atheists, is this true what Christian say about Evolution?
2019-06-05 16:28:51 UTC
that there no proof for evolution
31 answers:
2019-06-05 16:39:57 UTC
2019-06-06 18:15:52 UTC
Christians don't say anything about biological evolution, Fundamentalist Protestants do.
2019-06-05 22:28:14 UTC
Evolution is a lie.
Simon T
2019-06-05 17:29:37 UTC
Proofs are for mathematics and bits of philosophy.

In the real world we work on evidence.

So, there is not proof of evolution. But there are mountains of evidence. The odds of evolution being fundamentally wrong are akin to those that gravity is actually caused by leprechauns pushing everything down.


As for disproving God, here is a bit of philosophy:

Christians claim that God is all powerful, all knowing, loving and the creator of the universe.

An all knowing deity would know of a universe where all his aims for the people of the universe would be achieved without any suffering.

An all powerful deity would be able to create such a universe.

A loving deity would want to create such a universe where there is no suffering of his creations.

But in our universe there is suffering, not only of adults, who you might argue have free will to "choose" to suffer, but also of children and babies that do not have the ability to make that choice. In fact we see small children and babies suffering due to "acts of God".

Hence our universe can not have been created by an all powerful, all knowing, loving deity.

Hence God can not exist.

Please feel free to point out the flaw in my logic.

It is possible that some deity that is not loving, or not all knowing, or not all powerful could have created the universe - but I see no good reason to think this is true. But the Christian deity - God - can not be the creator of a universe where innocents suffer.
2019-06-05 17:18:05 UTC
No. There are mountains of evidence in multiple scientific fields that prove evolution to be fact.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2019-06-05 16:52:30 UTC
There is no proof for evolution as defined by science.
A Nonny Mouse
2019-06-05 16:41:42 UTC
No. Try reading a book.
2019-06-05 16:40:15 UTC
What's Christian truth ?
2019-06-05 16:36:35 UTC
No, most Christians accept evolution. evolution denying christians are technically in the minority.
2019-06-05 16:36:01 UTC
If a Christian says that, then they are confused about evolution (religion and evolution can co-exist). Now if they say the theory of human evolution (<--added: to not confuse anyone, I mean in regards to the origin of humans), thats different and worth debating.
2019-06-05 16:30:27 UTC
Just because Christians want to deny evolution and choose to remain willfully ignorant does not stop evolution from being fact. They can do that all they want just do not expect me to.
2019-06-06 22:26:29 UTC
One more troll or one more stupid christian who doesn't even understand how theory works. Theories are built up of various facts leading up to the prime fact. They are based on the understanding we currently have. Therefore that little picture you just put up makes no sense at all because there IS proof of evolution to an extent though not to 100% in which it remains only a theory.
2019-06-06 17:30:49 UTC
who cares?

evolution has got nothing to do with atheism

(I would get a dictionary if I were you)
2019-06-05 20:54:19 UTC
Of course not since it is a PROVEN FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pope Francis says the theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real and God is not “a magician with a magic wand” putting an end to the “pseudo theories” of creationism and intelligent design! So the Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!

Christian Fundamentalist is a complete contradiction in terms!

CHRISTIAN – A follower or believer in Jesus.

FUNDAMENTALIST One who believes the Bible is literally true and must be followed exactly.

Therefore they are followers of the bible and not Jesus making them non Christians!

But worse is to follow it also makes them ideologists.

IDEOLOGY An idea that is false or held for the wrong reasons but is believed with such conviction as to be irrefutable.

So Christians have a loving and forgiving god and fundamentalist - well - Just are not Christians!
2019-06-05 19:09:03 UTC
Christians just speak a load of bollox about everything, in general
Godless Gazoo
2019-06-05 17:48:25 UTC
2019-06-05 17:30:43 UTC
Fish have remained fish. Rocks have stayed rocks and have never once evolved into a golem.
2019-06-05 17:17:57 UTC
Proofs are for mathematics,

but there is a huge amount of evidence

that is consistent with the theory of evolution,

that explains how observed evolution happens.

We even use artificial evolution to invent things

we don't have the ability to invent,

any other way.

Any place that imperfect reproduction is taking place,

in a competitive environment,

evolution is inevitable.



John Popelish
2019-06-05 17:08:55 UTC
Standard response to nonsense and LIES...


1. I am assuming you can't produce a god thing and this is the reason you're muddying the waters and tryna get us to defend a position while you don't have to defend yours.

2. If y'all had to jump through all, nay any, of the hoops you're tryna get us to dance through, your whole theology would *poof* into nothing.

3. Kid... you don't mind if I call you 'kid', do you?

Kid, if there was 1% of the evidence for your Invisible Space Chappie as there is for evolution there would be no atheists.

Y'all got nothing.

I win.

2019-06-05 17:01:00 UTC
Is that one of the guys from the musical Book of Mormon up there?? Bwha ha ha.

That was a meme used by NCWJ. I'll name names here. No, evolution has gazillions of stuff and shhit backing it up, that's why it's also a theory. As theory, in science, is the highest you can go. Laws and facts would go under the umbrella called...wait for it...THEORY. All of this can be looked up on the internet or heck, boys and ghouls, you can head off to the actual physical IRL structure known as...THE LIBRARY. Road trip!! Take snacks. Because you might be driving around a while looking for it. If you are allowed to drive by yourself yet, that is. If not, get a licensed driver to either sit shotgun or just drive you. Maybe even call Lyft or Uber!

I get that we're marching inexorably toward far right wing authoritarian hellscape, American version, but...we have to be utterly ******* stupid as we march that direction? Oh yeah. Actually knowing science stuff is for pu$$ies, flag-burning wimpy wimps, immigrant-loving weaklings, feminists, avocado-toast eatin' millennials and party whores who get abortions for fun.

Hope this helps. I really do. Wootie woot.
2019-06-05 16:57:34 UTC
That's like saying there is no proof of breathing.

When I worked as a molecular biologist, I sequenced the DNA of bacterial, viruses etc. I used a machine to read the DNA code.

You can track changes to the DNA code over time. You can treat cell culture with chemicals which speed up DNA mutation. You can treat cell culture with radiation e.g., UV light etc. You can measure changes in DNA over time.

Evolution can thus be directly observed in the lab as well as in humans by full genome sequencing.

Sorry to break this to you, but evolution is backed by direct evidence now. You can say you don't believe it, but that's just stupidity and inability to accept clear evidence. Quite immature.
Space Wasp
2019-06-05 16:37:45 UTC
Nothing in the meme you include with your question is accurate.

The typical atheist position is:

"There is no evidence for gods, therefore I lack any belief that gods exist"

It is the theists who hold the burden of proof here, atheists have no need to prove that gods don't exist - but if theists produce evidence the atheists would then have to show why the evidence didn't show that a god existed.

There is plenty of evidence supporting evolution, so much in fact that no one could possibly hope to learn even half of it in a lifetime.

Anyone who claims otherwise is either lying or ignorant.

No one has yet managed to disprove evolution - all creationists who try rely on straw man versions that no one who genuinely understands evolution would honestly claim represents the scientific position.

Unfortunately the vast majority of fundamentalists don't understand any of this.
2019-06-05 16:37:35 UTC
No - there is a ton of proof of evolution. Even most Christians accept that.
2019-06-05 16:36:04 UTC
True. There's proof for regression, though...
2019-06-05 16:34:45 UTC
Some do.

And atheists say that there is no proof of God.

Global warming deniers say that their is no proof that humans are causing Earth to warm.

Flat Earthers say that their is no proof that that Earth is round.

In each case, those people are wrong about the supposed lack of proof.

People deny evolution because they haven't figured out that the Genesis passage was written to people who were herding sheep 3000 years ago. These sheep herders did not know about quantum relativity, string theory, Higg's boson or time frames of billions of years. The purpose of the Genesis account is about who (God) made the Universe, not about when or how He made it.

The Time line of Creation
2019-06-05 16:34:00 UTC
That is certainly what they say, but then they are incorrect. There is significant proof of evolution, none for the existence of their god.
2019-06-05 16:33:55 UTC
I have never said anything about evolution, it has nothing to do with Atheism. Atheism only deals with a belief in god. If you wish to know the answer to this question ask a scientist. Science doesn't deal in proof, But there is clearly enough EVIDENCE to make it a theory as opposed to a Hypothesis.
2019-06-05 16:33:11 UTC
There is plenty of scientific proof of evolution. Is there proof that the Earth is flat? The bible says it is.
2019-06-05 16:30:48 UTC
Their is even less proof of a 'God'.
2019-06-05 16:30:23 UTC

Proof is for logic and mathematics. There is no deduction in the causality of nature.

What we have for evolution is EVIDENCE, and a damn ton of it.
2019-06-05 18:34:07 UTC
Apparently you do not understand the significant differences between a belief and a theory.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.