The original Greek understanding of the word "atheist" was a man who had been abandoned by all the gods. The default position has always been that of course there are gods. Only when we figure out how to do what before we presumed only gods can do then we can rule out a god. Only if Atheists can figure out how to make an infinite universe and everything in it from nothing will they be able to rule out a creator god. Or won't they only become a god and thus be in self denial? LOL
Edit: I suppose that the default position could be naivete. A baby may be born with no understanding or there may be a certain amount of inborn understanding as it is supposed that birds are born with instinct.
Is there a difference between unbelief and disbelief? If disbelief is the stand of denial of belief, and belief is a stand of affirmation or agreeing, then is unbelief the lack of judgement toward a decision and thus a position of naivete or first position? Is it the unbiased neutral position that exists when no data has been evaluated?
It is semantics. It is the art of argument taking the place of reason and being used to deceive.
I often say, there are two kinds of Atheist: 1. Satanists incognito as Atheists who are working to fool man into leaving God's side and 2. the fooled.
Satanists invented Atheism as an attack on Christianity, or theism in general. Some recognize these Satanists as anti-theists. I define a Satanist as anyone who knows God exists and chooses to rebel just as Satan does.
A Satanist incognito as Atheist will ignore the evidence, claim to be an expert, and proceed to fool people with the "reverse gullibility" effect. Just today I had an Atheist tell me:
"Lack of belief is NOT a dictionary definition of naivete, and particularly in this case, your definition pings the wrong gong. What we have is a lack of gullibility, which is exactly the opposite of the dictionary definition of naivete."
In my mind that is self contradiction. To claim that "lack of belief" is the opposite of naive is mind boggling. Are they in a neutral undecided position or have they made a decision? The opposite of naive is belief and understanding. This person is either very confused or is trying to confuse. So we see the works of the devil, the attempt at deception and we can recognize that the person quoted is either a Satanist incognito or a victim of a Satanist incognito.
I do not equate "naive" with "ignorant". Naivete is a position of innocence. The ignorant are guilty of choosing that perspective. The observer expectancy effect might be either naivete or ignorance based on intent.