With all respect I cant know what Jesus words were.
The Bible(N.T.) was written and compiled by individuals who had never met, heard or saw Jesus. The words you read are the end product of around 1,500 years of first word of mouth, then written by hand by a person who got their information from someone who heard about Jesus, then translated, finally printed on a press.
The first gospel was written around 60 years after Jesus death, with later ones around 150-200 years after the fact. Mathew Mark Luke and John, never met Jesus. The first attempt to compile accredited works was in 393 AD, with the council of Hippo.
Many books were deemed not acceptable, the Church had an agenda then.
It was a growing seat of power, the defenders and theologians then gained power and prestige.
Only the elite were allowed to read the Bible, it was felt that the ordinary person wasn't sufficiently educated to understand it.
Anyone who opposed the views of the Church were done away with.
It wasn't until around the 1500`s that ordinary people were allowed to read it. It was corrupted one more time by King James who employed several scholars to translate the Bible, for the general public.
In all there seems to be no way of knowing Jesus, his very existence is questionable. Granted the story is compelling and does offer good council for living, certainly not the life of a demigod. It stands to reason that a God/or His Son would write a clear description of His wants and would routinely drop by to see how things are going.
Faced with the facts, it is hard to believe that these gospels are fact or accurate