Proofs are for mathematics and bits of philosophy.
In the real world we work on evidence.
So, there is not proof of evolution. But there are mountains of evidence. The odds of evolution being fundamentally wrong are akin to those that gravity is actually caused by leprechauns pushing everything down.
As for disproving God, here is a bit of philosophy:
Christians claim that God is all powerful, all knowing, loving and the creator of the universe.
An all knowing deity would know of a universe where all his aims for the people of the universe would be achieved without any suffering.
An all powerful deity would be able to create such a universe.
A loving deity would want to create such a universe where there is no suffering of his creations.
But in our universe there is suffering, not only of adults, who you might argue have free will to "choose" to suffer, but also of children and babies that do not have the ability to make that choice. In fact we see small children and babies suffering due to "acts of God".
Hence our universe can not have been created by an all powerful, all knowing, loving deity.
Hence God can not exist.
Please feel free to point out the flaw in my logic.
It is possible that some deity that is not loving, or not all knowing, or not all powerful could have created the universe - but I see no good reason to think this is true. But the Christian deity - God - can not be the creator of a universe where innocents suffer.