scans and finger prints and other traits, your social security number, all of your medical history and where you live and work. The U.S. so far has been non-compliant with this Real ID, and every state has voted against it except for North Carolina and Michigan(where I live). Ive already seen people with these licenses here.
This is suppose to prevent illegal immigration and strength national and social security, but the reality is that once every one has these IDs, they can mark your every move. They are coming up with a biometric ID, which is what most of these countries, like India, are using. These IDs are implanted underneath the skin. Once these IDs become official and they decide which method (biometric or license IDs) theyre going to use, you will not be able to live, buy, trade, or sell without one. Because of this technology, the antichrist will also be able to implement the mark of the beast.
Interfaithism has already begun. Students are now learning new curricula in school that suggests that Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the same god. This is the governments plan to eliminate or condense religion due to the rate of terrorist attacks(thanks the Al Qaeda). The government is going to outlaw conversions, like they do in the Middle East already.
The world is headed towards a one world government whether you like it or not. No nation stands alone. The Obama administration speaks highly of this and has been trying to conduct foreign policy more and more through the United Nations. History has shown that when a government is able to afford to use their power to identify and monitor the activities of its people, it always leads to repression and enslavement.