While I think it may be sad that anyone would become hostile to any other person for their choice of religion to follow or choice not to follow. You've not given examples of what you call hostile. In your additional details you imply that by "rejecting" the docrine of your religion , that's hostile. I've been accused of harboring hostility to Christianity when I've spoken out against deceptive claims by some missionaries who use fallacious claims about Jews or Judaism to justify their sales pitches to entice people to convert to their religion. So, to begin with, your question isn't really clear what you consider hostility. However, its clear you harbor notions of human nature and of God that I do not, and you think that your religion teaches things that I do not see evidence of them in Christian history or doctrine overall.
The Christian notion of salvation depends upon believing their notion of the nature of humanity as being inherently evil and with a burden of sin. After being indoctrinated to believe that you are worthless and evil and deserve eternal torture unless you've appeased an incarnate mangod with a symbolc gesture of a human sacrifice and atonement with being 'washed in his blood", and in some groups, symbolically consuming the blood and flesh of said incarnate deity..you must accept that you do not deserve blessing, cannot know God ( though your god is a notioin of deity many humans can't accept) unless you believe in said deity and sacrifice to reconcile and appease said deity for your sinful nature and any sins, past present and future..you're worthless and deserve hell.
That notion is irrational and dependent upon belief in a deity that is unjust. I do not need the Christian notion of "saving"/salvation since there is no inherent evil nature/burden of sin that I am born with, no demon deity Devil/Lucifer/no fallen angel/ and no eternal torture chamber hell.
The Christian concept of salvation is inherently unjust and I do not see in either the fruits of the world's adherents ( so many millions surrounding me) that it teaches humbleness and peace.
The Christians I know who are humble and peaceful are so DESPITE the dogma they've been indoctrinated to believe and it reveals the inherent capacity of the human soul to choose good over evil and to choose to strive to justice and righteousness despite a dogma that teaches them to separate themselves from the world and that human actions mean nothing.
There is nothing positive that Christian dogma offers me that I do not possess without it. There is no logical or ethical or just reason why I sould abandon my faith in the incorporeal Creator who gave all Israel the Torah and whose purpose as a covenant nation remains to strive tolive as a light unto the world in focusing on bringing justice, mercy, compassion and brotherhood and a state of holiness in living ethically to all life and honor God's gift of life ....to adopt beliefs and practices directly forbidden by the covenant's precepts and God's commandments in Torah.
http://mamaspajamaparty.blogspot.com/2013/01/do-christians-know-that-jewish-people.html < The Christian notions are not anything relevant to my religion.
There is absolutely NOTHING positive that Christianity offers that I do not already possess without it..and without violating God's commandments for the Jewish people
Christianity rejects what God told Moses when he offered to take on the sins of Israel. In the Torah God was explicit that no man can take on the sin of another and he refused to permit Moses to do so. God doesn't become a man and no man becomes a God. God also considers human sacrifice an abomination. From the lesson of Abraham and Isaac whose contextual meaning is clearly against human sacrifice ( yet Christianity morphs it somehow into "foreshadowing" an acceptable one!) unto today, the ETERNAL covenant..of Israel shall never permit a Jew to rely upon a human sacrifice to atone for sin.
I'll suggest to you a good website and book by Rabbi Stuart Federow
first the website
http://www.whatjewsbelieve.org/ this site will help you navigate through the Hebrew Bible to learn why what Christians offer is not appealing to the believing Jew who trusts in God.
his book Judaism and Christianity; a Contrast will help you overcome the common misconception of Christians that Judaism is like Christianity without Jesus.
There is no burden of sin that I was born into, God in the Torah has outlined the steps of repentance and atonement possible for all human beings who are all equal before our Creator....and there is no human whose sacrifice could atone for something that does not exist ( the inherently sinful state of humanity) and the imaginary demon deity devil and the Christian hell are not things that hold any fear over me
When I make mistakes and sin, I've got the path of teshuvah, repentance and return, that are possible to reconcile me to those I've wronged first and then to God.
Read the links I've given to help you understand more.
edit: While my answer is very long ( it also depends on reading my links) I think an adaptation of Buddy's short answer is a good summary
Christianity invented an imaginary problem and has often justified perpetrating evil upon those who refused to accept its offensive cure for their invented problem
Human sacrifice, even symbolically, is offensive to me and is a very negative thing to suggest I adopt to "save" me from their imaginary Devil and hell.